Headings, Worksheet Probs!
Feb 10, 2007
as you know at the top of the excel 2002 worksheet there are headings:
A B C D E etc etc
how do i change these (A,B,C,D,E) to my own personal heading?
A = Title B = Type C = Subs etc etc
or do i have to 'drop' all the info down by 1 level?
i really need to keep the 'numbers' for the colums so that the 1st entry doesn't start at A2
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Dec 1, 2009
What it does is open a singlesheet Workbook and copy that sheet onto the sheet with the macro. It only copies this if the cell E1 matches in both sheets.
Now I'm trying to change this - I want to match a range - A1:V1 should match
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Sep 25, 2007
The file is a simple sheet which upon entering the actual/Invoice cost (C5), calculates the estimated landing/final cost (C8).
In between the process involves changing the currency from US$ to PKR, make some calculations, and changing back the currency again to US$.
The default rate of currency exchange is set to ave 60 (C12). However if the user knows the current rate he can put it manually in C6 and sheet will make all the calcs on this instead of using the default rate.
Everything is working just too perfect. But probs occur when i manually enters the exchange rate.
It does successfully changes the US$ to PKR and calculates everything perfectly but doesnt reverts the final cost back to US$ successfully instead it keeps using the default value instead of user's value
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Jun 3, 2008
I want to filter the data and next. I want to copy the data from sheet1 to sheet2;
below code working fine, but.
Sub CopyFilter()
Dim rng As Range
Dim rng2 As Range
With ActiveSheet.AutoFilter.Range
On Error Resume Next
Set rng2 = .Offset(1, 0).Resize(.Rows.Count - 1, 1) _
On Error Goto 0
End With
If rng2 Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "No data to copy"
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Feb 25, 2012
I have a few row headings on a fresh worksheet (called "New" like so for A1, B1 and C1 for example):
Date Amount Title
I then have raw data on another worksheet. This data has many column headings (more than on the "New" sheet) and the data for that heading in the column underneath heading. So the Date column will have say 50 rows of dates in the column. What I want to do in VBA is match the headings from the "New" worksheet to the raw data worksheet ("Data") and then copy and paste the data into the column under the row heading in "New" from "Data".
with the code for this? I have tried using MATCH and I can't get it to work. I'm also looking for an efficient way to do this I'm sure I am doing it a very inefficient way.
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May 21, 2008
I have some specific requirement and it would be great if I could do it through macro. Also attached a sample excel file for the requirement. I have raw data in a worksheet (WS1) that I receive daily from factory. There is another sheet in a different workbook (WS2) that has format specified on how to display this raw data. The order of raw data on WS1 remains same. The question is that how do I replace the format titles with raw data?
For example, in the attached excel sheet, sheet "data" has list of values. Sheet "format" says how to display data. Sheet "output" is output that I finally want to generate. The sheet "data" will always have data in the same order. I need to read values and replace the format title ( name, age etc) with corresponding values on "data" sheet.
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Jul 3, 2013
I worked on a workbook which has multiple worksheets( mine has 6). The data doesn't start from A1. I want to copy the data from each worksheet into a sheet called summary. I want to create the macro that would only copy the heading row once.
WB test.xlsxWB test.xlsx
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Apr 2, 2009
I have created an Profit&Loss excel sheet with all the accounts in column A and then the values for each month, January to December in column B to column K like this:
Column A...............Col B............Col C........Col D........Col E.....and so on
Account 1..............2222............58452........5255.........5844....
Account2................5.................45...............25...........458 ....
I've made a macro that creates a textfile and saves it on my desktop, but I get a text file with all the info in the same file, what I want is to get one text file for every month, that is text file number one(january) is: The heading info+column A+columnB
text file number two(February) is: The heading info+column A+columnC
text file number three(March) is: The heading info+column A+columnD and so on
In the heading info I have to state the period and then I need the macro to change this for every text file, that is for the january file it has to be "1 to 1", for february "2 to 2" and so on. As it is now it will always say "1 to 1" because that is the values I have entered.
Sub btnSkapaFil_Klicka()
Dim strAnv As String
Dim strBeloppJan As String
Dim strBeloppFeb As String
Dim strBeloppMars As String
Dim strBeloppApr As String
Dim strBeloppMaj As String
Dim strBeloppJun As String
Dim strBeloppJul As String
Dim strBeloppAug As String
Dim strBeloppSept As String
Dim strBeloppOkt As String
Dim strBeloppNov As String
Dim strBeloppDec As String
Dim strSavepath As String
Dim intRad As Integer
Dim intStartrad As Integer
Dim intSlutrad As Integer
Dim fs, a
strOrder = Range("I2")...............
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Oct 5, 2009
I need a vba code which inserts a text/heading into an excel chart.
Today I wrote the heading inside the code, in this way:
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Feb 8, 2010
Is there a way to hide the formula bar and headings for a specific worksheet(s) with a workbook but not all the worksheets? In other words, I want to hide the formula bar and headings only for certain worksheets. When I select hide on the show/hide ribbon, it hides it for all the worksheets within a workbook.
Also, is there a VBA code that can be written to hide formula bar and headings for a selected worksheet?
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Nov 23, 2006
I have a workbook. Numbers On The Left And Letters At The Top of all sheets cannot be seen. How can I make them visible?
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May 10, 2007
I use currentRegion to add the item to the combobox, but i don't know how to add without including the first cell in the range,as usually, it is the field name.
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Aug 6, 2014
I've got a few worksheets that have staff names on Col A. And these names are under sub headings of what position they work in (Foremen, Operatives etc..).
Before I had access to them, the names were not in order, now I've change it to A-Z, for each staff under their position.
I know you can make your own custom order list, so the list goes top to bottom : Supervisor, Formen, Operative, Office.
What I sometimes need to do is sort Col B or C. But is am unable to sort it back to it's original state
Attached is an example of how I would like my spreadsheets to look. But is there a way to use Sort & Filter so it sorts the entire table by position, keeping the correct name under the correct position heading.
New Microsoft Excel Worksheet (2).xlsx
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May 24, 2007
I use a macro to format a debtors ledger. This report shows the amounts that customers owe broken down by the age of the debt, ie Current, 30, 60, 90, 120 days.
To make it easier to read I want macro code that will replace these mostly numeric headings with months ie April, March, February, January, December.
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Jun 16, 2009
I want to save a worksheet as a CSV but Excel saves the column headings as the first line of the saved csv file. I don't want the column headings in the saved file.
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Nov 20, 2009
My questions is how to "freeze pane" a row of headings on the Results page and post the results onto row 2 and downward *without* deleted row 1.
If you look at the attached file, you will see a tab that I created called "My desired Results Page" that simply has a frozen row of cells. Instead of just displaying the rows from the Details page on the Results page, I'd like them there but with the headings at the top.
Is there code that can do this?
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Oct 11, 2007
I have data sent to me describing angles as integers from -180 to 180. I need to average these angles together. For example, the average of 10 and -2 should be 4. Great. However, the average of 175 and -175 should be 180.
Has anyone ever worked with this type of issue?
(I've thought about converting -175 to 185, but then I have trouble with 5 and -5, which becomes 355).
I should probably note that I have a list of angles, not just 2. The analysis I need to do is 1) average of all angles and 2) difference from the average for each angle.
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Nov 14, 2006
I am trying to find out if i can reference to a table on Excel. For example; if i enter in one cell the word 'january' (a header on the left of the table) and 'week 1' (a header on the top of the table) in another cell, can i set it to produce the value in the table that coresponds to the two headers.
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Nov 22, 2006
Assuming I have a data martix which is X* Y. I want to store a range that is at Row Z. I have named a single cell at Row Z as "dataStart". How can I store that Row without the header?
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Jun 21, 2007
TAKING A BIT FURTHER THE POST Find Min Value In Multiple Columns And Match The Header
Here's my problem: I am trying to find the MIN value in a column with dual headings and match the corresponding product which makes my formula with three criteria.
see the attachment to see the structure of the tables and further explanation.
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Jul 18, 2007
how do i go about coding a macro so that it can look at a column,lets say column F in this case, on a worksheet and figure out how many rows contain data, select all rows BUT the header row (row 1 in this case), select them for copy, and paste them to another spreadsheet in the xls file starting from row 2, pasting values only.
the way i would LIKE to do this function is to take column 1, determine its length, or how many rows contain data and where the first empty row kicks in, anchor that into a variable and use that variable to set the copy paste function for the remaining columns i run the function on. why do i need this done? i'm makign a macro that can automatically build reports for me from raw data dumpted from the system.... and later columns in the spreadsheet have empty cells, so i want the function to process at a fixed length with all cells using column one as a guide for the copy/paste function
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Jun 19, 2014
I have an excel file with multiple sites and I need to delete empty rows base on two repeated words in column A. Empty Rows need to be deleted between the cells in column A called Litter and Community. There are other empty rows that need to stay in so only rows between "litter" followed by "community".
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Apr 2, 2014
See the attached excel workbook:
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Apr 5, 2009
The first five columns of my table contain row titles. I'd like to keep these columns stationary while I scroll horizontally through the remainder of the columns.
As it is now, only the row number remains stationary, but I really don't need the numbers, just the row titles.
Is there any way to do this? And would this also be possible with column headings (so I can scroll down without them moving up)?
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Nov 10, 2013
I want to put in the column headings "listbox" exactly as it is in the sheet, but non-contiguous columns
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Aug 5, 2014
Having trouble consolidating 3 worksheets into one worksheet, on these 3 worksheets they all have the same headings which go from A-R. I simply need to be able to run a formula or use some sort of method to incorporate all 3 lists into 1 master list. The only way i currently can do this is to create a vba script which simply copies say 500 rows from the first worksheet paste onto master spreadsheet then copy 500 rows in second worksheet and find next blank row and paste etc.
Is that the best way to do this or is there a better way?
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Oct 31, 2008
My simple copy and paste macro copies data but while pasting it pastes data starting in cell A1 rather than A5. Code is as below. I thought of copying cell by cell but the problem is that this is only a very small part of code. Below code copies column C in source file and pastes into column A of destination file.
I would be doing about 50 of these columns transfers between two files and thought that copying cell by cell would take ages to run.
1) Can someone please help me resolving the above problem i.e pasting data in cell A5 rather than A1.
2) Secondly how can i add an OR to the autofilter criteria? for example below code filters based on criteria "CS"? what do i need to do to filter based on "CS" or "AS".
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Jan 19, 2009
I am trying to figure this out. I have a userform with one listbox with 7 columns that displays a range. It is working except i cannot get the column headings to work.
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Oct 13, 2009
Is possible to populate the headings of a listbox via code
I have a list box with three columns and need the headings to be
"Number" "Rider" and "Bike"
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Nov 3, 2008
I have a sheet where a name could appear multiple times in a 22 column data range. I would like to list all the names on a second sheet in Column A and in column B (and further columns as necessary) return the heading name of column where the name is found in cells next to the name.
I think Count If will work for giving me the number of times the name appears in sheet one but is there a way to return the column headings along the same row as the name?
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