Excel As A Database
Dec 31, 2009
Has anyone ever tried to make a database out of Excel? I know that Access would be a better choice, but i have never done anything in Access and have no clue where to start. i know Excel, but i'm worrying that i will end up having too much data and my program will be slow.
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Mar 31, 2004
I am currently trying to create a database of products for my company. For each product I would like to include an image associated with it. I then want to have on another sheet a place where the user will click an error and be able to cycle through the products. As tehy cycle the associated image will pop up.
What I need to understand is after importing the image into excel, how do I associate that image to a cell so I can reference it in another sheet of the database. I am not concerned with how large the database will get, my pictures are quite small.
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Apr 15, 2014
Using EXcel 2013, Windows 8
I have an Excel worksheet with one column being e-mail addresses. Other columns are Christian names, etc
Ideally can I create a full Mail merge with Outlook using whatever data I want. But probably just e-mail address and Christian name?
Otherwise be able to send one e-mail to all the e-mail addresses, without a major re-type.
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Jul 9, 2014
I got two sheets of database and I need to fill the gaps in one of then, taking the information for the other one, I been told that I can do it with vlookup or if function?
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Jan 29, 2014
I have sql queries in spreadsheet column and which needs to run against Db2 database daily and then update the result back to spreadsheet. This is tedious process and could there be a way to create a a macro using VB which performs the following?
1. connect to db2 database
2. take the sql query one at a time from every row and then run against database
3. Obtain the result and then update it back to last column of the spreadsheet.
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Dec 9, 2011
I'm tasked with looking up part numbers in Epicor's ERP database and entering the labor cost into excel. Is there any way to write a macro or VB program that lokks at the part number in excel, goes into epicor, pulls finds the part number and cut and pastes the cost data.
I have about 30,000 of these to look up.
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Jul 19, 2012
I have an access database that runs some excel subs. If the excel sub doesn't meet a certain criteria, I want to close the excel workbook and close the access database. Most google searches yield how to close excel from access but I need closing access from excel. I was thinking that if the "detonate" criteria was met, I could pass a variable over to access and terminate that way....
If x 5 then
end if
if x 5 then
appAccess.application.run "Self-Detonate"
end if
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Sep 19, 2013
My situation is as follows:
1. I have one sheet with all the information about my customers, such as customer name, address, mobile number and email. I have also added customer reference no...... this could act like a primary key in databases...... This is SHEET 1.
2. my other sheet, lets call it SHEET 2.... is basically a template of my quotation where at the top I need to enter the customer details such as customer name, address, mobile number and email.. Sometimes I have returning customers and I need to enter their details again and again.... it is time consuming.
Initially I would like to enter all my customers detail into SHEET 1.
When I have to create a quotation in SHEET 2, I would like to enter a customer reference number and it should bring all the data from SHEET 1 about that customer and place it into SHEET 2 (quotation template)...
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Feb 26, 2007
Some time ago, a friend of mine told me he didn't use any Pivot Tables at all, due to the imense space they require.
Instead, he made connections between Forms in Excel and the Databases using SQL.
Do you know of any Internet site where I can start to learn something about this?
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Oct 14, 2008
Are there any good website for a beginner on how to set up and store information in excel as a database? I have mutliple sheets that I use everyweek for payroll and I would like to store the previous weeks data in a seperate sheet so I dont have to save each weeks sheets.
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Jul 20, 2006
which databases people are using with importing excel data into a database.
I want to know people's experiences on different databases and suggestions on which database i can use maybe.
On this moment i do everything in excel, but excel is not longer working properly because of large files that need to be connected to 1 or more sheets.
This is the situation now:
VAX (Dos bases database) -> Comma seperated Files -> Importing in Excel -> Linking the data to sheets.
Now I want to have a database where i can do all normal operations to have a good look and the situation of stock status, ordered parts, sales etc. (inventory control)
Who has experiences with databases ? And what are you doing with that database?
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Dec 16, 2013
I wantto prepare a database in excel. This is database of five different excel files.Consolidate them in one excel file under five sheets.
Thesefiles have name say A, B, C, D, E. Macro should ask user to browse these filesone by one and copy data in new excel under individual sheet. Finally databaseshould save as name X and should contain sheet 1 as A sheets 2 as B etc.
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Jul 1, 2014
I have inherited a number of databases in work (running Office 2003). It has quickly become apparant that a vast amount of work is duplicated and so i am trying to cut down the data input and therefore the possible errors.......
I have narrowed most of the work down and now have a major worksheet (is that what you call a complete Excel file) named "master database" and several over minor files....
Currently what i am trying to do is to get one of the minor files to auto populate an area of the master database. I will try to explain it below...
1. Minor database has 2 columns with data i require to auto populate the master database. (1 column (B) is called 'off', the 2nd column (C) is called 'on').
2. A number will be inputed manually into either 'B' only or 'B and C' columns, depending on the criteria of the job..
3. The criteria of the job is dictated by column (Z) where the text 'A' or 'ATL' is inputed
4. The master database i would like to add up the numbers inputed as a total from columns 'off' and 'on' and place them into seperate columns 'E' and 'G' of the master database.
5. IF column (Z) shows 'A' then only column (B) 'off' is to be calculated and put into the master database at column (E)
6. IF column (Z) shows 'ATL' then BOTH columns (B and C) 'on' AND 'off' are to be added together and column (G) populated on the master database.....
To make mattters more complex. An expiry date is shown on the master database at columns (D) and (F).
IF column (E) does not exceed 12 by the expiry date, i would like the cell (D) to turn red
IF column (G) does not exceed 10 by the expiry date, I would like the cell (F) to turn red
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Feb 9, 2014
create an excel spreadsheet, where i can enter all my products name, unit price etc. so when i am doing an invoice for the customer, if i just type the product name price will show up automatically.
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Mar 13, 2014
I need multiple users, each with their own Workbook to utilise data from a central database I made in Excel. I therefore need to put the central Excel database online and link to it. However, two issues so far:
1) I don't have an online domain or server to put it, nor the possibilities to get one quickly
2) Putting the central database into SkyDrive/OneDrive haven't been working so far, as the links are always local and not addressed on the OneDrive server domain.
Therefore my question:
Is there any way I can use the cloud power of OneDrive to host a (fairly simple) database without my computer being turned on and running the workbook?
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Apr 30, 2012
Any code for deleting empty rows from a database, without sorting the database.
I am trying to do a for..next loop going through each row but can't work out the code to check each row as to whether it is blank.
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May 8, 2012
Call center stats: I have a SQL database which is LIVE. I would like to create a live report on excel from this database. (update my excel table automatically)
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Jun 14, 2012
I am running Excel 2007 and connecting to an Oracle DB.
I have created a VBA macro to connect to an oracle DB and retrieve data then place it in a table. The code works, but it uses DSN entries which are specific to my computer. I want to be able to distribute this Excel spreadsheet to others in my company and have them be able to click one button and update the data. I figure the most logical way is to connect to the DB using an IP address that should work for anyone on the intranet.
How do I modify the connection info below to have it connect via IP?
I tried "Data Source =" and "Data Source =", both of which VBA dislikes.
Here is what I have now:
Sub Create()
Dim Servername As Range
Set Servername = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Summary").Range("B16")
Set StartDate = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Summary").Range("B3")
[Code] ..........
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Jun 27, 2012
I am trying to create simple leave data base using Excel. Is it easy or complicated?
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Jan 24, 2014
I've been trying to make this work for hours and hours and am finally giving up. Most of this code was found on the internet and I've attempted to make it work for my project but I keep getting errors. I use VBA with Excel quite often but never with Access before. Currently I am getting an "Object doesn't support this property or method" error at rs.Findfirst.
I have an excel worksheet that mimics the access table with five fields, an ID field, lastName, FirstName, DeptID (int), Email. I want to search the Access table for a match on the email field, and if it doesn't find the match, to add a new record using values typed into the excel sheet.
Sub UpdateDB()
Dim cn As Object
Dim rs As Object
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Nov 7, 2008
I'm trying to lookup a database named database and return a time in column A, based on criteria in cells a1 and b1 on another sheet, A1 would contain a number and B1 would contain a day from mon-fri
eg of Database
10:00 5000 Mon Tues
11:00 5000 Wed Thur Fri
and so on
if a1= 5000 & b1=Wed
how can I return 11:00
I have tried index and match =index(a:a,match(a1&b1,b:b&e:e,0))
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Oct 22, 2013
I am trying to open an .xls excel file within a non-email lotus notes database with vba code in excel.
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Mar 8, 2014
I am trying to create a database that contains data taken from several work books that i have saved in one folder on my hard drive. These workbooks contain quite a lot ** data, but i only want to extract the data i want to instead ** having to extract it all? these works books are used by several other people as well, so i want it to be able to update as data changes.
I was thinking about using data links, but that only seems to extract all the data instead ** just what i want?
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Jul 27, 2014
I have a number of separate worksheets in one spreadsheet all based on the same list (eg customers); the customer's name is the first column and hence the 'key' in each worksheet; when I insert or delete a line in the main worksheet the formulae in the first (customer name) column are amended in the other worksheets BUT I ideally need more than that; when I insert a new customer in the first (main worksheet) I need a new line with that customer name inserting into the corresponding place in the other worksheets; and when I move a line (eg delete a customer and move them to the bottom of the main worksheet list) I need the corresponding lines in the other worksheets moving as well. I guess what I really need is a drill-down function; a main customer list and sub-lists all linking back to the main lists like you would get in database tables.
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Aug 1, 2014
Following macro code is for copying Excel Invoice Data to Excel Database. Also cleans the specified cells after copying. Its working Perfectly.
But there are some issues that should be solved.
Problem 1: It copies empty cells(""), formula based cells and blank drop-down list.
Problem 2: After copying it cleans formulas too. Formulas must be remain their.
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Apr 16, 2012
What I am trying to do is extract all the data from a excel database based on criteria. When i specify the site and month I need to pull all the corresponding data and write it to a worksheet. Below is an example. I am not allowed to show all the data it is confidential.
Site Date Operator Month
Chicago 12/3/11 Daniel December
San Jose 4/8/12 Mike April
New York 4/8/12 John April
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Jan 20, 2013
I have an assignment for work where I am required to create a button within an excel sheet that will submit any text in a cell which in this case would be "A9" to a database to a certain field. I must create this using visual basic.
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Aug 28, 2013
i have a excel file which has a formatted pivot table which displays customers by country in row A 2 down to 36 with approx 36 customers in the values field i have volumes by alarms and tickets along the column labels it shows the previous 7 days with date and then the alarms and tickets in each row. My problem is i am trying to find the code or location where i can change the only bring back 7 days data to another value. i have searched all connection properties and definitions. I know there is a value somewhere that allows you to change this number to say from 7 days to 30 days. If you click on the column labels for date it shows the dates back 3+ years but it still if i tick more than 7 days only show 7 in the table.I have image if needed
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Feb 1, 2007
I have a database that has outgrown excel (over 77,000 rows now) so i now have it in Access. I want to replicate the following situation I used to have using lookups in excel with a query to the Access database: Paste a list of identifiers into an excel sheet. Values corresponding to the list are returned from the database in adjoining columns. The list can be from 10 to 300 cells long an returns data in 14 columns. I have had a go with the Import external data wizard which generates a query but have not been able to work out how to base the query on a list of cells in excel and have the query return values for each of the identifiers in the list.
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May 18, 2012
I'm working on an Excel based product. As part of the security process I would like to require the user to enter a product id key into excel. Then the spreadsheet would compare the entered value to some kind of online database to verify the id key is valid. Finally, the spreadsheet would update the online database so that the id key is no longer functional. How easy is this to do?
I know verifying that the id key is valid is fairly simple.
Here is my biggest issue: How to get Excel to update the database and of course what form would this database take. Maybe its a table on a webpage, or google docs. Again the issue is how would I be able to update the table.
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