UserForm Still Shows After Hiding
Nov 30, 2006
I have 2 forms (A and B). Form B is initialized with values from a global array created in form A.
When closing the B form it's still visible.
I want it to dissapear.
The B form is opened from the A form
Private Sub cmd_ok_Click()
End Sub
When closing the B form it's still visible (modal)
'Within form B
Private Sub cmd_cancel_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub
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Jun 15, 2009
This is weird - if you delete a sheet that contained a control then
a. showing a modeless userform resluts in a userofrm that goes invisible at subroutine End
b. public variables lose their value
These things do not happen if the sheet did not contain a control. Attached is an example file - put the inputfile.xls in your default file location (or add a path in the code) then open the ProblemDemo.xls and run the main macro to see it fal - isthis another Excelbug I've found?
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Aug 28, 2008
I have a before print event that shows a userform - the user can then select which worksheets they want printed and select a command button. I then have a loop set up that loops through the selected workbooks and prints them. The problem is I am not sure how to tell VBA to print without it going back to the Before Print event userform.
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Nov 29, 2006
I created a Userform on top of an excel files. The userform uses data contained in the excel file. When my users open this file, I would like them to only see the userform and not the excel file in the background. I have tried the following but it prevents the userform from working.
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
ThisWorkbook.Windows(1).Visible = False
End Sub
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Application.Visible = False
End Sub
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Dec 8, 2006
I am attempting to show a User Form during the forms Initialize code. I Load the form after extracting data from a SQL Server database. The code that Loads the form is returned to after the form closes. The problem is that when I run through the Initialize code where criteria decides whether the form is actually shown to the user. If the criteria is not met there are no issue, but if the criteria is met, then the form is opened and the rest of the Initialize code is not stepped through. As there are many If Then and a Select Case and a couple With...'s I need the rest of the Initialized code to be stepped through so after the form is closed by the user and the original code which Loaded the form is returned to I do not get an error.
Oh and the big problem is that I am not getting an error message during this, the Load code is actually repeated because when the original code is actually returned to is returned on the Load UserForm code.
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim i As Integer, Endofdata As Integer, wsheet3 As Worksheet, wbBook As Workbook
Dim wsSheet As Worksheet, c As Variant, gTotal As Long, Score As String, g3000 As Long
Dim gTotalAdd As Integer
On Error Goto ErrorHandler:
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
'cmbIDCountry.ColumnCount = 2
Set wbBook = ThisWorkbook
Set wsheet3 = wbBook.Worksheets("UpdateDetails")
Set wsSheet = wbBook.Worksheets("Data") ....................
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Oct 9, 2008
I have a small userform with a ComboBox (ComboBox1) which, on a change event, kicks off another process. It's working fine, but the problem is that the userform hides immediately, and the open combobox remains visible while the second process starts running. It's only like that for about 5-7 seconds, but it doesn't look overly professional.
I'm using MS Excel 2007 on WinXP.
I tried putting in a sleep command or two, but that doesn't quite do the trick (the sleep is for 1 second).
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Jan 27, 2012
I'm trying to use a non-modal userform as an application option board. Using API, the initial (Activate event) form transparency is set to 10%, and the Userform_MouseMove event turns it to 100%. The problem is that I need the transparency back to 10% (hiding it would be enough) whilst mouse remains outside the userform, and I've no idea of how I can get it.
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Jun 12, 2013
1. I'm looking for a better way to get a UserForm (frmParts) to show right from the start as soon as I open the workbook while hiding the application. I use the following when I initialize the application:
Application.Visible = False
2. Later on, I add some parts to my inventory, but if I don't make the application visible, it doesn't save the data. So, I have to make it visible and then hide it again. Is there a right way to accomplish the save without having to unhide/hide the application? This is the applicable code I used (ComboBoxes & TextBoxes involved):
'copy the data to the database
Application.Visible = True
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
With ws 'ws=Inventory
[Code] ..........
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Apr 18, 2006
I am not sure if this can be done or not. I am displaying a userform non-modally (Modeless). It will remain in place while the workbook is open. I know how to stop the form from being removed if the user clicks on the close box (the X in the top-righthand corner). What I would like is to stop the X displaying at all. I heard that it might be possible in the Properties box, but cannot see it in Excel 2000.
Even better would be if I could hide the entire header of the user form, so that I could simulate the look of placing controls within an Autoshape. (I am producing a project for users of Excel 2000 onwards, and I understand that placing controls directly in a worksheet can cause problems in other versions, so I must use forms.)
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Sep 21, 2007
I created UserForm with one TextBox and "Close" Button. And it's works like a real-time search with my criteria. He is using AutoFilter to show what he found. And when I'm pressing Close Button the Focus isn't on Application, but on Hidden window (know because when I'm clicking alt+space form's menu shows).
To show window I'm using (running from hot-key):
DoCmd.OpenForm "UserForm1"
to hide
Private Sub CloseButton_Click()
End Sub
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May 19, 2014
I need a code (and where to put it) to open my application excel with only the userform so, with the workbook hidden.
Application.Visible=False doesn't work because it close all excels and moreover I can see the workbook for 1 or 2 seconds before hiding.
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Jun 9, 2006
I have a userform where I have 2 comboboxes. The first combobox shows the the first column (only 1 of each) and the second comboBox shows me the secondary list that correlates to the valuse in the first from column B. Now I have a text box that I am trying to get the value from column C depending on what I have in the first 2 comboboxes. What is the easiest way to do it? This is all in VB since it is a UserForm, and using Vlookup seems to be too many lines if I go that route. Is there a way to use Index and Match in VB where it would be more efficient? I attached just a sample of how the data would be layed out in the Excel sheet.
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Dec 10, 2009
why my zero totals sometimes show as 0.00 and other times as (0.00), when they have the exact formula?
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May 12, 2008
got this quite complciated formula.
any of the cells specified can be blank at start of spreadsheet
is there a way to hide the DIV/0 error from appearing
this is the formula:
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Jun 8, 2006
PRODUCT shows a value even if 0*# =IF(H15*I15=0,"",PRODUCT(H15,I15))
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Mar 5, 2009
I already have a conditional format which is working OK. I would like to put a formula in the cell so it shows a % so currently it would be 100% as there is 3 cells below showing 3 greens.
Alternativily each colour is worth a value - Green = 1, Amber = 2, Red = 3. So Cell I3 would show 3.
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Oct 14, 2013
I have a problem with my formula. As you can see, i want to get the CIM number of the Team Leaders (TL Name) when i change the dropdown list of the campaign. But what im getting is the repeated CIM numbers.
Here's my formula:
=IF(ISERROR(INDEX('Team Data'!$F$2:$F$5489,SMALL(IF('scorecard (OM Search)'!$C$12='Team Data'!$E$2:$E$5489,ROW('Team Data'!$E$2:$E$5489)-MIN(ROW('Team Data'!$E$2:$E$5489))+1,""),ROW(A1)))),"",INDEX('Team Data'!$F$2:$F$5489,SMALL(IF('scorecard (OM Search)'!$C$12='Team Data'!$E$2:$E$5489,ROW('Team Data'!$E$2:$E$5489)-MIN(ROW('Team Data'!$E$2:$E$5489))+1,""),ROW(A1))))
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Feb 27, 2014
I want a macro to show a message with a content in the cell B3.
For EG: "Rec as of 'B3' is created"
This has to be the message and 'B3' has to be the content in the cell B3.
I tried doing it but i am unable to show the content in B3 in the message.
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May 31, 2009
I'm using Excel 2007 and have created a spreadsheet for invoicing. I have created a dropdown list which then imports the address data using vlookup.
My problem is this. If there is no text in say, address field 4 the resulting field in the invoice shows as a 0 eg,
Is there a way to move the Postcode to the empty cell showing 0? and/or how do I make the cell to show blank instead of a 0.
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Jun 19, 2014
I am trying to create a basic invoice spreadsheet.
On worksheet 1, I have days of the month A4 to A35. Columns B, C, D, E are headed.
Every hour of work I would enter a " 1 " in the correct cell for the day. For example, 1 hour, every segment of the day, I would enter "1" in cells Bx, Cx, Dx and Ex. This continues for the month;
On a 2nd worksheet, this is neatened up, and I have added formulas to work out the cost and type of call;
On the third worksheet, I want to display roughly the same, however when there has been no work on the day (ie the date displays "None" and the adjacent cells show: blank, blank, blank, blank, £0.00), I want it to skip the cell and display the next date which has data to show (ie a date). The data on the adjacent cells needs match with the date (in the same way as physically deleting a 'non worked' whole row).
This then on the invoice worksheet would look neat and display only the days actually worked.
What formula(s) could I use to do this.
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May 6, 2008
I have a WYSIWYG problem: what I see on the screen is NOT what I get out of the print job.
I commonly have the problem when working with Excel objects (any kind of shape, text box, line, graph) in that the layout looks great on the tab that I created, but when I go into PrintPreview or actually print it out, the shapes don't quite align with what I had built in the tab. Where I thought I had lines joining, the print out shows them crossing at other points. If I then go back to the tab and look at the layout on the regular screen, it looks fine.
This problem can be easily understood if you try to create a triangle by drawing three lines (non-overlapping lines that cross only at the vertices). Note that the lines either prematurely cross, or don't intersect at all when you print it out.
THis problem is even magnified when using the camera function to take a "snapshot" of a graph or other objects. In fact, it has the tendency to even "mess up" the graph's formatting, regarding the arrangement of titles and axes (often making them overlap).
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Sep 26, 2008
I am trying to generate random numbers between upper and lower limits (eg 120,140). The randbetween function in the help file is ideal....but when I use it it generates a #Name error.
(I am using Excel 2002 and have the analysis toolpak add in ticked).
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Oct 30, 2008
Hi i have the following SUMPRODUCT formula which works as required, but when i clear the raw data and apply new raw data and apply macro that sorts my data, then all the ranges in the formula shows #REF!
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Jan 10, 2009
Excel 2007
I am trying to clean up a template that shows #DIV/0! in the cells that contain the formula below, when there is no value present in the NamedReference.
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Aug 9, 2006
I need some vba code to
a) determine which of excel's menubars is active (Worksheet Menu Bar or Chart menu Bar)
b) delete the controls ie File, Edit, View etc menus from that menu bar
c) restore the controls to that menubar on workbook close
Normally this wouldn't be required but my version of excel is 2002 which has the Worksheet Menu Bar active and the work version is excel 2000 which has the Chart Menu Bar active.
I don't know why the Chart Menu Bar is active on the work system as there are no charts in my project.
Most of the development takes place at home so i need to be able to use vba to perform the above tasks
The menubar itself must remain active so i can add a custom menu to it.
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Mar 4, 2007
I'm having an issue with a worksheet that I created. Apparently, every time that I go to open it, it gives me a Grey blank screen. Yet, I know the worksheet is behind this Grey screen. I went to full screen and I can see the work sheet in full view, but it always opens in this Grey screen. I'm not sure why its doing this, no other worksheets open in this matter. I have tried reinstalling excel and it still didn't fix this problem. But it is only happening with one particular worksheet. I'm sure it is just a setting that I might have changed, but I can't figure it out. The file isn't corrupt because the macros still work, I tested them.
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Jul 17, 2007
How come the WEEKNUM formula in the attached file does not work?
The cell gives me "#Name?", and I have no idea why.
I noticed one thing though, which is that WEEKNUM function is described when I look in "Help", but the function is not in my "Insert Function"-wizard, so perhaps the function is not there at all, which is very odd.
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Feb 15, 2008
I have an Excel workbook that runs some code in the back. When I close the workbook file it seems to close OK. However if I then open the VBA editor window I still see the file in the project explorer. If I re-open and then close I have 2 instances in the project explorer... and so on. I have tried setting all objects to nothing etc. but the problem still manifests itself.
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May 30, 2014
I am facing an issue related to IF formula. It does show the correct result in one and another cell, but in a few others - doesn't.
This is strange since all variables are correct, and parameters are the same for every cell. And, in theory every cell should show the right answer.
In addition, the result doesn't change even when changing variables in cells that are dependants to cell where IF is located.
Concerning the formula itself. Variables are as such:
- different container types (20, 40, 40rf, 45cs, 45rf, 45)
- different weight limitations per container type (e.g. 20 container max weight 26t)
- using IF(OR(AND(....
- if any of the conditions met (e.g. 20 container < 26t ) then VLOOKUP for the rate from data based on the place name.
- if non of conditions met, then show "Overweight cargo"
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Feb 15, 2014
I have following formula:
Why does this formula show result as "FALSE"?
If cell B56 is empty, then I need a result of "". i.e. blank result, but it shows FALSE word.
then you go straight to the TRUE nested IFs
IF(LEFT(B$52,3)="Pla",RIGHT(Table!AN4,2)&"% Discount",
IF(LEFT(B$52,3)="Gol",RIGHT(Table!AO4,2)&"% Discount",
IF(LEFT(B$52,3)="Sil",RIGHT(Table!AP4,2)&"% Discount",""))), "need something here" )
so to get ""
IF(LEFT(B56,2)="on",IF(LEFT(B$52,3)="Pla",RIGHT(Table!AN4,2)&"% Discount",IF(LEFT(B$52,3)="Gol",
RIGHT(Table!AO4,2)&"% Discount",IF(LEFT(B$52,3)="Sil",RIGHT(Table!AP4,2)&"% Discount",""))), "" )
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