Filtering The Record To New Sheet

Jan 7, 2009

Once again I need your help to solve my problem. I have attached one zip file which contain 2 excel file.

1. Master.xls
2. Corporate Documents Master file- Till DEC 08.xls

What i need to do is that ? i need to execute the macro from master.xls. The macro need to ask the input file, the input file will be 2nd excel file.

Based on the "TAG" column value in the master.xls file it need to check that value exist in the second excel (Corporate Documents Master file- Till DEC 08.xls) column "INVESTOR'S NAME" for example :-

If it check for TAG value :- PVT LTD

Matching Record will be :-
Record 2, 7 , 14 ... etc.

A column need to be inserted next to it and name it as "NEW INVESTOR'S NAME", What ever record matches need to remove the TAG value eg. "PVT LTD" from that name and copied to the "NEW INVESTOR'S NAME" and high light that changed field with red colour. The record which doesn't contain any TAG value mentioned in the master.xls file need to be moved like that to "NEW INVESTOR'S NAME"

After that we need to sort column "FOLIO ID"+ "NEW INVESTOR'S NAME"+"Documents", if you find any similar record we need to move all the record it new sheet we name it as "Similar Records" leaving one record in "Corporate Documents Master file- Till DEC 08.xls" sheet. In "Similar Records" sheet at end we to add on column name "Master Record Row Number" there we need to enter the row number where that similar record in the "Corporate Documents Master file- Till DEC 08.xls" sheet.

For eg :- .....

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Auto Copy Template On Record Entry & Link Set Cells Back New Record Entry Sheet

May 26, 2009

I am looking to create a macro that will create a new sheet when data is added on a summary sheet. Example.

1. Summary sheet called "Variations" contains columns that will contain the information needed for new sheet (Columns A to D)

2. When data is entered on "Variations" sheet: Column B, then macro automatically creates new sheet renamed to e.g. VO1 (Number used on "Variations" tab) and is a copy of "Master" tab.

3. Data entered in Column A to D on "Variations" tab is automatically entered onto new sheet created (e.g VO1). Shown is blue on attached file. Additional data is updated on "VO1" sheet and this then links back to "Variations" tab

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Set Up Payment Record Sheet?

Aug 12, 2013

I am trying to set up payment record sheet as follows

First Tab: This is the total value of each item, with the payment date in cell C1

Second Tab: Is the payment date of the item

Third Tab: Is the payment due tab

So what I want to do is enter the payment in C1 on the first tab. Then on the second tab I want to enter all the items that want paying on that day, but this will also have previous payment dates shown as a sort of record of what was paid on what day.

On the third tab I want it to show all the payments that correspond to the same date as C1 DATEVALUE

And on the gross tab I want to show all payments to date including the current date.

I have got the payment date to work but I cant get it to show all the previous values.

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Match The Record From Other Sheet

Jan 21, 2007

I have a code... and I am trying to use it with a different file.

The files is set up the same, the code has been unedited, but it's not working

Sub findAndReplace()
Dim ws1 As Worksheet
Dim ws2 As Worksheet
Dim searchFor As String
Dim searchCol As Range

Set ws1 = Sheets("SBK") 'sheet for which we look in column A
Set ws2 = Sheets("Sheet1") 'sheet we try to match with column E

'last row on the sheet with the updated information
lastRow = ws1.Cells(ws1.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row....................

I want it to look in SBK at column A and match it to column E of Sheet1. Then copy collumns DEFG from SBK to DEFG of sheet1.... Is there some reason it's not doing it?

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Filtering Data To New Sheet?

Mar 17, 2014

The sheet is pretty simple - I am trying to track the division of a personal estate.

First page has columns for item number, then item, drop down menus for location in house, value and "picked by". So 5 total.

Second page is a "summary of division" listing number of items, median cost of items and complete value. Below is a breakdown of the total value of items that each individual selected.

While the majority of items have yet to to priced - the price range is there - so the format (whatever is it) should work.

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Bowling Score Record Sheet

Dec 30, 2006

I'm using Excel to keep track of my bowling scores. I can do the basic stuff with sums and averages and whatnot, but I need some help with some more complicated stuff.

I want to account for when I bowl more or less than 3 games a session. For example, if I only bowl one game and get a 180, I don't want it to think my average is 60.

I already started a basic spreadsheet if anybody wants to help me with what I'm trying to do. (Feel free to add more stuff like graphs and whatnot and make it look better if you feel like it)

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Create Add New Record Macro In A Sheet

Oct 31, 2008

I have a table where I have dropdown menu for selecting data and a vlookup for filling other fields.However, I would like to create totals at the bottom of the sheet. But I dont know how many rows I will need because the data to this sheet are added from another sheet in the workbook. I would like to create something like this :

No. Name Weight Amount Total Weight Unit Price Total Price
1. Product 30 2 60 100 200
then I will not have no. 2 , but add new record button that will create a new row and will copy the dropdown menu and the Vlookup function so the format will be the same for product no.2 as it is for the product no.1 ... thus I will not have any unfilled rows in the table and after the last row there will be a totals row that will sum up the whole table... How to do that "add new record button" so that in the table will show up only those rows, that are actually filled with data?

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Now() As Record Id; What Record ID Schemes Are Fequently Employed Besides Date/time

May 25, 2007

I seek advice on using the value of NOW() as a record ID in an address book program. Question #1: Do Excel developers often use a record ID? Question #2: What record ID schemes are fequently employed besides date/time? I have decided to create an Excel address book as an exercise to increase my knowledge of VBA, and also as a useful application for work.

I realize that a record ID is not essential in Excel in the way that it is essential in Access, but I feel the need to have some unique ID associated with each address, so that I may have different worksheets, with data related to a given Contact, sort and manipulate it, if necessary, but have the record ID as a way to restore the relationship of rows to a given Contact, and also, as a handy way to examine the data in the date/time sequence in which it was entered. I have experimented with the following code, to assure myself that I can access the number returned by the NOW() function, manipulate it as a string, and format in various ways if necessary.

Dim n As Double
n = Now()
sn = Str(n)
p = InStr(sn, ".")
first = Left(sn, (p - 1))
l = Len(sn)
d = l - p
S = Mid(sn, (p + 1), d)....................

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Filtering Via Multiple Criteria From Different Sheet?

Jul 30, 2014

I have a workbook that has the main user interface on sheet3 and the main database i'm trying to filter on sheet2. Sheet3 has the button that executes the code to open the worksheet with the database and filter based on certain criteria and will filter unique id if a numeric value is entered and surname if text is entered.

Originally this worked ok when i had the button and the' rcrit' cell reference on the same worksheet as the database i'm trying to filter, but i decided to move them to the interface page as it was interfering with other things i'm trying to do.

Ever since then i can't seem to edit it to make it work from the other page! I've tried changing the filter ranges to reflect the new set up, but it seems to no longer be able to recognise numeric/none numeric values.

here's the code I'm using.

Sub filter()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim rCrit1 As Range


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Insert Row And Record In Another Sheet Once Entered Date?

Jul 27, 2014

I have two sheets one = where I am entering day to day data two = For getting result

Once I entered data in first sheet then I want date wise record in another sheet in which I will enter date. After entering date all the record will be inserted in another sheet from first sheet And main sheet will remain with all records

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Macro Which Changes A Worksheet Based On Each Record From Another Sheet

Jan 19, 2009

I have a macro which changes a worksheet based on each record from another sheet, it then copies the worksheet. I.e. a new sheet is created for each record simpy with...

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Copy Data To Other Sheet + Loop To Last Record

Jan 11, 2010

I have SQL data that I'm extracting and populating two sheets accordingly on daily basis. (This is done manually and sheets are refreshed with new data)

Name of tabs: (Peaked & Confirmed)

Each sheet consist obviously of different data but table extract contains the same name & number of columns.

Name & Number of Columns :Org_province

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Put An Image For Each Record In The Sheet While Displaying Records

Mar 12, 2009

I get some records from XML and display in the sheet. Now, I need to put an image for each record in the sheet while displaying records. And also on click of the image I need to have some code to be executed.

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Link The Form To A Sheet To Record Data

Dec 13, 2006

once I get the pretty boxes and such, how do I link this form to a sheet to record data? How do I get it to run? I have tried searching the forum, but it seems that most of you already know that part and don't have any problems there.

I know this is probably very very basic and I will smack my face with my hand when you point it out. I just have never created forms with Excel before. I am used to using SalesLogix and when I create forms there, I have a database table that I can link each field to, so I keep looking for how to link to the table and I can't figure it out.

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Maro Or Code To Copy Row B10 To Another Sheet As A Record

Nov 3, 2009

a macro or code to copy row B10 To another sheet as a record but paste it down a row as i keep overwriting previous paste, tried offset etc but still stuck. I HAVE THIS SAME PROBLEM ON 2 SPREADSHEETS NOW. All i need it to clone the top row everytime data is put there, but where the data goes to paste it down a row so creating a record. Also i need another macro to search the G10 cell of the same row for the word replace and if so copy that row to another sheet as well.

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Copy Individual Hours And Put Onto Daily Record Sheet?

Aug 18, 2012

I have the day of the week in B1 Emp Nbr in B2 Hours worked on B11

What I need a macro to do is match B1(day of the week) with the corresponding offset column in F1-R1, Pos and Post the Emp NBR(b2) and Hours(b12) in the corresponding column (F4 and G4)

I then will key in a new Emp and the hours and click the macro to execute the move over to the correct column and down one row.

Do this until I post Emp 999 at which time it will exit the macroOzgrid weekly hours.xlsx

The next day I will change the day in B1 to 2, corresponding to TUE, and it will move over to the correct column (H4 and I4) and post the daily data until I key in EMP 999

Then continue for the rest of the week.

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Outline Macro Not Allowing Filtering On A Protected Sheet?

May 5, 2014

I have the following macro so that we can use the outline feature without having to unprotect a sheet.

Private Sub Workbook_Open()
With Worksheets("Schedule")
.Protect Password:="APQP", Userinterfaceonly:=True[code]....

However once the macro is run, filtering will not work without unprotecting the sheet first. If you choose not to run the macro, filtering will work without unprotecting the sheet however the outline feature will not. what I need to add and where to make both the outline and filter features to work without having to unptotect the sheet?

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Create Report In The Another Sheet Filtering Two Column Values

Nov 14, 2009

I need to create report (just summing up) based on values in two different columns. I need a VBA to do it as the column values may vary at any time.

I have attached a sample workbook for your kind reference.

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Loop Filter Criteria: Sheet Filtering It By Different Values

Sep 22, 2006

I'm looping through a sheet filtering it by different values. As of now I just have the same steps repeated 13 times. I want to do a loop instead. So my question is, how do I change the criteria of the filter? I want to perform the specific functions for each JD1 through JD13

Sub Full_S_BreakdownWIP()
jd1 = "FSC"
jd2 = "SA"
jd3 = "SC"
jd4 = "OA"
jd5 = "CA"
jd6 = "DC"
jd7 = "GCA"
jd8 = "PAR"
jd9 = "LG"
jd10 = "RA"
jd11 = "DM"
jd12 = "SR"
jd13 = "USA"
For i = 1 To 13................

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Record The Total Items From Each Sheet In A Column Called All Totals

Mar 21, 2009

I am a bit stuck with an excel spreadsheet I do for work and would like to ask your advise, I will try to explain as best as I can.
I am running a small store that feeds 13 buildings.

On the spreadsheet there are 13 sheets, one for each building.
The items will go out monthly.

What I need to do is record the total items from each sheet in a column called All Totals on the first sheet, this will add up the totals for all the buildings.

If I put an attachment that may help out a bit.
If you can look at P3 it is all the P3s to add together, next down will be total of P4,P5,P6.

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Flag Record That Has Overlapping Date As Another Record?

Mar 16, 2014

I am creating an asset management sheet. For the formula I am trying to work out there uses 3 fields : ID, start date, and end date.

What I want to do is be able to show if the ID is duplicated within another record with an overlapping date. So an item is flagged if it is in the list within the same dates as another record. I tried a few countif formulas but with no success.. I may just be approaching the problem incorrectly though.

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Excel 2007 :: Password Protect Sheet But Allow Filtering And Sorting

Jan 30, 2014

I am using Excel 2007 and I have a worksheet with multiple columns, some of these columns are protected and some are not.

I then lock the worksheet with a password so the user can't edit certain cells that are protected but can modify the unprotected cells, the problem is the user cannot use the filter or sort the workbook.

Is there a way to allow filtering or sorting but still lock down the worksheet.

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Macro For Filtering Spread Sheet By Date And Specific Person

Dec 15, 2006

I am fairly new to macros and I am currently working on a project where I would like to create a 2 buttons which will filter by date and by owner. The spread sheet I have is fairly large and is added to weekly.

I have two objectives that I am trying to reach:

First I need to filter for all past due task items from the Thursday of the week I am working in back and for a specific person (owner) by the finish date

Second I need to filter for upcoming tasks one week out for a specific person (owner). The objective of this is so that on any given day a user can find any upcoming tasks that are due one week out.

If this is not an option. My thought was to create an input box where the user can input the date and the information on the spread sheet will pull all past due items or upcoming tasks. These two items need to pull seperatly not together.

I know I can create a macro by autofiltering by columns however I am trying to avoid having to go in and change the date each week.

Start date is column E
Finish date is column F
Owner is column L

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Macro To Print Record # To Record#

Mar 20, 2009

I'm trying to find a macro that will run allowing the user to select a 'starting record number' and a 'finishing record number' when printing.

I have a spreadsheet that feeds from a master list in excel, from over 5000 records.

I need to print the s'sheet with any given indivdual record's information at any given time.

Individual prints are fine. However if I wanted to print from record number 1500 to record number 3000 it would take me all day.

Is there a way I can set up a macro so an option form pops up? allowing selection of "From record" and "to Record" ?

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Record Macro Gives Message "Unable To Record"

Jan 6, 2007

Im trying to record a macro that will enter a formula in a cell each time I run the macro

Drop the Lowest2:

=IF(ISERROR(AVERAGE((SUM(C5:L5)-MIN(C5:L5)-SMALL(C5:L5,2))/(COUNT(C5:L5)-2))*Scale!$B$2*10),(IF(ISERROR(AVERAGE(C5:L5)*Scale!$B$2*10),"",AVERAGE(C5:L5)*Scale!$B$2*10)),AVERA GE((SUM(C5:L5)-MIN(C5:L5)-SMALL(C5:L5,2))/(COUNT(C5:L5)-2))*Scale!$B$2*10)

Drop Lowest1:

=IF(ISERROR(AVERAGE((SUM(C5:L5)-SMALL(C5:L5,1))/(COUNT(C5:L5)-1))*Scale!$B$2*10),(IF(ISERROR(AVERAGE(C5:L5)*Scale!$B$2*10),"",AVERAGE(C5:L5)*Scale!$B$2*10)),AVERA GE((SUM(C5:L5)-SMALL(C5:L5,1))/(COUNT(C5:L5)-1))*Scale!$B$2*10)

I know I can write the formula in a simpler way, but I was asked to make it like this.

The problem is that when I enter the formula in the cell while recording. I got a message: "Unable to record" so this part can't be recorded

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Getting Error "Unable To Record" When Record A Macro

Sep 1, 2009

This problem seemed to revolve around "digital signing" with further macro changes done from a different machine (without the proper certificate). Excel warns of the problem and then "unsigns" the project.

I've got a problem with spreadsheets that I've been working on. Now, when I tell it to record a macro, I get the macro name, shortcut assignment dialog box and then an error "Unable to record." After "Ok"ing that dialog box, the normal recording macro dialog comes up. Also, lo and behold, there will not be a macro recorded.

I've got no protected cells or sheets and it doesn't matter what security level is set. It is a "signed" macro but I can take off the signature and still have the problem. I checked for "Help - About" for deactivated modules and there was none.

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Add A Row Between Every Record

Dec 14, 2008

Is it possible to add a row between every record, that has different data for 2 columns ( compared to the row below )

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Looking Up And Returning More Than One Record

Nov 4, 2009

I am building a form that uses a combo box to lookup up a row in a table and return row data. To make things more complicated I want to return more than one record. For example: the table has a list of jersey. I search for a style jersey. I want to search the list and return all the colours for the chosen style. Sometimes there is only one colour or there can be up to 10. Have a look a the attached example.

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How To Group Record And Name

Jul 10, 2013

How to group different record and name the group. Attached file

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How To Record A Macro

Jun 25, 2014

l would like to record a macro that allows one finds a 'key word' in sheet 1 ,then the macro should copy the entire raw of the search results to worksheet 2 .The macro should enable the user to have as many searches as possible but pasting all the results on one worksheet.

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