Formula Ranges Shows #REF!

Oct 30, 2008

Hi i have the following SUMPRODUCT formula which works as required, but when i clear the raw data and apply new raw data and apply macro that sorts my data, then all the ranges in the formula shows #REF!


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Formula Shows DIV/0

May 12, 2008

got this quite complciated formula.

any of the cells specified can be blank at start of spreadsheet
is there a way to hide the DIV/0 error from appearing

this is the formula:


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COUNTIF Formula Which Shows A %

Mar 5, 2009

I already have a conditional format which is working OK. I would like to put a formula in the cell so it shows a % so currently it would be 100% as there is 3 cells below showing 3 greens.

Alternativily each colour is worth a value - Green = 1, Amber = 2, Red = 3. So Cell I3 would show 3.

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Formula That Only Shows Data Only If Different From Above?

Jun 19, 2014

I am trying to create a basic invoice spreadsheet.

On worksheet 1, I have days of the month A4 to A35. Columns B, C, D, E are headed.

Every hour of work I would enter a " 1 " in the correct cell for the day. For example, 1 hour, every segment of the day, I would enter "1" in cells Bx, Cx, Dx and Ex. This continues for the month;

On a 2nd worksheet, this is neatened up, and I have added formulas to work out the cost and type of call;

On the third worksheet, I want to display roughly the same, however when there has been no work on the day (ie the date displays "None" and the adjacent cells show: blank, blank, blank, blank, £0.00), I want it to skip the cell and display the next date which has data to show (ie a date). The data on the adjacent cells needs match with the date (in the same way as physically deleting a 'non worked' whole row).

This then on the invoice worksheet would look neat and display only the days actually worked.

What formula(s) could I use to do this.

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IF Formula Shows FALSE When It Shouldn't

May 30, 2014

I am facing an issue related to IF formula. It does show the correct result in one and another cell, but in a few others - doesn't.

This is strange since all variables are correct, and parameters are the same for every cell. And, in theory every cell should show the right answer.

In addition, the result doesn't change even when changing variables in cells that are dependants to cell where IF is located.

Concerning the formula itself. Variables are as such:

- different container types (20, 40, 40rf, 45cs, 45rf, 45)
- different weight limitations per container type (e.g. 20 container max weight 26t)
- using IF(OR(AND(....
- if any of the conditions met (e.g. 20 container < 26t ) then VLOOKUP for the rate from data based on the place name.
- if non of conditions met, then show "Overweight cargo"

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Formula Shows Result As FALSE?

Feb 15, 2014

I have following formula:

Why does this formula show result as "FALSE"?

If cell B56 is empty, then I need a result of "". i.e. blank result, but it shows FALSE word.


then you go straight to the TRUE nested IFs

IF(LEFT(B$52,3)="Pla",RIGHT(Table!AN4,2)&"% Discount",
IF(LEFT(B$52,3)="Gol",RIGHT(Table!AO4,2)&"% Discount",
IF(LEFT(B$52,3)="Sil",RIGHT(Table!AP4,2)&"% Discount",""))), "need something here" )

so to get ""

IF(LEFT(B56,2)="on",IF(LEFT(B$52,3)="Pla",RIGHT(Table!AN4,2)&"% Discount",IF(LEFT(B$52,3)="Gol",
RIGHT(Table!AO4,2)&"% Discount",IF(LEFT(B$52,3)="Sil",RIGHT(Table!AP4,2)&"% Discount",""))), "" )

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Blank Cell Shows 0 Or 12:00 AM If There Is Formula

May 25, 2009

I am getting 0 or 12:00 AM when I format cell as time and put formula.

I working on timesheet using this formula (=SUMIF('2'!G4,"="&TODAY(),'2'!E17)). If date in G4 on sheet2 match with todays/current date then copy data in cell E17 to sheet3(b11).

G4 = todays date
E17 = time eg. 2:25 AM ( I have to format destination cell as time because E17 has time value

Formula works fine but when there is no data in E17 or E17 is blank then my destination cell shows 12:00 AM.

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Formula That Shows List From Given Condition

Sep 6, 2012

I have an excel file which contains a full consolidated list of data (Master Tracker). I am now creating a new tracker and what i want to happen is for it to show the list of names from the Master Tracker which exceeded the current date "now()" and the status is still pending.

FYI: The master tracker and New tracker is different excel files Here is an example:

Master Tracker:
Case Date


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Formula - (-) Shows Up And Ranks This As The Number One

Mar 16, 2007

On cell K7, i have this formula:


On cell L7 i have this formula:


The issue is that in cell K7 a dash (-) shows up and ranks this as the number one, even when i have no data in I7 and J7.

MTD Conv
Conv Goal
B/W Goal



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Formula Shows In Cell, Not Result

Jan 3, 2008

Why is it that when I edit some cell's formulas and press enter the result is not the changed formula but the formula itself complete with the '=' sign infront of the fuormula. The work around for me is to cut the formula and paste it into a new cell then drag the old cell over the previous one I tried to edit.

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Vlookup Shows Formula Not Data In Every Cell

Aug 7, 2008

I have created a vlookup and it shows as a formula not as data. I can do 'text to columns' to correct it, but I need to drag this vlookup to lots of different cells, then change it slightly in each one.

Every time I make a change, it reverts to the formula and I have to do 'text to columns' again.

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Formula Shows An Error Once Source Is Closed

Nov 30, 2007

I am linking two worksheets together. Formulas work fine except when I close the source sheet, it turnes into #REF error. I saw in one of the posts that you can not use INDIRECT formula on closed workbooks (INDIRECT is a part of the formula in my sheet) and downloaded the changingExternal. zip file as directed. Although, after staring at it for a while, I realized that I had no idea as to what was going on in there.

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Formula Shows In Cell As R1C1 Reference

Jun 20, 2008

When I first started using excell I was relatively good at it, however a few changes were made. The main one being for excell 2002 was the collumns were not by letter. A minor problem that I managed to get past. However the next was a function issue. Before I remembered a way to total rows with a simple function like =b3*c3, which worked for the first one. Then, from that point, I could copy that formula and paste it to all of the cells in the collum in which the forumula changed for individual cells to =b4*c4, =b5*c5, etc.

My questions are simple. Is there a way that I can do this on Excell 2002 without having to do it on a cell by cell basis, and is there a way to change collumns back to letters.

I've attached the spreadsheet in which I want to figure this out on. The goal, is to total price and quantities sold into the totals section without doing it on a cell by cell basis.

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Conditional Formula Syntax Shows Hash Signs

Jul 1, 2007

I trying to write a conditional formula to test data in a cell to see where it falls between certain values, and depending on the data in the cell, will display a message in another cell showing what level has been attained. It's a long formula and I may not have the syntax correct. Can someone look at this and tell me where I have went wrong? All I get in the target cell is "################".

Here is the formula:

Try this formula. Array formulas will have curly brackets {} emcompassing the ENTIRE formula. You do not add these, you Enter the formula with Ctrl+Shift+Enter and Excel will add them (details: Array formulas). Many more Excel Formulas
  =IF(c13<1600,"Not at prize level yet",IF(AND(c13>=1600,c13<=1999.99),"You have reached level 1",IF(AND(c13>1999.99,c13<=2499.99),"You have reached level 2",IF(AND(c13>2499.99,c13<=2999.99),You have reached level 3,IF(AND(c13>3000,c13<=3499.99),"You have reached level level 4",IF(c13>3500,"You have reached the top level!!")))))) 

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Excel 2010 :: Formula Evaluation Shows Numbers In Quotes

Dec 21, 2011

I'm using Excel 2010.

A formula I am using is outputting "0" instead of the expected value. Upon evaluating the formula I realized that this was because some of the values - years, in this case - had quotes around them while others did not. Please see the image below for the screenshot of the evaluation.

These values - the years - are being evaluated in the following formula.

This formula references the following sheet (an excerpt from that sheet). You can also see the formulas found in the cells causing the problem.

*ABC5212/20/20102010Adjustments53*20112011543/17/20112011Carwen Printers559/9/20112011Adjustments569/9/20112011Copeland Printing
Spreadsheet FormulasCellFormulaB52=IF(A52="",C52,YEAR(A52))B53=IF(A53="",C53,YEAR(A53))

I suspect that the problem is being caused by the output of the formula in these cells. If I simply type in "2011" instead of using the formula in B52:B56, then the first formula in the code section above does not have a problem.

How I can reconcile this?

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Copying Information From Table But Only Number Shows Up Not Actual Formula?

Aug 13, 2013

I am trying to track inventory over 160 days in a spreadsheet. Every week I update a table that shows the number of skus and dollar amount that are over 160 days in a table. I have a ton of formulas that will automatically populate once I put in the new weekly data on a different spreadsheet. I want to track the weekly data so what I would really like to be able to do is paste the actual numbers and not the formulas into another excel spreadsheet so I can track the progress over time. Is there a way to just paste the actual numerical number instead of the formula itself?

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Editing Formula Shows Text All Red, Parentheses Color-coded

Oct 20, 2007

But the formula seems to be working properly.

I've got ALOT of parentheses, 5 nested IFs, 5 ANDs, 4 ORs. The ANDs and ORs are within the IFs.

While editing the formula, I can, at times, achieve the condition where the cell references become color-coded. Or at least some of them do. But, when I get to this point, I'm usually at a spot where I can see the formula isn't right.

I'm confused. What does it mean when my text is all red when I go to edit a formula? Did I hit some limit? Again, I don't get error messages and the formula seems to work properly.

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Averages Formula- Spreadsheet Which Has A Column Which Shows Square Footages

Nov 3, 2008

I am working on a spreadsheet which has a column which shows square footages (Column AE) and I also have a column which shows costs (Column Y).

What I would like to do is to bracket these footages in to 6 bands (0 - 5000, 5000 - 10000, 10000 - 15000, 15000 - 20000, 20000 - 25000, 25000+) and then average the costs within a particular band.

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Vlook Up: Combobox Shows The The First Column (only 1 Of Each) And The Second ComboBox Shows Me The Secondary List

Jun 9, 2006

I have a userform where I have 2 comboboxes. The first combobox shows the the first column (only 1 of each) and the second comboBox shows me the secondary list that correlates to the valuse in the first from column B. Now I have a text box that I am trying to get the value from column C depending on what I have in the first 2 comboboxes. What is the easiest way to do it? This is all in VB since it is a UserForm, and using Vlookup seems to be too many lines if I go that route. Is there a way to use Index and Match in VB where it would be more efficient? I attached just a sample of how the data would be layed out in the Excel sheet.

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Macro Of Formula That Shows Character Location Number Of Text File

Aug 14, 2014

I am looking for a way to show the character location number of a text file, possibly in the first row or a macro that I can run at any given location that will give me the location # I am currently viewing.

Currently, when I open the file I can see the character # at the opening screen (see attached file) but they disappear when it actually converts. I would like to be able to keep the character location ruler once the file is opened in Excel so I don't have to manually count.

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Total Occurences: Formula That Shows The Total Payments Recieved For A Particular Month For A Particular Product

Jan 7, 2010

I have a report which has a list of customers, each customer has 24 columns which represent the payment history over 24 months. If a payment has been made for that month the date and time (formatted correctly) will be populated in this cell.

Each customer has a product name attached to it so a product can appear several times. I need is a formula that shows the total payments recieved for a particular month for a particular product. For example.

I have managed to create the following flag which works a treat, it picks up a date an account was set up but looks at 1 column.

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Formula Looking At Date Ranges?

Oct 28, 2008

I have start dates (column A) and maintenance expiry dates (column B). What I want to do is set up a formula to see if the product was renewed between 01/04/2007 - 31/03/2008 and return a simple yes, no or new_sales.


If the start date was 26/09/2006 and maintenance expiry date was 26/09/2008 then it would return a yes that they have renewed

If the start date was 18/04/2006 and maintenance expiry date was 18/04/2007 then it would return a no that they have not renewed

If the start date was 20/06/2008 and maintenance expiry date was 20/06/2009 then it would return a new_sale

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Sumif Formula: Three Ranges Add Together

May 14, 2009

The section I have highlighted in orange has three ranges added together how would I show this in a simplified formula?

=sumif(DailySalesAnalysis!$C$1:$GA$1,A25,DailySalesAnalysis!$C$85:$GA$85)+sumif(DailySalesAnalysis!$C$1:$GA$1,A25,DailySalesAnalysis!$C$44:$G A$44)+sumif(DailySalesAnalysis!$C$1:$GA$1,A25,DailySalesAnalysis!$C$41:$GA$41)

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Formula That Compares 2 Ranges

Dec 15, 2009

Is there a Function or compound Formula that compares the values of two ranges and returns True/False ?

Something along the lines of : AreRangesIdentical(Range1,Range2) returning True/False.

I have played with some array formulas but they seem to compare the two first cells only.

I know one can easily come up with a UDF that loops through each cell and returns once a cell is found whose counterpart is different but i am looking for a solution that doesn't use a loop.

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Formula For Percentage Ranges

Feb 5, 2007

Need a formula for level report. cell c-1 contains percentage for shop production. 100% 105% etc, etc. 100-109=level 1, 109.1-119=level2, and 119.1 and above=level 3. I am in need for a cell to translate the percentage to type 1,2, or 3 accordingly. cell c-1 will recalculate when work production figures change.

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How To Freeze Specific Ranges In Formula All Together

Dec 12, 2013

I want to freeze the formulas (F4) in whole column in Microsoft Excel, Is it possible to freeze together, not to freeze one by one. I freeze it one by one but that's actually a pain when you have hundreds of formulas to freeze.

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Formula For Monthly Average With Different Ranges?

Feb 5, 2014

I'm trying to figure out a formula that will give me monthly average (per person) on the following report. The problem is that people start at different times and sometimes they don't produce in a given month after they have started. Basically I'm trying to get a monthly average from starting month to the last full month, in this case January.

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Formula For Totals Using Date Ranges

Jun 25, 2008

I need to find a formula which will give me a total of £'s between a start and end date.

MY data is an extract with names, individual dates (Ie, 01/05/08, 02/05/08, etc) and costs per day. What i want to do is show a total for the month using the start and end date of that month to add up all the costs within.

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Function/Formula To Divide 2 Different Ranges & Add Them

Sep 13, 2006

I am familiar with the SUMPRODUCT function, but is there a similar function that will divide the cells of two columns and then add them together?

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If Count Formula Multiple Ranges

Jan 3, 2007

The formula below contains an error (one of many as I've been trying to resove this). = COUNTA(IF(CZ4:DE4,DI4:DN4,DR4:DW4,EA4:EF4,EJ4:EO4>"1",Games / Activity,Games)) The formula should return the following result:

If two or more cells in the above ranges contain numbers and cell C4 isn't empty then return the words "Games / Activity", otherwise return "Games". If C4 is empty keep blank. Can this be done with a standard formula?

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