Formula Not Working After Copying A File

Dec 20, 2012

I bought a new computer with Windows 7. A file that is fine on my old unit does not work on the new one.

Column "H" should provide a list of birthdays comming up in the next two months, but something is not working.

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Suppress Open File Prompt When Copying Over Formula Referencing Closed Workbooks?

Dec 13, 2013

I have an Excel file that contains formulas that reference external workbooks on a shared network. Each month, I copy the column of formulas over to the next month's column. Then, to update the file path, I highlight the new column and do a Find-and-Replace, swapping the previous month's name for the current month. This practice works fine. The only thing is ... the "Open File" promptbox appears for each formula where I updated the file path (i.e. and this can be hundreds instances!). I wind-up having to choose the file from the exact same file path. It is an unnecessary, and annoying extra step to take.

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BeforeClose Event Not Running / Working When File Is Closed Through VBA In Another File

Jun 26, 2014

I have a code in file A that opens several files (B,C,D&E), copies some data from them, then closes the files. That part of the code works fine, but each of the files that are opened (B,C,D,&E) have a Workbook Open event that causes the file to save automatically every 30 seconds. (I know this is not recommended, but this is what the user wants.) The files also have a Workbook Before Close event that is supposed to stop the timer so the file will close without reopening. These each run fine on their own.But if I run code A, the workbook Before Close event in file B (C,D, & E) does not seem to run and the files reopen after 30 seconds to save. When I step through the code it works fine and goes through the Before Close event in each file and the files remain closed.

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Copying .xls File Numerous Times And Rename Each File From .xls Spread Sheet

Nov 24, 2009

I have an excel template that needs to be copied multiple times and each sheet needs be named according to a list in an excel spread sheet. I also have a formula in the template that needs the value copied instead of the formula.

I got this script from an site and tried it. It runs but I don't see any spread sheets.

strComputer = "."
Set objWMIService = GetObject ("winmgmts:\" & strComputer & "

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Copying And Pasting Soure-code Not Working

Jan 28, 2009

I've been trying to use the source code from one of my earlier modules pasted into a new one.

The only thing I changed was the name, and the necessary parameters.

The code doesn't run, is there some logical reason for this?

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Working With An Imported File

Mar 11, 2008

I'm importing a file into Excel which I need to format into something I can then use to build reports from.

At present the imported file looks like this: ...

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Working On File Opened With GetOpenFile (VBA)

Jan 23, 2013

the small code i'm writing just needs to do the following:

1. open an .xslx file selected by the user
2. copy 2 worksheets from that file to the current one
3. close the selected file without saving it.

This is my code:

Sub GetData()
MsgBox ("Please select a file"), vbOKOnly
Master = Application.GetOpenFilename(FileFilter:="Excel Files (*.xlsx), *.xlsx", Title:="Please select a file")


Opening the file works, but the last 3 lines don't because i don't understand how to declare "Master": however i dim it (workbook, object, variant...) i get an error on the GetOpenFilename line. If i don't declare it, i get an error while trying to copy the worksheets.

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Export As PDF (with Specific File Name) Not Working?

Aug 11, 2014

I have this code (not sure from which thread) which can export my worksheet with specific file name & folder (according to date and part type). I tried to put it in my worksheet but it's not working.


and it's highlighted at following part

[Code] ....

I received this error from the message box : Run-time error '1004'

Document not saved. The document may be open,or an error may have been encountered when saving.

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File Search Is Gone In 2007 And Dir Not Quite Working

May 29, 2008

application.FileSearch.LookIn = Workbooks(ActiveWorkbook.Name).Path
application.FileSearch.FileType = msoFileTypeAllFiles
application.FileSearch.SearchSubFolders = True
application.FileSearch.Filename = "Zone Selling*.xls"
application.FileSearch.MatchTextExactly = True
filecount = application.FileSearch.FoundFiles.Count
For i = 1 To filecount
Worksheets("Run").Cells(i, 1) = application.FileSearch.FoundFiles(i)
Next i
For i = 1 To filecount......................

But it won't list my files which is how the macro was running, it was returning a list of the files in the folder and then running them based on the path returned

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File Name Copying And Pasting

May 11, 2012

I have a folder with files in it. I want to copy the file names and past them into my Excel spreadsheet. This seems like it should be a simple task.

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Disable Red X But Keep Enable File - Close Working

Dec 24, 2008

I want to hide all toolbars and disable the red X upon opening of the spreadsheet, and to restore the main toolbars upon closing. That worked perfectly. (when I used the black code -see below)
I added in the red code as i wanted to disable the red X as well to ensure that users will always close the EXCEL worksheet via a Macro button.

The Macro will save the spreadsheet and close the worksheet and the Private sub should restore the toolbars.

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VBA - Code To Save File In New Directory Not Working

Oct 29, 2012

I have some code that copies a worksheet and saves into a new workbook and saves into a specified folder and renames the new workbook.

It is all working fine however it is saving to my desktop and not the specified directory. I know there is a lot similar out there and i have exhausted my google skills trying to find the similar format to the one i am after.


Sub MonthlyReset()
Dim sourceSheet As String
Dim clearR As Range
Dim newFile As String


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Working With Text (Sorting And Address File)

Apr 3, 2007

I have a list of about 300 addresses that I'd like to be able to put in a sortable state. In column A1-A4 is the following:

Street Address
City, State Zip
Email Address

Then there is a blank row and then the next address. What I would like to do is figure out a way to take the info in columns A1-A4 and move them horizontally to A1, B1, C1, D1, respectively. Sure, I could cut and paste, but it would take me forever. I tried a macro,

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Copying Range From Personal File?

Apr 25, 2014

What I need to do is put data that I get on a variery of excel speadsheets into a standard template. I can do this by the process of copying over column by column the appropriate detail from one workbook to the other.

what I'd like to do is replicate the column headings of the template onto the workbook with the original data so I'm looking at just one workbook all the while until I'm ready to transfer all the data in one go.

I realise I can just copy from the template to the active workbook, but what I had in mind was having the ability to hit a button to replicate it associated with a macro.

So the macro I'd want would involve starting from a cell in the active workbook, obtaining a named range from my personal workbook (which would be the template headings) and then pasting this back into the active cell of the active workbook.

And if it is would I get it to work (taking into consideration the Personal workbook may be hidden).

the only code i have at the moment is


But how would I get this to paste onto the cell I start with?

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Searching For File Type And Copying Row

Jul 14, 2009

I have been asked to fix a macro that is supposed to search column B and find any cells ending with .mov. Any row fitting the criteria is to be copied to Sheet2. The file is a internet traffic log and we are trying to determine the number of downloads we have on our video files, which are all .mov format. Sheet1 can exceed 3000 rows.

Here's what I have so far:

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Copying Sheet From Closed File Via ADO?

May 5, 2012

I want to copy the sheet named "data" from closed workbook (xlsm, xlsx, xls) via ADO.The closed workbook will be choosen by user via dialog box. The code must check the existence of "data" sheet. If there is no, then the code must give a warning. Futhermore, which is able to give a warning against the mistake of selecting the file itself.

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Stop Working Out File Paths For Referenced Workbooks....?

Apr 29, 2009

I'm working on a sheet which references a sheet in another workbook. I want to refer to the other workbook simply by it's filename (Forecast.xls) but whenever I save and reopen Excel has replaced the filename with the full path (C:Documents and SettingskoconnorMy DocumentsAuto-sheet project[Forecast.xls])

This is quite inconvinient as I am eventually going to want to move both workbooks together to a different location. Is there a way to make Excel stop working out full file paths and just look for the filename in whichever folder the active sheet is sitting in?

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Excel 2010 :: Default File Location Not Working?

Apr 19, 2013

I'm using Excel 2010. When I go into the Excel Options, to the Save option and try to type in a specific network drive in the Default File Location: box, I click OK and then it doesn't save the changes. I close Excel down all the way and then restart a new Excel session and it keeps going back to "LibrariesDocuments..."

It doesn't seem to be just related to Excel...having the same issue in Word and Access 2010 as well.

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Problem Copying File Address To Textfield

Feb 22, 2009

i made a macro that uses a form with a "browse" button to open a text file and put every word in this textfile in a single cell but i had a problem when copying the address of the file to a textfield, here's the code :

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VBA Copying Data From Worksheet To Another Workbook When File Name Changes

Dec 18, 2012

I currently have a code that copies (when both workbooks are open) the status report tab from one workbook to another. So, my code copies the entire "Status" tab from Report.12102012.xlsx to Master_Report.xlsx.

But, there will continually be new Report.(DATE).xlsx files that are being made and I would like for my code to be able to search for the newest date "Report" spreadsheet, open it (so employee doesn't have to find the newest spreadsheet), and then copy the "Status" tab to my Master_Report.xlsx file.

All of the "Report.(DATE).xlsx" files will be stored in the same folder.

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Looping Limitation - Copying Rows To New File

Feb 4, 2014

I have a database that needs breaking down in order to fulfill a request.

I've been trying to create a macro to copy one row to a new workbook (starting from row 3), file name save as a value of the cell (C1), and move onto the next row. However, my code appears to only loop through 26 entries and then stops.

Dim row As Long
Dim refname

row = 3
Do While Cells(row).Value ""

[Code] .....

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Copying Data From Many Files Using Date As File Name

Dec 4, 2007

I have about 100 files with using date as file name (ie. 08.20.07.xls, 08.21.07.xls, 08.22.07.xls....etc) Each file contain exact same # of fields (Columns) but varying number of rows. I would like to have a macro in my "Consolidated.xls" file to go through each file and put them into a single sheet with the first column as date field (source file name)


08.20.07.xls contains

First Name Last Name DOB
John Doe 11/1/77
Jane Doe 12/1/78

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Copying Values From External Text File

Nov 11, 2008

I have an external file that is a table with 4 columns and about 25 rows
I would like to copy the contents of a file into a collection so I can analyze the data.

The problem is, I only know how to copy a whole line as a string and have no idea how to copy the data from the same line into different variables.
I also have no idea how to define a collection array

I will explain

say my text (data.txt) file looks like this:

AB 0.5 20 2/2/07
CD 0.2 15 2/2/07
FE 0.4 40 2/2/07
(example of input)

I would like to create a collection called trade which I have defined like this (obviosly wrongly)
Dim Trade() As Collection
Dim bs As String
Dim quant As Long
Dim price As Single
Dim calendar As String
Trade.Add (bs)
Trade.Add (quant)
Trade.Add (price)
Trade.Add (calendar)

so I would like to know how to define the collection array and how to input the data so that I don't have to insert a whole line into a string variable but can, instead break apart the line during the input stage

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Copying Numbers To CSV File Truncating Digits

Jun 16, 2008

I have a macro that copies long decimals (11 places) from an Excel file to a CSV file. However, the long decimals often get truncated from 11 places down to 3 or 4. I've tried a number of different coding methods to combat this, the most recent and most successful of which is shown below

Application.Workbooks.Open Filename:="C:...2008_alldata.csv"
Application.Goto Reference:="AllDataTable"
Application.Goto Reference:="R1C1"
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues
Selection.NumberFormat = "#,##0.00000000000"
ActiveWindow.Close savechanges:=False

However, sometimes this method also fails. Is there a better way anyone knows of to ensure that the entire decimal is copied?

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Excel 2003 :: Copying Range Of Cells From One XLS File To Another

Nov 5, 2012

I'm using Excel 2003. I've got two different .XLS files, each with multiple sheets.

I'm trying to create a macro which will copy a range of cells from one sheet on one .XLS file (which is closed) to a specific place on a specific sheet on the current .XLS file (which is open).

So for the sake of argument:

I've got two Excel files: C:ApplesOldFile.xls and C:OrangesNewFile.xls

OldFile.xls is closed -- NewFile.xls is open and in front of me.

I'm trying to copy the data in ranges B6:C41 and F6:F41 from Sheet2 in OldFile.xls to the same ranges on Sheet6 in NewFile.xls. There are no formulas in these cells -- just data (numbers).

I keep getting error messages, failures to copy to clipboard, etc.

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Excel 2007 :: Copying Contents Of 1 Text File Into Another Using VBA

Jan 7, 2012

I am using Excel 2007, here's my question:

I just wrote two macros that each produce separate text files (call them 'A' and 'B'). I want to open 'B' with Excel VBA, copy all of its contents, and paste that content into 'A' right after a specific location in 'A' (where I have 10 consecutive asterisks, i.e., **********).

Most topics relating to Excel VBA and .txt files have to do with either importing / exporting into Excel (not what I want), or with associating .txt files to Excel (also not what I want).

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Copying Formulas Across Workbooks Without File / Book Referencing?

Aug 13, 2012

How to copy a formula (16 columns) from a workbook to another, without referencing the source workbook.

Some people are using tricks such as replacing the equal sign "=" for another character such as "^" then using replace all to put the equal sign back again... but this is too much trouble.

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Copying Files With Multiple Sheets Into One Master File

Apr 17, 2008

How do I write a vb macro that copies everything from multiple files, including sheets within files, and puts them into one master file. Here's what I have so far. I used a script from gnaga that worked great but it didn't copy seperate sheets. If you can help me out, I would greatly appreciate it.

Sub MergeSheets()
Dim SrcBook As Workbook
Dim fso As Object, f As Object, ff As Object, f1 As Object

Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set f = fso.Getfolder("C:Temp")
Set ff = f.Files

For Each f1 In ff..........


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Copying Data In Specified Cells In Multiple Files To A New File

Apr 12, 2006

I have about a thousand Excel timesheets that all contain 'hours worked' data in a column. Each row contains the area of the project they have worked on and therefore the amount of time they have spent on it. The timesheets also contain the person's name and a w/e date.

I want to sequentially work through each timesheet held locally in a single folder and copy the person's name, w/e date and the hours held in the column into a single new spreadsheet. I need to transpose the data so each amount of time spent on an activity ends up in a column.

I have attempted to record a macro for this but each time I try and run it after the intitial run, it moves to a completely different cell or set of cells to the ones I have directed it and consequently there is no data copied to the new sheet.

I believe this is the first problem..! The second is working through a high number of spreadsheets held in a single locattion but whilst browsing this site I saw the "Excel VBA Loop Through a Folder of Excel Workbooks" page and think this should work fine.

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Automatic Link Update WITHOUT Prompt When File Opened Not Working (XL2003)

Jul 6, 2006

Despite setting the "Edit/Links/Startup Prompt/Don't display the alert and update links" option numerous times, my workbook still prompts me to update links every time I open it. The option seems to be set okay (it is preset whenever I go into the "Edit/Links/Startup Prompt" dialog), but it doesn't seem to affect the workbook's startup behaviour. The workbook contains a ComboBox control that is initialized with customer names from another workbook, which is included in the References for this main workbook.

I am using Excel 2003 (from Office Pro 2003) under Windows XP (SP1). I believe this used to work without the prompt when I was working on this app last fall (I'm not sure, as my memory of specific behaviours back that far is fuzzy). However, it has been persistently prompting ever since I started working on this app again this spring/summer. Was there perhaps a bad fix to Office 2003 (that I automatically applied) that broke this feature?

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