Excel 2013 :: Merge ALL Cells With Same Value In A Sheet (rows And Columns)
May 11, 2014
We are doing a graduation project on an international airport, consist of scheduling flights on check-in counters automatically.
long story short, we ended up with an excel sheet like this: Screen_Shot_2014-05-11_at_4.png
Were y-axis are the check-in counters and x-axis is the timeline horizon (cell per 5-minutes)
I will do a VLOOKUP, to change each flight number to it's ID from an other sheet.
But the problem is that i want to AUTO-MERGE all cells with same value, because they represent one flight! and if i shortened the column width i can't see anything.
I want it to be like this: (i've done this manually, and it's VERY time consuming with errors because we have to do it for all days.)
I googled for days, i only found Visual basic commands i guess? that only merge same rows. and they were poorly made. beside that it didn't work properly. Method to do it automatically?
EXCEL 2013
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May 11, 2014
We are doing a graduation project on an international airport, consist of scheduling flights on check-in counters automatically.
Excel sheet like this:
Were y-axis are the check-in counters and x-axis is the timeline horizon (cell per 5-minutes)
I will do a VLOOKUP, to change each flight number to it's ID from an other sheet.
But the problem is that i want to AUTO-MERGE all cells with same value, because they represent one flight! and if i shortened the column width i can't see anything.
I want it to be like this: (i've done this manually, and it's VERY time consuming with errors because we have to do it for all days.) Any method to do it automatically?
EXCEL 2013
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Sep 6, 2013
In the first sheet called WSZYSTKIE (All) I input new invoices with the deadline for payment. Everyday I'm looking for invoices that I have to pay today. Dates with deadline are one column(E), dates when I paid is another one(F). I'm wondering if it is possible to do following thing:
After opening file, this would be done automatically: If there is invoice (row) to be paid in next 7 days (great if I could choose what time range I'm interested with), copy entire row to the second sheet called: Do zapłacenia (TO PAY). If there is invoice with deadline which is i.e. 2 days ago, copy whole row to same sheet and mark it RED. If it will be paid, I'm entering date at which I've paid and it should be moved to the next sheet called: Archiwum(PAID), and this row in sheet Wszystkie(ALL_ should be actualized with the date I made payment.
Excel 2013, but finally it will be used on excel 2007.
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May 27, 2014
Please see the attached example. I'm trying to highlight cells only if 2 values in the row match 2 values in another row. If a book title/author combination matches that of another title/author combination in a different row, it would highlight. Some alternate rows will contain different titles by the same author, and some rows will have like titles by different authors...but they should not highlight.
The only situation where highlighting would occur is if the title/author pairing appears in another row.
I'm trying to decide if this would be a conditional formatting/highlighting rule, or if it would be a macro/vbs?
I'm using Excel 2013.
Pairing example.PNG
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Mar 20, 2014
The database is full of customer bookings and the email side is for sending automated emails regarding There Gift aid donation.
Im trying to run an Automated mail merge from excel via word. Basically im opening an a spreadsheet which has the same information as the Mail merge data source, its a refresh-able Query from microsoft query . I want to be able to click a button that opens up Word and produces an email mail merge and sends it to my outbox. So the emails can be viewed before the final send. I am using Office 2013.
Once i have this stage working i want to eventually move on to having a field on the main spread sheet automatically fill in saying Sent with a Time Stamp.I want to send either email or print a letter depending on what Address/Email information they have.There may also be multiple bookings from the same Customer e.g Restaurant and house booking, which will show separately, and i want to some how have a condition that it puts all the customers Bookings onto one mail merge letter, instead of sending 3 separate letters to one customer.
This is my code so far:
Sub OpenWord()
'Setting up Word Application Dim wdApp as word.application
On Error Resume Next
Dim wdApp As Word.Application
Dim wdDoc As Word.Document
[Code] .....
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Aug 20, 2014
So Im working on a project where I want to take the reviews from our employees and put them on letters and email them out. Every employee has 1-4 reviews and multiple questions answered for each- normal mail merge would send someone 4 letters with the review info & I'd love to have it all pulled into one. I made a fake one & attached below. I've tried a couple of formulas I've seen online but none of them have worked.
fake feedback1.xlsx
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Apr 9, 2014
how to set one entire columns text to two different colors based on another columns values. So for example I have column A and B. Column A has two values called Internal and External. Column B is a title table so the entire column is just titles. We'll say it goes for 20 rows if you need a row count. What I am looking to do change the text in Column B to Red for External and Blue for Internal. I tried the conditional formatting and I just can't seem to find the right option.
I'm using Win 8.1, Office 2013.
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Jul 16, 2014
I am trying to average different rows and columns within a larger block data set in a series. This data is from a 96-well absorbance microplate reader experiment. I only mention this to describe the raw data output I am dealing with.
Each set of data is in a 12 x 8 block with the next block below it with one blank row between. So I have a block of data contained between A1->L1->L8. The next block is contained between A10->L10->L17. This continues for a total of 28 blocks.
I want to take averages from rows or columns from each block and autofill them into a single column. So for example I'll need =Average(A1-C1) with =Average(A10-C10) below it and so on and so forth. My problem is that if I try to autofill from this already started column the third row will take the average of A2-C2 instead of A19-C19.
Is there a formula/script for me to skip the correct number of rows to the next data block?
I have attached my spreadsheet to this thread. I am using Excel 2013
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Feb 20, 2014
I work for one half of a joint venture & am responsible for planning & expediting. The other half does purchasing. The bi-weekly PO download reports I receive are less than useful. I have already written the code to delete undesired sheets & add, format, and enter headers for a "Summary" sheet.
I need code to move to the next row, and run formulas to pull data from the next sheets, and repeat until there are no more sheets.
The number of sheets will vary from one download to the next, and the sheet names will vary from one download to the next.
Following are example formulas that need to be run on successive rows while pulling from successive sheets.
I am running Excel 2013 on Windows 8.1
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Nov 12, 2007
I have been scanning web forums for days and have not found a solution to my question. I have found similar, but unfortunately am not clever enough with Excel VBA to adapt.
I have two columns of data which I want merged into rows (a) by survey number and (b) by time slots. The data I have is similar to:
Survey No.....Results
12345...........No answer
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Jan 30, 2014
I'm working on excel document, but despite my efforts, I can't convert B and D columns to numbers.
All numbers align on the left side, instead of right and formulas such as average and sum doesnt seem to work.
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Apr 4, 2013
In a large table what is the simplest way to delete all empty rows? Excel 2013.
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Jul 28, 2008
to prepare an excel spreadsheet for a mailmerge but as all of the info for 1 recipient needs to be in columns instead of rows. I need to convert 2 columns' data into columns but only when there are duplicate invoices, see below;
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Sep 27, 2013
I've found macro, which merge rows with the same data
[Code] ........
Option Explicit
Sub MergeSame()
Dim r As Range, c As Range
Dim i As Long, j As Long
Set r = Range("a1", Cells(Rows.Count, "a").End(xlUp))
[Code] .....
But i need use the same procedure for columns, it means:
I've tried modified macro marked above, but without success...
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Jun 23, 2014
I've got a spreadsheet that pulls data from a SQL server.
I'm looking to have a button on the first sheet that extracts the data from SQL and inserts it into sheet 2 of spreadsheet. The data connection from SqL is working fine but when I click on the button sheet 2 is blank.
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Aug 6, 2014
Is it possible to perform average function on subsequent group of rows and make a new set of rows ?
For example: As below, in column 1 the average of values of first 3 rows (i.e, 1, 2 & 3) is 2. similarly average of values in next 3 rows (i.e, 4,5 & 6) is 5 and so on....
Is this possible to get a new set of rows by averaging values of rows from a particular column. without applying average formula in each row of column 2. i m using MS Excel 13.
Column 1 ______ Column 2
1 _____________ 2
2 ______________ 5
3 ______________ 8
4 _____________ 11
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Sep 1, 2008
After sorting and filtering rows with in a set range I will have several rows that are almost duplicates. This is normal and expected due to how the workbook is used. Among these rows also will be several single rows that are not duplicates. It is important that I combine any two duplicates into one row. Example:
1 NameA 0XX15930777PS101300PS9
2 NameA0XX15930777PS91200PS10
3 NameX1159XXP555FBX1545PS9
4 NameB0A1234P123PS101263PS9
5 NameB1A1234P123PS90512PS10
What I need is this end result:
1 NameA 0XX15930777PS91200PS10PS101300PS9
2 NameX1159XXP555FBX1545PS9
3 NameB1A1234P123PS90512PS10PS101263PS9
It’s important that the data in each column stay with in that same column. Also of course it needs to be on the same row with the same person (NameA and NameB). The Columns that would determine if it’s a duplicate are D and E –. I would need this to be preformed via macro or some easy way so that others will not have a hard time. It will be on a protected Shared Workbook with Excel 2003. I've enclosed a Sample. How can I sort these or accomplish this and maintain the data where it needs to be?
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Jul 24, 2013
I have 2 columns with a list of competitors (competitor 1 & competitor 2) involved in a negotiation + the price/value of the negotiation. Each line represents a negotiation with a value in numbers & the names of the 2 main competitors involved.
I have around 150 lines in the original file and would like to show in a graphic what are the competitors that we regularly find in the negotiations and what is the value of the negotiations they are involved.
The problem is that there is no main competitor so i can find the same name in any of the 2 columns and i cannot make separate graphs for each column because if i do so i duplicate the value.
Is there any way that aggregate this info into a single graphic/pivot graphic? Im using excel 2013
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Aug 12, 2014
I am gaining an error in my code due to the sheet being protected.
I cannot seem to get the correct code to allow for the code to still run, while the sheet is protected.
[Code] .....
I tried protecting the sheet via:
[Code] ....
But I still get an error.
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Feb 13, 2014
I was given a spread sheet that prepares a file for export to some ones system. The macro in the spread sheet wouldn't run as I'm using excel 2013 which when you open a new work book it only opens sheet 1 and there was a bit in the macro that wanted to send information to sheet 2 which wasn't there. I added a bit of code which created sheet 2 and hey presto it worked fine. I made the mistake of telling the people who supplied the original workbook to me what I had done so that they could pass the modified sheet on to other users in case they had the same problem.
Now I've been asked if I could do a bit more work to the existing macro so that instead of the new workbook just being called Book 1 could I add a name and date to the new workbook being created.
I've had a look at the original code and it looks like it would be quicker to start from scratch as I cant follow the original code.
The existing workbook has 3 sheets, I want to copy sheet2 to the new workbook. I want to name the new workbook as "a fixed name" with the "time and date " .xlsx
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Nov 20, 2013
For some reason I don't seem to be able to insert any columns/rows/cells in to my excel spreadsheet. This is a problem in both basis sheets and more advanced ones.
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May 28, 2014
I have some nominal data that I'd like to get into a pivot table (Excel 2013). For simplicity let's say it's a one-question survey with 6 respondents:
Q1: Dogs are better than Cats
Strongly Agree
Neither Agree or Disagree
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
Strongly Agree
Strongly Agree
Strongly Agree
I can create a pivot table with this data and get the following:
Row Labels
Count of Q1
Strongly Agree
Grand Total
This all works nicely, however I require that the other options ("Neither Agree or Disagree", "Disagree", and "Strongly Disagree") be present, even if their values are 0, like the following:
Row Labels
Count of Q1
Strongly Agree
Neither Agree or Disagree
Strongly Disagree
Grand Total
What I tried doing was adding a new column and calling it something like Ratings with the following:
Strongly Agree
Neither Agree or Disagree
Strongly Disagree
Then I set the Ratings column in the "Rows" section of the pivot table and the Count of Q1 column in the Values section. This is what happened:
Row Labels
Count of Q1
Strongly Agree
Neither Agree or Disagree
Strongly Disagree
Grand Total
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Mar 10, 2014
I've got general ledger information that I export out of my accounting software (see attached spreadsheet). From there, in another spreadsheet I do vlookup formulas to get information from this general ledger. However, in order for the vlookup formulas to work properly in the other spreadsheets, I have to go through this general ledger spreadsheet and manually enter just the first five numerical digits in column A for each Total row. I would like to be able to find a solution that would return just the first five characters of the category (column B found at the top of each section) into the cell in column A on each total row. I usually have to manually enter 50-100 of these many, many times a month so it gets time consuming after a while. I'm using Excel 2013.
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Jul 30, 2014
I have a sheet in excel 2013
In column "Y" I want to add a checkBoxs activeX from cell 6 until cell 500
I don't want to repeat it 500 times )":
This is my code for a single checkBox
[Code] ...........
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Oct 30, 2013
I'm back working on my estimate sheet again and hit another roadblock. I have a series of rows all separated by multiple spaces and would like to copy every one to the first empty column on a separate page sequentially until a certain condition is met (first time row starts with zero in column U, in this pic second row down would end routine).
The first column here is U on sheet "Partitions & Woodwork" so since this first row doesn't start with a zero, U10 - BC10 would need to be copied and pasted transposed into the first open column on sheet "Rebirth" (2nd pic below).
It would be pasted transposed here from B2 downwards on sheet named "Rebirth". The next row that didn't start with zero would be pasted transposed starting at c2 and so on until the first time a row beginning at column U on sheet "Partitions & Woodwork" began with a zero (0).
The number of spaces between rows being copied varies on the partitions & woodwork sheet but the columns (U - BC) are a constant every time a row needs to be copied.
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Jul 14, 2009
I have around 150 excel files with sample data as follows in "sheet 1" of each workbook,
Excel doc 1:
Column 1Column 221Data 1Data 132Data 2
Excel doc 2:
Column 1Column 223Data 3Data 334Data 4
I want the rows with data in column 'B' and empty column 'C' from every sheet to be copied into 1 sheet.
Output to be as,
Final Excel doc:
Column 1Column 222Data 2
34Data 4
I have a VBA code sample to select the required files in a folder and run the macro over it. The VBA is as follows,
Sub Importxlsrows()
'Import all selected rows to one sheet
Dim xlsDoc As Object
Dim xlsFileName As Variant
Dim RowNo As Integer 'row number in excel
Dim iRow As Long 'row index in Excel
'probably here we need to insert the required logic
End With
Set xlsDoc = Nothing
End If
Next i
MsgBox "Required rows of selected files are imported into the sheet", vbInformation, "Done!"
End Sub
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Mar 25, 2014
I have a workbook with five sheets. One sheet is the Master and then one sheet each for four organizations. Each organization will populate data for their own sheet and I want Excel to automatically populate the Master with the info from each individual sheet.
I tried using and modifying the vba from this post [URL]). My workbook varies from the original in that the first seven rows are header rows so the first cell to be edited in each sheet is A8, I have 38 columns instead of 10, and I am using Excel 2013 instead of Excel 2003.
I figured out that I needed to change the vba to look like this to start copying from the first cell (A8) and to populate the master:
This seems to work, but until the first cell (A8) is populated in the organizations' sheets, it messes up the prior row on the Master (Row 7).
I've also noticed that undo becomes unavailable when switching between sheets and also copy/cut & paste between sheets doesn't work so I can't correct the way the script messes up the format initially (this I presume is due to the Copy Destination in the vba?).
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Feb 27, 2014
I've created a macro that loads a listbox with the sheet names from another workbook. It works fine with Excel 2007-2010 but some reason fails with 2013. It doesn't crash, it just doesn't add items to the listbox nor doest it add the caption to Userform1.Caption. It does launch the form. Here is the code snippet:
'open read-only
wbkpath = Sheet3.Cells(1, "f") 'full pathway to source workbook
Workbooks.Open Filename:=wbkpath, ReadOnly:=True
Set swbk = ActiveWorkbook
[Code] ...........
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Jun 11, 2014
I am using Excel 2013
I need to print to a printer that is not the default printer, a range of Cells e.g. B4:L28 on Sheet Print Out.
The code is to be added to a VBA routine that already exists that collects & arranges the data on the Print Out sheet from other sheets in the workbook. This routine is assigned to a button on another sheet.
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Mar 3, 2014
How do I transpose a horizontal reading excel into a vertical reading excel and transpose all of the data and formulas?
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