Hide / Unhide Column With A Button

Oct 23, 2008

Using Excel 2007, I figured out how to insert a Toggle Button and program it to hide or unhide my columns F and G (which show cost data for products we sell) depending on the state of the button.

What I'd like to add to the button is text and functionality as follows:

- Columns F and G are shown, Toggle button IS NOT depressed and the button says "Hide Cost"

- Columns F and G are hidden, Toggle Button IS depressed and the button says "Show Cost"

I figured out how to change the text on the button, but can't figure out how to change it based on the button state. I know there has to be a way to do this.

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Hide And Unhide Column With One Button

Mar 11, 2014

Here is my code ( Recorded by macro )

Sub Tally_Chck()
' Tally_Chck Macro
Selection.EntireColumn.Hidden = True
End Sub

I want Hide And Undie Column With One Button...
-Once Click Hide
-Again Click Unhide

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Button To Hide / Unhide Columns

Jul 25, 2012

I'm looking to make a simple button that would hide a given range of columns.

This is the simplest I could find:

Sub button1()
Columns("AD:AE").EntireColumn.Hidden = Not Columns("AD:AE").EntireColumn.Hidden
End Sub

Although this works nicely, there was another way to do it (looks more ergonomic and doesn't take up spreadsheet space). Here's a screenshot of what I mean: ColumnHide.gif

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Hide & Unhide Button On Top Of Sheet ?

Feb 9, 2009

I want to hide & unhide columns using only (plus minus) button which is appearing on top of current sheet. I have couple of files with that options built in, but I dont know how to do it. I tried to see macros but appears that there is no macros at all in that file??

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Hide/Unhide Entire Row With Button IF

Feb 9, 2010

I'm trying to get a Button to hide and unhide rows depending on Column A only which is a pasted link to other sheets. The rows should hide when Cell A is empty or 0.

or 2 buttons one for hiding and the other for unhiding rows.

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Hide And UnHide Combobox With Option Button?

Sep 24, 2012

I have a TextBox and a ComboBox on a worksheet, is it possible to hide them with option buttons?. So only one box shows at a time.

Option Button1 show TextBox
Option Button2 show ComboBox

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Macro For Hide / Unhide Columns With Same Button

Nov 28, 2012

Need a macro for each button.

The sheet will be protected with a password (in the future, users will have varied access privileges).

Column A is designated as the "Button" Column.

There are 5 buttons here. Each representing the area on the sheet that needs to be viewed. Once the button is pressed, it takes you to that section of the sheet. At this time, I have designated each column area as:


I have tried this formula with opening tabs, but this won't work.

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Toggle Button To Hide/unhide Rows

Jun 12, 2007

I have a command button that hides rows based on zero value in Col B then a 2nd btn to unhide those rows. The challenge is that as I want this code for several workbooks that will have data of varying row lengths & not all the zero values will be in the exact same place for each workbook or each month. Having done a little research on the Board (& googled) I have not found an answer to my challenge. So I am sure someone will point me in the right direction -

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
BeginRow = 3
EndRow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
ChkCol = 2
Range("B3:B" & EndRow).EntireRow.Hidden = True

For RowCnt = BeginRow To EndRow
If Cells(RowCnt, ChkCol).Value 0 Then
Cells(RowCnt, ChkCol).EntireRow.Hidden = False
End If
Next RowCnt

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Hide/unhide Button Based On Data Validation

Oct 8, 2009

I am creating a disclaimer in one of my sheets.

Cell I15 contains 'Are you a resident for tax purposes?' Cell N15 has the data validation list of Yes or No.

Then I have a button below which covers rows18, 19 and 20.

Is there a way I can have this button hidden until Cell N15 = Yes?

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Record Macro To Hide And Unhide Columns (one Button)

Jan 10, 2012

I'm trying to record a macro which will hide and unhide columns K:P of data, but I only want one button. I know how to do this to produce one button for hiding and another for unhiding...but I want one combined button.

How to use vba, how I do this via the macro recorder?

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Excel Toggle Button For Hide / Unhide Rows With Zero

Nov 14, 2013

I am trying to make an excel toggle button and am stumped. I am trying to create a toggle button that hides the entire row if it finds a 0 in a preset range that I am calling "Alpha". I have tried this code but it's not working.

Private Sub ToggleButton1_Click()
If ToggleButton1.Value = True Then
For Each cell In Range("Alpha")


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Hide/Unhide Multiple Sets Of Columns With Toggle Button

Sep 23, 2009

I am trying to create a very large spreadsheet and i have got everything organized, but for easy viewing i want to have a toggle button that hides and un-hides certain sets of the columns (ie. Press down and it hides columns "B-F", "H-J", and "M-O".... then on depress it shows all the information again)

I have got some of the coding down, but am only able to get it to hide one set at a time, not all the sets. Can anyone help me out and let me know how i tell it to run multiple commands from the one press? here is the code i have already: ...

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Writing A Cleaner Loop & Toggle Hide/unhide With Button

Oct 12, 2007

What the code does is, when the command button is clicked, if any of the validation list in a particular range is equal to"Select_Product.." or "Select Feature", then hide those rows.

Also, is there a way to toggle hide and unhide rows using one command button. I would like the code to not only hide the rows but when clicked again, it'll unhide it. Is this possible?

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

Dim c As Range
Dim d As Range
Dim myRange As Range
Dim featureRange As Range

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Column Hide/unhide Macro..

Nov 9, 2008

I am trying to hide/unhide several columns by hitting a button. It's a pretty simple macro to do it once, but how do I get a button to hide on the first click, then unhide on the second?

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Hide And Unhide A Column From A Checkbox

Mar 8, 2008

I want the option of printing my form with and without a certain column. I need to hide a column when CheckBox.value=True and unhide a column when CheckBox.value=False

I keep getting errors:
Block If without End IF
End If without Block If
Else without If, when I use an else for the second If statement

Private Sub CheckBox1_Click()
Dim DescriptionCell As Range
Set DescriptionCell = ActiveSheet.Range("B:B")
If CheckBox1.Value = True Then
With DescriptionCell
.EntireColumn.Hidden = True
If CheckBox1.Value = False Then
With DescriptionCell
.EntireColumn.Hidden = False
End With
End Sub

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Unhide/Hide Column When Choosing Dropdown List

Oct 5, 2009

Is there a way to have a column unhide one choosing a certain value from a dropdown list (validation)? I want the column to be hidden throughout the worksheet until a specific value is chosen in the list. Once it's chosen then I want it to unhide that column.

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Hide And Unhide Column And Rows Using Checkbox In Excel?

Jan 28, 2013

How can i hide and unhide column and rows using checkbox in the excel.

detail price qty amount
chair 1000 1 1000

some time i just want to see only the amount or some time i want to see the qty, how can i hide and unhide row or Column

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Hide/Unhide Rows Meeting Condition In Column

Aug 22, 2008

In the included sheet I have 5 groups of data with five categories in column A. Current, Plan, Plan Var, Prior, Prior Var. I have included the button “Show Options” that opens the userform I created and gives 5 options. What I want is the user to be able to select any number of these options and then upon “ok” the rows in the sheet that weren’t selected are automatically hidden. If the procedure is completed again and a differen set of options is selected I want it to unhide any hidden ones that were selected and hide any that werent selected.

So if just current is selected the sheet will show 5 rows of current and nothing else. If current and prior are selected it will show current prior current prior current prior... etc.

I have some hide code that I created in the file as well.

Sub NotCurrentHide() ...

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Allow Hide & Unhide Column/Rows On Protected Sheet

Sep 25, 2007

I'm familiar with the code to allow grouping/ungrouping in a protected spreadsheet; http://www.ozgrid.com/Excel/outlining-protected.htm. How would I code to allow for hiding/unhiding cloumns and rows while still protecting the spreadsheet? Also, how could i allow for this file to be shared? Currently i'm getting an debug error when another person enters the file.

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Find Heading To Match CheckBox & Hide / Unhide Column

Feb 9, 2008

I need to work with the run times for some equipment. This is just hours and minutes and I get the raw data as like "Pump # 1 - 35:30". This is not date/time data per se, just a raw number of hours. I thought I would format the cells as hh:mm and for 15:00 I would just enter 15 to save time. No go, that becomes 1/15/00 00:00 and displays as 00:00. I discovered that if I just leave the formatting as general and enter 15:00 it works fine and displays right but the formula bar says 3:00 PM (Excel figured to format it hh:mm). When I enter 30:00 it again seems fine but the formula bar says Excel stores it as 1/1/00 6:00:00 AM (Excel figured to format it [h]:mm:ss but I deleted the seconds).

I can just set the formatting as [h]:mm to be consistent and enter the full 15:00 but I guess that after working that out I am just curious - can Excel store hours:minutes as just hours:minutes without turning it into a meaningless date? And without converting it to a decimal number? I don't want to total 1:30 + 1:45 = 3.25; I want the total to be 3:15. Again, it appears that [h]:mm will do what I need but it just seems unelegant to me that it is stored as some weird date and I wonder if it will cause a problem at any point.

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Command Button To Hide Rows Based On Date Range In Column A

Aug 22, 2014

In one spreadsheet, I want to have a command button that will hide all rows where the date column (column A) shows a date older than one week from today. When this button is clicked again, all rows will unhide again. Preferably the Command button title would change to reflect whether it is on the hide or show cycle (for example "Click to Hide all older than one week" and then "Click to Show all events") .

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Hide / Unhide One Row At A Time?

Dec 1, 2012

I have this file in which I have 25 empty rows in between different categories. On the side of each category there is a plus sign which is supposed to unhide an empty row below the last used one, and a minus sign which should hide the last empty row within the category (i.e. mobilization, earthworks...). I faced many problems and tried to simplify it as much as possible (trying the code for only one category, msgboxes with the values to understand what was going on) but no luck. The problem that I have been stuck at the moment is that when I try to count the rows from C73 to the last used row, it bypasses the hidden ones. I have a mess of a code and a print screen which I am attaching. printscreen.jpg

Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick( _
ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean)
Dim rInt As Range


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Hide Row Based On 0 Or Unhide When Less Than 0

Oct 16, 2013

Trying to hide a rows based on value being inserted to A1 = 0 (if value is >0, then unhide), but it's not working.

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Range("A1").Value = 0 Then
Rows("33:42").EntireRow.Hidden = True
Rows("33:42").EntireRow.Hidden = False
End If

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Hide / Unhide Certain Rows

Apr 3, 2014

I highlighted a selection of rows and clicked HIDE, now I want to unhide certain rows and when I highlight the rows above and below and right click - unhide nothing happens. I need to Unhide to find something.

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Hide/Unhide The Columns

Jun 16, 2009

I've come across a spreadsheet where certain rows and columns (typically top rows or left columns) are hidden; however, there's no way to unhide them (the unhide function is grayed out) and it doesn't seem to be protected or no visible macros/vba on the file.

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Number & Row Hide/unhide

Sep 11, 2009

when i type 100 in the cell & press enter it automatically change to 1..and when i type 1000 i change to 10.

i have select B1 to B5 then hide it.then i click A1.how do it unhide it?

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Hide And Unhide Sheet According To A1 Value?

Apr 11, 2014

i want to hide my sheet if A1.value = 0(zero) and if unhide the sheet if A1.value = greater than 0(zero)

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VBA To UnHide / Hide Sheets

Feb 20, 2014

I have a workbook with about 20 worksheets in it.

6 are visible
3 are hidden

the remaining are very hidden

I'm creating a "welcome" page to the workbook with instructions on how to update data. The data between the 20 sheets consists of pivot tables, charts and summary data. The Visible sheets are data for management's review (all protected). The 3 hidden sheets are pivot tables that the user needs to pull data from and the very hidden sheets are not to be seen by anyone.

In my "welcome" page, I added the instructions of how to update data, but wanted an area where I could assign a checkbox or button to click on for the user to unhide my 3 hidden sheets (say Sheet1, Sheet2 and Sheet3). I do not want it to unhide my very hidden sheets. Then, when the information needed is retrieved from those sheets, I would like the user to use a checkbox or button to hide the 3 hidden sheets again. Is there a way to do this?

I tried creating custom view but couldn't do that because of the pivot tables (the option was disabled). I'm a beginner in VBA so don't even know how to begin.

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Hide/Unhide Columns

Dec 19, 2008

I have a spreadsheet that has 28 columns for time entries. Typically only the first 12 columns are used, so I would like to hide the remaining 16 columns (which makes the spreadsheet much more user-friendly). It would probably be nearly impossible to teach all of them how to Unhide the remaining columns (and re-Hide), plus I would like to use the full-screen function when employees enter thier times. I would like to use a form control in the column heading so that when the employees 'check' it, it will Unhide and then re-Hide the columns. Any way to do this? Seems like a VB thing to me (out of my league, but would be happy to add one in!).

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VBA To Unhide And Hide Columns?

Oct 23, 2002

I want to create two buttons.. one name HIDE and the other UNHIDE.

What I need hide button to do when i click it is hide the 4 columns to the right (not always going to be columns b:e)

For the unhide button unhide the 4 columns to the right (not always going to be columns b:e)

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