Get Value 0 If The Formula Can't Find The Specific Parameters ?

Oct 1, 2009

How to get the value 0 if the formula can't find the specific parameters given below. What is the extra bit I need to add to this formula below?

=INDEX(Bayswater!1:65536,MATCH("Sim Only PAYM",Bayswater!A:A,0),4)

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Exclude Specific Parameters In A Column While Using SUMIFS

Nov 12, 2009

I have a SUMIFS function written that reads where some of my budget is coming from. I track several different departments but am only responsible for some of the departments' budgets. So i need to exclude two of the departments when the SUMIFS is reading the other parameters from my list.

From the example i attached, how would i go about writing the formula in I3 to skip the Cost if it comes from Dep 2 and Dep 4?

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Sumproduct #Num!,#N/A (select Specific The Sum Of Various Lines Of Data That Fit Within 3 Parameters)

Mar 31, 2009

I am having a problem with a sumproduct strand. I've written 4 different ways to no avail. What I'm trying to accomplish is to select specific the sum of various lines of data that fit within 3 parameters

1.) =SUMPRODUCT((Sheet1!$H:$H="XYZ"),(Sheet1!$G2:$G136="Withdrawal"),(Sheet1!$I2:$I136="113183"),Sheet1! $K2:$K136)
Response: #NUM!

Response: #Num!.................

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Find Cell Based On Parameters?

Dec 19, 2013

see attachment.

A2 is the given length and B2 is the given weight. I want B14 to net the answer of "Type G" because the length (A2) is equal to C10:C12 but the weight (B2) is within D11 and E11.

How do I formulate B14 to net the answer of "Type G"? This has to be flexible as the data in A2 and B2 will be entered in differently each time and B14 needs to find the appropriate "Type".

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Excel 2010 :: VBA Code That Handles Several Specific Parameters Or Wildcard Passed To Access

Jul 17, 2013

I would like to develop a user-friendly Excel 2010 spreadsheet that would allow the user to enter from 1 to 10 (i just picked this number at random just to have an upper limit) employee numbers in cells A1-A10 and "click" on the VBA Code button that would invoke an Access Query and in the process return all the applicable data gathered from the query back into the Excel Spreadsheet. Believe it or not, I can do all this mentioned so far. BUT what i cant do is my second option for the user which is allow them to pull ALL of the employees back into the spreadsheet using the same query.

In summary, using Excel as a frontend dashboard, I know how to get a specific number of employees' information from a query and I know how to get all employees' information from a query but I dont know how to get either/or. In other words, I could do this with two queries and two "VBA-Code" buttons but I would like to do it with one query and one button.

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Formula To Find Specific Value

Jun 3, 2009

Hello, i've been using the below formula to find the most consecutive "W" (Wins) without any "L" (Loses) in 2 rows, there are between the "W" blanks and and numbers


The problem is at the start or end of the count eg
The above returns 5 the result i am looking for is 3 as column B and C are the only ones without an L, there are alot more columns so obviously if there are larger sets of consecutive W then the result would be bigger,

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Formula To Find A Specific Word?

Aug 28, 2012

Is there a formula to find a specific word through many columns? Between A1 and L4500 i got a lot of diffrent information. I want to show if there is any cells in the row with the specific text, a formula in column M. Etc. If C100 got "topside" a notice in column M

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IF Formula. I Need 2 Parameters

Jan 10, 2007

I am using the following formula and I need to modify it a little:

=IF('Input Sheet'!A17="AR",0,'Input Sheet'!F17)

All I need to do to the above is add "MISC" to the formula. I have tried but I keep getting errors.

Basically I want:

=IF('Input Sheet'!A17="AR" OR "MISC",0,'Input Sheet'!F17)

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Formula To Find The Sum Of A Set Of Data Based On Specific Criteria

May 20, 2014

automate a data table I set up in excel. I need the formula to look through a bunch of raw data I have, and add quantities in each row, but only from the rows that have the same machine numbers. I attached the document of raw data I've collected, and on a separate tab, an organized table. I would like this table to automatically be updated with the appropriate data, as I enter it as raw data.

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Formula To Find Specific TEXT In One Long Statement

May 28, 2014

formula to find specific text from statement.

I manage to use formula find for 1 text in 1 statement, but in confuse how to get another text found if i have "8 text" to find. Generally, there will only be "1 text" for each statement.

Maybe in 1 statement there have only "IC" or "Staff Tagging" or Name" or "Product" or etc till 8.

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Altering Parameters For IF Formula?

Mar 31, 2014

I need to modify the following formula,



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Formula With Multiple Lookup Parameters

May 8, 2009

In the attached file I have a sheet containing my data in A1 - D73. Column A contains a list of names, Column B contains a specific month, Column C contains a specific category and Column D contains the raw data.

Is it possible to create a formula similar to VLOOKUP to look not only at Column A, but to look at Column B as well in determining the value returned? I would like other users to first select a name and then select a month to view the data. I've attached a sample of what I've created so far. The original file contains 14 Names, 9 Months and 40 Categories.

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Return A Cell Formula's Parameters

May 23, 2006

i need to essentially find and replace udf's and the complication is rearranging the parameters in the udf's into a new formula structure.

so my question, is there an easy way to extract a parameter (or all parameters) from a function?

for example, if you had = SUM(A1,A2,A3:A6) you would return 'A1' as the first parameter, 'A2' as the second and 'A3:A6' as the third.

Obviously it gets complicated when you nest functions such as =SUM(IF(A2=1,0,A1),A3) etc and the if() function would be parameter 1.

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Formula To Return Results Based On 2 Parameters?

Jul 5, 2013

1) I have an invoice form, and need to create a formula that will allow me to calculate a discount IF an item number begins with "C" or "CE".

Example: Item # is in cell F12. (may or may not begin with "C" or "CE")

Item price is in cell J12.

Extended price (qty x price) is in cell K12.

In L12, I need to calculate a discount (from % in fixed cell L9) on the figure in K12 - based on whether or not the Item # in F12 begins with a C or CE.

If it does not begin with C or CE, then L12 needs to equal 100% of K12.

(The 2 parameters I referred to in the title were:

C, followed by a number
CE followed by a number )

2) The biggest part of the dilemma is that the person using this spreadsheet is totally unfamiliar with Excel formulas, spreadsheets in general, and has to send this finished product to a client each week. So I need this to be as simple as possible - which seems to me to be a formula (that can be copied to insert rows, etc. if necessary).

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Copy Formula Down / Across Taking From Data Table With Vertical And Horizontal Parameters

Mar 6, 2013

Excell file eWorked Example.xlsx

I am trying to set-up a formula that needs to be copied down and across and draws upon a data table that has a horizontal and vertical parameter that needs to be checked for the formula to return the right answer.

I have tried all manner of Index/Match, Offset etc but can only get one of either the vertical, or horizontal parameter working.

I have attempted a formula which is

=INDEX('PIP Input'!$C$17:$C$29,MATCH(H$1,('PIP Input'!$H$17:$H$29),0),MATCH($B4,'PIP Input'!$H$15:$L$15,0))

('PIP Input'!$H$17:$H$29) is column dependent on MATCH($B4,'PIP Input'!$H$15:$L$15,0)

If $B4 returned a different result from ('PIP Input'!$H$17:$H$29) then it would need to be ('PIP Input'!$I$17:$I$29)

How to nest the Horizontal Match inside the Vertical Match, such that the Vertical Match changes column depending on $B4?

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MS Query - Parameters (parameters On A Query But Use A Wildcard To Return All Instances)

Nov 17, 2009

Is it possible to set parameters on a query but use a wildcard to return all instances? I have a query that I want to be able to set multiple parameters on but give the user the ability to select as many or as few parameters as they want to see. 2 of the parameters are number fields and 2 are text fields with no spaces.

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Formula To Find Specific Text And Replace With Alternate Text?

Mar 4, 2014

I have a worksheet with several columns. I need a formula to search column D only and each time a specific location is identified to replace that location with alternate text. Example (ORIGNAL TEXT):

Column Dtext to text help.xlsx

I need to search that listing and each time the word BIRD is mentioned have it replaced with FEATHERS and each time DOG is listed have it replaced with TAILS Final result would look like:


All other text should stay the same and replacement text should appear in the cell of the text it is replacing. This is a sheet used by multiple people several times a day and so the Find/Replace option really won't work.

Have working on this for at least 6 months and it just isn't going to happen for me. I thought I could use a Conditional format, but that is producing no results either.

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Find Specific Text In Cell That Matches Range Then Display Specific Text?

Aug 5, 2013

I'm trying to find vehicle make and model in a cell containing a lot of text and then display that in the formula cell. For example if A1 is a paragraph that contains somewhere within it "Ford" & "Ranger". I want B1 to display "Ford" and C1 to display "Ranger". I have a list of vehicles makes (column A) and models (column B) on a seperate sheet.

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Specific Cell To Run A Specific Formula

Aug 14, 2009

let say in cell A6 i have a list


I can pick one of these. If i pick Cash then i want a specific cell to run a specific formula. depending on the item chosen.

So in cell A6 is the list.

in cell B6 an amount will be place and in C6 another amount will be place. the number for c6 will range from a -number to a +number.

But D6 looks to see if B6 meet the requirements for MTT, SnG or Cash depending on which item was selected from the list. and uses the formula below with $c$3 changing from to either $D$3 or $F$3 and comparing the values for the chosen item. the formula changes would look this

=IF(ISBLANK(C6),IF(B6>$C$3,"Do Not Play","PLAY"),IF(C6<B6, "Lost","Win"))

=IF(ISBLANK(C6),IF(B6>$D$3,"Do Not Play","PLAY"),IF(C6<B6, "Lost","Win"))

=IF(ISBLANK(C6),IF(B6>$F$3,"Do Not Play","PLAY"),IF(C6<B6, "Lost","Win"))

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Find Specific Value

Dec 26, 2006

if i have values by formula as it is listed below :


i want something it can select the number from A1:A7

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How To Find Last Specific Number In Row

Oct 3, 2011

In row 1 I have the numbers 1 through 7 running on a loop so A is 1 B is 2 .... F is 6 G is 7 and then H starts back over at 1 what i want to be able to do is find the last lets say number 2 in the row how would i do this?

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How To Find Specific Cell

Mar 4, 2013

I have a database that contains many products. All of them has a number.

I have an cell and a button for search. I am entering on the search cell the 254 number , and when i click the search button , i want a macro that can select me the cell that contains the 245 number from A column.

Till now i had tried with the following procedure.

I had made another cell which contains the following function

=MATCH(G6,A1:A100,0) , where G6 = my search cell for the number. This return my cell number from A column , but i don't know how to select that cell from the vba

I had tried with the ActiveSheet.Range , but i had to input the cell which i want to select , or it's there a way to enter the collumn where to find and the cell number to get from my MATCH function ?

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VBA To Find A Row / Cut It And Paste It Into Different Specific Row

Oct 9, 2013

I'm trying to create a macro that will automatically change the prioritization of work that is to be done. There is data in A:10 to M:60. Each row 10 through 60 represents one order. I would like the supervisor to put an "x" in column O. Then select any cell in a different row. Then when he hits the command button, cells A through M of whichever row has an "x" will move to A through M of whichever row has the active cell. This would push the effected cells down a row. If there is no "x" in column O, I would like a message to return, "Please select job by putting an "x" in the corresponding column O". Also, if the active cell is not within rows 10 through 60, I would like a message that returns, "Cannot place job there." I know the messages are dumb. I can change them later.

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Find Value In Specific Column

Jan 3, 2008

refine this piece of code so it only looks in column 2 for a matching value.

On Error Resume Next
If S = "" Then
MsgBox "Delete Cancelled"
Set r = .Columns(2). Find(What:=S, After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlFormulas, _
LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, _
MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False)

On Error Goto 0
If Not r Is Nothing Then Application.Goto r, True

If r Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "That APL ref does not exist"

Dim rowNum As Long: Rem *** *****
rowNum = r.Row: Rem *** *****

Range(Cells(r.Row, "A"), Cells(r.Row, "AH")).Select
Selection.Delete Shift:=xlUp

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Find First & Last Specific Value In Column

Mar 18, 2008

In my worksheet I have a column in which the cells have two possible values: "yes" or "no". In the first positions of the column there are only "yes" values, after there are some "no" values and then the "yes" values come again. Is there any function that identificates the position of the first "no" value in the column? And also the last "no" value? Attached I send a simple excel worksheet

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Find And Display A Specific Field?

Jun 23, 2014

formula to tell me 9 values. These values are on 9 separate tabs/worksheets. They are always at the bottom row in a specific column - but the row changes every week. I have a totals tab in this workbook. I would like to stop manually going to each tab and pressing Control+End to see the total and manually going back to the totals tab to enter the value. Is there a formula to find these 9 values automatically and display them on my totals tab?

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Find Specific Value In A Cell (numeric)

Jun 25, 2014

I am trying to check some data (about 5000 rows worth) and don't want to have to go through each row. What I need to do is check whether the 7th number in a string is below 5, and then to return a text result for above 5 and a different result for below 5. For example:

B4: 88050170088
7th value = 7, therefore return "Male"

I have tried =IF(MID(B4,7,1)>5,"Female","Male") but it is not working and I can't figure out why..could also just be making a rookie mistake....

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Find Specific Character In A Text?

Jan 23, 2014

I want a formula to find "#" character in a text.


PO# 4343434, MINCDSD.LTD, 977766

Here i I want to find out the character "#" position

I used =FIND("#", A1,1) Answer is 3 it's ok fine.

But I have problem with this below example;

Revised PO#545455, INV# 434344 ABC LTD

In this example i want second "#" position..

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Find Average With Very Specific Condition

Mar 14, 2014

Let's say I had the following data ...





Basically, I have 4 numbers, out of 50, as seen above...I want it so the last number (46 in this case) is special; what I mean by that is I want the following conditions to be met.

--If the special number is the lowest, just take the average of the four numbers, and divide it by 50
--If there is a (are) number(s) lower than the special number, then I want it to locate the smallest
---The smallest number should then be "replaced" by the special number (for calculations purposes only, not in the actual table)

So, in this case, since the special number (46) is not the lowest, excel would locate the lowest number (44), and calculate the average of 47, 50, 46, and 46 (the 44 was replaced by 46).

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Find Average Of The Specific Month

Oct 16, 2009

I have two columns: 1) Last Date of each month from 2005 and 2) Value.
Date format:

For example:
31.01.05 1.7
28.02.05 -0.7
31.03.05 2.6
30.04.05 0.4

How can I find the average of second column of january months only? I tried countif, sumif and many others, but cannot find the solution.

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