Fixed Range Name When Adding Rows/Columns/Cells
Aug 25, 2006
How do I define a " Range Name" that is fixed? So if I insert a row above the range it has no effect on the orginal range.
IE: Range Name "MyRange" = A10:A100
I insert a new row at A4 then "MyRange" = A11:A101
I want it to stay at A10:A100.
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Jan 5, 2009
I am still trying to develop a macro that will copy and paste a set of formulas into a dynamic destination range. I have included a worksheet that shows what I am trying to do. Basically when using AutoFill I need the columns of the destination range to be dynamic based on the number of rows in another sheet.
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Mar 6, 2009
I have a larger data file (120,000+ rows). Each row has one column for date and another for time. Basically, I need to add 6 hours to all time entries, but also change the date accordingly.
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Jun 24, 2009
i have a unique problem. I have a spreadsheet with 2 worksheets.
Worksheet A
Dlr# Dlr Name Zip Code
X123 Dane's 50266
X123 Dane's 50266
X123 Dane's 53135
X983 Andy's 50254
X983 Andy's 50254
X348 Ryan's 45678
So, this spreadsheet has some duplicate rows and some unique ones. All are needed as duplicate zips mean that the dealer is sending out multiple mailings to the same zip code.
My task is to transfer these into Worksheet B so that duplicate zips go in different columns but unique zips don't. So this is what Worksheet B will look like:
Worksheet B
Dlr# Dlr Name Drop 1 Drop 2 Drop 3
X123 Dane's 50266 50266
X123 Dane's 53135
X983 Andy's 50254 50254
X348 Ryan's 45678
My spreadsheet has over 500 dealers with over 1500 rows of data in it, so if there is an automated way to create spreadsheet B.
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Nov 27, 2013
Im using this formula in a spreedsheet =(B$3*0,5)+(B$3+(B$4*0,5))+(B$3+B$4+(B$5*0,5))+(B$3+B$4+B$5+(B$6*0,5))+(SUM(B$7:B$28)*4)
What i want is to be able to drag this down for multiple rows but i want the formula above to only change columns i.e.
Next row gets C$3 and so on.
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Sep 26, 2006
I'm using Conditional Formatting for an entire column to check the value of each cell and compare it to the value of a cell in the same row but a different column. (Cell Value equals =$D2) It works great until I insert or delete a cell in the formatted column. The reference does not change as one would expect. I've played around with formulae such as =$D2<>$P2 but the reference only changes for the P2, not the D2. I've also tried using =CELL("contents", ADDRESS(Row(),4)) but this causes excel to complain.
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Jun 21, 2014
I'm trying to produce a fixed format pivot table in Excel 2010. Normally I'd just construct a manual table using COUNTIFS, SUMIFS etc, howver, for this exercise the requirement is to be able to click on any field and have a tab pop up with the relavent data a la Pivot Table. But....I need the Pivot table to have a fixed format (which I can do with 'Preserve cell formatting on update') and to have all of the rows and columns in irrespective of whether there is data or not (i.e. if I haven't sold any apples in June, I still want the 'Apples' field to appear, just with a value of zero). I had assumed that the option I needed was 'Show items with no data on rows/columns' but these options are greyed out. I've tried right-clicking on the whole table, on individual fields and on labels but still get the same greyed out options.
Is there any way I can retain all of the rows and columns?
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Jan 22, 2009
I have created a spreadsheet which is tallying up various data. I have a number of different categories e.g. A, B, C, D and within each one of these are sub categories. I then have a tally for the number of each category and within that the number of each sub category. I then want to sort the data so that first the main category is sorted in order of highest tally to lowest. the sub categories however need to stay with their primary category. I then need to sort each sub category within the main category.
the data looks omething like this:
category tally sub cat number
A 6 A 3
B 4
C 6
B 9 A 1
B 6
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Mar 10, 2009
How can I shift the range of cells I want to calculate an average from? For example I want to get the average of cells A1 to A10, so =AVERAGE(A1:A10) And next I want to get the average of cells A11 to A20, so =AVERAGE(A11:A20). But I don't want to manually change the data or delete rows all the time.Is it possible to do something like: =average(A1+10:A10+10)??
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Mar 19, 2008
I'm working to build a macro to help clean up data I download out of our company's online resources. I know that the data will run from column A to N but the number of items (and thus number of rows)will change. I need to sort all used rows except for the last one (which containes totals and I don't want to include in my sort). So right now I'm just trying to figure out how to select from A3:NX, where x is the row above the last used row.
What I've managed to find so far on the forums is
Offset("$A$3", 0, 0, (Match(9.99999999999999E+307, "N:N", 1) - 1), 14).Select
which I think should find the last row in N to have a number in it, minus 1. However I'm getting a compile error that function or sub are not defined. (seemingly refering to the Match, but I'm not sure).
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Jun 16, 2009
I created a macro on an Excel spreadsheet:
Sub Macro1()
Selection.NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00_);($#,##0.00)"
Selection.NumberFormat = "0.00%"
Selection.NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00_);($#,##0.00)"
ActiveWindow.SmallScroll Down:=24
Selection.NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00_);($#,##0.00)"
ActiveWindow.SmallScroll Down:=57
End Sub
When the macro is run, it works with the exact amount of data that I've entered.
However, because I have specified a specific range, if I add a row or column of data to the spreadsheet and run the macro again, it throws the whole thing off (certain cells get formatted when they shouldn't and others aren't formatted)
How do I tell the macro to look in the spreadsheet for varying ranges of data and format those cells?
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Jan 29, 2007
I want to restrict the adding the rows and columns and also deletion of rows and columns in excel template, the same template is circulated to all the program owners to capture there project metrics. With that template through macro values are extracting to consolidated report. Some times program owners are adding extra columns/rows with that we are getting errors/incorrect reports.
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Jan 18, 2014
Essentially what I want to automate is a check through one list on the Sheets("Notes") in column A, with another column B on Sheets(template). If there is a match I want to insert a part of the row that the match occurred on Sheet("Notes"), and insert it above the row where the match occurred on Sheets(template).
Here is my code so far, currently I keep getting a "Application-defined or object defined error" on the line
Sheets("Notes").Range(Cells(i, 2), Cells(i, 11)).Copy
Sub add_notes(template As String)
Dim Rng As Range
Dim i As Integer
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Jun 16, 2008
Will excel allow text to be permanently be positioned in a specific cell even if rows or columns are added?
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Feb 28, 2014
$2.95 to $11.00
$4.50 to $19.00
$17.45 to $40.00
Is there a formula that will add column A to the left and right sides of columns B and C to give me an overall answer range in column D?
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Dec 6, 2013
Im new to excel and problem regarding the sumproduct function.
I have three columns in my sheet1, column A and column B contain 1000 numbers.
Hence, column A goes from A1 to A1000 and column B from B1 to B1000.
In the first row of column C, i want to use sumproduct on A1:A5 with B1:B5.
My problem arises when I want to drag the formula down, in the second row of column C I want
to use sumproduct on A6:A10 with B6:B10 but the formula uses A2:A6 with B2:B6.
Is there a way to fix the ranges when I am using sumprodct so it takes "fixed" ranges like every fifth,
A1:A5 with B1:B5 , A6:A10 with B6:B10, A11:A15 with B11:B15 and so on.
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May 1, 2012
I have a sheet which has the following Columns:
These are columns B,C,D,E,
Because the data is imported, it shows one row for the person's sales and another for their returns like this:
What I am trying to do is get the net sales of 80 in either of Dave's rows in the Net column, then I can hide the duplicate row. However, this is complicated by the fact that names without returns, (like Fred in this example,) do not have a second row. (This also applies to those names without sales, but with returns, like Andy).
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Mar 1, 2007
every month i download a sales list of which there are about 200 transactions.
each day there is a different amount of sales ie
feb 1st 9.99
feb 1st 14.99
feb 1st 7.99 (3 sales)
feb 2nd 8.99
feb 2nd 16.99
feb 2nd 14.99
feb 2nd 8.99 (4 sales)
"" "" "" ""
etc throughout the month
at the moment i am using the SUM to maunually add the sales per day
feb 1st 32.97
feb 2nd 49.96
as i need a daily record of income, however this is very time consuming
is there any way i can request the worksheet to add say column b for the 1st feb and show total
column b for 2nd feb and show total, thus saving myself hours of work ??
way to add up the total for each day
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Jul 20, 2012
I have 5 columns with data in each
I want to create a 6th column that looks to the columns on the left with data in ti and concatenates all data in the 5 columns and puts it into one cell in the 6th column however put a space between each break of data so that it can be distinguished which bit of data was in what column previously.
The challenge is the new 6th column can only contain 30 characters - When it exceeds 30 characters then create a 7th column and put the rest of data in the 7th column, again the 7th column can only have 30 characters so if exceeds this then put the remaining characters in a 8th column
There will never be more than a total of 90 characters in the original 5 columns so there will only need to be scope for a maximum of 3 additional columns
So for example
Column A had two words in it that totaled 20 characters (the space between the two words is also counted as a character)
Column B had two words in it that totaled 20 characters (the space between the two words is also counted as a character)
Column C had a word that contained 10 characters
Column D had a word that contained 5 characters
Column E had a word that contained 10 characters
Then the result would be
Column F would only have the data originally held in Column A (because it can't include Column B's data as this would exceed the 30 characters)
Column G would have data that was originally held in column B and column C - with a space between B and C data
Column H would have data that was originally held C, D and E - with a space between C, D and E data
Another point to consider is if in one of the orginal 5 columns had say 3 words in it and lets say the 3rd word is the word that exceeds the 30 character limit, then the whole of the third word is to be carried oved to the next new column, I can't have words cut in hlaf with one half in Column 'F' and the other half in Column 'H' for example.
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Sep 19, 2013
I'm looking to easily drag the sum of certain cells in a different column BUT keeping a specific range, it's hard to explain so i'll show an example...
And so on...
Is there any way I can do this by dragging down the cell formula from B1 and it remembering the range of 4, so I don't have to manually select each range...?
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Mar 14, 2009
I'm trying to come up with a formula which will add the cells in a date range. This date range may be within the same month or span several months but will always be within the year.
On the results page, Cell A3 will be the Employee Number, Cell B3 will be the From Date, Cell C3 will be the To Date. I need to find a for cell D3, the sum. For example, if A3 had 123456, B3 had 1/2/09, C3 had 1/3/09, then D3 would need to have 17.48 (8.88+8.6)
The way I'm currently looking at is adding a row between C and D on the data table below which contains the row number, then doing a VLOOKUP and a few indexes to pull the data but I'm concerned that pulling data from 7 different tables (for different types of employee hours) for 250 employees would make this take forever to recalculate.
Note that the table below has 12 rows for the 12 months of the years and the columns go all the way to 31. It can be counted on that if a date doesn't exist (for example, 2/30/09, the value in the cell will be 0 which means we can use ranges through the end of the month if needed) ......
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Dec 21, 2007
I need the different categories to be separated into separate columns, but they do not appear to be separated by anything useful or a fixed width. Not only that, but the last few columns were moved onto a second line when I copied the data into Excel for some reason. The data originally came over in an Adobe Acrobat file. This is what the final product should look like: ....
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Feb 26, 2013
I have a spreadsheet with 27 Columns and 439 rows of data. I need to copy each row of data that has a certain criteria and paste the same data 141 times below it and then manipulate the data. In the same spreadsheet I need to copy a row of data that has other criteria in it and past it 30 times below it, and then manipulate the data.
I have been using the copy and insert copied cells function, but I have to scroll down 141 or 30 rows each time to ensure I add in the correct amount of rows. Is there a more productive way to do this? I have about 10 workbooks with approximately 47 tabs/worksheets each that I will need to update in a similar fashion.
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Mar 8, 2013
I'm trying to autofill "vertically" in a spreadsheet using a formula which loads value from a different sheet.
Lets say I have cell (A1 for example) ='2013'!A39
Now I want to fill A2-A30 in a way that the formula updates to ='2013'!B39, ='2013'!C39, ='2013'!D39...and so on
I've tried using ='2013'!A$39, but this only copies the formula as it is. When I try to autofill cell A2-A30, the formula still is ='2013!A$39
Is this possible to do?
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Jan 10, 2010
I'm getting random data and i want to put it in a fixed formatting
Therefor i need to be able to search a name and copy the corresponding rows to a fixed position
I put in a file
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Feb 21, 2010
I want to count the number of rows from a fixed cell (eg. $A$2) to a "named cell" (eg. "Department Winn").
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Oct 24, 2012
I'm trying to create a sum that gives the output with the currency format but also change column D from from D2 to the Total the currency format. (it changes based on how many customers). Here is the code
Dim rng As Range
Set rng = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("D65536").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)
Range("D" & lastrow + 4).Select
lastrow = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
Cells(lastrow + 1, 4).Formula = "=sum(D2:D" & lastrow & ")"
rng.Select ("D" & lastrow)
Selection.NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00"
I know it has to do with the statement but I'm just not sure how to make it work for all of Column D from D2 to the Total/Sum.
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Sep 24, 2011
I'm struggling with getting my Excel worksheet to fit nicely on the pg for printing to .pdf. I could tinker with column widths manually to work this out for a printed report. But I need to print a couple hundred reports with varying column widths, so I need a vba solution.
The context is that I'm using vba to process two sets of interlinked data on a worksheet. I only want to print one set of data, and keep the second set out of the print view. To do this, I'm keeping the first set of data in columns 1 to 10 and the second set of data in columsn 21 to 30. I set the print range to only include columns 1 to 10.
This works fine for keeping the second set of data off the printed pg. The problem is that there is always a gap between the end of column 10 and the maximum width of the printed pg. Given the formatting of the report, this doesn't look very good.
I know that page setup offers the "fit to" option. This would work if I wanted to fit everything on the worksheet on the pg, but I don't. I just want to fit columns 1 to 10 to the pg. Is there a way to do this, allowing for varying widths in columns 1 to 10? Is there a way to do it via vba?
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Oct 26, 2012
I have a long (190,000) list of customer data, all in Column A (unfortunately with blank rows among it, but working now to fix that).
Down the column, individual customers are bookended by a "adf" and a "/adf". (these have open and close brackets like HTML code, but I cannot reproduce them in this forum).
For each customer, I need to find the rows that begin with (brackets spelled out since I do not know how to show them):
1. [open bracket] vehicle status
2. name part=3D"first"[close bracket]
3. [open bracket]name part=3D"last"[close bracket]
4. [open bracket]email[close bracket]
5.[open bracket]phone time=3D
6.[open bracket] name part=3D
And transpose only those rows it into columns.There is a dynamic number of rows for each customer, so there's no way to simply count and transpose, as the columns would all be mis-entered.Somehow it needs to recognize those 6 row items, and transpose those values only, with the and the only telltale of a start and finish of a specific customer.
EDIT: How about a macro to delete all rows except those that contain those partial values above?
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Nov 19, 2013
I'm trying to create a shortcut that will allow me to add quotation marks to the begining and end of text in cells. I've tried the following, which works fine when only one cell is highlighted:
Dim rng As Range
Dim txt As String
Set rng = Selection
txt = """"
rng = txt & rng.Value & txt
However as soon as I highlight more than one cell, it errors. How to make it work for a range of cells?
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