Finding Minimum Difference Of All Elements In One Row Or Column?

Jan 27, 2009

I need to find the minimum difference between any two elements in a row or a column. While it's easy to do for a 3-4 elements by doing subtractions for all elements in the array, doing it for more elements leads to a very long formula.

For example, I need to find the difference between any two elements between C5 and C9: ....

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Finding The Minimum Value In A Column That Comes After The Maximum Value

Dec 11, 2008

Say I have 2 columns that in basic form look like this:

Column A Column B
Jan 1
Feb 0
Mar 7
Apr 4
May 15
Jun 2
Jul 5
Aug 4

First I want to look up the max value in this column. This is easy =max(b1:b8)
Then I want to know the minimum value that occurs after the maximum value. Thus the answer would be 2.

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Finding Non-Zero Minimum In Column Of Figures

May 21, 2013

how do I find the non zero minimum in a column of figures, I want the figure that is greater than 1 returned?

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Finding Minimum Value In Column That Has Blanks And Break?

Aug 15, 2013

Sheet 1, column B range is B4:B39 & B54:B85 Data will look like this

Or very similar to it, I want to be able to find in order smallest to largest across 6 cells, meaning in cell c4 I want 4-333, d4 20-55, e4 20-77 and so on for only 6 cells as that is all I have room for on the sheet. of course if there are only 2 sets of data then 3-6 will be blank. but I think if I can get something working I can add that part.

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Finding Minimum Value In Column Based On Multiple Text Criteria In Other Columns?

Jan 2, 2013

This formula allows me to find the lowest value in column U where column N contains the text "NO".


I want to add another condition so that the formula only returns the lowest value in column U where (i) column N contains the text "NO" and also (ii) column F contains the text "YES".

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Macro For Finding Difference Between Two Timings Of Column And Adjusting Them?

Mar 27, 2014

HTML Code: 

Time,s act1act2

I have this data...I need a macro which can find difference of timing between peaks of "act1" and "act2" and can adjust the act2 column such that their peaks are on same line.. For exampe here in data peaks of "act1" is at 13seconds and of "act2" is at the difference is +1...I will insert 1 one cell in "Act2" from above which will shift down the column such that 60 in act1 and 30 in act2 will be in line...or for another example if 30 is below 60 ....>..if difference is -1 seconds or in minus it can delete the same number of cells from above in act2 coloumn(deletion of cells from the beginning which are under the title act2)..

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Finding Array Elements In Worksheet?

Mar 25, 2014

I've defined a string array and would want to use it as a basis for a vlookup. Is it possible to find the elements of the array directly in the worksheet ?So far I've got :

[Code] .....

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Minimum Difference In Dates

Mar 23, 2009

I am trying choose the nearest date, from todays date out of a small array of numbers, and then also find the number of days between them. Additional to that, i would like it to ignore a date if that is in the past i.e. <now(). So I have a list of dates in column a, and i would like it to show me the number of days till the next closest 1, considering it hasnt passed already. I have tried many different ways and itteration of IF statement to solve this 1 but just cannot do it.

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Variable Cell Reference Based On Minimum Difference

Feb 12, 2010

I have a monitoring system that records a data point with a date/time stamp several times a day at random intervals. For each reading I want to calculate the change compared to the first reading that was more than 24 hours ago, which could be anywhere from 1 to 20 rows above the current one. Hence with the timestamp in col A and the value in col B, the formula in col C, for example cell C20, needs to read something like =B20-Bxyz, where xyz is the row number of the first reading that is more than 24 hours, i.e the first row xyz where A20-Axyz >1.

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Finding Minimum From Specific Group?

Nov 8, 2012

I tried several iterations of sumproduct, small, and few index matches. no luck.

Several thousand rows, column A is name, column B is city, column C is $.

I want to see the max, min, median for all first names.

=SUMPRODUCT(MAX((Name=Joe)*($))) - seems to work fine
=SUMPRODUCT(min((Name=Joe)*($))) - will not work, zeros come through, even if there are no 0's for Joe
=SUMPRODUCT((Name=Joe)*(SMALL($,1))) - wrong answer

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Finding Minimum Value Using Multiple Criterias

Feb 28, 2008

I have managed to make a work queue and lots of other stuff for the model, but I can't get it to take orders in the way I want it. Each order has a order number (from 1 to 100) and the orders come in almost randomly e.g. 3, 5, 11, 2, 7, etc. What I want to do is to take the smallest available order that has not been processed in.

The available orders column and processed orders look something like this:

Time, Available, Processed, Start processing
5 2 0 2
10 0 0 0
15 0 0 0
20 0 0 0
25 5 0 0
30 0 0 0
35 0 0 0
40 0 0 0
45 4 2 4
50 0 4 0
55 7 0 5
60 6 5 6

Zero means no new orders or no processed orders. Now the Start processing column should select the smallest not processed order if previous order has been processed.

A have, for now at least, all other problems solved, but can't figure out how to get start processing column check for the smallest not processed order line. I have tried combination of Min and Max functions with If, but it soon requires too many Ifs to make any sense out of it. I also tried the Dmin function, but it wasn't up to the task becouse the model requires ~1000 lines and as Dmin only takes criterias vertically I ran out of columns . So how could find minimum from row one until current row excluding values processed so far and only checking orders available so far?

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Finding MINIMUM Based On Adjacent Criteria

Sep 2, 2009

What I am attempting to do is find the MIN value in Column C where values in Column A are equal.

The data would look like this

A B C D (D:D is where the "MIN" Formula will be)
Scope1 NameA $100
Scope1 NameB $145
Scope1 NameC $115 $100 (I want the min value to show up here)
- (this would trigger a break between scopes, and provide a conditional format separator)
Scope2 NameE $450
Scope2 NameG $345
Scope2 NameX $415 $345

So every time I put a "-" I would like the MIN formula to trigger in (Row#-1,D)

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Finding Difference In Times

Nov 21, 2006

I have a column that finds the difference between two times and I have it formatted as h:mm so that I get results such as 0:55 for 55 minutes. The problem is that when I try to get an average, median, and sum for all the times in that column it doesn't work. It comes up way short. I'm assuming it has somthing to do with the formatting.

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Finding Difference Between Time Two Cells?

Feb 24, 2014

I'm looking for a formula in relation to the calculation of time.What I'm looking for is a way of finding the difference between the time two cells and it displaying it in the number of hours e.g.:

Cell 1__Cell 2__Cell 3

12:00 + 18:30 = 6.5 (it is 6 hours 30 mins but I want it displayed as a number.

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Finding Difference In Timing Between Transactions

Oct 13, 2009

I have approximately 40 seperate sheets in one workbook. Each sheet is a unique part #. Each part has 6 different types of transactions possible. Let's say A-F. A-F each have a date associated when them of when the transaction occured. The transactions are sorted by date. I would like to write a formula that when Transaction A occurs what is the diffence in days until D transaction occurs. Or the time differnce between when B occured and the next F occured.

below is my datedif formula, but it obviously only works in a sequential order from top to bottom.

=IF(DATEDIF(M5,M6,"y")=0,"",DATEDIF(M52,M6,"y")&" years ")&IF(DATEDIF(M5,M6,"ym")=0,"",DATEDIF(M5,M6,"ym")&" months ")&DATEDIF(M5,M6,"md")&" days"

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Finding The Difference Between Two Dates And Times?

Feb 14, 2014

I am having difficulty finding the difference between two times and dates in Excel. I have researched this on Google and tried several formulas but none have worked for me. The format the data is currently in can be seen below:

A1: 1/3/2014 11:00:02.230 B1: 2/7/2014 08:42:37.637
A2: 2/12/2014 07:51:58.663 B2: 2/13/2014 05:36:31.893

(Note all times are military time format)

I want to display the difference in C1 in a format along the lines of "dd hh:mm". The data for seconds and fractions of a second is included in the source data but is not needed in the final results.

If the date and time falls on the same day, I have no trouble doing a simple "B3-A3" to determine the answer. For example:

A3: 2/5/2014 09:56:06.273 B3: 2/5/2014 10:39:51.34

Gives me an answer of: 0:43

Trying to do the same for A1 and B1 gives me this: "03 21:42" when I format it to "dd hh:mm".

Is there a formula that would give me the correct answer in both of these cases?

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Finding Difference Between Non-consecutive Numbers?

Jul 11, 2013

I have got the following issue. I have got a large list of values in a column. I need to detect the the ones which are in non-consecutive order and display the difference in single numbers. For example:

1 fine
2 fine
3 fine
7 - 4,5,6
10 - 8,9

In other words I need to find the missing values and get them displayed.

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Subtracting Time (finding The Difference Between Times)

Dec 8, 2009

I am having trouble finding the difference between times. I have two cells, A1, A2. Times will be placed in there each day. A1 will have the first time and A2 will have a later time that day. i.e. A1 12:25AM, A2 2:45AM. A3 would have the formula. In this case I am looking for an answer of 2:00 (2hrs).

My second issue will be times when I have A1 11:20pm and A2 1:20am. I can't seem to get it to work.

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Finding Difference Between Latest And Previous Value Excluding Blanks

Dec 4, 2013

I need a spreadsheet to record the number of calls taken by my staff YTD, and have it laid out as follows:

Column A Column B Column C

1 Date Calls Taken Increase
2 01/01 10
3 02/01 13 3
4 03/01 19 6

The "Increase" is a simple =B4-B3 etc. But, there is a problem...

Say for example a member of staff is ill one day and therefore doesn't take any calls, I end up with a 'blank' cell in column 'B'...

Column A Column B Column C

1 Date Calls Taken Increase
2 01/01 10
3 02/01 13 3
4 03/01 19 6
5 04/01 -19
6 05/01 25 25

My problem is the increase in calls from 03/01 to 05/01 YTD ISN'T 25, it's 6.

Is there a formulae I can use that works out the difference between the latest number of calls taken and the last number of calls taken (excluding the 'blank' cells)?

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How To Exclude Sundays And Other Holidays While Finding Difference Between Dates

Jul 25, 2014

find the difference between 2 dates in excel "date 1 - date 2"..... but I'm not quite sure as to how one would do it while excluding holidays!

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How To Select Last 90 Elements In Filtered Column VBA

Dec 15, 2013

I have about 6000 rows of data in column A:G and growing

Column A is the key where i filter between a lot of duplicates

If i filter on X100000 there is about 432 elements (rows)
if i filter on Y100100 there is only 43 elements (rows)

The problem is i only want to copy the last up to 90 element to another sheet. I can copy all 432 rows to a second sheet and then copy last up to 90 rows thats what im doing now. And i am familiar with


But still cant figure out haw to do it directly in the filtered sheet.

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MINIF Function; Find The Minimum Value Of Column A If There Is Anything Greater Than Zero In Column B

Jul 29, 2006

I want to find the minimum value of column A if there is anything greater than zero in column B. I tried this formula (simplified): MINIF(B2:B6,">"&0,A2:A6) And it gives me the # NAME? error

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Finding The Minimum Time And Maximum Time

Jul 12, 2008

NameTime InTime OutAlan08300930Alan10001030Alan12301630Tony11301230Alan09450950Tony10301115

I would like to find the minimum time in and maximum time out for each person. The data type of Time In and Time Out are general.


NameTime InTime OutAlan08301630Tony10301230

Therefore, I would like to know what function in excel will enable me to perform such task. Furthermore, can this function use with VBA?

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Minimum Function In VBA: Find The Minimum Cumulative Cost In Week 0 Out Of The First Three

Jan 4, 2010

Attached is a print screen. I'm struggling with using the min function in vba. I want it to find the minimum cumulative cost in week 0 out of the first three, and the copy the permutations of it (1,0 or 1, 1 , e.t.c.) to Week one column C & D of the model.

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Sum Column With Minimum Value?

Jan 13, 2014

How can I find the lowest value in a range (say B5:H20),

and then sum its column ???

i.e. The minimum value in this range is in the cell F16... So, I need to sum range F5:F20 (only the column with the minimum value)

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Return The Minimum In Column

Dec 4, 2008

I have columns of data as per below and if the data in Column A meets a certain condition I want it to return the minimum in Column B.

Column A Column B
BU1 5.45%
BU1 7.00%
BU2 10.00%
BU1 4.67%
BU2 3.50%

So, if Column A contains BU1 I want to know the minimum of the BU1 %'s.

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Minimum Value Based On Column Value

Mar 11, 2014

I would like to find min value in column B for 1 order number (they are sorted Asc). Values must be shown in column C (currently are in column C expected values).

Example table:



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Find Duplicates In Column A And Calculate Difference Between Times In Column B

Apr 4, 2009

I love this forum, and am usually able to find the help I need without bothering anyone However this one has me stumped and I wonder if anyone can help. It feels like it should be a fairly simple solution, but they can often be the ones that are most eluding LOL!

I have two columns; in column A are incoming telephone numbers and in column B are the date and time the calls were made. (I've put a few hashes in column A just to maintain confidentiality of the numbers, but in reality the cell is formatted as text in order to maintain the leading zero, and entries will follow the format 01234567890)

A sample would look like this:

0##6270####01-Mar-2009 00:01:440##6271####01-Mar-2009 00:03:020##6271####01-Mar-2009 00:03:040##6272####01-Mar-2009 00:16:330##6273####01-Mar-2009 00:30:490##6274####01-Mar-2009 00:55:470##6274####01-Mar-2009 01:06:170##6274####01-Mar-2009 01:07:420##6275####01-Mar-2009 01:08:360##6275####01-Mar-2009 01:11:410##6276####01-Mar-2009 01:13:45

Some numbers only call in once, I need to identify them as only called once.

Some numbers call twice, if they do I need to be able to show time it took between call 1 and call 2.

Some numbers call more than twice. For each successive call I need to be able to show the time since the previous call.

In my mind, the results table would need to look something like this:

NumberTime of callTime between
1st and 2nd call
Time between
2nd and 3rd call
Time between
3rd and 4th call
0##6270####01-Mar-2009 00:01:44Only called once0##6271####01-Mar-2009 00:03:0200:00:020##6272####01-Mar-2009 00:16:33Only called once0##6273####01-Mar-2009 00:30:49Only called once0##6274####01-Mar-2009 00:55:4700:10:3000:01:250##6275####01-Mar-2009 01:08:3600:03:050##6276####01-Mar-2009 01:13:45Only called once

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Getting A Minimum Number Other/greater Than Zero From A Column

Aug 25, 2009

What is the formula for getting a minimum number other/greater than zero from a column of added numbers?

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Minimum Value From Specified Column Of Range Matrix

Mar 5, 2008

I have a 10x10 array that represents different cities that a travelling saleperson can travel to. Rows are cities designated as i values, columns are the same cities and represented by j values. I need to use a For, Next loop to determine the shortest distance (lowest value) in a given column. The i (row) that contained the lowest value is the first city to be visted and a boolean is entered for that j=i column, showing that the city has been visited. When pulling the minimum values from the column I need to ignore 0 values where the distance is between a city and itself. I'm having trouble coming up with a loop that takes identifies the i row with the lowest value that also ignores previously visited cities and takes the boolean into account. Maybe my Excel spreadhseet will clear up what I'm trying to do, The distances were generated using RANDBETWEEN(1,100).

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