Filtering On Entire Workbook

May 17, 2006

to run the below VBA code manual on each worksheet.

Sub Refresh()
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
Selection. AutoFilter Field:=1 'Removes Filters
Calculate 'Press F9
'Application.Run "TM1RECALC" 'Press F9
Selection.AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:="=" 'Suppress Zeros
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
'MsgBox "The macro is complete", , "Job Done" Alternative 1
MsgBox "The macro is complete." _
& vbCrLf & "Please remember to save the file." _
& vbCrLf & "Have a nice day." _
, vbInformation, "Job done" 'Alternative 2
End Sub

Is it possible to add VBA code so that once I click macro it automatically runs throughout workbook?

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Filtering And Then Extracting Filtered Data From Closed Workbook

Nov 12, 2013

I am looking for a quicker way to filter and extract data from a closed workbook. My current code opens the file and then does the necessary filtering before copying into a separate workbook, however, the workbook I am opening is huge and takes several minutes to open.

Is there any way to speed things up a bit?

Workbooks.Open Filename:= _
"T:8. CaseBlocks Data for ReportsStephanieNo_Acknowledgement_Received.csv"
ActiveSheet.Range("a:a").AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:=" 10000"
ActiveSheet.Range("H:H").AutoFilter Field:=8, Criteria1:= _
ActiveSheet.Range("IJ:IJ").AutoFilter Field:=244, Criteria1:="NULL"

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How Do I Protect An Entire Workbook

Dec 13, 2006

How do I protect an entire workbook, rather than each worksheet, individually?

Also, I have several worksheets in this workbook. When info is entered in b8, I want this info automatically inserted in all other worksheets within that workbook.

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Pasting Entire Row Into A Different Workbook

Jul 16, 2009

I'm running a code to copy rows from one workbook and paste into another...Code runs but doesn't paste anything into the workbook.

Sub Macro2()

Workbooks.Open Filename:="J:BestExIncMikey_copy.xls", UpdateLinks:=3, ReadOnly:=False
Dim c As Range
Dim rng As Range
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim Row As Integer
Dim LstRow As Integer
Dim i As Variant

For Each ws In Worksheets
Select Case ws.Name
Case "Total Locked Pipeline"

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Saving Sheet But Not The Entire Workbook?

Mar 14, 2013

All I want to do is save a copy of one sheet called "Patient Stock Form", change the name to "Patient Order", and put it into an email. But my code is putting the entire workbook into the email. Here's the code:

Dim oApp As Object ' Outlook.Application
Dim oEmail As Object ' MailItem


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Search Function Over Entire Workbook

Oct 30, 2009

I have a form that searches in an entire workbook for certain keywords, for example I fill in a last name in the textfield txtName and pus the search command button. As a result I get all the rows of the entire workbook containing this name. There are othre search fields in the form that do similar things...

This is the vba

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Search Formula For Entire Workbook?

Jan 27, 2012

Is there a code that would search for a name on a sheet and take me there when it finds it? The search buttonand place to write in the name would be on one sheet, all the possible names would be on a differant sheet. Also the names would not be in the same rows or columns. Each name will be under a picture so some space will be between names.

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Using VBA To Password Protect Entire Workbook

Nov 19, 2003

I have to use vbscript to add a password to an excel file i'm generating on the fly. I can't use the "Save As" option. Is there any other way I can do this? I need it to prompt the user before any data is displayed.

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Finding Values In Entire Workbook?

Jun 3, 2013

I have a list of 120 values in column A. Is there a quick way to search the entire workbook and return what tab the value appears in column B ?

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Copy Entire Sheet From One Workbook To Another

May 15, 2014

I want to copy entire sheet from one workbook to another, my code is failing in this line.

Workbooks(Path).Sheets(i).Copy Destination:=Workbooks(Original).Sheets(i + 1).Range("a2")

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Automatically Resize Entire Workbook

Jan 6, 2009

I have a 40+ page workbook that I'm working and I need to print every sheet in the workbook on legal size paper, and each sheet can not be > one legal piece of paper

The macro will cycle thru all the sheets in the workbook, yet it will only adjust the current active sheet. I highlighted where I think my error is in red....

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Remove Formulas For Entire Workbook

Feb 18, 2008

I would like to remove formulas for an entire workbook at once instead of copying and pasting values sheet by sheet.

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VLOOKUP To Find And Replace For Entire Workbook?

May 13, 2014

I have a very large spreadsheet that I am using to track/analyze enterprise roles and the permissions that go along with each role. On the first sheet, I have a list of all employees (Name, Title, Department, etc) and on another sheet, I have a list of all Security Groups and Distribution Lists (with Members.) What I need to do is create a vba script that completes (1) a VLookUp using the Name column of the Employee sheet as the Criteria and then check against the first column in the Groups/Lists sheet for the matching name. If the employee's name from the Name column is found in the Group/Lists column, replace that name with the employee's Title from the Employee sheet. I then need this process to loop and continue through each column of the Groups/Lists sheet until all columns have completed. The end result should be that all names on the Groups/Lists sheet have been replaced with the corresponding Title found on the Employee sheet.

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Create Error Handler For Entire Workbook?

Mar 15, 2014

Is it possible to create an Error Handler for the entire workbook, or do you have to put one on every sub routine?

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Search, Copy And Paste Entire Row Into New Workbook

Feb 22, 2010

I need a code that will search column A over multiple sheets for a user specified value through an input box. I then need this code to copy and paste the entire row to a new workbook titled "Batch Report" Anyone have any ideas? I have a code that will copy and paste only a few rows but no where near all of them, and I cant figure out why.

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Macro To Change Font Of Entire Workbook

Oct 12, 2010

I have an existing macro that takes my sheet and puts it in body of email.

how do i add to it to change the entire worksheet's font?

Function RangetoHTML(rng As Range)
Dim fso As Object
Dim ts As Object
Dim sTempFile As String
Dim objWB As Workbook
Dim i As Long
Dim iLastRow As Long
sTempFile = Environ$("temp") & "/" & Format(Now, "dd-mm-yy h-mm-ss") & ".htm"


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Open Workbook And Copy The Entire Column

Dec 5, 2008

I want to open the workbook "Invoice.xls" from the path: D:2008DecemberWorkflow

After opening this workbook, I would like to go to the sheet "Raw Data" and then copy the entire Raw 10. And close the workbook.

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Copy Entire Row Of Data From One Worksheet To Another Within The Same Workbook

Feb 9, 2009

way to copy the entire row of data from one worksheet into another, within the same workbook, based on the criteria "Responsible." Here is a sample of the data: ..

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Find & Replace - Entire Workbook With A Twist

Feb 27, 2010

I have a workbook with many different worksheets containing data. I am looking to find a certain city name in each worksheet and then replace the region name immediately to the left of the city name.



Region City


Region City

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Make New Copy Of Entire Workbook Macro

Mar 1, 2010

I've created an Excel 2007 workbook with about a dozen worksheets that are full of formulas and links to other workbooks, as well as conditional formatting that isn't backwardly compatible with Excel 2003. However, many people who want to see this workbook are still on Excel 2003. I need to recreate an Excel 2003 compatible workbook with the appearance and formatting of the original and have all the formulas and links converted to values. So, the final product will "look" just like the original without the conditional formatting, links or formulas. It will just have the look, colors and values displayed for all cells.

Essentially, I want a macro that will copy however many worksheets (1-n) are in an Excel 2007 workbook to a new Excel 2003 workbook. I'd like the worksheets to retain their label names as well.

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Conditional Format Via Code For Entire Workbook

Feb 17, 2008

I found code that I would like to use conditional formatting code as shown here. Here is the code just in case:

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim icolor As Integer

If Not Intersect(Target, Range("A1:A10")) Is Nothing Then
Select Case Target
Case 1 To 5
icolor = 6
Case 6 To 10
icolor = 12
Case 11 To 15
icolor = 7
Case 16 To 20

how can I get this code to work across the entire workbook and not just for the specific worksheet? I tried pasting the code into the This Workbook under VBA Project and changing the Private to Public but no go.

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Match Criteria And Then Copy Entire Row To Another Workbook Using Checkboxes

May 22, 2013

I have 2 workbooks, one is my source of data and the other is the destination workbook. What I need to do is to copy the row data when the checkbox is marked and the criteria was met to the destination workbook. I have the code below:

Sub CheckBox5_Click()
'uses formulas in an empty column to spot all appropriate rows at once
Dim LR As Long, NR As Long, wbMASTER As Workbook, wbNAME As String
wbNAME = "C:UsersPublicDocumentsSPOT_MB.xls"

[Code] .....

What I want to do now is to :

1. Create a checkbox that will run the code to copy the row when the criteria is met to the next empty row of a master file.
2. Keep the master file open while the data is updating.

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Page Number Sheets When Printing Entire Workbook

Aug 21, 2007

I am trying to find a way to print an "entire workbook", but have each of the sheets paged as a group separate from the rest. One workbook typically has up to 20 sheets, with each sheet up to roughly 8 pages. I need each sheet set to show page 1 of 8 or page 5 of 8, not page 22 of 53. Counting and typing in the total number of pages in each sheet's footer is too cumbersome. Also, printing each sheet individually has also been cumbersome when printing to PDF. Are there any other ways to have the "&[Pages]" function only reflect the number of pages within the sheet instead of in the entire workbook?

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Print Entire Workbook + Multiple Copies Of Single Sheet

Apr 16, 2009

This is probably a VBA thing, but there might be a simpler solution. Either would be grand!

Basically, I have a four sheet workbook that needs to be printed out in its entirety (no problem doing that ); however, I would like the final sheet (called "Room Data") to be printed, let's say ten times.

So basically I'd get a single print of the first three sheets and ten of the "Room Data".

Any ideas on how to do this without having to manually print the final sheet multiple times or creating ten identical sheets in the workbook?

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Scroll Area And Hiding Unused Portions For Entire Workbook

Jun 27, 2012

I use all of column A, B, and C, but i only use D1 to H44 other than that. Is it possible to hide everything to the right of Column I and below D44:H44, but leave the scroll area for columns A B C able to scroll to the bottom?

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Macro Error In Workbook - Entire Ribbon & Icons Greyed Out

Mar 3, 2009

I ran a simple macro that I created in my workbook, got a run-time error, clicked debug, clicked reset to stop the macro running, and now all of the icons in my workbook are greyed out. I can select cells, change worksheets, enter information in cells etc....just I can't save the workbook, or select any of the icons on my ribbon / in the office menu. Would really like to avoid terminating the application as I made a number of changes that I didn't save (doh doh doh).

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Catch An Error And Reset The Entire Code To The Very Beginning And Skip That Entire Entry

Jun 5, 2008

I want to catch an error and reset the entire code to the very beginning and skip that entire entry. When I use "Next fieldSheetName" I get "Next without For," error 1004. Searches tell me I have an open block somewhere, but that's not true. Removing that statement (and having the loop iterate as normal) has no error at all.

Dim employeeName As String
Dim fieldMax, x, y As Byte ' Counters mostly
Dim workedHours, fieldSheetName As Integer

fieldMax = 204 ' Row number to stop on in the field time sheet
row = 4 ' Row specification for field time sheet. Begin at row 4 to ignore headers
' and start on the first name. This should not be changed!
Col = 3 ' Start at column 3 then increase by one to start going to next time entry

For fieldSheetName = 4 To fieldMax Step 8 ' This is our MAIN loop. It iterates from 0 to fieldMax, which is 204...........

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Autofill Entire Row With Data From Above Over Entire Spreadsheet

Jul 28, 2014

I'm trying to autofill a series of rows (that are blank) with data from an above row. I want to autofill the row in its entirety, not just filling in blank cells.

For instance (assuming comma is a new column). Colors listed are just a data example. Space between commas indicates a blank cell:

(blank row)
142, GREEN, RED, ,BLACK, , PINK, ,
(blank row)
(blank row)
(blank row)
(blank row)
(blank row)

So rather than it just completing the task in one desired cell, it would complete the task over the entire spreadsheet. Data spread can be as far as row 500 and column BY, so you can see how a copy + paste or a drag would get monotonous.

Another small example data set:

(blank row)
(blank row)
0,0,1448,0, ,-35
(blank row)
1, ,1443,1,3,-36
1,2,1408,2,7, ,
(blank row)
(blank row)
(blank row)
1,2, ,2,7,-39
(blank row)
(blank row)

And column A will always have data (unless the row is completely blank.

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Print Entire Workbook Prints Pages Out Of Order And Makes Several Print Jobs?

Mar 26, 2013

All sheets are basically the same except some minor values, names and addresses. There is one page per sheet and all pages are in portrait format. The print preview shows all the pages in order but when I print it, it makes multiple print jobs of 1 to 2 pages each and prints them all out of order. I don't know why it is splitting up the workbook or why it changes the order. I print and reorder these weekly, which is a major pain. It comes out in the same order each time but it is the wrong order.

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Moving And Deleting Entire Rows Between Tabs In Workbook And Moving Them Back If Needed

Sep 23, 2013

I have an excel work book with 6 tabs. I would like to have Excel move an entire row from one tab to another tab (removing the row and inserting it in the other tab). I.e. Example I have a tab with items that are marked as "Open Actions" so if I were to change the drop down to close. Excel would move that entire row of actions to the tab with the "closed actions" and insert into the next available row. Now if someone were to come back at a later date say no it should be reopened than I would change the drop down to open and excel would move that row back to the open actions tab into next available row. I tried a PIVOT table and no good I played with few macro and not.

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