Highlight The Text

Feb 13, 2009

How to Highlight Text?

I thought you can do this in excel but right now I am baffled in how to just highlight text not the whole cell just the text in a certain color in excel?

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Highlight Specific Text Within A Cell Of Other Text

Jun 19, 2009

This is the text:

Take 5 PPE Swabs per Area, Both Shifts. Test various equipment - hands, aprons, sleeves, hats, etc.

What I need is for "Take 5 PPE Swabs per Area, Both Shifts." to be bold and highlighted in gray, but none of the other text. Conditional formatting highlights the entire cell, which won't work.

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Search And Highlight Only Containing Text

Jul 18, 2009

I have a data base sheet...now i want to find the text,string,word into the database sheet and want the results to search-engine sheet..i can do this with the help of advanced filter but now i m not able to highlit that text what i find in the search criteria cell...

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Highlight Text In CDO Body?

Jul 17, 2014

I currently use CDO to email a range as body of an email in the form of a table, is there anyway to highlight the largest numbers in each column? This is how it appears in the email: (just noticed the spaces dont space out into a table like it does on email)

Resolving %88.96%
Total PhoneQueue Email F8 Notes AddedDays Worked AVERAGE
Leanne Stranks 673 300 286 87 475 14 48


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Highlight Text Within A Textbox

Apr 7, 2009

is it possible to have the text in a listbox automatically highlighted so as soon as the user types this information is deleted?

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Find And Highlight Text ...

Oct 10, 2007

Each cell in Range AL3..AL50000 have text (sentence - description of problem).

Cell AL1 has my search word (i.e. loose)

I would like to search range AL3..AL5000 for word "Loose" - if found highlight every cell where was found - Yellow.

If AL1 is empty - remove all highlights.

Here is what I have so far (patches of codes found in this forum)

Sub FindTextInCell()

Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim myText As String

myText = Sheets("detail_report").Range("AL1").Value

If myText = "" Then Exit Sub

Set Found = Range("AK2..AK56000").Find(What:=myText, LookIn:=xlValues, lookAt:=xlPart, MatchCase:=False)

If Not Found Is Nothing Then

Found.Interior.ColorIndex = 36

End If
End Sub

My code highlights only first found cell and if I type any other search word - highlight from the 1st search does not get removed.

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Highlight Text And Numbers In Row

Feb 25, 2009

I want to bold the text and numbers in a row if the row contains the word "total".

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Highlight When Certain Text Appears

Dec 23, 2006

I tried using Conditional Formatting, but for some reason it didn't work. I want a cell to be highlighted and/or bolded when particular text is written. It can be in any cell. This can also include blank cells (if possible within a given area such as 20 cells by 20 cells)

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Search Row By Column Value And Highlight Text - For Each Row

Jul 8, 2014

I've got a large Excel table that's full of names and e-mail addresses - it's a report of e-mails that merges some data from two systems we use; a registration form and a database. We want to clean up the data so it only lists folks who 'registered' (it's not always BOTH people listed - sometimes it's only one!) - and the best way to do that is to take the information from a specific column in each row, see if it exists elsewhere in the row and clear the information that doesn't match.

For example:
John ---------- Smith -------- js@email.com -------- Jane -------- Smith --------- js@email.com ------ John
Richard ------ McGee ---------j@email.com-----------Jim----------Samename ----jsn@email.com-------Rich
Mary-----------Ladyface ------ms@email.com--------Steve -------Smith ----------ss@email.com-------Steve

Ideally, for each row I'd like to search A and D for the string from column G. If it finds it, the cell and the two cells to the right are fine - but everything else is 'cleared' (not deleted).

So the above table would look like:
John ---------- Smith -------- js@email.com --------------------------------------------------------------- John
Richard ------ McGee ---------j@email.com-----------------------------------------------------------------Rich
-------------------------- -------------------------------Steve -------Smith ----------ss@email.com-------Steve

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Highlight Rows Containing Specfic Text

Oct 21, 2008

I would like to find a way that will look on a worksheet for a specfic word and highlight all the rows that contain this data.

Column A - Has the wording "JOB" & "WORK"

I want this to look down column A find all the rows with the word "JOBS" and just highlight them rows, i dont want a highlight like conditional formating but a highlight like when you click on the entire row.

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Conditional Formatting To Highlight Row On Text

Aug 20, 2009

What i want to do is highlight all row instances where that row column10 has the text "Roller" . All i can see is the forumular =$J1="Roller" ive tryed to select just the single cell J and tryed the whole row and a range. Though i get a error message about =-+ quotation ect.

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Highlight Keywords In Text Strings

Oct 24, 2007

I perform a =Find(word,range) for certain keywords in text strings. Is there an easy way to have excel highlight the words within the string so i can easily identify its location? The text string might contain more than one keyword.

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Conditional Formatting Highlight The Text

Jan 20, 2010

I have data in columns A and B,
Column A has dates, column B has text

I am wanting to highlight text in column B in a colour
if date in column A is more than 10 days since date in column A on previous occurrence of text in column B

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Highlight Portion Of Text Of TextBox

Mar 27, 2008

The following code highlights part of the time (hours or minutes) that will be modified by a spin button. The code works fine (although maybe a more efficient way). Each time you click in the time it will highlight the hours or the minutes, depending on where you click. When you click on the spin button the control loses the focus so becomes un-highlighted. I thought that just setting the focus back to the text box would work but what I am getting now is it highlights on every other click of the spin button.

Private Sub spnTime_Change()
Dim dtTime As Date
Dim y As Integer
If strTimeChange = "" Then
MsgBox "Please click on a time to modify it"
Exit Sub
End If
dtTime = Format(ctlText, "hh:mm")
y = Me.spnTime.Value...............

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Highlight Rows That Share Text Across Columns

Feb 15, 2013

I am wondering how I can highlight rows that contain the same text across selected columns (not all). For example, consider the following table:



I want to focus on Columns B, C, and D. I would like rows 3 and 5 to be highlighted, since they share the same text across the target columns. I assume this can be done via a formula in Conditional Formatting, but I'm not sure.

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Highlight Rows After Specific Text In Column?

Dec 7, 2012

I have a 14 column report with a dynamic range of rows. In Column A, there will only be one cell that contains the text "Added Sections:".

I need to highlight, 10 whole rows up to the 14th column, after the cell that contains "Added Sections:".

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Highlight Row If Cells In Two Adjacent Columns Contain Text Yes?

Mar 19, 2014

I would like to highlight the rows in my spreadsheet where columns G and H both contain the text "Yes". I've tried conditional formatting and VBA but can't seem to get either to work for what I need.

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Formula To Highlight Text Within A Cell Which Also Has Numbers

Jun 28, 2006

I have attached a file which shows some cells which start with "p" and then a number and some have the same but with the word " total" in them.

I would like to run a formula in the column next to it which will highlight which cells have that word in order that I can data sort a large file and delete the totals.

I think it will be an IF formula on cells that contain criteria.

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Automatically Highlight Cells That Have Text Or Number Below X

Mar 17, 2008

How can I use conditional formating to produce the following:

if cells are between 0 and 10 OR they have text(or an error) = red
if cells >10<25 = orange
if cells > 25 = green

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Highlight Matching Cells Based On Manual Text?

Mar 9, 2013

I have a list of names in Column B (Starting at B5) with assignments to them in Column A. I want the people who receive the file, to enter their name in B1 exactly as it appears multiple times in sheet. And hope to use conditional formatting to highlight (change the back ground color) of each cell their name appears in.

I've used a number of formulas in the Conditional formatting including "=(ISNUMBER(MATCH($B5:$B100,$B$1,0)))", Countif's and "Not(isnumber)..." but can't find a formula that picks up the whole text.

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Highlight Entire Row Of Data If Text In Column Begins With ABC

Aug 7, 2012

I want to highlight an entire row of data if the text in column A begins with "ABC". I can't seem to get the conditional formatting formula correct. My data goes from column A to column O.

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Conditional Formating: Highlight Cells Based On Text Of Another Cell

Aug 28, 2009

I have created a drop down box that allows me to choose multiple different Text Options. Example: Cell B4 has dropdown that lets me choose the Text Options, "House", "Car" and "Truck".

Next, I have 5 or so other columns underneath with their own text. What I want to do is have different cells highlight themselves depending on what is in Cell B4.

Example, if "House" is selected in B4, I want cells B7 and B9 to highlight. If "Car" is selected, I want cells B7, B8, and B10 to highlight. If "Truck" is highlighted, I want cells B9-B11 to highlight. Is this possible to do? I've tried using If/Then statements, but those don't seem to work for this type of thing.

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Conditional Formatting - Highlight Color Of Text In Particular Cell Depending On Value

Dec 22, 2013

I would like to know the formula to highlight the color of text in particular cell if the value of the particular cell ( value is text ) is so and so.

For Ex: If the J6 is "Vacation" then the J1 text should be in red color.

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Conditional Formatting - Highlight Cell Containing Specific Character Within Text

Jul 26, 2013

I have an excel spread sheet & I wish to highlight any cell that contains any of the following characters with in a string of text.

/ : * " < > ? |

E.g. a cell in the spread sheet containing the text "Is this a Question?" would be highlighted.

I have tried to use - 'Format only cells that contain' > Specific Text > Containing > for each of the characters and this does not work.

When I do this any cell containing any text is highlighted.

In addition there is formatting on any cell > 60 characters which turns the cell red and this works fine.

What would happen if (when I get the problem above resolved), a cell is > than 60 characters & contains a character listed above?

Does 1 formatting take precedent over another?

(Not critical to know the answer to the additional question, just curious - as long as it is highlighted one colour or another then no problem.)

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Find Columns By Name And Highlight Them Certain Colors Based On Text In Another Column

Jul 9, 2009

I have a worksheet with 20+ columns. For this macro, I only need to focus on 4 of them. However, none of these columns are ever in a fixed position so the macro would need to find them by name and NOT by column position. Here they are...

1. Vacation Type (will only have a text value of either "Cold" or "Warm")

2. Vacation Started (will always have a date *x/xx/xxxx)

3. Vacation Ended (sometimes it will have a date '*x/xx/xxxx' and sometimes it will NOT have a date and will be truly blank)

4. Number of Days (currently has ALL truly blank cells)


Here's what I would like the macro to do...

Scenario 1 - for "Cold" values
Find "Cold" text values in the "Vacation Type" column
"Cold" values WITH a date in the "Vacation Ended" columnIF there IS a date in the "Vacation Ended" column in the same row, put the number of days difference between the "Vacation Started" column and "Vacation Ended" column in the "Number of Days" column.

The amount of days in the "Number of Days" column will determine whether these cells should be highlighted GREY or RED.

A) IF the number of days difference is 7 days or less, highlight the cells in the "Vacation Ended" column and "Number of Days" column RED.

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Highlight Text Within Cell Against Equal Text In Another Cell

Jan 28, 2013

I have in Column A (quantity varies A1....An) a list of strings (i.e. file names NameX.txt and in column C I have a long string that contains many file names separated by ; that I extracted from the file name in Column A. what I want to do is to search column C individual text (file names) against the file names in column A. If the file exist in column A, then color only that text (file name) in column C. and so on.

See attached of an example of expected results.




[Code] ............

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Macro That Will Highlight Cell And Four Rows To Right Based On Text In Cell

Aug 6, 2014

I have a spreadsheet where if Cell A2 says "Deposit", Rows A2-E2 would be formatted with a Blue background.

I've tried conditional formatting, but I can't built it into a Macro (I can't make it run), and it only highlights the cell that has that value. I also tried having the spreadsheet filter down to only the values I want highlighted, then highlighting all cells and un-filtering the column- this didn't work either.

It would basically say :

If (any cell in Row A) has text = "Deposit" (it needs to be exact, it can't be "containing"), set cell with the word "Deposit" and 4 cells to the right as Blue (I'm not picky about the color).

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Highlight Last Line Of Text And Copy To Line Below?

Mar 14, 2014

I have a spreadsheet where on a weekly basis data is copied in to various tabs. I then have a "formula" tab where I have a single line of formulas which look up the various data tabs and extract the results I want to show.

Currently each week, before I import the new data into the various tabs, I copy the last row in the "formula" tab and paste to the line below it. This contains all the working formulas. I then paste values only on the line that I copied, thus "locking in" the values it calculated with that weeks data. This means that each row then contains the results with that week's data, and this will grow week by week.

What I am looking for is a formula that automates this process. So let's say that row 30 is the final row of data on my formula tab, it contains the formulas I want to use. I would need a macros that does the following:

1. Looks up last row (row 30)
2. Copies last row (row 30)
3. Pastes to next empty row (row 31)
4. Pastes values only to second last row (row 30)

I'm not too great with writing macros, I've found plenty that can find the last row, but I can't get them to work to highlight that row.

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Cell Contains Text Then Highlight The Other Cell?

Mar 19, 2014

Basically, I want to have a VBA coding so that it will highlight Column A to I in red If Column C Contain the word "Direct".

I'm currently using this code but it only highlight If the cell = "Direct". If the cell contains "Direct + something else" or "Something else + Direct" it does not highlight.

[Code] .......

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Highlight Repeat Cells In One Column If Cells In The Adjacent Column Contain Specific Text?

Apr 14, 2014

I am trying to find a solution for highlighting cells in a column that are repeats, ie. >3. I also need these cells to only be highlighted if the adjacent cell in the next column contains specific text. I have tried using conditional formatting with a countifs formula to no avail.

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