Gathering The Sum Of Negative Numbers & Positive Numbers In A Column
Dec 17, 2009
I have a column of variances, these contain both negative numbers and positive numbers. I want to gather a sum of all the negative numbers and positive numbers separtely. Basically saying all the positive overeages = this amount And all the negative shortages = this amount. you can see the attached sample.
I would like to see that I am continually saving on a per-day basis (as well as overtime). I allowance myself an allowance each day, but some days, I need to spend more money than that. The best solution I have to is keep a running total for myself, so that each day is affected by the preceding days. Therefore, if I spend too much, I now have a small defecit that needs to be corrected. This method keep me on track as far as saving and spending.
Question (and I copied the actual data from my spreadsheet):
Without having to manual enter the final calculations (because this is just a simple part of an overall larger, more complex spreadsheet), can I generate the values in my Value Change row, based on the information from my Running Total row?
For example, Day 1 to Day 2, I was able to incease my running total from 233 to 354 (meaning that I had saved +121 that day). Of course, this is an easy subtraction problem (Day 2 - Day 1 = Value Change). From Day 2 to Day 3, I spent way too much. The running total fell to -1198, meaning that I spent 1552 too much (that day's value change is -1552). Again, this an easy subtraction (Day 3 - Day 2 = Value Change, just like the first example). From Day 3 to Day 4, I was able to reduce my running total -1063, meaning that I was able to save 135 that day. This is my problem. Day 4 - Day 3 does not equal the value change of + 135. To get this value, the preceding formula now has to change to ABS(Day 3) - ABS(Day 4).
This is the issue. I need a formula that can work normally when the numbers are postive or when the second value is larger (in terms of absolute value). On the other hand, it needs to recognize the special cases like Day 3 - Day 4. Is this some form of a conditional function?
Running Total 233354-1198-1063-878-658-933-807-657 Percentage Change51.93%-438.42%11.27%17.40%25.06%-41.79%13.50%18.59% Value Change121-1552135185220-275126150
I want to find the min and max numbers within a thread of numbers that has both positive and negative values. The key is that I want the smallest amount or the largest amount based on the number and not on the positive or negative.
For example, below is my list of numbers.
7 5 2 -5 -6 7 -8 -3
I want the min formula to return 2 and the max formula to return 8.
************************************************************************>Microsoft Excel - Book2.xls___Running: 11.0 : OS = Windows XP (F)ile (E)dit (V)iew (I)nsert (O)ptions (T)ools (D)ata (W)indow (H)elp (A)boutB2B3B4B5B6B7B8B9B10B11B12B13B14B15B16B17B18B19B20B21B22B23B24B25B26B27B28B29=ABCD1 amount Abs amtMark x when paried up 2 (43,746.73)43746.73x 3 43,746.73 43746.73x 4 43,746.73 43746.73 5 (60,579.30)60579.3 6 (60,579.30)60579.3x 7 60,579.30 60579.3x 8 (98,416.85)98416.85x 9 98,416.85 98416.85x 10 98,416.85 98416.85 11 (500,000.00)500000 12 (500,000.00)500000 13 (500,000.00)500000 14 (500,000.00)500000x 15 500,000.00 500000x 16 (700,000.00)700000 17 (700,000.00)700000 18 (700,000.00)700000x 19 (700,000.00)700000x 20 (700,000.00)700000x 21 (700,000.00)700000x 22 (700,000.00)700000x 23 (700,000.00)700000x 24 700,000.00 700000x 25 700,000.00 700000x 26 700,000.00 700000x 27 700,000.00 700000x 28 700,000.00 700000x 29 700,000.00 700000x Sheet1 [HtmlMaker 2.42] To see the formula in the cells just click on the cells hyperlink or click the Name boxPLEASE DO NOT QUOTE THIS TABLE IMAGE ON SAME PAGE! OTHEWISE, ERROR OF JavaScript OCCUR.
****** http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">****** name="ProgId" content="Word.Document">****** name="Generator" content="Microsoft Word 11">****** name="Originator" content="Microsoft Word 11"> Hi everyone,
I can't figure out how to mark a "x" for the paired up figures in column A as shown in the above spreadsheet using a formula(e) and/or VBA. At the moment I'm doing this manually. Imagine doing this for thousands of line... once a week
I have created a Pivot table from a source data file that includes a document status column ('Type I Or C') (I for Invoice & C for Credit) and an Invoice / Credit value column (Invoiced Price). However the values for both invoices and credits are positive so when summed distort the total values.
I am attempting to create an additional column within the Pivot table to convert the credit note values to negative by inserting a calculated field under the formula tab, i.e.
=IF('Type I Or C'="C",-'Invoiced Price','Invoiced Price')
The above formula works fine in a standard worksheet but it is not reckonsing the "C" within the pivot table. If I manually change the value to numeric (i.e. 1 for Invoices and 2 for credits) it works fine, i.e =IF('Type I Or C'="2",-'Invoiced Price','Invoiced Price')
I have one debit and one credit column. I want to higlight duplicates, with positive and negative values.
Like this.
Column A 5000 1000 10000 3000
Column B - 10000 -5000 -3000 -2000
I know how to do the conditional formating to find duplicates when there is only positive or negative numbers, but i don't know how to match both positive and negative numbers.
In Tab 1, I have a negative number and the word "Original" next to it. In Tab 2, I have a mix of positive & negative numbers. I want all numbers that are negative to display the word "original" and all positive to display" new." How do I do that? Also, I want the opposite to work as well-- if Tab 1 has a positive number, I want all positive numbers in Tab 2 to display "original."
I have the following formula =IF(VLOOKUP(F89,'2013 susp 2714035 Reissues'!F:F,1,FALSE)=F89,"yes",FALSE)
That is supposed to look at the tab 2714035 Reissues and find the same dollar amount. The issue Iam having is the dollar amount can be a negative or a positive amount but the formula is only picking up the number if it matches exactly negative to negative or positive to positive. formula to pick up the matching number if its a negative or a positive.
I have a column which is populated with profits and losses from a trading account. Here is an example:
Column I 400 200 -100 -150 -50
What I want to do is average all the profits, and average all the losses so I have two numbers - the average winner and the average loser. Continuing with the example from the 5 trades above, the average winner is 300 and the average loser is -100. How can I do this in excel?
It's a worksheet for testing milk tanks. The issue is as follows:
Column F = Chart Error/This can be either a positive or negative whole number Column G = Tolerance/This is always a whole positive number
Problem is I want Column H = Status to say "Pass" or "Fail" based on meeting the Column G number. But it's only the number itself (not whether it's Positive or Negative) that matters in determining the P/F status.
Column F= -20 Column G= 15 Column H= Fails
F= 20 G= 15 H= Fails
The formulas I've been coming up with will show one or the other as Failing but not both + or - numbers if they fail to meet the G Column tolerance number.
I am trying to create a budget in excel and want to type my numbers (in certain cells only) without a - sign but I want them to appear, and calculate, as negative numbers. Basically, I am lazy and don't want to have to remember to use a - for all of my expenses when I am inputting the data.
Have the following numeric values: -3.46 103 0 6.2 I would like to convert (not format) them to the following 14-byte text values: -0000000000346 +0000000010300 +0000000000000 +0000000000620
Please find the attached MS Excel 2010 file <average set.xlsx>.
There is set of positive set & negative set of values available in the Column A. The values are plotted against Column A in Column B. Light green are positive sets and light yellow are negative sets.
Now I want to calculate the average for the positive set & negative set of values as shown in light majenta in the cells F4:F9. Also all majenta cells to be plotted by formula.
The Column H and Column I also same as like above , but here negative set of numbers starts first.
In my first column I will be entering both negative and positive numbers. In the cell next to it I need the amounts to all show as positive only. So both negative numbers and positive in the first column will all show as positive in the adjacent column/cell.
I use currency data pasted from legacy program that pastes dollar values followed by a C or D to represent debit and credits, ie -- 1,000,000.00C or 1,000,000.00D.
Is there some way to remove the letter and correctly format the value to a negative or positive number on a whole worksheet or column?
Currently I am doing this manually one cell at a time.
How do I get the cells in column "F" to highlight all negative numbers UNLESS the following 2 conditions are met: the number in column F = "-105" AND there is an "@" corresponding in column "C". In the attached file F5 & F7 are highlighted properly according to what I want, but F6 is not (since F6's value is "-105" AND C6's value contains an "@").
Usually this question is asked the other way around, but I have a somewhat unique problem. A certain website gives out tables filled with numbers. Positive numbers show in black font and negative numbers show in red font, but unfortunately, negative numbers do not include the minus sign -- the font is red and that's it!
I need a macro (or any other solution) that will turn the red font numbers to negative ones and would possibly format the cell to show negative numbers in red (I guess the last part is easier). The main problem is searching for the red font numbers and turning them negative.
I have this data source file that comes from a back office program, and basically what i want it to do is to turn the number negative in column C when the header of that column in column A is WITHDR and leave it positive when it is CONTR. What i was thinking was that it could go to column A from column C and go up each cell until the cell is not a date and multiply the column C number by -1 depending the column A header equals WITHDR and do that for every cell in column C, but I dont know how to proceed, im new at VBA.
I have a large dataset (24000 rows) that requires me to multiply two different columns of integers. In some cases, the two integers are both negative and multiplying them results in a product that is positive. I actually need that product to be negative rather than positive. I can't quite seem to figure out the best way to accomplish this.
I have data that comes from a subsytem that places the negative sign at the right of the number, so it is recognized as text. I can get around this using find and replace and then a second step to multiply that by -1, but is there a formula that can do this for me?