Create Automatic List In Excel Sheet With Filtered Data From Another Sheet?

Dec 27, 2012

So I have a guest list workbook. There are two sheets. On the first one is a list of names on Column A. On Column B is a classification: 'C' if confirmed; "D" for declined; "I" for pending. I want to have all the names with "C" on sheet 1 appear on sheet 2 automatically.

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How To Automatic Merge Data From Sheet To Another Sheet With Same Format

Mar 28, 2014

how to merge data automatically in one sheet (master sheet) from specific sheet with different name sheet but same format?

Adding, deleting or editing should be automatic update to master sheet.

For example:

Sheet name:

Sheet 1: Salesman 1 - with data range A10:F310 (as his data file)
Sheet 2: Salesman 2 - with data range A10:F310 (as his data file)
Sheet 3: Salesman 3 - with data range A10:F310 (as his data file)
Sheet 4: Salesman 4 - with data range A10:F310 (as his data file)
Sheet 5: Salesman 5 - with data range A10:F310 (as his data file)
Sheet 6: Salesman 6 - with data range A10:F310 (as his data file)
Sheet 7: All Salesman - - with prepared data range A11:F2000 (as master data file/record for 6 salesman)

Column Name as a Header:

A10: Customer Number
B10: Customer Name
C10: Salesman ID
D10: Promotion Type
E10: Promo Item
F10: Free Item

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Code 'To Invoice' Copy The Filtered List, And Paste On Sheet

Oct 22, 2008

I have recorded a macro to filter data on sheet 'To Invoice' copy the filtered list, and paste on sheet 'Invoice' in C16.

The code just keeps looping (not looping in a code sense, it just seems to keep flickering the screen like its going over & over) until it locks up 5-10 seconds-ish and then I have to re-start Excel.

The range B2:E22 is not always populated, it could possibly be B2:E2 (one row), I dont know how to copy the exact data so I expanded the range to what I think would capture any eventuality....

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Automatic Linking On Excel Sheet

May 18, 2013

How do i do the automatic linking on the excel sheet like the one done on the following example


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Macro Pull Data From Each Sheet And Create A Summary Sheet

Jan 26, 2009

I need to create a macro that will scan a spreadsheet for the number of sheets and then pull data from the same places on each sheet in order to create a summary sheet. Let me try to explain a little better.

The spreadsheet I'm working with has a separate sheet for each new deal our company makes. Each of these sheets is in the same format - we use a template and fill in the data based on that whenever a new deal emerges. The sheets contain basic info about the deal in the first few rows and columns, then some narratives with dates describing the progress of the deal, and then a list of issues and whether or not they have been resolved. The problem is, each of these sheets contains too much info for a quick, high-level overview with the bosses so they've asked me to create something that will pull the basic info, the most recent narrative, and any unresolved issues from each sheet. This way, each time there's an overview scheduled with the bosses, the macro can be run and it will create a new sheet with data from each sheet in the workbook.

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Create New Sheet For Each Row Of Another Sheet Auto Populate Data.

Mar 19, 2008

i have a sheet called 'sample database'. it consists of 56 columns, each with a specific title in row 1. i.e. name, surname, mobile_number, and so on.
from row 2 onwards the data has been populated for roughly 200 rows.

i have another 'Capture Sheet' which has the same titles as 'Sample database' except it's in a different format. its a printable form that is given to new employees when they start. once they have completed it it gets captured into the 'Sample Database' sheet.

my wifes boss now wants 1 new sheet for each row in the 'sample database' sheet based on the format/layout of the 'capture form'.
how can i get the 'capture form' to auto populate the data from the 'sample database' sheet and create a new sheet for each row?
i know this is possible i just dont know how to do it.

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Automatic Date Change In Excel Sheet Print Out?

Mar 29, 2014

At work I have a register/log. Its just a printout of a standard format in excel sheet. I print a month of sheets at a time and write the day and date on it by hand at the top. Is there some formula in excel by which it prints the dates as well in a progressive manner. Eg. If today is 29th May 2014 and today I print 30 copies of the register/log. The first copy has todays date on it and the the next one had tomorrows date....and the 30th copy automatically has the end of April 2014 printed on it.

I've found this code but cannot get it to work.

My workbook is called Shift Log, the worksheet is called v2 and I'm using Excel from MS Office Professional Plus 2010 (32bit)

#Private Sub Workbook_SheetBeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Sh As Object, _
ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean)
Dim sDate, i
sDate = InputBox("Enter the starting date, or click 'OK'" & _
" for the current date", "Start Date")

[Code] .........

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Copy Filtered Data (same Sheet)

Oct 2, 2008

I have 5 fields which contain 200 rows of information, I'd like to filter field 1 and have the filtered data copied to K2 of the same worksheet.

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Automatic Looking Up Data In Another Sheet

Dec 16, 2009

It i a sheet to calculate my nutrition. But since the sheets has grown to get bigger and bigger (and fortunately me as well ) some bugs has started to appear. This is really annoying and I have to use another sheet with less values in it which I can use manually on the side since it seams to only work properly when less values is entered in the sheet.

Open the file attached. The first sheet called "oversikten" is where you can see the trouble. The gray fields you can edit freely and in these fields you should be able to insert a type of product (food) which also is in the list in the nexy sheet called "produkter", and the first sheet should then automatically get the values for the written product given you have written the exact same word as the product in the list (list: in the "produkter" sheet). But for some reason this has stopped working. Now only a few in the beginning of the list is working as it should and most of the products will not be transferred to the first "oversikten" sheet. I've only copied codes and stuff so I have no idea what is wrong and how to fix this.

fix the codes in the program so that any product written in "oversikten" will get its correct values transferred from the "produkter" sheet for all the registered products now and for the new ones I enter in the future. I love this little nutrition program of mine.

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Select Automatic Color Scheme (font) For Excel Sheet

Jan 13, 2014

I want to select an automatic colour scheme (font) for an Exel sheet. It has 3 columns with values. If the coloums are A, B & C I want to mark the higher value in red. If B is higher than A, B should be red. Again if C is also higher than B, then C also should be red... like that. Values should be read row-wise. How can I do this using a formula?

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Generate A Report On Second Sheet From A Filtered Values From The First Sheet

Nov 28, 2013

The table on Sheet 1 is being used a record system for history of each lifting equipment we mobilized to our client for rental. The Door No. (Column A) is a name for each equipment. The Date Mobilized is the date when equipment left our premises and started working on site and Date Demobilized is the date when equipment went back to our yard.

To explain my requirement, refer to the first 7 rows indicates that the Door No. ATC0005. It was mobilized 7 times but demobilized 6 times. Meaning that the equipment is currently deployed because the last mobilization dated 01-Jul-13 doesnt have an corresponding data of Demobilization. My first requirement is to have a filter where in it will show the list of currently mobilized equipment. In that case I just go to Date Demobilized and filter it by only showing the blanks.

My second requirement is to know how to filter to only show the available equipment. I was able to analyze it this way: For example we take a look at the history of FLD0001, it has 5 Mobilization Date and 5 Demobilization Date. So i need to know a function to filter a Door No. that has the same number of Mobilization Date and Demobilization Date. My first solution is to just filter the Date Demobilized to not show blanks hence it will show all equipment that has the same number of Date Mob. and Date Demob. But my exact requirement is to have a real time report on a separate sheet (refer to Sheet 2).

Sheet 2 is report for equipment status. Under Equipment (Column A) are the list of equipment. Using the data available on Sheet 1, the cells under Client (Column B) should be filled up either "Available" or "Deployed".

Lastly, for all Deployed equipment only the Client Name should also be retrieved on the report on Sheet 2.

filter values.xlsx

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Excel 2007 :: Data Validation List Linked To Different Sheet?

Dec 11, 2012

I am using excel 2007

I am attempting to put a drop down list using "Data Validation". I can get it working when my list is on the same sheet (sheet 1) and the column of cells I want the drop down list to show up in....(you know..when the drop down list shows up in each individual cell)......BUT...when I put the list on another sheet (sheet 2) and try to do the "Data Validation" back on sheet 1, excel won't let me go highlight the list on sheet 2.

I even tried writing sheet2 and the range and that still doesnt work.

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Copy Visible Data Out Of Filtered Table To Another Sheet?

Mar 22, 2013

I have on sheet 1 a table 12 columns, variable rows. I filter this table on two different columns, so that only x rows are visible.

My aim is to move these visible rows to another sheet 2, starting from cell J23., work with these data in other cells of sheet 2, and send them back to sheet 1, adding the date in column 12.

Do I need, sheet viewcode or module ?

Afterwords I would like to link this VBA code to a form button.

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Automatic Macro That Runs From Every Sheet But Only Based On One Sheet

May 13, 2014

I have an automatic macro that runs from every sheet but is only based on one sheet. I had to protect the worksheet and in order to make the macro work I had to add an unlock and a lock code. The problem now is every time a user enters something it looks back to the other sheet and then comes back. Is there a way to prevent the user from seeing this. See code below

Private Sub Worksheet_Calculate()
Sheets("Profit Calc Local Currency").Unprotect Password:="hspricing1"
Application.EnableEvents = False
Dim lr As Long
lr = Cells(Rows.Count, "XEA").End(xlUp).Row
Range("$XEA$1:$XEA$" & lr).AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:="1"
Sheets("Profit Calc Local Currency").Protect Password:="hspricing1"
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub

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Cant Pull Data From Another Sheet After Drop Down List Selection From Another Sheet

Jul 31, 2009

I have an excel workbook with two sheets. Sheet 1 has a list of people names, rank, address, and phone numbers. Sheet 2 has boxes where a user can select a last name from all last names in sheet1. What I want to happen after the user selects the last name in sheet 2 is for it to automatically fill in the rest of the data (ie Rank, First Name, Address, city, Home phone number, Cell Phone number). What do I need to do in order for this to work?. Attached is a very small example of my much larger project.

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Can Create Data Validation List Of Names Created In Name Box Or Sheet Tab Names

May 7, 2012

Can I create data validation list of the names created in the name box or of the sheet tab names?

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Advanced Filter Placing The Result (the Filtered Data) In Another Sheet

May 29, 2006

Is there any way to use Advanced Filter placing the result (the filtered data) in another sheet??? I have tried but with no success... An error message is displayed (something like "It's not possible copy filtered data from a sheet to another").

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Copy Sheet & Create New Monthly Sheet From Present Sheet

Jan 12, 2010

I want to create a macro button that can create copy, insert, paste and rename the new sheet in next month's name, like if the active sheet's name is January, I want to copy the whole sheet of January, insert new sheet, paste the new sheet and rename the new sheet to next month like February?

Also rename the new sheet (February) cell B3 the same as new sheet's name (February)

So if month of February is near end, the macro button in February will create the same way as Jan did which means the next sheet will be named March and so on.

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Create Copy Of Sheet For Each Name In List

Aug 26, 2008

The following URL has a great solution to this problem, I was unsuccessful in implementing it. Excel VBA: Create Worksheets for Each Item in an Excel Table of Data

A macro to copy a pre-set sheet, we can call it a "template sheet", for each name in a pre-set range, a list. This list will have empty cells and names from F9 to F190. For each name i need it to copy the template sheet and place the sheet name within the new sheet. Should a user delete a sheet, activating the macro again should re-create the missing sheet and not just crash (was told there could be an issue).

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Create Copy Of Sheet & Name From List

Aug 29, 2008

I am trying to create a copy of the sheet "template" using a list of department numbers from the sheet "list". The following code works sometime but other times it stops without copying a sheet for all the names in the list.

Sub CreateNewSheets()
Dim NewSht As Worksheet, Crow As Integer, NewName As String
Dim c As Range, wks As Worksheet, TempName As String, BaseName As String

Application. ScreenUpdating = False

Set wks = Sheets("List") 'list of department numbers to be copied for a sheet.

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Create Sheet For Each Name In Table List

Aug 14, 2006

I am copying info from a program into the "Input" worksheet - It is from my phone switch of logins and logouts of my employees. I have 11 supervisors and my end goal is to have each one of their coordinators show up in their specific tab automatically with all of their login information, ids, logins, and logouts. I can do the other math for the Marks and break lengths but I am having a hard time with this. I have been trying vlookup, but cannot figure out a way to bring all of the different rows... It only brings over one row.

I have tried to use some of the code from other posts on this sight, but have not had any luck.

What I am looking for it to do is on the Alis worksheet - the light blue sections. I am also finding it difficult in the light purple section also. I am trying to figure out how much time they were on the clock.

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Macro To Create Sheet For Each In List

Dec 21, 2006

I have a list of client information on a worksheet. Every client is under a certain "Exp. Code".
The team supports their clients by "Exp. Code".
I would like to create a macro to segregate this data according to worker on different worksheets. Each worker supports multiple Exp.

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Excel 2013 :: Select Next Row / Extract Data From Next Sheet - Loop To Last Sheet

Feb 20, 2014

I work for one half of a joint venture & am responsible for planning & expediting. The other half does purchasing. The bi-weekly PO download reports I receive are less than useful. I have already written the code to delete undesired sheets & add, format, and enter headers for a "Summary" sheet.

I need code to move to the next row, and run formulas to pull data from the next sheets, and repeat until there are no more sheets.

The number of sheets will vary from one download to the next, and the sheet names will vary from one download to the next.

Following are example formulas that need to be run on successive rows while pulling from successive sheets.

I am running Excel 2013 on Windows 8.1

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Excel 2010 :: Match 1 Cell And Column In Sheet 1 To 2 Columns In Sheet 2 Return Data From A 3rd

Jul 23, 2012

I have 2 workbooks in Excel 2010, each contain just 1 sheet. (see attached) I need to compare on sheet 1, cell D1 and column A:A (this column will be much longer), with the data in columns C:C & A:A on sheet 2, if a corresponding match is found, the data contained in column D on the same row on sheet 2 is written to the cell with the matching data in sheet 1.

My attempt is in cell D2 on sheet1.

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How To Create Filtered Validation List

Oct 17, 2013

I would like to know how to create a validation based on a list, but with filtered. I have an employee sheet and another sheet to select the names but only according to a specific job.

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Auto-Populate Excel Sheet From Master Sheet Of Data

Mar 1, 2014

In this attached example, this is a portion of a actual work procedure. The yellow highlighted cells are the same work element within the master procedure but one is for one type of machine while the other is for same model but added options. This is a pattern throughout the entire worksheet. Basically 1 model with several different types of options. I don't want to have unnecessary elements in a work procedure.

So what I am trying to accomplish, I want to create a userform or dashboard which will allow selection of model #, model type #, then based off those selections have excel populate a worksheet with all correct procedures based off model type choice.

In this example there is 6 model variations, all share same basic procedure, but all have their own work procedure based on options, so my above approach will allow me to make changes to the master procedure only instead of changing 6 procedures.

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Create A Name List From One Sheet Dependent On Value Of Another Cell

Aug 4, 2014

I have a master list of names on sheet 1 column A. I want to create a list of names on sheet 2 column A of the people from Sheet 1 column A that have a specific value (Y) in column z sheet 1. I might also want to different numeric values for the Z column

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Create Hyperlinks List & Use Addresses From Another Sheet

Mar 5, 2008

I need to make a Workbook that has hyperlinks in the first sheet that links to a cell in a second sheet and then back again. The only way I have been able to do this is manually create each link in each sheet. I am hoping that this process can be automated as they can not be 'filled' as far as I can see. find attached an example of what I am trying to achieve.

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Pivot Table To Refresh And Source Data To Change Using Visible Rows On Filtered Sheet

Feb 26, 2014

I have 5 pivot tables on 5sheets, all looking at the same source data in sheet 6

On the source data there is a filter on the headers, if you change the filter, is it possible for all 5 pivot tables to update according to the filter?

My starting point is the below, but there probably is a better way but i would want the sourcedata to equal visible rows on the source data sheet headers run A:K and up to row 10000 .

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Create & Save Workbook From Filtered List

Nov 11, 2006

I have a workbook (see attach) That has 2 worksheets. (LOAD DATA AND SKIP) What I would like to do is have VBA that automatically filters for each of the names in column A, creates a new workbook naming the workbook as the filtered name (ex D Fowler) and current date and then copy in all info based off filtered data from columns A thru Y Then save and close for each of the names in column A.

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