How To Pick Random Name Based On Percentage Odds

Aug 21, 2013

I would like to randomly pick a name based on percentage. In the example below Deb takes up 50% of the wheel, if you were to spin the wheel she would have the highest chance of landing on the dial. How you could make excel randomly pick a name based these odds. The list will have over 50 names and each name will be earning points throughout the year. The more points you have the higher percentage of the pie you get and the higher your odds off getting picked in the lottery.

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Random Selection Based On Odds

Jan 10, 2007

Create a random selection based on odds. It would be similar to the RANDBETWEEN function, but in this case I specifically want one of the three values to be selected randomly in cell C2 based on the odds given.

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Pick Name At Random Name From Table

Dec 13, 2007

I have copied and pasted the formula off the ozgrid page using a 3 column table laid out as I believe it should be however I just get the # name? error message what I am not doing right. Please help. I just want to be able to generate a random name from a table of names, eventually I need to amend the formula to encompass a larger table but I can't get the example to work!

This is the page I have got the info from

I have uploaded the example I am using.

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Pick Random Name From Column

Dec 24, 2007

I've got a list of names in a column in excel, what's the easiest formula to pick a random name from that list? (guess I can use f9 to randomize)

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Pick From Range At Random

Dec 30, 2007

We get several sets of season tickets to various events to be distributed amongst several managers based on the mgr's headcount. So mgr1 may get 20 dates while mgr2 gets 5. All this info is calculated on Sheet1, but the only info that is important for this exercise is the mgr's names and how many dates they get. Available Dates will always be the same as Total Headcount.

Short of writing names on sheets of paper and drawing names from a hat, I would like to automate this process w/ a push of a button.

Sheet1 - this is where the managers are listed and their Headcount is calculated.

10| Mgr1 Mgr2
12| 20 5

Sheet2 - this is where my ticket information is listed and will change based on different events.

A. B. C. D.
1| Date Row Seat Mgr
2| 1/1/08 H. 1-4. Mgr1 (20 times)
3| 1/1/08. I. 1-4. Mgr2 (5 times)

Ideally I would like to place a button on Sheet1 or 2 that would execute a code that looks at the range of Mgr's names and based on their hdct, inserts their name THAT many times in column D of Sheet2 like the above example.

This information should not change once it's assigned or unless the button is pushed again. The number of Mgr's names in the row on Sheet1 will change, but is never be more than 15, so the code must skip over cells that are blank if referencing, for ex. B11:P11.

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Pick Random Numbers Equally

Jan 25, 2012

I need VBA code for picking up six random numbers from 1 - 30

5 times and put them in the columns from A1 :E 6

in A1 :A6 six random numbers
in b1:b6 another 6 random numbers ;

Without any duplication in each row or in each column .

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Function To Pick Out Percentage From Text String?

Dec 2, 2013

In the attached workbook i need to take out the % numbers from the text to populate the cells.

the Pay % cell is the % before the / and the receive % is after the /.

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Conditional Formatting Based On Percentage And Insert Cell Based On Percentage

Apr 3, 2013

I have a workbook that I've built for a project. I've attached a sample workbook. What I'm trying to do, for the entire sheet or workbook if possible, is turn any Cell with a percentage of 30% to 49% yellow and any cell with a percentage of 50% or more Red. I would also like to move the ID's of the variable cells, for example Id number 9922, to the cells beside the description of the rows, Affected would be an example, if the information contained in the same row as the ID meets with a set of variables.

For example I only want the ID's moved if they correspond with IDsub 1-25. One more thing, the people who will be using this spreadsheet will be copying data from a website when it is imported it does not insert the values as numbers. I would like to format the cells, in example workbook they would be any of the cells labeled ID IDsub Variable or Number, so that anything put in that cell will automatically be converted to a number.

I should also probably add that the formatting will be done on approximately 80 rows a sheet with 47 sheets.

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Pick Cell Based On Multiple Cells

Feb 5, 2009

I want the 'Model Number' to automatically be picked based on the numbers entered into Sheet1 B1 & B2. The model numbers are listed on Sheet2.

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Sum Even And Odds Columns

Aug 17, 2012

I found a reference on that allows me to sum values located every 2 columns. My need now is to confirm how to do that for even and odd columns:


I think this is the correct formula to sum even columns.

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Football Odds Calcultion

Jul 5, 2009

I am compiling odds for football matches using the last 16 match outcome data for each team. Basically I need a solution or formula that counts the number of home wins, away wins and draws for each team in the last 16. This would basically mean allowing for the latest match outcome added into and then eliminating the 17th match back so that formulas from the last 16 matches only are always calculated. I envisage having a the data in a row of of 16 columns for each eam.

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Convert Fractional Odds To Decimals

May 29, 2007

When exporting a set of historical sports results to Excel 2003 the numeric odds are converted to a date eg 7/2 changes to 07-Feb. Can this be prevented or adjusted to retain the original data.

Also if I may ask can the UK style odds be converted to a decimal style. Eg. 7/2 (UK) needs to be converted to 4.5 ( Decimal equivalent )

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Paste And Calculate Odds Data Into Excel

Aug 19, 2013

Basically all I want to do is paste some odds data in to excel and then get it to just calculate the odds for me example below

9/4 Exotic Isle, 5/2 Greenery, 5/2 Port Alfred, 6/1 Reqaaba, 12/1 Somoud

I know I can use text to columns using the deliminator to split them in cells however I just want to take the odds

So Exotic Isle would be 2.25 (9/4) Greenery would be 2.5 (5/2) and so on

I've tried using the left function basically all sorts.

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Charting Live Horse Racing Odds

Sep 28, 2009

I have a line graph which I use in conjunction with live horseracing odds. On the vertical axis are the odds which are sourced from a worksheet. Each horse is represented by a data series that moves along the horizontal axis. The refresh rate is determined by the user embedded in the code.

I would like to expand the length of each data change along the horizontal axis as the data can be volatile. Sometimes there are rapid changes on the vertical axis which makes it difficult to interpret. With each refresh the line data moves about 3mm. It would be much better if it were about 5mm, especially as I now use a widescreen display.

There are no values on the horizontal axis as such, only time is suppose set by Excel?

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Random Selection Based On Criteria?

May 15, 2013

I have been able to put together the below which generates a random 15% sample of all records in the worksheet.

It works perfectly, however what I would ideally like to do is get it to only produce the 15% sample of rows where it is todays date in col B and has the word "other" in col C. I've tried lots of different IF statements and FOR statements, but am only generating blank worksheets.

Sub getrandomrows()
Dim lr As Long, lc As Integer, a As Variant, MyDate As Date
lr = Cells.Find("*", LookIn:=xlValues, after:=[a1], searchorder:=xlByRows, _


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Random Selection Based On Criteria

Jun 24, 2008

I am working on a challenging project. I have a list of names, job titles, and departments. Is it possible to select a random name who matches a specified job title or department? I'd prefer not to sort/filter/delete the original data range because the sheet will be used multiple times during the day by multiple users and with different criteria each time.

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Conditional Formatting Based On Percentage

Oct 5, 2013

I need a conditioning format formula. If cell A2 is less than 50% of cell A1, then highlight red.

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Define Percentage Based On Value Range?

Nov 27, 2013

I need to be able to work out a percentage based on a value range. ie.

Cell D2 to D5 will define the percentages (so I can adjust it and play)

D2 = 18%
D3 = 15%
D4 = 13%
D5 = 10%

I need to work out:

If the value in cell A10 is between 11 and 200 calculate on D2, if between 201 - 500 calculate on D3, if between 501 - 2000 calculate on D4 ect ect

Cells A10 to A100 will have some figures put in them.I then want to calculate the %value used based on weather the figure in one of the A10 to A100 cells falls in a range. The data being put into the cells in column A will vary from report to report.

I'm trying to automate the calculations :

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Calculate Number Based On Percentage

Aug 10, 2005

example 1:
This years sales are $3700, a decrease of 11.6%. What would last years
sales be?

example 2:
This years sales are $4500, an increase of 151%. What would last years
sales be?

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Calculate Percentage Based On The Number

Jul 17, 2008

I am working on a spreadsheet which has lots of data in it. I have a Column i.e. Checked out and on each cell entered an X Mark indicating that a device has been checked out.

Since this Checked Out Column goes all the way down to > 1000 cells. Is there a way for us to make a formula and calculate percentage based on the number of X's that are entered and tell as that out of 1000 cells, the X's are 65% and so the blank cells would have to be checked to complete the list?

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Range Formula Based On Percentage?

Jul 24, 2012

I have a set number in col A for example 100. Col B is variable value. And Col C is where I need the formula.

If for example Col B is within 5% of Col A return value of "G" in Col C.

If Col B is within 20% of Col A return value of "A" in Col C.

If Col B is under or over 20% ( example if Col B is 79 or 121 ) of Col A return value of "R" in Col C.

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Fill In Part Of Each Bar Based On Percentage?

Jan 9, 2013

I have a column chart in excel. I would like to fill in part of each bar based on a percentage.

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Calculate Percentage Based On Criteria

Jul 29, 2006

I have events in column 1,in my sheet there are about 800 events.

In col 2. each contestant has a label,blue(b),green(g) or red(r)

In column 3 I want to print the % of blue + green of the total for each event,

e.g first event in attached sheet would show 77.7% down to row 10 in col 3 etc.

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Ranking Based On Higest Percentage

Apr 16, 2007

I need a formula that looks at the percentage values of 3 cells and the in the next row ranks them 1st,2nd or 3rd. So for example cells A1, A2 and A3 have 30%, 20% and 10% respectively, so in cells B1, B2, and B3 I need to return 1st, 2nd, 3rd. But next week it could be that A1, A2, and A3's values are 20%, 30% and 10% respectively, and so I'd need cells B1, B2 and B3 to return 2, 1, 3, and so on. Be cool if the rows could automatically re-arrange so that whatever is ranked 1 is always on top, 2 in the middle and 3 at the bottom, but not that important. Be also cool if the 1st ranked row, chnaged colour or flashed or something, again not important though.

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Return Percentage Of Number Based On Its Value

Sep 8, 2007

Spreedsheet on on sales and taxes

Need formula for cells.

3 different cells involved... B1 will have $ amounts, B10 tax code, B25 will have total of tax applied due to code.

Exp; cell B10 will contain the tax code... if you enter..... "1" in the cell the calculation will be 7% in cell B25, enter "2" in cell B10 and the calculation will be 6% in cell B25 , and if you enter "3" in cell B10 the calculation will be 13% in cell B25.

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Percentage Calculations Based On Times

Jun 6, 2008

i've been viewing different formuals, and have to admit there is alot more to excel than I originally thought, and totally stumped as to what and how to go about my problem.

I have a problem, and it mainly stems from my employer not paying me correctly (and pretty much the other 1600 odd employees encounter the same issue too on a semi-regular basis).

To give you a run down, this is our complexed pay system

Mon-Fri, if you work up to 7h36m you get 100%, then 150% until 10h36 and then 200% after 10h36m working time
Sat, if you work, its 150% upto 7h36m and then 200% there after
Sun, double time all shift
But to throw in some complicated things, here are some more items that need to be considered.
If you work from one day into the next (say fri into sat, and sat into sun and sun into mon, then after midnight, it then goes to that days rates)
If you work your day off, say a weekday, your then paid the eqivelant of saturdays rates unless you were called in straight away which then is sundays rates
If you work your day off, say its a saturday or sunday, then its 200% for the whole shift.
And then public holidays, its 250% upto 7h36 and 300% thereafter

So as you can see, its pretty complicated, and my employer (a government employer) can't seem to get the right software to pay us correctly, nor can the poor employee sometimes work out if they've been paid correctly or not.

So, this is what I have so far:
columns: Day, Type (normal day or work day off or work day off immediate), On1, Sign Off1, Sign On2, Sign Off2, Sign On3, Sign Off3, Working Time, Paid hours
(for instance its my normal rostered monday, I start at 12pm, lunch at 5, return at 545 then finish at 915pm, which equates to 8h30m working time and 8h57m paid time) - the 3rd sign on and sign off is if we do extra work beyond our shift.

There are other things aswell like allowances, but thats for another day, and not as urgent as what i'm really looking for.

Now if anyone can understand what i've just written above, your doing pretty good (even some of the most experience employees still don't understan our pay system), and anyone able to produce a formula for what i'm looking for, i'd be exceptionally grateful, and probably the 1600 odd other employees too who seem to get shafted occassionally.

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Generating Random Outcomes Based On Probability

Feb 10, 2009

Can anyone help, I'm trying to create some test data, eg 1000 rows in excel. In each cell a formula (?) returns some text such as Dog, Cat or Rabbit based on the probability Dog=0.5, Cat=0.3, Rabbit=0.2

I've come up with a messy solution of generating a random number between 1-100 and then using a lookup table where 1-50 = dog etc... it works but is long winded and difficult for other people to follow.

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Generating Random Numbers Based On Probability

Mar 8, 2007

1. I need to randomly generate either a 1, 6 or 12 every time I hit calculate (i.e. F9).

2. I want to specify the probablility of each result. For example, I want 12 to be the result 80% of the time, and 6 and 1 to be the result 10% of the time.

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Calculating Percentage Based On Dynamic Cells

Dec 15, 2008

I need to calculate the percentage based on self populating score. however I want excel/formula to ignore any cells which has "NA" in it so that it calculates the percentage based only on the cells having Numbers.

Now these Cells which contain Numbers might or might not contain numbers based on the "IF" function which decides wether the cell will have numbers or will remain "blank" or have "NA". To understand better please have a look at the enclosed sample (that would explain my need better)

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Conditional Formatting Based On A Percentage Difference

Apr 3, 2009

Using conditional formatting i am trying to write a formula that changes colour on the percentage difference of another cell.

An example would be if cell A1 contained a target of 5% in cell A2 would be an actual. If cell A2 is equal to A1 or better then it would be green. If cell A2 was within 10% less of A1 (i.e 4.5%-4.99%) then amber and red for the target minus 10% (i.e <4.49%)

I want to do this as a conditional formatting formula as the target figure will change but 10% difference will remain the same.

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