Insert Row And Record In Another Sheet Once Entered Date?
Jul 27, 2014
I have two sheets one = where I am entering day to day data two = For getting result
Once I entered data in first sheet then I want date wise record in another sheet in which I will enter date. After entering date all the record will be inserted in another sheet from first sheet And main sheet will remain with all records
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Feb 24, 2012
I'm having trouble while trying to use a variable in a cell reference. I have a sheet that is being used to record the time and date of data entered into the workbook. This sheet is divided into columns, each designated to a specific type of data. I have written a macro to enter the current time in the correct column, but that macro is embarrassingly long and complicated because I used a series of if statements to handle all the different data being entered. I'm trying to simplify by using vlookup, and assigning the column value to a variable, and inserting that variable into the cell reference.
Here is the line I need to insert a variable into:
Sheets("Current").Cells(Rows.Count, columnstart).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Value = Now()
Where columnstart is my variable. It is an integer, but it's value will change depending on the type of data being entered.
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May 25, 2007
I seek advice on using the value of NOW() as a record ID in an address book program. Question #1: Do Excel developers often use a record ID? Question #2: What record ID schemes are fequently employed besides date/time? I have decided to create an Excel address book as an exercise to increase my knowledge of VBA, and also as a useful application for work.
I realize that a record ID is not essential in Excel in the way that it is essential in Access, but I feel the need to have some unique ID associated with each address, so that I may have different worksheets, with data related to a given Contact, sort and manipulate it, if necessary, but have the record ID as a way to restore the relationship of rows to a given Contact, and also, as a handy way to examine the data in the date/time sequence in which it was entered. I have experimented with the following code, to assure myself that I can access the number returned by the NOW() function, manipulate it as a string, and format in various ways if necessary.
Dim n As Double
n = Now()
sn = Str(n)
p = InStr(sn, ".")
first = Left(sn, (p - 1))
l = Len(sn)
d = l - p
S = Mid(sn, (p + 1), d)....................
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Jun 22, 2009
I want to move an entire row in spreadsheet A to the next empty line in Spreadsheet 2 if a date(any) is entered into column J.
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Mar 16, 2014
I am creating an asset management sheet. For the formula I am trying to work out there uses 3 fields : ID, start date, and end date.
What I want to do is be able to show if the ID is duplicated within another record with an overlapping date. So an item is flagged if it is in the list within the same dates as another record. I tried a few countif formulas but with no success.. I may just be approaching the problem incorrectly though.
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Jan 3, 2013
I have created a userform with 3 text boxes. It also has three buttons - clear, Cancel and Generate record button.
User form takes entries in the three text boxes and on clicking the Generate Record button, the values of the three Text Boxes are inserted in Column A, B and C of sheet1. The columns keep on populating with new data on each submit in the row below the last record.
Now it is required to enter data only if the value entered in TextBox1 is new and has not been entered previously in column A. If textbox entry is already aviailable in column A, a message box of 'Record available' shoud be prompted and the text entry must not be allowed until the data entered in TextBox1 is not unique.
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May 26, 2009
I am looking to create a macro that will create a new sheet when data is added on a summary sheet. Example.
1. Summary sheet called "Variations" contains columns that will contain the information needed for new sheet (Columns A to D)
2. When data is entered on "Variations" sheet: Column B, then macro automatically creates new sheet renamed to e.g. VO1 (Number used on "Variations" tab) and is a copy of "Master" tab.
3. Data entered in Column A to D on "Variations" tab is automatically entered onto new sheet created (e.g VO1). Shown is blue on attached file. Additional data is updated on "VO1" sheet and this then links back to "Variations" tab
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Feb 9, 2013
Code that will change the name sheet1 to today's date using vba.
I need to replace "sheet1" with today's date e.g. 2-8-13
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May 8, 2014
Solve this issue for transfer value from master sheet ( Daily Report) to corresponding sheet and add value according to its Date. E.g. :
Master Sheet : Daily Report
Manpower : 35
I want to transfer the value of manpower to sheet ( D_manpower) and insert value 35 to according to month & date ( C5 & G5) shown in master sheet ( Daily Report )
Like this all data need to insert according to its corresponding sheet according to month and date
File attached : Report 2014.xlsx
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Jan 8, 2010
I have a program where I can update the calibration due date of an item. I have attached a cut down version of my program showing the relevant areas. There is usually password protection on the worksheet so it can only be edited via the form (the vba coding removes the password protection before editing, then re-enables the password protection after editing). The "Update Calibration" button is usually on a "Menu" sheet.
Once the form is opened a serial number is typed in the textbox. The calendar button is then clicked, which brings up another form with the calendar on. The due date is selected on the calendar. When "OK" is clicked, the date label caption is then changed to the selected calendar date. When "Submit" is clicked, the spreadsheet will search for the Serial Number, once found, the label caption (being the date selected) will be entered into the cell to the right of the serial.
If the day selected on the calendar is greater than 12 the date is entered correctly onto the sheet. example: calendar date selected = 15/01/2010. shown on sheet as 15/01/2010. However, if the day selected on the calendar is 12 or less, the date is for some reason entered incorrectly onto the sheet. example: calendar date selected = 08/12/2010. shown on sheet as 12/08/2010???? What is going on here? how come the day and month are swapped around if the day is less than 12????
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May 5, 2013
I am Working on a Query to Update Record in the Database if Exists Otherwise Insert. I have 2 tables in the database Receipt table and Inventory Account Table.
For Receipt Table there is Form which is used to Insert Data into the Receipt Table(SQL TABLE). Behind the Button Click Event with the Receipt Table Insertion Query I Write a Select Query to Get data from Inventory Account Table Group By Part Number and Location in a recordset.
objmyrecordset.Open "select [Part Number],sum([Quantity Received]) as TotalQuantity,[Move From] from [5_PO_RECEIPT_TABLE_DATABASE] group by [Part Number],[Move From] ", objMyConn, adOpenStatic
strSQL = "select Count(*) from [Inventory_Account_Move_Table] where [Part Number] = '" & objmyrecordset![Part Number] & "' and [Location]= '" & objmyrecordset![Move From] & "';"
[Code] .......
I used the Above Code to Complete my task. The Problem is It is Adding the Correct Values into the Inventory Account Table But It is Not Updating the Previous Records. it sum all the Values in Receipt Table based on Part Number and Location but it insert this record in New Line. I want it to Update the Previous record for same part Number and Location.
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Jan 18, 2013
Is it possible to insert text as a comment on another sheet based on a date?
I have Sheet 1, that has 3 columns, Name, Date, Reason
Sheet 2 is a monthly calendar with the dates in E5:AH5 and the names from D6:D10.
What I am trying to do, is when they enter their name, date and reason on sheet 1, I want the reason to to be inserted on sheet 2 as a comment in the cell that matches the date and the name.
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Mar 23, 2014
I got a table, some columns are variable data you have to put in by your own and I got some columns with only formulas. After entered the last variable data I want excel to add a new row with the same formulas and format as the other rows in the table.
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Feb 1, 2013
How to make excel automatically insert a comment into a cell when a / is entered into that cell?
The comment needs to simply include the date the / was entered and nothing else.
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Dec 7, 2009
Is there a way to auto insert a cell Comment when a particular value is entered and then have the Comment copied to a cell in another worksheet in the same workbook?
The value entered into the cells i want this function to work with is from a Validation list. If the cell's value was to change, for instance the user going back to a cell to change the value for whatever reason, I would like the previous comments to remain and then give the user the choice to edit comment or not.
I've had a look in the Forums using search but nothing close seems to be forthcoming.
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May 19, 2009
I need a formula that will calculate the number of days from a date entered into cell A1 to today's date. Whether it's before or after todays date. Example:
5/10/2009 to today is -9
5/22/2009 to today is 3
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Aug 14, 2012
I have a input box that prompts a user to enter a date of a new month - it has to be the 1st of a new month. I have validation that it is a date that has been entered but then i want to validate the date entered is a month ahead of a date in a cell range on a sheet.
It is a monthly reset so it has to roll on from the previous month.
Here is what i have currently but it isn't working.
' Get user to input the first day of the new month to populate all dates with
dNewMonth = InputBox(Prompt:="Enter first Day of the new Month. Must be the 1st of the Month e.g. 01/10/2012", _
Title:="Enter Date")
' Validates the entered date is a valid date
If (IsDate(dNewMonth) = False) Then
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Jan 17, 2013
Cell B1 contains a date, then B2 contains a formula that says:
A1 contains a green tick and A2 contains a red cross.
What I am trying to add is that if B1 contains no date then B2 needs to be blank.
I tried using =IF((A1="",0),(A1>TODAY(),A1,A2) to get it to show a 0 if there was no data but this doesn't work.
I am using Excel 2003.
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Jun 25, 2014
I have a lost and found log that has 2 worksheets: (1) Unresolved and (2) Resolved. Data is entered into the Unresolved worksheet when something is lost or found. When a date is entered under Date Claimed / Sent to Capitol Police (column I), I would like the data in that row to be removed from the Unresolved worksheet and automatically inserted in the next blank row of the Resolved worksheet. I know very little VB,
Date Reported
Lost or Found?
Item Description
Name of Person Reporting Item
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Mar 24, 2014
I'm using nested SUBSTITUTE formula to make some changes to the some of the data. I'm also using IFERROR to return the input if it does not find the criteria I have specified. I have lot of variations in my input data.
The formula works fine for all except for date format input.
12/3/1923---->58936 (I want the date to be retained)
why the date format is changed even if don't specify any changes for it. I expect my IFERROR to just retain the input as it is.
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Apr 15, 2014
I'm working on the final stage of a project. I'm attempting to write code that will set off a chain of events if two dates are 91+ days apart from each other . I've attached a sample worksheet that shows the bare bones basics of what I'm attempting to do.
What will be the most efficient and effective way of accomplishing my goal: userform, functions, formatting, etc.? T
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Jun 26, 2006
i'm trying to get data added in one sheet of a workbook to automatically be entered into another sheet. such as a monthly, Quarterly and Annual balance sheet.
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Sep 8, 2008
I have a cell A1 whose value fluctuates.
I need B2 to record the last date of when the value in A1 last went below 0.
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Jul 9, 2009
I have Worksheet 1, with columns A to E. I would like a row to be copied to Worksheet 2, as soon as cell F in Worksheet 1 is populated. Also the row to be deleted from Worksheet 1.
So, as soon as F1 in worksheet 1 is populated and enter button pressed, row A1:F1 will be copied to the next empty row in worksheet 2, while being deleted from worksheet 1. So eventually all rows in worksheet 1 will be deleted and rows in worksheet 2 will be populated.
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Feb 18, 2007
I recently installed Excel 2007, and have shared others' joy in searching for things on the ribbon. I tried to record a macro to insert an autoshape. Excel creates the macro, but drawing the autoshape is not recorded. I'm sure I'm missing something obvious ...
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Mar 9, 2009
I have cobbled together some code that searches a folder of my choice and lists the files within the folder every xxx seconds for yyy minutes. The files it finds are listed in 'Column A', and between each search during the defined yyy search duration 1 row is added to seperate them.
I require the additional code to record the search time in 'Column B' of the corresponding Row, and the search date in 'Column C' of the corresponding row. The Time & Date will simply be the Computers Time & Date at the occurrence of the relevant Search interval. The code is as follows:
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Jul 1, 2009
I have already looked at many of the posts but I have not found the solution that I am looking for. I am familiar with VB and the NOW function.
I am trying to create a macro that will reference a cell and place a static date and time next to the cell. I want this date and time to only change when the checkbox is clicked.
I have a checkbox in E11 that is linked to F11, I would like to have G11 record the date and time that the checkbox is clicked. I have already tried the following.
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Apr 17, 2009
I know this is a simple question for all VBA droids...I guess the challenge is in how quickly I'll receive an answer. I hear the turn-around time on this board is pretty impressive. So here goes...
What is the VBA code for recording the current date without the date recalculating when the form is re-opened. I know the formula for automatic entry [=today()], but I need the date to stay the same. I can assign the date to any cell, so you may theorize any cell in the code. Remember...the trick is getting the date to stay the same once it's been automatically entered.
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Dec 29, 2006
i am building a data base and every day, say, at 5pm a certain cell should contain a corresponding date. In my macro I simply wrote
I thought naiivly it would work, but it doesn't, as the next day the date will be changed correspondingly. So, the question is: how to record todays' date (Dec 29) so that this date stays in this cell forever? Only the date, not Excel Dates & Times
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Aug 12, 2013
I am trying to set up payment record sheet as follows
First Tab: This is the total value of each item, with the payment date in cell C1
Second Tab: Is the payment date of the item
Third Tab: Is the payment due tab
So what I want to do is enter the payment in C1 on the first tab. Then on the second tab I want to enter all the items that want paying on that day, but this will also have previous payment dates shown as a sort of record of what was paid on what day.
On the third tab I want it to show all the payments that correspond to the same date as C1 DATEVALUE
And on the gross tab I want to show all payments to date including the current date.
I have got the payment date to work but I cant get it to show all the previous values.
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