Find Duplicate In Certain Columns And Keep Newest By Date & Time
Jun 20, 2006
In the included workbook I've got a sheet that needs to be updated every time a userform is completed. So I intend to run a macro after the data is entered to find duplicates, and delete the older row.
so, column A must match then column C must match then look in columns AK & AL to find the newest entry to keep. I also need to delete any rows where column A is empty(light Green), no matter what other columns have data.
In my example sheet all the yellow's match for column A but the bright yellow's are the only "keepers", because one has a different number in "C" and the other is the newest.
Also remember that this is just part of a much bigger, multi-sheet book so I will need to I.D. this sheet in the code.
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Dec 29, 2009
Is there a way to pull out the oldest date ((04) Apr 25, 1950) and the newest date ((02) Feb 14, 2050)...?
i have tried the Min function (min(P28:P31)) and the Max function (max(P28:P31)) both resulting in a "0"..
i have also searched this forum as well as others and found formulas that were posted by Aladin Akyurek..but those did not work either..
P28(02) Feb 14, 205029(04) Apr 01, 201330(04) Apr 25, 200931(04) Apr 25, 1950
Spreadsheet FormulasCellFormulaP28=IF(O28=FALSE,"Who Knows?","("&RIGHT(O28,2)&")"&" "&LEFT(O28,3)&" "&LEFT(RIGHT(O28,4),2)&", "&LEFT(RIGHT(O28,8),4))
Excel tables to the web >> Excel Jeanie HTML 4
Im Using Windows Xp With Sp2 With Microsoft Excel 2003
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Jun 4, 2014
I want to sort a column in Excel 2007 which is having dates. Normally, we use oldest to newest or newest to oldest option in sort & filter. But i am unable to find this option in my excel sheet. how can I find this option in Sort & Filter.
Note: I have imported this data column from Access 2007
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Oct 29, 2008
I am doing a project for work at the moment where by I have to manipulate a report compiled by an external program and do various bits and bobs to it. Trouble is, the other program creates a new version every time it runs the report (i.e filename.1.xls, and the next day filename.2.xls, and so on). Is there any way of searching the folder these files are in to find the newest file and select that one as the one to open and manipulate? There will be no files other than these in the folder.
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Dec 6, 2013
I have a pretty good size file here where I need to remove duplicated date BUT keep only the Newest Record.
What is Needed is to look at "test Group Identification" and compare it to "Actual Start Time" and keep only the Newest Record and remove any Exact Duplicated data
See example of Data.
Test Status
Test Group
Test Group Identification
Actual Start Time
Want I need
09-Jan-2013 15:48:25 EST
[Code] .....
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Dec 22, 2009
I want to seach and select the newest date in a column. There are green, red and black fonts in the column. I only want to only seach the cells with black fonts.
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Mar 28, 2013
I got 2 excel pivot tables with 2 columns.
Table 1 (Sheet 1) -- Column A and B - input
I want to compare both tables, finding the same Number on Column 1 for each table, and sum the values of column 2.
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Aug 26, 2009
I have a table that contains names and dates. I need to find the most recent / latest date in each record. For example:
Names Dates
A 01/02/09
A 05/25/09
B 06/09/09
B 07/30/09
B 01/02/09
C 03/09/09
C 02/28/09
D 12/12/09
The results should be:
A 05/25/09
B 07/30/09
C 03/09/09
D 12/12/09
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Feb 17, 2014
i have to removed the duplciate records with older dates. The date column is made up of date and time.
IDExpiry Date
1202 Mar 2013 12:57:04
1220 Apr 2013 10:49:24
5020 Apr 2013 10:57:06
5021 Oct 2013 07:20:54
5024 Oct 2013 08:41:56
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Jan 25, 2007
I am attaching a small sample data set. The first column contains the ID numbers and the second column has the dates. The rest of the columns are some data. When you look at the ID numbers, there will be some common ID Nos. numbers, for example, 300003 (4 in number) but the dates are different for them. What I am going to do is to create a pivot table with the ID Nos and the months. But I want the date to be only the oldest date for example, I want the date for 300003 to be 12/3/2004.
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Feb 14, 2011
I have a spreedsheet with 17,000 rows in it. In column D I have ID numbers and in column B I have the dates. There are multiple entries for each ID in column D which gives multiples dates each entry was given in column B. I need a VBA Macro that will identify duplicate entries in Column D and keep only the most recent entry by date in column B.
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Apr 27, 2014
I have data (e.g. PPL0106AU) in columns A (Rows 2 to 104) & C (Rows 2 to 303) and need to identify which entries are in BOTH columns.
I've entered in column B: =IF(MATCH(A2,C$2:C$303),A2,"No")
This formula is resulting in a duplicate of column A in column B.
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May 23, 2014
I have a UserForm which writes data to rows in a master spreadsheet. I'm attempting to write some vba code for a CommandButton in the master spreadsheet which can identify and delete duplicate entries based on "user ID", "Date", and "Time". I would like the CommandButton to retain the most recent entry from a user and delete all previous entries.
My master sheet is set out as such...
A, B, C, D,
UserID, Date, Time, Response
The users could potentially submit multiple entries on the same day. Ideally I would like to be able to click a CommandButton and delete each user's submission but retain their most recent one (based on "UserID", then "Date", then "Time").
I've searched all day for a solution and I've come close but I can not figure out a code that accounts for my three variables ("UserID", then "Date", then "Time").
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Feb 11, 2008
i wanted to create a macro that will autofilter my starting dates in I to the newest date entered. So ive recorded the macro: ....
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Nov 25, 2006
I would like to merge a colum with a date and a column with a time into one to show DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM
I have tried merge cells and it takes out the time and leaves the date only.
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Dec 28, 2013
How to find the difference between 18/04/2013, 13.40 hrs and 20/04/2013, 11.40 hrs to get the result as 1 day and 22 hrs
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Dec 17, 2008
I m Trying to add some features to it and run into an issue. Here are the fields we are working with!
A1= 13:30:00 17/12/2008
(in other words 1:30pm on date given) - Need to know proper cell number format!!
B1= 23:00:00
(this represents 23 hours) - format for cell is [h]:mm:ss
C1= Unknown function
(This field is my problem!!)
Answer here SHOULD be "14:30:00 16/12/2008"
I need a function for C1 (using A1 and B1) that will give me the time and date 23 hours earlier or however many hours:mins:secs is specified in B1! Also need to know what number format to use for both A1 and C1
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Nov 11, 2007
I have the following code,
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Aug 26, 2006
I am currently working on a VBA function that searches a spreadsheet for a particular time and date. In the time and date column, there exists a cell for every hour of the year from January 1st 12am to December 31st 11:00pm. So for any given date, there are 24 entires with the same date, but each with a different time (that is the intervals are in one hour increments.)
What I have been attempting to put together is a simple worksheet. Find method to search for a date, I.E. 1/22/2006 3:00:00 AM. I have read countless posts and websites saying that you must format the date and time into a window date format such as 1/22/2006, but you lose that time constraint. Well if I search for that in my spreadsheet, i have 24 cells that meet that criteria. Anywhere from 12AM to 11PM. But I may want the one for 11PM... Also, since find searches from top to bottom, I always retrieve 12AM since its the first hour of the day. I apologize for my wordiness, but It is kind of a complicated matter.
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Aug 10, 2014
I have a range of columns i.e. 23 columns (i.e. B through X). Someone can write records in these columns (starting from B21).
Duplicates are considered the rows with similar data in columns 3 and 11. I know about the removeduplicate method and works really well but i want the duplicates not to be removed. Instead another column shall be checked for date of entry (user will entry date in format dd/mm/yyyy). The newest entry will change the value of the cell in column 4 (islatest column)to TRUE while all other records will be FALSE. This will work with the filtering of data on a pivot table on another worksheet.
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Nov 21, 2013
I just installed Office 2013 Pro. In my Office 2010 Additional Controls toolbox, the control toolbox has a Date and Time Picker(DTPicker1) . I cannot find it in the Additional Controls toolbox in Excel 2013. I certainly hope they did not choose to not make it available in Excel 2013 - this is an extremely important control for my Excel spreadsheets as it allows inputting a date range on a userform with DTPicker1 and DTPicker2 and generating reports using VBA in conjunction with Autofiltering code on a Generate Report button.
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Jan 24, 2007
I am pasting a large amount of data from a sql server query into excel. There is multiple tables output in each query. Some of the data is date/time and excel is formatting all of these cells to time. The date/time cells to not neatly line up in any row or column, so I cannot just format any give column or row. I need a macro that will find all of the cells that are formatted as time and change them to a date format.
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Aug 20, 2014
After I imported this data, the date and time is in the same column in the format of "mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss" military time. How do I write a VBA code to split up the date and time into two separate columns. One column would only have "mm/dd/yyyy" while the other only have "hh:mm:ss" in military time.
Eventually, I need to extract information from the data by looking for a specific time. I would also plot time vs something.
I don't know if treating it as a string would work, because it would just become a text rather than a time, right?
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Feb 5, 2014
I have Dates as column headings, People going down across rows, and their corresponding budgeted hours:
Person Last Day 1/1 1/8 1/15
Bob ? 45 45 0
John ? 45 0 0
I need a formula in the "Last Day" column that can pick up when a person rolls off the project, i.e. has a value of "0" or "-".
I need this because I have a spreadsheet with thousands of resources and don't want to comb through, manually looking for their last day on the project.
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Jan 6, 2014
i am trying to find the time difference between two cells and present the date in a third cell. The data in the cells are in a non standard date/time and i need to create a special format i think. The cells look like this.
fldcollected fldaccepted Type Time between being received by database and eccepted
2013-11-06 15:59:29.1002013-11-07 08:41:12.000PSTN
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May 8, 2013
I have a large data set which contains four coloumns: Supplier, Supplier number, order number, and date/time of delivery. The date/time coloumn is formatted as YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM with a 24h time notation. What i want to do is to find deliveries that occurs within 1 hour and that are from the same supplier. So i basically want to group (?) the data with regards to the suppliers and then, within these subsets, check for date/time entries that occurs within 1 hour from each others by "reading" each date entry and compare it to the following one(s) (and maybe stop comparing when the 1 hour interval is passed)?
Furthermore, even if this one might be very hard, it would be good if i could make sure that the entries that are "tagged" as within a 1 hour interval, wont be used as basis for a new interval or be included in other intervals.
The result i am after would be number of 1 hour intervals for each supplier and the number of entries in each interval.
Below is an example from the date/time coloumn:
12-03-08 15:32
12-03-08 15:33 ... Interval with 2 entries
12-03-12 14:54
12-03-28 11:57
12-04-16 09:10
12-05-07 13:41
12-05-07 13:46 ... Interval with 2 entries
12-05-28 11:55
12-05-28 12:00
12-06-04 12:01 ... Interval with 2 entries
12-06-04 12:09
12-06-11 08:30
12-06-11 08:31
12-06-11 08:59 ... Interval with 3 entries
12-07-02 11:10
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Mar 21, 2012
So I have a workbook that has a range of dates in one column and a corresponding range of times in the column next to it. On a separate sheet I want to return the lowest time&date, and then the maximum time&date. I've tried a few different things but nothing is working.I tried this:
This didn't work for some reason. It did return a time, but it wasn't the lowest. The maximum wasn't even close.
Previously I was just doing the min/max of the date in one cell and then the min/max of the time in a different one, but obviously that didn't work since the time wasn't going off of the maximum date, so it was just showing the lowest time period.
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Apr 5, 2013
I'm trying to find a formula that will return the earliest date in a cell looking at the six columns to the left of the earliest date column.
See below for example.
Employee Date1 Date2 Date3 Date4 Date5 Date6 EARLIEST DATE
Long Johns 7/1/2012 7/1/2012 7/1/2012 7/1/2012 7/1/2010 7/1/2012 7/1/2010
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Apr 24, 2014
I am wondering if there is way to analayse date and time data in a way that would allow me to look at time differences.
I have two columns of data, one has the date and time an entry was made onto a client database, the other shows the date and time an amendment or deletion was made.
What I would like is a formula that shows the time period difference between the two entries.
So for example if one column shows 14/02/2014 14:26 and the other shows 14/02/2014 14:28 it would show 1 (minute) as the result.
I have over 1000 entries to look at and manually it is taking a looooooooong time!
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Oct 10, 2007
I have two identical web query's on the same sheet. One from column A to column I and the other one from column K to column S, and both have 404 rows. The one on the left (from column A to I) autorefreshes every 60 minutes and the one on the right (from column K to S) autorefreshes every 4 minutes. I want to subtract the numbers in column Q from column G and the ones in column R from column H, and in both cases if the result is bigger than 0 to place a timestamp in column Y(for Q-G), and in column Z (for R-H). I tried with NOW formula, but the timestamp changed every time the web query from the right autorefreshed, no matter of the result. I guess that I have to use VBA codes...but I'm not good at that .
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