Find And Match Between Two Columns

Aug 2, 2008

I have records on columns A and B. I need to find the matches between the two columns and insert it into column C. My sample only shows a few. But my actual data has hundreds of records.

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Find Min Value In Multiple Columns And Match The Header

Jun 1, 2007

I am trying to find min value for a row (product price) within two columns (price lists) and return row one (company name) in third column ( see the attachmet). My first idea was to use “min” and “if” but a problem occur when there are text or zero or none values in the price list. I tried with conditional formatting, offset function, match-index and other methods without success

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Find / Match Data From Columns And Copy Value To Column 4

May 25, 2013

I am going to explain the issue with a photo linked below

Capture2 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

Basically i want to match data from column one with data from column 3 if true then copy the data in column 2 to columns 4 in the same match row.

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Find The Closest Match To Given Latitude / Longitude From Data Stored In 2 Columns?

Feb 2, 2014

I have 2 different sets of data: temperature data recorded at meteo-stations defined by latitude / longitude, and major world cities also defined by latitude / longitude.

After the user chooses the station's coordinates, temperature data is pulled out from the first data set; this works! However, I would like to be able to provide information about the closest city to the chosen meteo-station from the second data set.

File attached with sample data sets.

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VLookup To Pivot Table Using Match Function - Returns Error If Can't Find Match Value

Mar 11, 2014

I am having some trouble getting a formula to work. I am building a report that pulls figures from a pivot table in another workbook. I am using a vlookup with match function to get the column index to find the relevant data I want. Where I need to add two columns together I am using sum, with the vlookup & match formulas nested in them e.g.:

=SUM(VLOOKUP(F13,'[PIVOT 156.xlsx]PIVOT'!$C:$AQ,MATCH("FAID",'[PIVOT 156.xlsx]PIVOT'!$C$6:$AQ$6,0),FALSE),VLOOKUP(F13,'[PIVOT 156.xlsx]PIVOT'!$C:$AQ,MATCH("COMM",'[PIVOT 156.xlsx]PIVOT'!$C$6:$AQ$6,0),FALSE),VLOOKUP(F13,'[PIVOT 156.xlsx]PIVOT'!$C:$AQ,MATCH("BPCM",'[PIVOT 156.xlsx]PIVOT'!$C$6:$AQ$6,0),FALSE),VLOOKUP(F13,'[PIVOT 156.xlsx]PIVOT'!$C:$AQ,MATCH("COMD",'[PIVOT 156.xlsx]PIVOT'!$C$6:$AQ$6,0),FALSE))

F13 = Employee number
Column C on the pivot 156 workbook is where the employee number is based.
The Match formula is then getting the column index from the column headings of the pivot table ie. "FAID"

This in itself works fine, as long as it finds a match in the column headings. This is where i get the error as in the above function "COMD" is not in the pivot table. However I need to keep it included as it may appear on a future pivot table. Is there a way of getting the sum function to complete even though later in the formula it can't complete the vlookup? So it will ignore it, or assume the value is zero if it can't find it? The formula probably needs to do this for all the vlookups as some headings may drop off in future pivot tables.

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Match 1st And 2nd Columns In 2 Sheets And Return 3rd / 4th And 5th Column If Match

Dec 15, 2013


What im trying to do is match columns A & B from AUDIT Sheet to Columns A & B in MASTER sheet. If they match then pull columns C, D & E from MASTER into AUDIT.

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Subtracting 2 Columns Of Data From Each Other When Labels In Separate Columns Match

Feb 20, 2009

I have four columns of data, as follows:

label 1, value 1, label 2, value 2

I need to create a formula in the fith column that for each line will tell excel to:

look for entry in 'label 1' in 'label 2' if there is a match, then subtract value 1 from value 2, display result.

I have tried doing this with SUMIF but am getting nowhere fast....

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Find In VBA Code: Find Exact Match

Oct 9, 2006

I'm using the below VBA

Dim c, DataRow
With Data
Set c = . Range("A5:A350"). Find(KPI, LookIn:=xlValues)
If Not c Is Nothing Then
DataRow = c.Row
End If
End With

Now,If KPI is for example = "Favourite Hotel" and if i have data that looks like :

Favourite Hotel - London
Favourite Hotel - Cardiff
Favourite Hotel
Favourite Hotel - Birmingham

Then it seems to not look be looking for an exact match (e.g. Favourite Hotel) and rather is finding the first item in the list that contains the KPI string (E.g. Favourite Hotel - London).

How do i make it search for an exact match?

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How To Match 2 Columns And Count Their Match

Jan 28, 2008

HOw can I match combination columns of A-F (row1) to combination H-M (rows1 to end) and show how

many are number matched in column N..


























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Copy Columns Between Worksheets If The Columns Don't Match

Jun 7, 2006

I have 2 worksheets in which I have to copy one column of cells from one to
the other. The problem is that the "main" worksheet lists nearly 3,500
clients and I have to copy numbers into the "main" worksheet on weekly basis
from another worksheet that lists only about 1,100 of those 3,500 clients.

Both client lists are in alphabetical order, but I obviously cannot just copy
one column into the other, because then the numbers won't be matching the
correct clients.

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How Do You Sort Columns So That They Match Up With Other Columns With Like Data

Jul 2, 2008

I have two columns one is web addresses and the other is email addresses but the rows do not line up. I was hoping that since the second half of the email address matches the web address I could somehow sort them so that the email address column and web address column match up. Here is an example but keep in mind that this list is about 9k long and this is just a sampling so you may not see any in this example that match. Also I may have more than one email address per website.

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Match 2 Columns To 2 Seperate Worksheet Columns

Sep 11, 2006

Now i have one excel sheet with two separet sheets in it ( Sheet 1 ) and ( Sheet 2 ) . I have in sheet 1 a column A with material codes and ColB is discreption and Col C IS Prices . But in Sheet 2 Col D is materila Code and Col I is a price .

the recordes in sheet 1 are around 11000 but in sheet 2 are around 2200 where the sheet 2 has a specific materials from sheet 1 .

Now i want to update the prices in sheet 2 from sheet 1 for each item after confirm that the materila code in sheet 2 equal in sheet 1 so copy the price from sheet 1 to sheet 2

Sheet 2 is old prices and sheet 1 has new prices so i need update the new prices in sheet 2

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Match 2 Columns To Copy Information In Other Columns

Apr 21, 2007

I have 2 workbooks (workbook1 & workbook2). Information in column A and column N must match both workbooks per row/ cell (ie. if A2 and N2 in workbook1 match workbook2, copy information from 3 other columns (S, T, U from from workbook1 into workbook2 - cells S2, T2, U2). Workbook2 may have information in column S, T, U, but I need to over-write it with the information from workbook1. If the information does not match per that row/cell (ie. A2 in both worksheets are the same, but N2, they are not, so go to the next line that does match and copy the information into worksheet2). I do not want to use a V- lookup for this problem. I really need a marco.

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Find Wont Find Existing Text When Columns/Rows Hidden

Oct 8, 2006

Attempting to hide columns (of cities) via VBA generates an error when that same city is reselected (either individually, or as part of the group) in the list box, upon clicking the 'Hide' button.

The error happens at this point: ...

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Lookup 2 Columns And Match To 2 Other Columns

Feb 15, 2007

I am trying to do a (what I thought was a) simple lookup involving 2 columns.
Pls see attached example. I am trying to find the "?" values, by matching column A&B of the input to the Data columns and returning the $$$ column.

I thought this wouldve been a piece of cake but its got me stumped!

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Match 2 Columns And Add Row Where There Is No Match?

Apr 22, 2014

I have a situation where I need to match 2 columns, Data in Column E & Data in Column R.

When there is not a match, there must be a set of cells/row inserted to the right or left depending on which data is missing and the data beneath must be shifted down.

There have been issues with doing this because once a cell is added, the formula for matching does not stay consistent.

I have attached an example where the tab "Final" is the end product needed and the First 2 Tabs are the Raw Data

The Steps are to take the data from the first 2 tabs and align them side beside only being divided by a column and another to match the 2.

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Using MATCH To Find A Figure?

Feb 7, 2014

I have been building a tracker to track benefit payments for child benefits and DLA so I know where I stand and what has been paid.

The problem... its limited and basic an I have to do most things manually, even when I have cell formulas to do some of the legwork.

I stumbled across the term MATCH and SEARCH and I was curious on how to use them for my needs, I was trying to use the LOOKUP set of tools.

My problem...

Benefit rates are set between two date periods, all payment periods are 28 days apart (...but could change to every 7 days) which means that sometimes payments are due 3 weeks of one rate, 1 week of another, the reverse of that or 50:50 depending on the cycle.



The problem should be very evident and especially when I adjust the dates to match what payment dates I finally end up with.

The result of the look up needs to be calculated at the frequency in A14 to B14, A15 to B15 (for example) at the appropriate rate found in D:D when searched for based on the dates in A14 to B14 ... ... etc.

I tried using MATCH to get a match to a date falling between 30/12/2013 and 4/4/2014, I tried this...


which returned #N/A

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Find And Match Fields

May 7, 2014

I have a workbook with two sheets, one used for referance (Column A - Product SKUS, B - Product Description and C - Carton Quantities) - Sheet 1

The other sheet I would like to import incoming shipments. (Column A - Product SKUS, B - Product Description, C - Quantity Ordered and D - No of Cartons) - Sheet 2

What I need to do is find out how to get Excel to find and match up the SKUs in Col A and then dividing Sheet 2's column C by Sheet 1's column C to give the number of incoming cartons of each product in Sheet 2's Column D

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Find First Non-zero Cell Without Using MATCH

Jul 23, 2014

I have a formula that has been working perfectly:

[Code] .....

It works until I exceed the MATCH character limit of 255 characters in the range with text. I have tried many alternate formulae found on various posts, but not one that suits my purpose. Is there a simple ISTEXT or another function/formula that will work here?

Attached File : Too much text.xlsx

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Find And Match Query

Dec 2, 2009

I've got a sheet here with a master list of document numbers in Column A and a smaller subset in column C. I need to do is for Excel to scan column A for cell C1 and when it finds it in column A i need it to return the corresponding value in B column into cell D1. I need to do this for all column C.

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Find Value And Match With Title?

Jun 26, 2013

I have the table with multi columns and values like in the image below:


how to get the result in the red border.

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How To Use Multiple Find Match

Jan 23, 2014

[Code] ......

findmatch.xls <----- attached file

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Match & Find Function

Jan 8, 2009

In Sheet 2 i have a 1000 of data contains the birth date of following customers

The result i want in Sheet 1 is
particular on todays (Say on 27-11-2008) date how many customer are having birthday, supoose there 10, or 8 wahtever should show me the list.

I tried this formula


but by this formula it only show one customers birthdate what i want if there 10 differenrt customer those same birthdate it should display all the 10 date and name in diff rows

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Find And Select Match

Nov 12, 2009

I have a sheet with dates on it, when i open my userform and select a date i want it to go to the sheet and look for a match on the date and select the cell where the match is. There will never be 2 dates that's the same. I have attached an example.

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Find Closest Match To A Given Value

May 6, 2009

In the attached sheet, I am using !Staff times columns N and O to nominate a mid point break time relevant to the start,lunch break and finish times of a shift.

What I would like to do is match the result to the closest time from !Race Times Column D (highlighted green). So if for example the mid point of the shift is 10:37 (as in !Staff Times cell N23), it actually comes back with the !Race Times result of 10:35 which is the closest actual race.

Ideally I would like it to look both sides of the midpoint time until it came to the closest match, rather than always looking at an earlier time, or always a later time (eg the cell N79 has a value of 11:36, however the 2 race times are 11:35 and 11:40. Preference is it shows 11:35). If however the N79 result was 11:38 or 11:39, I would prefer it went to 11:40).

However if this is not possible then picking the next time in either direction will do.

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RND Function And Match To Find Value?

May 8, 2012

I have a column of values (text) to choose from. I need to randomly assign them to names.

There are more values then names.

Each name has to have a value.

Each value has to be used only one time.

Not every value has to be used.

Column B contains names, column Q contains values.

Now. So far I've come up with below:

Sub randomize()
Dim Random As Integer[code].....

"Random" returns exactly the amount of values in column Q, so this works ok.

"i" counts iterations correctly, meaning as many times as names in column B.

I tried useing Match to rule out already used value but this code returns "unable to get Match property of the WorksheetFunction class" error.

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Find If Number Is A Match

Mar 19, 2013

Trying to find if the number entered in the input box "num_cmp" is => Cells(i, 2) AND

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Find And Match The Value In Column

Jul 25, 2007

1 abc klm-sometext
2 def nop-sometext
3 ghi def-sometext
4 klm
5 nop ghi-sometext
6 abc-sometext

i want a macro , so that when it is run,
it matches the value in column A with value in Column C
and update the same in Column B

For example the macro should find

A1 Value = abc with C6 Value= abc-sometext
and update
B1 value as = abc-sometext

So after running the macro
the excel sheet should look like this

1 abc abc-sometext klm-sometext
2 def def-sometext nop-sometext
3 ghi ghi-sometext def-sometext
4 klm klm-sometext
5 nop nop-sometext ghi-sometext
6 abc-sometext

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Index Find Next Match

Nov 3, 2008

i am trying to find all the 0 in column P and return col M from the same rows, this finds the 1st, how do i find the rest?


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Find The Name Vlookup Or Match

Feb 4, 2009

I am trying to insert a formula to find the name (match?) from one column on say sheet 3 and return the value in the next column.

column a sheet 1
my name
your name
someone else

I would like it to search sheet 3 column a and return value sheet 3 column b

as sheet 3 would look like this

col a / col b
john q / 11a
my name / 13b
someone else/ 9a
your name/ 12b

What my goal is - is to only have to enter the column b in sheet 3 one time per name and have it fill in on sheet 1 for every entry of multiple entries of the same name in column a if that makes sense.

I know this should be simple- I want to avoid the if statement as there will be about 50 names to sort and return the proper class (column b)

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