GeoCode Arithmetic: MapsCo Grid To "overlay" GeoLoc Data

Mar 23, 2009

I'm trying to come up with a MapsCo grid to "overlay" geoLoc data. Given the coordinates of a single box within a MapsCo page, I'll can figure out the others once I know how to "from this point, add .5 miles due North and mark another point; from that point, add .5 miles due East and record the next point; etc".

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Performance And Potential Grid (nine Box Grid) - Multiple Values

Oct 24, 2013

I created a table where based in several competences anyone can evaluate performance and potential. My issue comes when based on that result (colum Y in "Perf&Pot" Sheet) I want to export that to a nine box matrix (Sheet 2 "grid" in the attached excel). As could be several people in the same box I wasn't able to com up with a formula that solves this.


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List Box To Use As Data Grid

Aug 13, 2008

about using list as a datagrid type. I was able to research some samples and applied it on my own, but unfortunately I am missing something again here. The data on the worksheet are not being populated when my range is on the AA column. It works with A1 column but not the far ranges. Im not sure about the limit of range anyway here is the

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Extract Data From Grid To A List

Oct 3, 2013

Basically, I need to extract data from a grid/table (11 columns wide) and transpose it into a list for use in a pivot table. It like sort of reversing a pivot table to access the original data but I only need 5 of the columns repeated for each occurrence.

I have read many internet sources but they don't seems to fit my needs. Here is a solution from a similar question posted on StackOverflow entitled "How to “flatten” or “collapse” a 2D Excel table into 1D?"

The attached simplified mock-up explains what I am trying to do. I have colour coded the data to understand. The number of rows (10) will always be the same but the number of columns (Branches in this case) can extend for many columns.

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Pasting Grid From Single Row Of Data

Jun 20, 2014

I want to create a function called PasteGrid(SourceRange As Range, GridHeight As Integer, GridWidth As Integer)

What this will do is take a long single row or column of data and paste it into a grid with a defined GridHeight and GridWidth, I have came up with the below so far:


Function PasteGrid(SourceRange As Range, GridHeight As Integer, GridWidth As Integer)
Dim rRange As Range
Dim rCell As Range
Dim DestinationRange As Range
Dim GridWidthCount As Integer
Dim GridHeightCount As Integer


Something appears wrong and when following the code when it hits this line:


Cells(Destination.Row + GridHeightCount, Destination.Column + GridWidthCount).Value = rCell.Value

The function just stops and I'm not too sure why?

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Automatically Populate 9 Box Grid Using Excel Data

Jul 1, 2014

I'd like to automatically populate a 9 box grid using data from Excel. The number of names for each rating can be anything from 1 to 100 so the size of the grid would need to be adjustable. I would like one table for each function and grade. Attached is what I'm trying to do. In the 'example tables' sheet, I've shown how I'd like the tables to look, but with my live data the tables would be bigger so I'd like to do one table per worksheet (or possibly one function per worksheet - so 3 tables).

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Grid Lines Disappear When Importing Data

Jan 16, 2007

I sometimes import data in the copy-paste way from completely different sources, eg. a program on the web or whatever, which has arranged the data in a table.

It is often succesful with the data neatly arranged in the spreadsheet in columns and rows and all, but sometimes the gridlines disappear even though 'cell format' is set to 'none' in 'grid lines' and the settings have a mark for 'visible grid lines' and their color is 'automatic'. Only the imported area misses the gridlines.

It is of course possible to set some grey gridlines manually in cell format, but then I get them on the print also and I don't want that.

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Macro For Sizing XY Grid With Data Table?

Jan 28, 2014

macro to automatically size an XY grid based on user input (see picture - [URL]......)

I want to enter a value in B6 that will automatically create a new grid or edit the existing grid to increase or decrease it depending on the desired grid size.Once the grid has been sized I want to enter a data table into it, therefore the grid would need to be cleared of contents before it could be resized.I think these are the steps that are needed:

- Enter grid size.

- Area (named range based on existing grid values?) is cleared of the data table.

- new rows / columns are inserted with correct XY coordinates shown based on newly entered grid size

- data table written into the new grid

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Overlay 2 Tables Where 1st Row Matches

Jun 12, 2008

I need some VBA to copy data from one table to overlay another. The source table's columns need to be overlayed on the destination column where the numbers in the first row of each table are a match. I have attached a sample worksheet.

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Pull Data For A Discrete Month Into A Grid From A Source File Containing A Full Year

Feb 14, 2013

I'm trying to streamline some processes at work and have encountered a bit of an issue.

I have a source file containing a grid of data (9 columns) with a series of dates they relate to down the left side e.g. 13-Feb-2013. This data covers a whole year.

What I want to do is pull through data relating to a discrete month into a grid in a seperate workbook.

I have a feeling that date ranges and possibly some kind of lookup might be useful but am struggling to see how to pull it all together.

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How To Overlay Different Totals Figures With Filters

Mar 13, 2014

I am doing a budget sheet in Excel for the different expenses accrued by the different classes we offer in our university department (honoraria for guest lectures, tickets to shows or museums, etc.). The sheet is formatted as a table and I have the Total Row enabled at the bottom.

However, we have a reserved budget for different things. For instance, Fall 2013 museum tickets has, say, a budget of $1,000. Fall 2013 honoraria might have a budget of $2,000. I want to be able to filter to see only Fall 2013 honoraria: the totals row will reflect this, but I also want it to automatically tell me how much money is left in that budget (i.e. I want it to know to subtract $2,000 from the totals figure because that is the budget for Fall 2013 honoraria).

It gets a little more complicated because we also have a budget for each class too. One class might have both honoraria for guest lectures and field trips to a museum, and we might say "We don't want this class to spend more than $500." Again, I want to filter to see just this class, and have the Totals row also show me how much money is remaining for this class.

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Print A Sheet With Incremental Overlay #

Oct 22, 2008

Basically Im crap at excel and need to start learning the in's and outs more but I have drafted up a double sided spreadsheet that I would like to run a series of prints 'inhouse'

I would like it if I could insert an overlay serial number on the sheet that would enable me to carry out future prints adding an incremental number to the serial number EG printing off 100 prints where the serial number runs from


IS this possible using general tool tricks of the day ie VB, macros or does an add on program exist that will enable this to be generated on a fly between the program and the printer.

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Histogram Plot With Normal Curve Overlay

Aug 28, 2002

I would like to create a histogram from experimental data with the normal distribution curve overlaying the histogram.

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Overlay Two Bar Charts Together / Large Dataset For X Axis

Feb 19, 2013

I have the following two bar charts. (see links below). I would like to overlay both these bar charts together and obtain the chart shown in link 3.

For example, at 4.4 GHz and 1.8m antenna, two values (downtime/year) are possible 15 min or 557min. This is represented in the third figure Since the first chart contains small values and the second chart contains large values for the x-axis, will I able to change this to log scale for ease of analysis?


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Time Arithmetic

Apr 13, 2007

I have a cell (G11) whose format is [h]:mm to store hours worked in a week.
I need to use that in a VBA function. If I query G11.value I get a non-integer number (I DO know that Excel stores time internall like that). How can I get in a VBA procedure exactly what is see in the cell..e.g if someone worked 35:15 hours, I want to be able to get 35:15 in the procedure. I need to strip it from there to work out payment, eg (hourly rate * 35) + (hourly rate * (15/60)/100).

I have tried using format but it does not like the "[h].mm" argument.

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Kids Arithmetic

May 9, 2007

I'm trying to put a simple spreadsheet together that will help my son practice
his arithmetic for primary school.

What I have put together is something which will allow him to change say his multiplication tables fairly easily by changing one number.

Conditional formatting shows green if correct and red if wrong - all very easy.

However I think it would be good to show the selected problem in a top down layout
so he can visually see what he is trying to do rather than read across the page.

x 2

rather than 4 x 2 = 8

What I would like to do is change this displayed problem when selects the answer cell
he is working on.

I will attach what I have done so far with a display example on the multiplication tab.

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Arithmetic Progression With Cells

Jan 11, 2009

Is it possible to create a formula that would give the sum of cells that are in arithmetic progression in excel?

Let's first choose 4 cells that are in arithmetic progression, B14 , B20 , B26 and B32 for instance(the common difference here is 6). So what I want to do is: I want to type a formula in another cell, lets suppose C5, that will automatically give me the sum of the values of B14,B20,B26 and B32. I am aware that I can just type on C5 =B14+B20+B26+B32 but and if I wanted the sum of 90 cells? Wouldn't it be too much work to type all the cells? Does Anyone know a formula for it?

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Cell Column Name Arithmetic

Apr 19, 2007

is it possible, in a function, to do something like this?

Lets say I'm in cell N7, and here's its formula:

IF (N6=$A$13,(A+1)$13,0)

-if the cell before it (N6) is equal to the value of $A$13, then I want N7 to equal the value of B13. If N6 is not equal to $A$13, then place a 0 in cell N7.

basically, I would like to tell my function to move to the next column if it meets a condition in an "IF" statement. Such as, go from column A to Column B given a certain condition. Otherwise, stay in column A until that condition is met.

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Timesheets - Time Arithmetic

Jan 30, 2009

I have a timesheet in excel which details the hours worked per person. It is worked out by have time started in one cell, and time finished in the next cell. (24 hour clock).

The timesheet is for a night club, so people start late, and finish early. Therfore, in the total column I have the following formula...


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Arithmetic Operator From Cell Reference

Jul 23, 2014

I need to switch between less than or greater than in my formula based on user selected drop down that gives the user two options "" My formula has "

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Time Arithmetic - Calculate Hour Difference

Apr 10, 2014

Time arithmetic, I have two cells representing a time range.

The first one (say: X1) is formatted using the custom format [h]:mm and contains a certain number of hours and minutes. It gets its value by summing up other cells in the same format. A typical entry could be 98:35 to represent a duration 98 hours and 35 minutes.

The second cell (say: X2) is formatted as a number with 4 decimal places after the comma, and similarily gets its value by summing up other cells in the same format. It also represents a time duration as a number of hours. A typical entry could be 202.7500 to represent a duration of 202 hours and 45 minutes (because 0.75 of an hour is 45 minutes).

I would like to calculate the hour difference between these cells, and display it as hours and minutes. In the example given, the result should be negative, i.e. -104:10.

My first approach was to use the formula X1-X2 and format the result as [h]:mm, but this gives me a #VALUE! error.

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Extract Numbers From String And Run Arithmetic Function Using Excel VBA

Aug 6, 2012

I have a column A with following values below:

Column A

I would like to extract the numbers and run the following arithmetic function below into column B.

x is a number
VLx --> (x) + 1
Mx -->(x) + 2
Hx --> (x) + 3

the output should look like the following using the key above:

column B

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Excel 2007 :: Use Dates As Argument In Boolean Arithmetic?

Nov 22, 2013

Can I use dates as argument in Boolean arithmetic? I have a list of name with their date of birth and I would like to tell who is between 18 and 25. It's easy enough with number but with dates? Excel 2007

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Excel 2013 :: Simple Date Arithmetic - Circular Reference?

Aug 10, 2014

Here is a very simple workbook/sheet with some simple date arithmetic.

I keep getting the warning that there's a circular reference in C2.

Either I need to suppress the warning so vba loops can run or PREFERABLY I'd get rid of the "circular reference".

Run with Excel 2013.

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Data In Grid To Raw Data

Mar 4, 2014

i've a excel grid with data in rows and columns with values in each pair (row/column).

i need to transform each combination in raw data to process to a database with for ex:

row 1 col 1 value (33)
row 1 col 2 value (5)
row 1 col 3 value (56)



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Combine (Overlay) Bubble Chart & Point Scatter Chart

Jun 30, 2009

I would like combine (overlay) a bubble chart with a connected point scatter chart. I understand that, without VBA, this is not possible. However, I understand that, by using VBA, the markers of a scatter chart can be configured as circles with their size proportional to values in a specified column. This pseudo-bubble chart can then easily be combined with a connected point scatter chart.

My question is: does anyone have any VBA code to share that shows how to configure a scatter chart as the type of pseudo-bubble chart described above.

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Overlay Line Chart On Top Of Stacked Column Chart?

Feb 15, 2012

I am trying to overlay a line chart on top of a stacked column chart. The stacked column chart is a chart where the x axis is dates and the y axis is amount. The line chart is a projected amount that I will reach in few years; the x axis is the date while the y axis is an amount. I can get a chart that has a line and stacked columns, but ever time, the dates get messed up. The line has an extremely wide date range while the columns only have about a month of data.

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Drawing Grid

Nov 26, 2007

I want to have 2 cells where I can enter 2 numbers (length & height) so that a grid can be plotted. For example, a big sheet of paper size is length 30" x height 8", if first number is 10" (length) is entered, it will plot 3 lines across 30" (cos 30" divided by 10" equals to 3) and if I enter 2" (height) on 8", it will then cut it into 4". Attached a file for better understanding.

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Grid To List

Jun 15, 2009

I'm not worried about the order of the data. What I want is information on turning a grid into a list.

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Lookup Value From X - Y Grid?

Jan 16, 2013

I'm creating a fairly large risk analysis spreadsheet which uses a fairly standard 5x5 risk matrix.

I need a function or a formula which refers to the score a cell in a 5x5 grid, if given the row and column values, like this (where the columns are probability and the rows are impact):




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