I have a list of 600 figures (this may vary) but i need a formula that will look a one particular figure in this list and return if it is one of 5 equal groups. e.g in this example the lowest 125 figures in numeric order would be in group 1 up to the highest 125 figures would be in group 5.
I realise if I limit it to 4 groups then i could use the 'quartile' functions but i am stuck with 5 groups.
I would like to be able to count the amount of entries in column C and depending on the amount group them in either groups of 3 or 4, all names would be unique...so if there are 14 names in the list they would need to be grouped in to two groups of 4 and two groups of 3, if there were 19 then 4 groups of 4 and 1 group of 3 etc to a maximum 50 people, the results could appearon a seperate worksheet say pasted on to the worksheet starting with the groups of 3 (so paste a group of 3 then skip 3 rows then paste groups of 4 skip 2 rows, the row skipping is to allow seperation and manual entry of extra data). There will never be groups of 5 or more and never less than 3
I have list of dollar amounts given to me and a general ledger sum which some of those in the list must equal. How can I determine which of these amounts will equal a given ledger total?
I want to delete the rows containing a subtotal of zero and the rows above it related to that grouping.
PO numbers are assigned to the data so the grouping is on the PO number column. The subtotal numbers are two columns over.
The workbook is close to excel's row limit so I want to eliminate the PO rows that have zeroed out. So, the row with the value of zero and the rows with the same PO number.
Is it possible to separate a range of cells with numerical values into "n" groups that have equal (or as close to equal as possible) total sums?
Ex. The range A1:A30 includes 30 random numbers between 1 and 12 (obviously there are duplicates). I need excel to auto-generate 6 groups of 5 cells each with each group having the same (again, as close as possible) total sum. Preferably, I'd like the numbers in each group to be similar from top to bottom, but I'm not overly concerned about that.
I can not remember how to do the following. in column N have numbers ranging from 1 to 100. I need to get numbers counted in this grouping. >50, <50 >70, <70 >85, <85. I don't even remember how to start. I tried
if i had a group of numbers , for example, the scores would be 30, 40 , 50 , 60 , 70 and 80 , how would i group that. like it would show me how many scores are between 30 and 50 , it would show up as 3 , then between , 51 and 60 it would show 1
I have the following Macro which groups same part numbers in an excel sheet and also creating a blank row after each (or set of same) part numbers. Their prices are in the adjacent cells. I want to add the price cells and the total to appear in the blank cell below the prices. I have one part number in Cell say A1, Its price in Cell B1 i have another same part number in A2, its price in Cell B2 (The macro has grouped them together) Now I want to add cell B1 & B2 and the result in B3 (Row 3 is blank, created by a macro after each group of similar part numbers)
This process is to be repeted in the entire worksheet.
Sub InsertRow_At_Change() 'part number Dim LastRow As Long Dim X As Long LastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For X = LastRow To 3 Step -1 If Cells(X, 1).Value Cells(X - 1, 1).Value Then If Cells(X, 1).Value "" Then If Cells(X - 1, 1).Value "" Then Cells(X, 1).EntireRow.Insert Shift:=xlDown End If End If End If Next X Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub
I am trying to solve is as follows, I have groups of 20 numbers in columns, one per column and would like to compare the groups to determine if any group is duplicated on another line.
I had been looking at using VBA to copy the numbers to an array, sort from lowest to highest, concatenate and use that to compare each group. If possible however if there is a suitable formula it would be preferable.
Product Group Arg.Braz.Mex.Peru Red paint Paint5324 Blue paintPaint5684 WallpaperWallpaper6585 LampsFurniture 4631 ChairsFurniture 1645 Green paintPaint1356 SofasFurniture 3358
I am trying to work out VBA code or another way in Excel to find a solution for this problem - I need to be able to sum up the values that I have posted below - so for SUM(Paint,Argentina), this would be the sum of the red paint, blue paint and green paint values under the Argentina heading, that are all categorised into the 'Paint' group. The same follows for all the other categories. I was trying to use 'Defined Names' to group the categories together, and so would then do =Sum(Paint). However this was not allowing me to sum by each country, and the 'Create from Selection' naming tool was not naming all of the values for Paint (blue paint, red paint, etc.) under the paint category.
This is an incredibly simplified version of the data I am actually dealing with - I am doing this for 70 country columns and 250 rows of product categories.
I am trying to separate a huge group of phone numbers from one cell into individual cells in a column. the numbers are currently separated by a semicolon. Is there an easy way to perform this action?
I have a workbook called PETB. I would like to extract the following account number ranges in Col A to sheet 2 (the numbers are all 6 digits) for eg 273000
1) All numbers starting with 2730 and ending in a zero and 02 to be extracted together in one group for eg 273000, 273050, 273250, 273002, 273052 to be extracted below each each
2) All numbers starting with 2730 and ending in a 4 to be extracted together in one group
3) All numbers starting with 2730 and ending in a 6 to be extracted to together in one group
The Data Worksheet in the file attached lists information on various software packages a company sells. Each product has an associated category listed in column B. Write a sub that creates a worksheet for each category represented in the list, with the name of the worksheet being the category, such as Business. For each category worksheet, it should enter the product names and their prices in columns A and B, starting in row 4. Each category worksheet should have an appropriate label, such as “Products in the Business category”, in cell A1; it should have labels “Product” and “Price” in cells A3 and B3; and the column width for its column A should be the same as the column width of Column A in the Data worksheet. ( Note that there are only three categories represented in the current data. However, the program should be written so that it Works for any number of categories – and any number of products- that might be present.)
I have the following code, it works properly when I run it for the first time but fails to re-run for the other coming runs.
This is what the data sheet looks like: [URL] .......
Code: Sub Business() Dim Data() As String Dim blnCheck As Boolean Dim intProdCnt As Integer Dim i As Integer Dim wksC As Excel.Worksheet
I have attached a file to better describe my issue, essentially I would like to count all the 'A's, all the 'B's and so on in the file and have the count next to it, so something like
A 6 B 3 D 5 F 1
In the file I uploaded I have column B as a count of the numbers, is there a way I could get just the final number for each letter, that would solve my problem.
Is there any way to determine all possible unique combinations (or sets) of any 3 strings in a table? I need to make a master set list from a list of strings which could be over 100 elements long.
Once I have a result set, I need to get rid of any groups which have a value contained in another group.
Result set would contain groups of any 3 item combinations where the corresponding "B" value is within a certain range (between 40 and 80), while also trying to create sets with the lowest possible sum (placed in the 4th column) of the 3 numbers.
One possible combination would be: Item1 Item2 Item100 170
I need to list all possible combinations, without re-using an element from a previous (lower sum) combination that matched the criteria.
In the attached workbook I'm trying to populate Column E with sequential numbers (as shown) based upon a changing range (defined as a named range called 'range'). Is it possible to write a formula in the cells in Column E that will do this?
I want to take a list of data and then subtotal the value by certain groups eg Toys. I then want to sort those subtotals by value descending. I then want to rank the sub totals
So basically i want to first select the group total and if that subtotal is the highest rank it. Its almost as if I need two subtotals (although Excel only gives me one)
I need to create a function that numbers rows with respect to data groups in a column (column labeled "Type" in this example). The result would be that shown in column A in this table.
How do I write the function? #TypeName Date 1CarsJohn1/12/2008 2CarsJane11/10/2007 3CarsMary11/2/2004 4CarsBob12/7/2003 1TrucksMike12/12/2007 2TrucksSandy1/3/2007 3TrucksDale12/14/2006 4TrucksVince4/8/2005
I'm trying to make a excel template that will take a list of names, changes but generally around 100, and randomly separate them into 4 sets of 8 groups evenly.
This grouping would be repeated 4 times, but there are some conditions.
Firstly, the same person cannot be put into a group again with someone they have previously been grouped with. Secondly, someone appearing in the first or last groups cannot appear in that group again.
I've been trying to do it via some complex cell formulas but they are quickly becoming overly complex and im not sure if it will actually work which has completely demotivated me. Ive not been looking at VBA but am now thinking its the right route. Ive been thinking of having a master list and then have an attribute of who people have been grouped with before during each of the groupings, and also what number group they were in and then checking against that or something, but im not sure if that is the most efficient solution.
I attached an example dataset : demo dataset.xlsx
Is it possible to use the Combobox ListFillRange to list values from two groups of cells? For example, in column 'A', I have the values, 1,2,3; and in Column 'B', I have the values, A, B, C. I want to list the values in column 'A' along with the value of say, B, in Column 'B'.
combobox.listfillrange = "Sheet1!A1:A3" < ---- how to include value B from column B in this list? Or, how to get value A from column B?
I have three workers for which I am counting the data from using a countas formula. The cells are A1,B1,C1 and I want to highlight in another formula to the right if these three values do not equal each other, I have tried and if formula referencing each of the combinations of the compares however it does not work in the desired fashion.
If I have A1 = 1, A2 = 3, A3 = 5, A4 = 7, and A5 = 9 in column A, Would someone know how to get the combination of numbers in column A that equal 13, or 24 for example?
I have a range of values in a1:f500 the values are all numbers between 1-25. I then have a value in cell h1. what i need to do is find all numbers that equal to 9 in the range a1:f500 and replace all these 9's with the formula =$h$1 so that i can simply change the values in the range a1:f500 by changing the value to say 12 in cell h1. could someone please text me the vba code that needs to be entered for sheet 1?
I have done is created an Officer Evaluation Form in Word for my Police Chief and the Scores for the different observations are: N/A, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. If for example there are 4 observations and one of the observations is "N/A" for not applicable or not observed and the rest are all 5's I want the formula to ignore the field(s) with the N/A and still come up with an average of 5. The way I have it set up now which is: =AVERAGE(KOW1,KOW2,KOW3,KOW4) it comes up with an average of 3 when I put a N/A in field KOW1 and all 5's in KOW2-KOW4.