Grouping Of Data List Into New Worksheets

Oct 20, 2013

The Data Worksheet in the file attached lists information on various software packages a company sells. Each product has an associated category listed in column B. Write a sub that creates a worksheet for each category represented in the list, with the name of the worksheet being the category, such as Business. For each category worksheet, it should enter the product names and their prices in columns A and B, starting in row 4. Each category worksheet should have an appropriate label, such as “Products in the Business category”, in cell A1; it should have labels “Product” and “Price” in cells A3 and B3; and the column width for its column A should be the same as the column width of Column A in the Data worksheet. ( Note that there are only three categories represented in the current data. However, the program should be written so that it Works for any number of categories – and any number of products- that might be present.)

I have the following code, it works properly when I run it for the first time but fails to re-run for the other coming runs.

This is what the data sheet looks like: [URL] .......

Sub Business()
Dim Data() As String
Dim blnCheck As Boolean
Dim intProdCnt As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim wksC As Excel.Worksheet

[Code] ......

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Grouping Worksheets With Graphs

Jul 11, 2006

Is there a handy way to group worksheets withing a workbook, other than hiding them? I'm building a workbook at the moment and am constantly adding worksheets and expect a lot more when producing graphs. I have in mind a tab that would say for example "graphs" and when selected it would free up or open all the graph worksheets and when not in use all those worksheets could be grouped together behind that one tab.

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Grouping List Of Numbers Into 5 Equal Groups

Nov 2, 2011

I have a list of 600 figures (this may vary) but i need a formula that will look a one particular figure in this list and return if it is one of 5 equal groups. e.g in this example the lowest 125 figures in numeric order would be in group 1 up to the highest 125 figures would be in group 5.

I realise if I limit it to 4 groups then i could use the 'quartile' functions but i am stuck with 5 groups.

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List Data Of Same Cell On Different Worksheets

Dec 9, 2005

I have a text data stored in same cell of different worksheets on the same
file. I need to list them down in a single fresh worksheet. Is there any
formula or any way that I may use?

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Creating List Of Data From Multiple Worksheets

May 13, 2009

I am trying to create a list of residents, unit types, and unit numbers. I have 3 problems with the following code.

1) The code ignores sheets that have no value in the specified cell. I need it to return a blank cell for those in order to keep the data in each column matched with the sheet it came from.

2) The code includes data from hidden sheets. I only want to list data from unhidden sheets. And more specifically, I want to omit data from unhidden sheets that have their tab colored black.

3) The code includes data from the sheet named "Totals" which I thought I was telling it to ignore.

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Populating Data From Several Worksheets To Make Single List

Sep 20, 2013

I'm working on a workbook with several names for every month and I'd like to populate the names from the different worksheets to have a list in another worksheet to make a summary avoiding duplicates and making sure every name is captured.

I have attached a sample sheet....populate_2013.xlsx

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Retrieving Textbox Data From Multiple Worksheets Into List On Mastersheet?

Sep 20, 2013

I am trying to pull data from multiple textboxes on multiple worksheets and compile it into a list on a mastersheet. I have searched multiple forums and I have been unable to piece together anything. I have attached an example workbook of the data that I am trying to compile. I am trying to pull the data for the textbox next to NAME, SS#, and SCHED. I have tried recording a macro for 1 sheet and then modifying the macro to work for on all worksheets but failed miserably.

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Grouping Some Data In Bar Chart

Jul 29, 2014

I have some cost data for 5 different technologies that I would like to plot in a graph. the technologies belong to 3 unique categories and I want to group them on the chart so that there is no gap between technologies in a same category.

I have a graph where they are grouped by title of the category but how I may remove the gaps between the individual bars in the same category?

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Data Protection And Grouping?

Feb 12, 2013

grouping the protected/locked data.I am using excel 2010.I have data in sheet and have inserted group. I have protected this sheet and hence not able to use data group in this sheet.Is there a way i can operate data group option even if the sheet is protected.

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Grouping Data Into Categories

Jun 9, 2006

I have a given set of data. Each row of data fits into one of 7 different categories. Besides doing a simple filter to be able to pull out a certain "category", how can I do this differently? Is there a code/macro process I need to go through? Basically what I need to do is find a way to group these categories together, so that someone searching for a certain category can easily pull it from the data.

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Grouping Data Into Defined Bins Using VBA?

Oct 18, 2012

I've about 30,000 recordes in Column A of numbers between 1 and 100. In Column B I'm looking for a formula to return "Less than 10", "10-20" etc up to "90-100".

I think I need to use excel vba If...Then...Else

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Grouping Data In A Pivot Table

Oct 31, 2008

from the Forum on building a macro and was kindly told that a Pivot Table would do the job better, which it does. However, my table has a column of several dates, I was wondering the best way to group the dates into months rather than showing the full date, eg, September instead of 16/09/08 or August instead of 01/08/08.

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Grouping Data In Pivot Table

Mar 28, 2012

I'm looking for a quick way of counting the proportion of records in certain number ranges e.g.

Number of records in range 1 to 50, 51-100, 101-500 etc.

i have a pivot table but I'm just not sure how to create these groupings. Is a pivot the right way to do it - or should I be doing something else with the source data.

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Data Sort Grouping By First 4 Digits

Jun 1, 2012

I'm trying to sort a selection of data into groups (2 cols, 1st is P-No, 2nd is Qty) based on the first four digits of the P-No and then tally the groups Qty (so I have the total Qty for any given product group) but short of sorting the data by P-No then manually separating it into groups where the first four digits are the same and then applying a SUM calc to the separated groups Qty column I can't think of a function/sum that would speed this process up!

Any way to speed this process up/automate it?

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Grouping Data From Similar Fields

Jan 4, 2010

I have a set of data that looks like this:

A | B | C | D
100 | 2 | 0 | 0
100 | 0 | 0 | 7
100 | 6 | 0 | 0
101 | 8 | 0 | 0
101 | 0 | 5 | 0
101 | 0 | 0 | 1

Column A is a 'User Number' and columns B-D contain values.

I was hoping to use this data to create a new range where each 'User Number' only has one row, and the values in the other columns are summed for each user.

This would ideally look like this:

A | B | C | D
100 | 8 | 0 | 7
101 | 8 | 5 | 1

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Formula For Grouping Data In Valid Format

May 1, 2014

I have around 30k data. which is in invalid format.

Ex: 12987654321vinay kk 876543219
32567456789 kkccjhg fo 345678921

I want to convert this into correct format as below with start letter from MOD, 987654321,, vinay, kk,87654219
MOD,567456789, , kkccjhg, fo,345678921

I want to know which are formulas I have to use to get this info in correct format.

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Macro/vba: Grouping Data From Csv Then Import Into Excel

Aug 6, 2008

I have a data file saved as csv like this:

Risk Postcode,Effective Year Month,Written Premium,Written Units,Earned Premium,Earned Units,Claim Cost,Claim Count,Glass Manufacture Decade,

what i want to do is to group the record with the same postcode together and just return one record for each postcode in excel.

so the output will have the postcode, the sum of written premium, written units.

I understand i can use Access to do it, but I want just to use excel for this task.

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Search Columns Of Worksheets / If The Columns Contain Data Then Form A List On Another Worksheet

Apr 17, 2013

I have a workbook that has worksheeets for every day of the month. The data in the worksheet consists of columns (employee #, name, clock in/out times, and break penalty).

What I am trying to do is create another worksheet that searches all the other worksheets for a "yes" in the "break penalty" column and then create a list of all the employees that received a break penalty for the entire month. I would like this to be able to auto populate throughout the month as data is entered and not have to use a filter every time I want to compile this list.

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Vba Macro Code For Grouping Data Based On 2 Hours Time

Apr 28, 2014

I need a VBA macro code to get the output like in the excel file which I have attached with this thread. Which means, I need to group the data for every two hours. in the output I need all 4 cols namely A, B, C, D along with extra col namely, interval based on which I need these groupings to be done..

The code has to be really flexible so that it works for all dates and times in the files. Because like this I have to do for 2000 files.....

Original link: [URL] .....

plant area.xlsx

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Grouping Data From Two Tables (different Structure) Based On Common Criteria?

Dec 1, 2013

The attached file shows what I'm trying to do - I'd like to fill in the data in the top left corner table (blue-shaded) with the data combined from the two other tables. Think of the Greek letters as names that are grouped into the groups named {A,B,C,D,E} (the names have no significance, it's just an example).

I was able to do so using an array formula and an extra column (yellow shaded) as you can see in B2 - however, this solution doesn't suite my case because the actual tables will be coming from automated processes and cannot be easily manually altered.

I tried inserting the array formula into the sumproduct formula - see B3 - but for some reason this doesn't behave the same as when the array is outside the formula. I should also mention that I came across a user defined function solution - this too is not so suitable for me right now.

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Grouping Contiguous List Into Non-Contiguous Groups

Sep 9, 2006

I would like to be able to count the amount of entries in column C and depending on the amount group them in either groups of 3 or 4, all names would be if there are 14 names in the list they would need to be grouped in to two groups of 4 and two groups of 3, if there were 19 then 4 groups of 4 and 1 group of 3 etc to a maximum 50 people, the results could appearon a seperate worksheet say pasted on to the worksheet starting with the groups of 3 (so paste a group of 3 then skip 3 rows then paste groups of 4 skip 2 rows, the row skipping is to allow seperation and manual entry of extra data). There will never be groups of 5 or more and never less than 3

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Excel 2010 :: Sort Worksheets Alphabetically And Keep The Data In Worksheets

May 15, 2013

I have read that there is a VBA macro in F11, but I also read that it would only sort the workshhet names, but not the data. I have Excel 2010.

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Grouping Dates In Pivot Data By Month As Well As Sorting Dates In Ascending Order

Apr 30, 2013

I have a pivot table and and struggling to group these by month as well as to sort thee in escending order.

Pivot Table  ABC3Row LabelsSum of DebitSum of Credit
18898.0318065.4813/10/2012 7210.52913/11/201241969.041767.821013/12/201232844.7724041.26

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Grouping And Then Summing In Either Msquery Or Back After The Data Has Been Extracted From Msquery

Nov 19, 2009

I need grouping and then summing in either msquery or back in excel after the data has been extracted from msquery.

I have external data that i have interogated in msquery, and I would like to to sum the amount column if possible.
I have two fields, first field = account number
2nd field = amount due

the first field could contain 5 sets of the same account number, but with different amounts in the Amount Due column. I would like to sum the amounts due for each of the account numbers in one column.

If i cannot do this in msquery, how do i then go about doing it back in excel. I know i can use subtotals, but then when the data updates from the external data source.

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Creating New Worksheets From Given List

Jun 1, 2009

I have got a worksheet wherein Column A contains the Customer Code, & Column B contains the Customer name. I want to create new worksheets based on the Customer Codes in Column A i.e for each Customer Code, new worksheet should be created wherein I would later on enter some formatting & data in the worksheets. When I select Delete worksheets, all the work sheets other than the 1st worksheet should be deleted.

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VBA To Sort Worksheets From A List

May 7, 2009

Is it possible to sort numerous worksheets based off a list of cells that are the names of the worksheets within the same file? For example my worksheet names are:

YTD Texas
YTD Florida
Period Texas
Period Florida

I can sort the sheets by alpha but it puts the two YTD worksheets together when I need the two Texas sheets side by side (I need this on a file that contains over 100 worksheets otherwise I would do it manually) I was wondering if I could create my order of sheet name in another worksheet and reference that list through vba code?

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Naming Worksheets From List?

Aug 10, 2012

I have a list of accounts on Worksheet 1 (five total) that I want to use to name worksheets 2-6. The account names are listed in B21:B25.

From what I've read, it seems like I should put the script inside the following sub:

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
End Sub

My end users will be changing the account names and I want the tabs to change with them.

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Naming Worksheets From A List

Jul 8, 2008

I have a template worksheet that I would like to copy and name according to a list that I have. Currently there are 57 objects (lack of a better word) in the list.

This is what I have currently.

Sub CreateWorksheets()
' Macro1 Macro
' Macro recorded 7/8/2008 by amkgri

Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim Y As Long
Dim I As Long

Y = ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=+COUNTA('Sales Managers'!C[1])-2"
For I = 2 To Y

Worksheets("Template").Copy Worksheets(Worksheets.Count)
ws.Name = I
Next I
End Sub

But it is currently not doing anything. I borrowed some of the code from another thread that is how I got this "far"....

The reason -2 is that the first row is column labels and the last row is my Template.

So I am wanting to start with the second row and continue until one row from the end.

The list of names that I am wanting to use is basically the list of states.

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Summary List From Worksheets

Jan 16, 2007

I am using excel to create an equipment list for a job. The equipment broken down into several categories spread over 8 work sheets in the same workbook. Each worksheet has a quantity column in A and Equipment Item in Column B. Each job doesnt require all the equipment at one time so as I need a piece of equipment for the job I am working on I place a quantity (column A) next to the Equipment Item (B).

My Problem is that I want to create a Final equipment list in a new work sheet and I am finding it hard to create a formula which will look at each of the 8 worksheets and when it finds a number not a blank in the quantity column A to the carry both the Quantity A and Equipment Item B data into the Final equipment list worksheet. Once it has done this carry on scanning through the worksheet to find the next item thus compiling the final list.

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List The Worksheets In A Workbook

Feb 28, 2007

I have around 40 to 50 worksheets in a workbook. Is there a quick way of listing the names of all the worksheets in a single worksheet instead of typing the sheet names one by one?

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