Filter Data Based On Header

Nov 15, 2012

On sheet1 I got a lot of columns with data, starting from row 8, which is the header.
On sheet2 I'd like to retrieve the filtered data, based on the value mentioned in cell A1 (on sheet2)

So if for example cell A1 on sheet2 shows "Peter", the code should filter the data on sheet1 with "peter" in the header.

The filtering should be based on cell color (red in this case)
The filtered data should then be copied to sheet2 starting from A3

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Pivot Table - How To Use Same Data For Filter And Column Header

May 13, 2014

I have a list of S/N with Pass/Fail result next to it. A specific S/N can appear several times in the list:


When creating a pivot table of SN vs. Result (count) I get:


I want to get the FAIL count of SN in which PASS > 0 (First two rows)

BUT I can not figure out how I can filter based on the values of the pivot table itself (rather than the values of the original list). When I try to use 'Result' field as report filter, I can not get it as a Column label (and vice-versa). In this case I get:

I get:
111 | ...1
222 | ...1


111 |...3...1
222 |........1

Desired (alternative):

111 |...3
222 |...0

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Show Filter In A Header?

Dec 2, 2013

Is it possible to show a filter in a Header.


Column H has a list of names i.e. Fred, Barney etc.

Is it possible that when you select all the Barney names in header (the left one) shows the wording "Filter: Barney" ?

Just a thought only sometimes I have to filter and print off a sheet and the area with the names in does not get printed therefore a "Filter: xxx" would be quite useful.

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Advanced Filter Help To Remove Header

Jan 23, 2008

Sub filtertest()
Range("C17:L33").AdvancedFilter Action:=xlFilterCopy, CriteriaRange:= _
Range("C13:C14"), CopyToRange:=Sheets("Combined Summary").Range("B7")
End Sub

This works fine - it filters the data in C17:L33 on the source sheet and then copies it to the combined summary (beginning in cell B7) but when it copies the data it also copies the header row - i only want to the data to be copied? - how can i amend the above??

Also - there will be a few tables i'll be amending the above code to work on as i'll be pulling them into 1 summary - how can i amend the B7 section so that they paste into the next free row - because at present they will just past over one another?.........

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Copy Column Data From Multiple Worksheets To Single Worksheet Based On Header Criteria

Oct 18, 2013

I have a workbook with many sheets of similar but not identical data. I need to extract columns from each sheet based on 5 header criteria and paste them to a single sheet. Each worksheet contains these 5 criteria.

I've been working with the VBA script I've pasted below. It's grabbing the 5 column criteria that I have in sheet 12, and comparing them to sheet 1 in the workbook, then copying them to sheet 12. This much is good, but I need the script to also return the data from the other worksheets as well. I've tried modifying the script based on other loop functions in other scripts I've found, but I'm not having any luck.

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Copy / Filter Data Based On Data In Column Occuring X Times

Mar 7, 2008

I have a excel worksheet with the following columns: First name, Last Name, Email address, domain of email, product type, date registered. The list consists of about 50,000 entries. I want to sort the list by the domain of email(which I am able to do already) Once this is done, I want to find all instances of where a domain appears at least 10 times on the list(such as appears 40 times, so I want to get that data).

For those instances where the domain appears at least 10 times, I want to pull those rows out of the intial list and put them in a new list(the new list will be sorted by domain and will only have people who have a domain which appears at least 10 times). To make this a bit more clear, The initial list I have is a list of people who registered to use the software my employer makes. We are trying to locate companies which may have many people using our consumer version of the software. When there is a large amount of people in the same organization using our software, it would benefit them to upgrade to the enterprise version due to enhanced managment features. By running this filter, I can see which companies have at least 10 users registered to use our software. Of course I will remove any Gmail/yahoo mail/msn/hotmail... pretty much any public email domains and just leave the ones that are obviously corporate emails.

So far, I think it probably has to be done with a pivot table... I was able to get a table that tells me how many instances occur from each domain, but I cannot get it to display the actual data(it just says IE. 200, yahoo 120, etc... I need it to show me the 200 rows of emails and extract them to a new sheet so that I can then follow up with and see if they are interested in the corporate version.)

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Excel 2010 :: How To Filter / Sort Data Based On Partial Match Of Data In Cell

Apr 16, 2013

I am using Excel 2010. I am a novice user.

I have a lot of data to filter / sort. I want to initially to create a filter for a column of data - which has the format similar to hierarchical paths to files. The data is a mix of text/numbers. e.g.


[Code] .........

Doing an alphabetical sort of this date would return the following order. As you can see while each strings in unique - there are many instances where they are simialr - if you ignore the unique numeric values at the end of the string.


[Code] ......

So what I want to do is to create a filter for the strings - but ignoring the numeric bits at the end i.e.


The strings are obviiously of varying length and the number of hierarchical paths is different, so I can't split string on "/".

Similarly folder paths names can contain "_" so can't split string on this either.

As I don't know how many "/" or "-" instances there will be in the string I don't believe I can use the find function. Also as the amount of number will be different i don't think I can use =right(a1,X) either.

I may be able to search for the pattern above - as this is probabay unique - so maybe it's something like the following pseudo code:

Function GetString(txt As String) As String
With CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
.Pattern = "reg_d+(_)+d+//d"
GetString = .execute(txt)(0)
End With
End Function

If I do require VBA code - how do I then use this for creating a column filter? Or will I have to extract the filtered data first from the column (and its associated row data) into another worksheet to use?

Once I have the filter in place I want to create tables using the filtered data - so for example each column value above has a lot of associated data values in each row e.g

26 pathA/path_123/path_456/data_out_reg_0_0/d
32 pathA/path_123/path_456/data_out_reg_17_0/d
8 pathA/path_123/path_456/data_out_reg_4_0/d

So my table would show the name "data_out_reg" and the range of values 8-32

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VBA To Filter Data Based On Contents Of Range

Apr 24, 2014

I'm trying to add a line of code to filter some data based on a date in the range cell C3.

This is my code;

[Code] ....

It doesn't seem to work.

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Filter Subsets Of Data Based On A Flag

Feb 25, 2007

I have a list of items in column A. And a "flag" in column B. I have attached a small sample. What I need to be able to do is "Hide" all the items in column A where there are no flags for that item in column B. This I can do. The problem is that if a flag shows for an item, I want to show ALL of the rows containing that item, even if there are no flags for some of them, and hide the rest.

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Filter And Sort Data Based On Names And Hours

May 2, 2014

I just want to filter and sort the data based on names and hours.

Here it goes:

1. Filter Column F.
2. Filter it by: UK & M UK
3. After that, filter Column E in "Ascending order"
4. Count the data that are:

-starts 1:01AM - 7:59AM and display the total count in Sheet2, if there are no data in other specific time, then display a value "0"

For example for UK and M UK:

In Sheet 2, ("F5") = 3 as there are 3 data, G5=1, H5=0 and so on and so forth..

I've attached my file : Filter and Sort.xlsx‎

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Trying To Build A Macro Filter Based On Data In Either Of Two Columns

Jul 31, 2008

I created a contact list that incorporates buttons at the top of the page to sort the data based on two customer type columns (thanks to Richard for help getting this far!).

I am attaching the file so that it will be easier to take a look. Four of the five macros are working fine but the second one ("All Clients") filters on the premise that "yes" is answered in either of the two customer type columns. In other words I am trying to show the records that have "yes" entered in either of these two columns, not necessarily both columns.

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Filter Data Based On Values Located On Another Worksheet

Dec 28, 2011

On a first sheet, I have a list of cities where physicians travel along with an autofilter. On that same worksheet, I have a cell where users can input a zipcode.

On a second (hidden) sheet, a function calculates and displays in column F the distance in miles between the user-input zip code and all the cities in 4 states. The cities are listed in column D.

I need to filter all the cities on the first sheet (the ones where the docs travel) based on their distance from the user-input zipcode - namely all the cities located less than 150 miles from that zipcode.

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Filter Pivot Table Based On Data Validation In Another Sheet

Feb 14, 2013

I found this code and am trying to use it to update the filter in my pivot table (sheet 6), based on the data validation selection in sheet 1, but when I make my selection on sheet 1, nothing happens.

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim pt As PivotTable
Dim pi As PivotItem
Dim strField As String
strField = "Region"


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Excel 2013 :: Filter Data And Edit With A Search Instead Of The Filter Button

Oct 5, 2013

I have a database in Excel 2013 and now I want that when a value (a person's name) is entered in a cell. That then the database sort of filters the list for me, so it's still possible to make changes in the entries.


Picture above to specify the search, which I would therefore like to edit

Dashboard_Action Pool Team 7.2.xlsm

I have been all morning working on a simplified version of the tutorial from YouTube: Create your own Excel Search Pt. 4. But came back later so only then that I can not change the data:?

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Return Value From Column Based On Header Value?

Jul 16, 2013

Cells A3:A500 contain product numbers, e.g. 1001, 1002, 1003 etc.. etc...
Cells G2:N2 are column headers, e.g. North2011, South2011, North2012, South2012 etc... etc...
Cell F2 is a lookup that will return a year, e.g. 2011, 2012, 2013 etc... etc...

Against each product is a "yes" if it was sold in the north or south region for each year. This could be both north and south, one or the other or none at all.

What I would like is a formula in cells E3:E500 that looks at the year in cell F2 and if there is a "yes" in either the North or South for that year to return "yes" otherwise blank.

I am unable to upload a sample document due to firewalls.

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Return Column Header Based On Row Value

Mar 11, 2014

Evaluation Results

Vendor Lowest Price
Vendor 2nd Lowest Price

[Code] .......

I have above table and wants to get the formula for getting the 1) Vendor Name of the Lowest Price per item 2) Vendor Name of the 2nd Lowest Price per item 3) and be able to copy down the formula for other items.

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Dynamic Lookup Based On Column Header

Jun 21, 2013

I'm trying to calculate a figure in a report tab that reads off the data tab and looks for a specific column based on the header of that column. My explanation is admittedly poor but I've attached a sample file with an outline of what I'm trying to do which I hope makes things clearer.

Sample File.xlsx

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Lookup Column Header Based On Cell Value

Aug 11, 2009

I have a spreadsheet an excerpt of which is as follows:

1 Doors Security Vehicle Key

Want I want to happen is to return the column header where there for a cell which contains "TRUE" in a blank column. If there isn't a cell with the value "TRUE" then to return "N/A". In the above example in blank column P for Row 2 would be "Doors", Row 3 would be "Security,Vehicle" and Row 4 would be "N/A".

In my actual spreadsheet I have 12 columns (L to W) which have the TRUE or FALSE values.

I know it has something to do with either HLOOKUP, INDEX and MATCH but can't seem to get it right. Any ideas?

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Looking Up Column Header Value Based On Color And Position In Row

Dec 12, 2009

I am trying to create a schedule using colors. The colors will indicate the start time, break time, lunch time, break time (second break) and end time. see attached document.

Thank you for attempting to solve this puzzle using formulas and or VBA code. I am trying to automate the schedule so the numerical times automatically appear when I "paint" the schedule.

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Link A Header Or A Portion Of A Header To A Specific Cell

Jun 23, 2008

Is there a way to link a header or a portion of a header to a specific cell?

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Advanced Filter To Filter A List Of Data

Jan 14, 2010

How do I go about using an advanced filter to filter a list of data e.g.


and have the filter extract only the boat entries to another worksheet, so on another worksheet I end up with


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Advanced Filter :: Filter Data Between Two Dates

Mar 15, 2007

1- Force cell format date to by (yyyy/mm/dd) only, with worng msgbox( validation).

2- Make the first day of a month in a color cell

I've Tried this In Conditional Formating (=VALUE(right(A1;2))=1) but didn't work

3-Make Advanced Filter to filter data between two dates .

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Table Manipulation Based On Header And Details Tables?

May 19, 2014

I have a table which is extracted from a database using 2 tables.

1 Header and 1 details table.

I want to display the latest date in column E.

As Column A,B,C is the header table and column D,E is the details table.

Can this be done in vba or a pivot?

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Macro To Create Named Ranges Based On A Header Row.

Oct 14, 2009

I need a macro that can set up some named ranges using the text in the header row and the sheet name. The header row will always be in row one, but the number of columns will be dynamic. The amount of rows in the range will need to be dynamic also. To clarify, every used cell stating in row 2 in a column will be the named range with the sheetname+text in row one of the column the actual name.

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Index / Match Return Header Value Based On Row And Cell Value

Apr 24, 2012

I have a rather large table that I need to return the column heading from.

Within the table I have a list of Names in the left most Column (A) and a list of Percentiles in the header row (row 2) (incrementing by 5%). By inputting the name and a cell value I am trying to return the column header.

Using an example;

5% 10% 15%
Bob 3.5 4.1 4.15
John 3.6 4.2 4.30
Chris 3.3 4.9 4.95
Sammy 3.7 4.6 4.7

Like I said, knowing the name and the cell value, I want to return the percentage value. So for example, Bob would be one input value, and another input value would be 4.1. I would want excel to return 10%.

I have found different suggestions using a combination of index/match but even using these functions I cannot get it to return the COLUMN value instead of a cell value.

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Lookup Column Header Value Based On Matching Table Value

May 16, 2013

I'd like a formula that'll return the column header by matching a lookup value with a table in the second sheet.

eg: sheet 1



[Code] .......

The formula should match the name in A2, John, with value from the table in sheet 2 and return the correct region, this case North.

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Selectively Copying Cells Based On Column Header?

Jul 9, 2013

I'm trying to copy cells from a column in one workbook to cells in a column in another workbook based on what's in a header column.

Such as

Original workbook
Mat Qty
A 1
C 3
D 2
E 4
G 5
Total 15

Target workbook becomes

Mat Qty -> Mat Qty
A -> A 1
B -> B
C -> C 3
D -> D 2
E -> E 4
F -> F
G -> G 5

My code so far (which might not be worth reading) is:

Sub CopyColumnToWorkbook()
Dim sourceColumn As Range, targetColumn As Range, sourceColumnValue As Range, targetColumnValue As Range
Dim mySourceCell As Range, myTargetCell As Range


I'm getting a runtime error ('1004'. Application-defined or object-defined error) on the Copy statement within the If sttement.

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Macro To Insert Formula Based On Column Header

Feb 24, 2009

I have to use several dozen pivot tables a day. I already use a couple of macros to do a lot of the tedious formatting, but if I could automate this it would save me a lot more time. I have been trying to both write a code and modify code written by the recorder but have not even come close to anything that works. What I want is to have a macro that searches through the column header for predefined names and if it comes across one of these names it will insert a specific formula, based on its name, in the first cell below the header. Then it will autofill to the last row and move on to searching for the next predefined header name. If that name is not found, it will move to the next predefined header name. One major problem is that the formula to insert under any specific header name is based on other columns in the table that aren't always in the same range. So, not only do I need it to search for columns to place a formula in, that formula has to search for the appropriate column to find the correct value to use in the calculation.

For example, one predefined column name would be Avg Price. The formula for that column would be (Sales/Qty Sold), but these 2 columns could be located anwhere in the table. How can I get it, once it has found a column that needs a formula, to locate the correct column/cell to get the correct value from the sales and Qty Sold columns?

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Filter Data Based On "Service Type"

Dec 7, 2009

I'm trying to use the following formula to filter data based on "Service Type" and it seems to work on one of the service types but not the other. here is the formula

=IF(LEFT(A5,1)="0","Both",IF(OR(A5="SERVICE",A5="REVENUE",A5="REVENUE",A5="CIC",A5="RAO",A5="CARRIER NAME",A5="TYPE",A5="RECORDS",A5="INCLUDING TAX",A5="BEFORE TAX",A5="FEDERAL TAX",A5="PROVINCIAL TAX"),"Both",IF(LEFT(D5,3)="REG","Table1",IF(OR(D5="900"),"Table2",IF(A6="",IF(B6="","XXX","TRUE"),"XXX")))))

Notice the highlighted red text, this is where I'm trying based it on "Service Type". I have also attached on example workbook, the items highlighted in green should marked as "Table1" and items highlighted redish orange should be marked as "Table". Wierd thing is that I use a similar formula in another workbbok and it seems to work fine.

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Delete Rows Based On Criteria While Referencing Column Header

Jun 6, 2007

I'm trying to use VBA code to delete certain rows based on a couple of criteria as follows:

1) If column header is "TERMINAL NAME" and the cell value in that column is "BONDDESK", I need the entire row deleted.

2) Similiarly, if the column header is "PRODUCT TYPE" and the cell value in that column is "CORP", that entire row needs deleted as well.

The information is coming from another source, so the columns may change from day to day, i.e, "TERMINAL NAME" may be in Column L one day but in Column O another day.....

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