Copy Column Data From Multiple Worksheets To Single Worksheet Based On Header Criteria

Oct 18, 2013

I have a workbook with many sheets of similar but not identical data. I need to extract columns from each sheet based on 5 header criteria and paste them to a single sheet. Each worksheet contains these 5 criteria.

I've been working with the VBA script I've pasted below. It's grabbing the 5 column criteria that I have in sheet 12, and comparing them to sheet 1 in the workbook, then copying them to sheet 12. This much is good, but I need the script to also return the data from the other worksheets as well. I've tried modifying the script based on other loop functions in other scripts I've found, but I'm not having any luck.

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Copy Data From Multiple Worksheets And Append To Single Worksheet?

Oct 8, 2012

[URL] to append summary data within several workbooks. But suddenly, it works for some workbooks, but for some others, it just captures the data for the very last WS.

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Copy Data From Multiple Worksheets & Append To Single Worksheet

Feb 1, 2008

I have several exel workbooks (.xls files) and each workbook contains multiple worksheets. The number of worksheets and their names are variable. Each worksheet is formated in the same way. Now I want to copy an specific cell range on each worksheet and copy it into a single worksheet.

For example let assume that we have a a workbook called temperature.xls. This file contains 4 worksheets named: 40-1, 40-3, 40-5#, and 40-22. I want to copy a specific cell range (F46:O47) from all the worksheets in the workbook temperature.xls and paste only the values on a summary worksheet. This summary worksheet can be in the same workbook or in different one. I just wanted to add that I want to repeat this process 15 more times to summarize all my data containing workbooks. On average each workbook contains 35 worksheets so it is a tedious manual process.

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Copy Data Across Multiple Worksheets (based On Three Criteria)

Feb 16, 2010

I have data on a worksheet (“Interface”) that I need to copy over 7 other tabs for analysis.

("Module_1", "Module_2", "Module_3", "Module_4", "Module_5", "Module_6", "Module_7").

The linking Field on the Interface tab defines what row I need to paste the data to on Module 1-7. The column headers are the same on both the interface and other tabs (“YES, NO, N/A, BLANKS, STANDARDS MET, STANDARDS NOT MET, NOT APPLICABLE”)

The tab is selected based on the row
Module 1Medication Management
Module 2Privacy
Module 3Process
Module 4Patient Safety
Module 5Medical Records
Module 6Infection Control
Module 7Environment of Care

I’m trying to modify code written for a similar purpose with no luck. This is the code I'm trying to modify. I know I'm not on the right track yet.

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Copy Columns From Multiple Worksheets To Single Worksheet

Apr 8, 2014

I have Folder with almost 21 or 22 Excel files depending on the working days in a month,

All I am trying to do is to run a Macro so that Column C and D from Sheet Name "Resource Count" from all Workbooks of Different Names from all the files from that folder to be copied and pasted to a new Workbook one after the other in new workbook.

To clarify, Each workbook in that folder will have a sheet named "Resource Count" and I want to copy Column C and Column D from all the workbooks from the folder and paste one after other in a new work book.

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Macro To Copy Data From All Columns Containing Header To A Single Column In Workbook

Apr 11, 2014

I am a macro newbie and I think this is beyond me.

I've been trying all morning with no success to make a macro that will copy data from all columns of one workbook containing specified header text to a single column in a different workbook.

So for example, I've got a workbook called coupon barcodes that has multiple tabs for each person redeeming coupons on sheets 2-88 (sheet one can be skipped) and some of the columns are labeled "voucher 1" in cell A4 or B4 or C4 etc. with a list of all the coupon barcodes that customer redeemed below that. I want all of the data from all of the columns in this workbook that have the header "voucher 1" to be copied and pasted into one column (order doesn't matter) also labeled "voucher 1" in another workbook I have open called vouchering database.

There must be a way to do this that is easier than searching the internet all afternoon again

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Copy Data From Various Worksheets And Display Row By Row In Single Worksheet?

Feb 23, 2014

I data on a master document and have data sent in from various independent offices which I would like to reconcile. Each region along with the master is posted onto a separate worksheet in my spreadsheet but I would like to copy specific information in worksheet order and paste row by row onto single worksheet in order to run a comparison. The data needed is in the same order but the number of rows reported on each work sheet will differ day by day. If worksheet 1 displays 50 rows in the consolidated sheet I would like worksheet 2 start in row 51, if however worksheet 1 finished in 24, I would like worksheet 2 to start in 25. Now I also want each worksheet to start reporting once the previous worksheet is complete and when there is no data in a specific worksheet, I would like the process to be able to continue.. so sheet 1 reports, then sheet 2 but sheet 3 has no data so it jumps to sheet 4 to begin.

For example consider various cities, New York, London, Frankfurt & Tokyo, each has sales of various products from a catalogue range but the products sold differ each week based on regional trends. The master document which is independent also reports sales but this is manual so I would like to pick up any inaccuracies through reconciliation.

Outside of VBA and Macros, is it possible to get excel to report data sheet by sheet onto one in a continuous order?

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Copy Rows Based On Criteria In Single Column

Jan 30, 2008

I have on sheet1 of my workbook a number of rows of data, from column A through Column G. The Data in column G either contains the text "Yes", or "No".

I need a macro that will look through each row in this sheet, and upon finding a "Yes" in the cell in the column G, will copy that entire row (columns A through G) into a new row in sheet2. Sheet2 currently contains data, so I'd like to move everything down by one row and paste this data at the top (row 6 is the first line of data on this sheet).

I'd then like to go back to sheet 1, and delete the row I've just copied. Then continue though the loop. The loop needs to stop when a blank row is discovered.

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Combining And Rearranging Data Records From Multiple Worksheets To A Single Worksheet

Sep 13, 2009

I have a set of related variables that are split over multiple worksheets, and I need to be able to take specific information, duplicate certain values and produce an output sheet for use in a separate piece of software.

The variables are:
Position Number (Sheet 1)
Position Title (Sheets 1 and 2)
Position Requirement (Sheet 2)
Requirement Importance (Sheet 2)

The output sheet requires a list of all the requirements for each position number, which means the position number itself needs duplicating (in new rows) X number of times, where X is the number of requirements assigned. The appropriate requirements are then to be pasted in next to each position number (and the requirements can be found by comparing position number to title, and from title to requirements).

Normally, I’d be able to do this using lookups and so forth, but my problem arises when I have multiple position numbers with the same related title (in the attached example, there are three plumbers with unique position numbers). I can’t figure out how to say to Excel “a plumber has five requirements, and there are three plumbers, so duplicate each position number for each plumber five times, then insert the appropriate qualifications (and their associated importance values) next to the position numbers”.

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Copy Rows From Multiple Worksheets To New Condition Based On Criteria

Nov 20, 2012

I have multiple sheets with the same format.(all columns have same format) in column "A" i have a value lets say "B1-1".

What I need to do is to copy from all sheets the rows containing in column "A" the same criteria("B1-1") to a new sheet and skip the rows that have a blank cell in Column "A".

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Copy Rows To Another Worksheet Based Upon Multiple Criteria

Apr 8, 2009

I have seen all kinds of copying routines, but haven't been able to get what I want.

1. Copy Row contents from activeworksheet

2. The activeworksheet will have various row counts

3. The activeworksheet has row 1 as header.

4. The criteria to use is in the current worksheet columns P through Z

5. The criteria to look for is the word inspect. only the word inspect, not words that contain inspect (i.e. "inspection") should not be found.

6. The word could be in column P and in S, but needs to be only copied once, becuase it has meet the criteria, but it also could only be in c

7. Copying the row into a Sheet named "Inspection"

As a bonus would be cool to be able to copy certain cells or the entire row.

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Copy Multiple Columns Based On Search Criteria To Another Worksheet

Sep 27, 2011

Rep Name is Column J Row 5. I need to find multiple columns based by the header which is row 5, if column range (j5:az5) is "Video - Actual" then copy column to sheet "Data", this needs to be repeated for about 8 more times for different criteria

Rep NameBundle - TargetBundle - ActualVideo - TargetVideo - ActualJoe, Jane, John, Chris, Adam, Gabriel, Will, Austin

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Copy Multiple Rows Data To Single Column

Oct 29, 2008

transposing and sorting data into multiple columns.

Column 1 for example will have the Parent's Name. Column 2 will have the Children.

If Mark has 3 children, X Y and Z

Jim has two children, A and B

then I want Column 1 to display Mark and Jims Name and column two should display all the children

Here is how I want the data:

Column1 Column 2

Mark X
Mark Y
Mark Z
Jim A
Jim B

Please see attachment.

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Copying Column Header Text And Name Of Row To Another Worksheet If Criteria Not Met?

Apr 3, 2013

I have my students down the far left column (30 rows) and along the top for each worksheet is the criteria which they must be able to do. If my in row 2 completes the criteria text above in column 5 for example, then I input a 3 which then adds the points and works out their sub level scores. However I am now in need of it being able copy the criteria above if a student on any row has a T(for target) in that box. I would then like that criteria to be copied to a master sheet which displays their name down the side and all the targets they have for that subject in the next column, so that they can be referenced for their report summary worksheet.

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Macro To Copy / Paste Multiple Worksheets Data Into One Worksheet

Aug 15, 2012

i need a macro which copy and paste from multiple worksheets (except for 3 worksheets which is named after Jan, Feb and Mar) into one worksheets (named as OVERALL). The data to copy will cover from cell A1:D1 and below where there is data available.

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Conditionally Copy Data: Master Worksheet To Multiple Worksheets

Sep 11, 2006

I am searching for a formula or simple macro to select text data from column named "SM NAME" to corresponding worksheet. I need this to populate as many worksheets as there are SM Names. ( there are usually 10 SMs)

For Example in the Master Data there are Several SM names listed. I need to extract the "ID" and "Agent" columns in the Master and populate into the workshhet with the Approriate name tab. The Master list changes regularly.

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Copy Row Data To Another Worksheet Based On Criteria

Sep 28, 2006

Data exists in a workbook's sheet name "0293" in columns A, B, C, & D. If a row's value in column B exceeds zero, the entire row & formatting needs to be added to the bottom of data in a sheet called "Comprehensive" of the same workbook and put 0293 in column E of the same row. What would be the simplest VBA code to copy sheet 0293's data & add it to the "Comprehensive" sheet with the sheet name in column E of the same row?

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Return Column Header Based On Column Criteria And Number Value

Feb 7, 2014

I have the following sample data set and I'm trying to return the appropriate column header based on criteria (i.e. DDD) and a number value which will be somewhere within the range of the table. In example below, the value returned should be Header 2 because the value is greater than those in Header 1 column (range H9 to L26).

Here's data table:

CriteriaHeader 1Header 2Header 3Header 4

DDD10.00Header 1>>>=INDEX($I$9:$L$9,MATCH(I29,INDEX($I$10:$L$26,MATCH(H29,$H$10:$H$26),)))

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Copy Individual Data Values In One Column To Single Cell Location On Multiple Sheets?

Jan 24, 2014

I am trying to come up with the most efficient way to copy data to multiple sheets within the same Excel workbook. The original data exists within one column on a summary sheet (could have up to 500 individual entries). I want to copy each individual entry to a unique sheet (that already exists), but in the exact same cell location within each sheet. I would only want to copy the original data value and not any formatting. Is there an efficient way to do this?

In my example spreadsheet, the original data is on the SUMMARY sheet. Sheets A through J would be the target sheets, with cell B2 as the target location for each of those sheets. My example shows the result of a manual copy paste value process, but I am hoping to automate that.

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Delete Rows Based On Criteria While Referencing Column Header

Jun 6, 2007

I'm trying to use VBA code to delete certain rows based on a couple of criteria as follows:

1) If column header is "TERMINAL NAME" and the cell value in that column is "BONDDESK", I need the entire row deleted.

2) Similiarly, if the column header is "PRODUCT TYPE" and the cell value in that column is "CORP", that entire row needs deleted as well.

The information is coming from another source, so the columns may change from day to day, i.e, "TERMINAL NAME" may be in Column L one day but in Column O another day.....

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Link Row Of Data From One Worksheet To Another Based On Column Criteria

Oct 11, 2012

I have excel sheet with 4 worksheets tabs(Master, Won, Lost, No Bid). All data entered on Master. I want each row to automatically link/appear on 2nd, 3rd or 4th worksheet tab based on info in column Q (Result) which would be either 'Pending' - in which case it would stay on Master, 'Won' - would stay and copy to Won worksheet, 'Lost' - would stay andcopy to Lost worksheet, 'No Bid' - would stay and copy to No Bid worksheet. All rows would always show up on Master worksheet.

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Split Data Into Multiple Worksheets Based On Column

Feb 4, 2008

I have a huge Excel spreadsheet going into the 10 000 mark.

What I want to do is split the spreadsheet into multiple worksheets based on the Company column.

I've attached a small sample.

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Consolidate All Data From All Worksheets Into A Single Worksheet?

Jan 27, 2014

how to consolidate all data from all worksheets into a single worksheet(master sheet)?


In the attachment, data for worksheet 1 will be added to the masterlist and worksheet 2 will follow.

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Copy Data From One Sheet To Another Based On Multiple Columns Of Criteria

Jul 27, 2013

I am working on a project to automate the import of data and fixing the formatting.

The data contains the date in column A and time in column B. The time is in increments of 15 min for each day. The rest of the data is in columns C:F. Some of the dates don't have all of the times within the day (so instead of 96 rows of data per day, there maybe 80 rows). I have a second sheet of just dates and times that has the correct amount of rows for each day. What I need to do is have the rows data that matches in both the date and time column from sheet 1 copied over to the corresponding date and time on sheet 2. Blank data rows on sheet 2 are fine. I have found some stuff on .Find, but the stuff I found was for specific searches.


Sheet 1
7/27/13 12:00 AM 1 2 3 4
7/27/13 12:15 AM 5 6 7 8
7/27/13 01:00 AM 9 10 11 12

Sheet 2
7/27/13 12:00 AM 1 2 3 4
7/27/13 12:15 AM 5 6 7 8
7/27/13 12:30 AM
7/27/13 12:45 AM
7/27/13 01:00 AM 9 10 11 12

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VBA Loop Through Worksheet And Format Each Column As Text, Or Date Based On Header

Jun 30, 2006

I am trying to figure out a way to condense my code (improve my code) Right now I am using a Macro in Excel to go through a workbook by selecting each column individually and if there is something in the header then formatting that column as text. The problem with the way I am currently doing it, is that due to size limitations on the VBA code, I can only select columns A to Z, and if there is more data in the worksheet it is not formatted. Also I would like the code to check the header and if the word date is in there, format it as a date instead. Also if there is a way to delete any invalid ranges in the workbook

Sub Format()
Dim VarFileName As String
Dim VarPath As String
Dim VarSavein As String
Dim wsheet As Worksheet
VarSavein = Sheets("sheet1").Range("C2").Value
VarFileName = Sheets("sheet1").Range("A2").Value
VarPath = Sheets("sheet1").Range("B2").Value
Workbooks.Open VarPath & VarFileName
For Each wsheet In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
Selection.TextToColumns Destination:=Range("A1"), DataType:=xlDelimited, _
TextQualifier:=xlDoubleQuote, ConsecutiveDelimiter:=False, Tab:=True, _
Semicolon:=False, Comma:=False, Space:=False, Other:=False, FieldInfo _
:= Array(1, 2), TrailingMinusNumbers:=True..........................................

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Copy Data Table Seperate Sheets Based On Column Criteria

May 12, 2008

I need to copy all the work sheets into one single work sheet (mastersheet). The source work sheets are having same column structure. The condition which i need to take care of is that after column 3 if at all there is any data till column 10 then in the destination mastersheet these should be copied in different rows with first two columns repeated. I need to do this using VBA macro.

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Copy Common Cells And Variable Range From Multiple Worksheets To Single Master Workbook

Apr 2, 2014

Basically, i have a common workbook template that is used by multiple users across the business to request a cost for numerous new products.

Within the template, there is a common section at the top, where specific project information is entered. There is also a table beneath where 1 or many products can be entered, with specific information relating to that product in the same row.

All the submitted requests are uploaded via an email attachment, to a particular sharepoint directory.

What i would like to do in the master workbook is the following:-

1. Open in turn every uploaded workbook within the sharepoint directory and copy the following cells into the master workbook, each in it's own row (or next available), with the data in adjacent cells.... 1st cell to enter data is $B6.

Cells to copy from each sheet:

Common info contained within cells:

Product specific info: $U37, $AD37, $AH37, $DH37, $C37, $O37

Depending on the number of products requested, we need to repeat (loop?) until it finds the next blank row in the table. I have hidden a blank row in the table, so there will always be one!

All of the common information needs to be included for each product specific entry.

For each file, once the upload has been completed, i would like the file to be moved to another "archive" directory.

I have attached the template for information. The master workbook is still in development so can't share currently.

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Pull Data From Multiple Cells And Concatenate In Single Cell Using Multiple Criteria

Aug 31, 2012

I have a worksheet entitled 'Data'. In this worksheet there is a table consisting of 4 columns plus relevant data:


Benefit Type
Delivered or Enabled

Saving of $4M over 24 months.


I have been trying to create a formula that will enable me to pull data from the 'benefit' column(column D) so that the cell contents populate in a single cell in a table in a different worksheet.


Financial - Delivered
Financial - Enabled
Tech - Delivered
Tech - Enabled
Green - Delivered
Green - Enabled


So, as an example, I am hoping that a formula can be created which pulls the text from relevant cells in column D when criteria from columns A, B and C are met e.g. Tech benefits that are Delivered in PJ2 would populate cell E3 ('Tech -Enabled') in Table 2 with:

Continued maintenance of hardware.

Increased capacity.

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Macro To Copy Multiple CSV Files Into Single Worksheet

May 6, 2014

I receive a daily bath of 6 files (for now lets calls them 1.csv, 2.csv 3.csv etc...)

I have to manually open these select all the data and then paste them into a single worksheet in a different xls file (called master.xls).

I am trying to figure out some vba that will open each .csv file, copy the data and append to the end of worksheet 1 in master.xls. Ideally i would also like it to paste the name of the .csv it has copied the data to in column A of master.xls

Also, the .csv files will not always contain data, occasionally some will be blank.

Both .csv and master.xls will be stored in the same folder.

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Copy Between Worksheets Based On Criteria

Oct 26, 2006

I need to assign to variable the number of cells in axle "Y", I explain them, I have assigned to the variable "Celda" the number "4" that, celda = 4 where 4 is the number of cells where begin the information that i need to copy,at firts they were separated sheets, and the macro it was working, assigning a letter a the processed row in the column of the left, but now is a one sheet, and I need, this macro find the last cells that the contain a letter in the left and assign the number of cells to the variable "celda" dont the range for example "A33" else "33" and begin toward down, I have this

Application.ScreenUpdating = False
celda = 4 'where the number 4 will be changed for the number of cells in axle "Y" in this case "33"
celda2 = 4
cdestino = 1
While Workbooks(origen).Worksheets(1).Cells(celda, 2).Value <> ""
dato = Cells(celda, 2).Value
Select Case dato
Case "Aplicación de material"............

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