Populating Userform With Cell Data When Initializing?

Jul 8, 2012

I am trying to populate a text box in a user form when initializing the form. I have reviewed many posts in this forum regarding this problem, but have been unable to resolve. My code looks like this:

Private Sub frmFeed_Initialize()


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AcroPDF Not Initializing In Userform VBA

Aug 24, 2011

I am having problems getting my pdf to initialize on the userform. I am referencing a 3d PDF which I thought would have been the problem, but I also tried it using a regular PDF. The only thing I am getting is that it is initializing and the progress does not move one bit.

I am currently using AcroPDF plugin and referencing the file location

Me.AcroPDF1.src = "PDF SOURCE"

I have also tried

Me.AcroPDF1.loadfile (PDF SOURCE)

but had the same results.

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Textbox Not Initializing In Userform?

Mar 14, 2014

I'm trying to make an excel sheet that will fill in labels to a 96 well plate in order to sort and calculate the data. The problem is when i set up the textbox in the user form i want it to pull data on the plate format from cells that have already been filled in using another userform i have created for the standard curve.

My userform has 96 text boxes (one for each well in the plate). They have been named A1 through H12 corresponding to the wells. What I have written is:

Private Sub PlateFormat_Intialize()
A1.Value = Range("Q2").Value
End Sub

with Q2 being the cell in the workbook that it should pull the text from

The userform always loads with the textbox blank.What am i doing wrong? I tried activating the correct sheet in the workbook first that doesn't work. I included a command button where i put the same value code in and then it will update. I don't want to have to update the form however. I want it to load with the cells filled in.

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Error When Initializing UserForm

Jul 4, 2006

I am populating a UserForm from some ranges on my workbook. All is well EXCEPT for the third guy down- "lstCheckDep". The only difference I can figure out is that the cell it is drawing from has a date format. How can I adjust for this so that it's contents can go on the UserForm, without getting hung up on the formatting?

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
lblCandidate.Caption = Range("Rcandnam").Value & " - #" & Range("ID").Value
lstCheckCntry = Range("RCountry").Value
lstCheckDep = Range("RDeparture").Value
lstCheckTrack = Range("rTrack").Value
lstCheckLang = Range("Lang").Value
End Sub

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Populating UserForm With Arrays

May 18, 2008

I want to populate a drop down with items in an array (aMasterList) which contains a list of arrays (aList1, aList2, etc.). When I select an item from the drop down, I want to populate a List Box on the same form as the drop down with items contained in the corresponding named array. Here’s what I have:


Sub PopulateForm()

Dim aMasterList(), aList1(), aList2(), aList3()

‘Load into DropDown1
aMasterList = Array("aList1", "aList2", "aList3")

‘User selects from drop down and the below items populate ListBox1
aList1 = Array("Green", "Blue", "Yellow")
aList2 = Array("Apple", "Pear", "Grape")
aList3 = Array("Flowers", "Trees", "Bushes")

End Sub

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Extracting Data In One Cell And Populating Another Sheet?

Apr 26, 2013

I want to create a sort of complex logging system for my work.

As of right now i use a simple temple. Column A has the job number, column B has drawing numbers. Each cell in column B has multiple drawings. So for example cell B2 might contain 101, 102, 103, 104 and so on or something like 101...104. Depending on the situation. The ... means drawings 101 thru 104. What i want to do is have a second sheet that has Column A be the job number but column B has just one drawing #, so an example would be . A1 = 10939 and B1 = 105, 107, 109..111. Sheet 2 would then have A1 = 10939, B1 = 105, A2 = 10939, B2 = 107, A3 = 10939, B3 = 109, A4 = 10939, B4 = 110, and so on. Is something like this possible.

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Populating A Userform Listbox From A Database

Feb 12, 2010

I have created a userform on the "Database" sheet that has a listbox at the bottom that populates with records when I search for someone using the 'Name' box.

The problem that I am having is that when I enter "Person" and get the 30-odd records appear in the listbox, I click on say Person 5 BUT the userform fields do not update themselves fully with the correct information.

I found the following thread ....

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Populating Combobox In Userform - How To Filter

Mar 22, 2014

I have a Userform where I use a ComboBox to populate raw A from a worksheet.

I use this form to update new data that relates to the selected item in the ComboBox.

In that user form, when I select an item from the ComboBox, I idetifay it's raw and display the data from columns B,C...to I in text boxes on the Userform.

I then set the "Enable" property of the text boxes that has data to "False" so that field cannot be updated again.

What I do today is if all the fields where updated, a message box will say "All fields are full" and I clear the form.

Now I want to improve my selection by removing items from the ComboBox if all the "needing update" columns are field.

By this I want to filter out the items that where already updated before and only show the ones needing update.

Here is what I have, I need to change the UserForm_Initialize section so it will only show the rows needing update.


Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
'Populate "Cards" Combobox.
Dim rngCards As Range
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = Worksheets("Rejects")


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Populating Combobox On Userform With A Range

Aug 10, 2009

Selection.ListFillRange = "='Sheet1'!$b$15:" & comborange & ""
where comborange = cell reference of the last cell in my range..

I have moved this combo box to a userform now and I'm trying to populate the box via one of the userforms triggers.. My problem is I can't figure out the syntax to select the combobox on the userform.. it doesn't seem to be handled the same way as when it was on the worksheet..

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Excel - Check For Duplicate Data When Populating A Cell?

Jan 27, 2014

I have a big database of customers, each one has a unique reference number. They are spread accross a bunch of different tabs (21 in total to be exact)

One issue I have had is staff entering a customer whos already in the database, causing a duplicate entry. I dont need excel to tell us where the entry is, just to give some kind of indicator it already exists. I thought I may be able to use data validation/conditionality to turn the cell fill Red when it already exists in the data base.

The reason I think that method would be best, is that the sheets that data is entered on are seperate that the master sheet then pulls the data through from. Its the master sheet that would need to indicate a duplicate has been entered, as thats the only sheet where the entire database can be viewed.

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Excel 2007 :: Pre-populating Checkbox In A Userform?

Dec 7, 2011

I'm trying to get a checkbox in a user form to prepopulate depending on what's in cell H5.

Here is the line of code that I need rewriting (in bold):

Sub Userform_Initialize()
LabelPolicyNumber.Caption = ActiveSheet.Range("B5").Text
LabelSponsorName.Caption = ActiveSheet.Range("D5").Text
If Application.WorksheetFunction.IsNA(ActiveSheet.Range("H5")) = True Or ActiveSheet.Range("H5") = "" Then CheckBoxHalifax.Value = False Else CheckBoxHalifax.Value = True
End Sub

H5 contains a vlookup formula, so depending on other variables it can either have a value ("Halifax"), an error (#NA) or be blank. I've

It seems Excel will only evaluate the first statement and ignore the Or statement, meaning when H5 is blank Halifax is checked off when I load the user form.

I'm working in Excel 2007 on Windows XP.

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Populating A Cell With Data From Another Cell In A Different Workbook?

Dec 13, 2013

I am entering data into one workbook 1 (WB1) that contains a worksheet for every month. I manually extract some of the data from WB1 and put it into workbook 2 (WB2), which also contains a worksheet for every month. Is there a way to populate WB2 from WB1? For example, I want cell B5 from WB1 to automatically populate B5 in WB2, and so on. I have to update this every day and would like to way to automate it to cut down on data entry errors since they need to match. And both of these files are stored in SharePoint for others to access if need be.

I have attached a sample of the workbooks (yet only have one month in each of these wb).

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Run-Time Error '424' On Form Initializing

Dec 29, 2009

I tried to create a simple VBA form to assure users have a few key cell entries done before generating a weekly budget report. When I click on the User Form Button to initialize the form I am getting a Run-Time error '424' Object required error message.

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Populating Worksheet With Data From Another

Jan 7, 2014

Please see the attached sheet, Im trying to get it to populate the first page with the column data in the datasheet1 page by using the dropdown menu in N1. This is for when people ask questions about the data, I can quickly and clearly show them the differences from one month to another

How I would go about doing this?

Digital Delivery reports.xls

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Populating One Table With Data From Another In Different Tab

Dec 19, 2007

I am trying to link one table 1 with another table 2, and these are in different tabs.

In first table (1) I have to do some calculations, and in the second table (2) I have contacts (name, fax and contact name).

So I want from first table once I write the name of Trade (which I did with data validation to pick only the trades that are in table 2 from A1 to A50) to populate table 1 - columns B with Contact Name and Column C with Fax # and all these data should come from table 2.

I tried with Vlookup but the problem is that I can fill only column B and I need to fill column B and C in the same time?

Is this possible in Excel or the only way is to go to MS Access?

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Self-Populating Data Table

Nov 3, 2013

Ok so I have made a self populating Data Table to show me which employee is on what shift that updates daily from our roster.

This works and it's brilliant, however I want to steam line my finished product further, but haven't been able to find an easy solution.

I have several employees per position and my data table currently self populates so that every employee has their own line. I want to populate it so that all employees with the same position all apear in 1 row across the columns under their current shift.

So this is what my end result currently looks like




[Code] ......

This is how I want it to look.



[Code] ......

We have upto 250 employees and upto 50 positions so you can understand why I need to stream line the table.

I can not change the roster as it is our orginal data as requires to be set up as it is. When adding a new employee into the roster I must enter them into there designated crew. "inserting a row midway down the original data".

If I use the CONCATENATE formula and add a new employee into the roster "half way down the original data" then it throws out what the CONCATENATE formula is looking up. It looks up the same cell but the names have all moved down by a cell therefore the populated information is wrong.

I am hoping to make my end result look like Table 2 even if it means adding another spread sheet in somewhere between the roster and the end product.

Realisticly I want a Pivot table that produces names not a tally of employees per shift.

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Populating Cells With SQL Server Data

Jul 29, 2009

I need to run multiple queries and insert their results into Excel cells. Each query will return only one result (a number, or a null). What is the best way to accomplish this?

Below is an example of the code I'm currently using. It does return data to the cell specified, but I'm guessing there's an easier way to populate multiple cells with the results of multiple queries.

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Extracting Data And Populating A Graph?

Oct 23, 2013

I've been working on this project for my work and having a little trouble getting it to work. What I want to do is have E3:E32 populate the last 30 times the cycle (J3) was run on furnace(J1) (These are drop down lists). I originally had it run the last 30 dates, but since some cycles don't run every day the graph was missing dates. I want it to be able to just fill in proper HRC/HRB readings from the sheet "DATA" which can be found in column "U" on that sheet according to which furnace is selected along with the cycle.

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Populating Form With Referenced Data

Jul 26, 2006

In lack of database experience, I am using a hidden Excel sheet for data and several other sheets with referenced data. I am populating the data sheet from an inputform and inserting new references on save. This works pretty good, but when the data has to be updated, I've currently used the before doubleclick event and hereby used the activecell for reference, but now the data is on a different sheet!

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Populating A Cell With A Calendar Month Based On The Previous Date In Another Cell.

Jan 9, 2010

Trying to word this right. I have one cell with a date of 01/01/2010. I have other cells that I want to be equal to this cell plus 1 or more months.

For example A1=01/01/2010

I want A2 to = 02/01/2010 based on one calendar month entered into A1. So if A1 changes 03/01/2010, A2 will = 04/01/2010.

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Populating Data Table From Multiple Tabs

Dec 6, 2012

I am trying to populate a large data table with data sourced from multiple tabs.

Each of the tabs is, for the most part uniform.

They have column labels of "Invoice Number", "Schedule Dates," and "Amount". Their cell references are A6, B6, and C6, respectively.

Is there any way to congregate this data into one massive data table? It doesn't matter the order of the data table. I will be using sort/sumifs/pivot tables to analyze the data.

I cannot copy and paste as there is too much data that changes on a daily basis.

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Auto Populating Excel From Data In Another Sheet

Aug 28, 2013

I am trying to auto-populate a table with data looked up from another sheet. The functions I have used are: Data Validation, vlookup, ISerror and if functions.

Cell B4 in sheet2 uses Data Validation to pick data from sheet1 (in this case "tax") and auto populate the table with the information- Job type, Name, employee type and Job title. If i change from Tax to HR, the table should get auto-populated with the correct information.

I have setup vlookups but I am unable to get it working. I am a novice at using vlookups (I learn it just 2 days ago) and am struggling to get it work. I am not even sure if vlookup is the right tool to get this job done.

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Auto Populating Based On Specific Data

Jan 7, 2014

I have a unique task i am trying to achieve (when i say unique i mean i am out of my depth). I am trying to take specific data from a couple of different sheets to populate other sheets whether it be copying the text of fill cell (color)

Excel Automation Test.pdf

I have Attached a PDF detailing.

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Populating One Spreadsheet From Data In Other Spreadsheets In Same Workbook

Jun 1, 2007

I need to have totals from individual worksheets automatically enter into cells in a master spreadsheet.

What I am doing is keeping track of donations collected from individual departments - each on their own worksheet. I would like to have the totals of each page automatically enter & update onto a master worksheet that would show the totals from each dept and then give me a total of all those.

I am not that well versed in Excel. I have been able to set up the individual worksheets and the master.....but can not figure out how to accomplish what I want with the Master tally sheet.

On the individual worksheets I also want to set it up to give me the average donation per person. So if I total the # of donors and the total $$$ amount...what formula do I use to get the average?

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Populating A Data Validation List Based On...

Apr 18, 2009

I want to populate a Data Validation based on values in another cell on another worksheet--but, I want to populate it with the values stored in the cell right next to the cell. http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d3...n/untitled.jpg. would be an example....

What I want my Data Validation List to do is to look at column B and wherever it sees a certain color--for example, red, I want it to put the corresponding value in column A in the list.

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Populating Data From One Sheet To Another Based On Selection

Jan 14, 2010

I need help to create a formula that would grab data from one sheet and populate another sheet based on the employee that is selected from a drop down list.

Attached is a draft of what I am looking to do.

Basically this would allow us to enter employee variances from several employees on one sheet and get a detailed break down of their history on another sheet.

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Populating Specific Cells With SQL Server Data?

Dec 11, 2012

A user has an excel document and there are 5 specific cells they need to populate. The data is in one of our SQL databases. Is it possible to create a new copy of that excel doc with those fields populated for each record? There are around 2000 records they don't want to manually populate each one.

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Populating Data From Another Sheet Using Dropdown List?

Apr 22, 2013

I have a workbook that contains data on a different sheet that I would like to populate on a different sheet by selecting a value from a drop down list. The format of the data is identical just different numbers. But are broken out into different projects... I am incredibly new at this and just barely learned how to make a drop down list.

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Populating Table With Data Using Multiple Criteria?

May 6, 2013

I am attempting to populate multiple rows in one column with data from another table. I need to get the correct street address using multiple values, i.e. first name, last name and city, as some of the names double up.

Is there a way to do this? I have pasted below an example of what I need done as reference.

Last Name
First Name


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Populating Cell With A Letter

Apr 15, 2009

I have a colum with 350 cells in use, each of these cells contain a 3 digit number. Without having to go into each cell and type is there a way i can put the Letter
"R" infront of each of the 3 digit numbers?

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