How To Auto-move Players In Cup Tree Using Formulas

Aug 31, 2012

I am trying to build a cup tree that automaticly move players over to the next round if they are first or second in
their group of 4. What happens when first person have a result of lets say 33 and 2nd and 3d person have a result of 35 each and the 4th person 37? First person is easy but then there are 2 persons with the sam result and they play sudden death and we put in a 1 in the sd column for the winner and a 2 for the loser of the sudden death.

How do I make my formula figure that if they had the same result go look at the sd column?

Another thing is that of the 2 players advancing they have to be placed in the same order in next round, how can I achieve that?

If you look in column I row 19-22 there are players in the wrong order because the player with the better result goes in first. It should be this order: 9 11 15 16 instead. (if you are ahead in the previous round you will be ahead in the next round)

Another problem I noticed now is that when 2 players has the same lowest score the first player takes both spots as it is now and that doesn't work in real. You see what I mean if you look at player 1 in round 1 and 2 (R1 & R2), in this case it should have been players 1 2 6 and 7 moving on to round 2 and not 1 1 6 7 as it is at the moment.

(Rank is their rank from the qulification rounds where the first 4 is seeded and the rest is drawn into 1 group a time)

Klass B



[Code] .......

Spreadsheet Formulas


=IF('Klass B Calculations'!F4=1;'Klass B Calculations'!C4;IF('Klass B Calculations'!F5=1;'Klass B Calculations'!C5;
IF('Klass B Calculations'!F6=1;'Klass B Calculations'!C6;IF('Klass B Calculations'!F7=1;'Klass B Calculations'!C7;""))))

[Code] ..........

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Formulas Move When Cutting And Pasting Workbooks

Jul 14, 2014

I've set up a spreadsheet structure at work which is three workbooks linked together.

I created this initially within My documents saved locally to my machine. Now though, I need to move the folder containing these workbooks onto the server to be accessed by others. My problem is that when cutting and pasting the folder, the formulas within the three spreadsheets still refer to their original location within My Documents rather than following the folder to their new location.

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Auto Move Through Worksheets?

Feb 21, 2012

I have an Excel file with 6 worksheets that I would like to put on a display that auto changes between sheets at an interval of say 20 seconds per worksheet so that I can user it was an information display for people. Is this possible?

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Move Data Whilst Keeping Formulas Intact

Feb 27, 2010

i have data in worksheet 2, a table with formulas using worksheet 2 in worksheet 1, i need to move the data in worksheet 2 to another worksheet, but if i use cut or copy and paste the formulas do not track its movement, so how do i move the data to another worksheet so the formulas know where it went? i thought if you could select the data and drag the data straight into another worksheet but how?

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Auto Move Cells To Another Sheet

Sep 16, 2009

In Sheet1 is 11 headings.
In column I, titled 'complete?' the user simply puts an x to show that the order is complete.

Once this happens, I would like the information in the row containing the x from columns A to I (but not J and K) to be copied to the next empty row in Sheet2. Then to clear the information from the cells in the row of Sheet1 from columns C to I, but have the data in columns A,B,J,K remain for the next order.

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Auto Change Row/font Colour And Move Row

Oct 26, 2009

Attached example sheet. Basic table of data, with column F being a validation list, is it possible that when choosing COMPLETE from the list, the row and font change colour, and then move to the top of the list?

I'm not the only simpleton using the sheet so I need it to be as simple as possible. I know it doesnt seem like a big thing but the sheet we are working from is huge and I dont want people cutting and pasting away, I just dont trust them with my spreadsheets.

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Auto Filter Then Move Subtotal To Another Sheet

Feb 25, 2009

I have 4 coloumns: Barcode, Date, Qty, Intials. The products will be scanned and the above cells will be populated via a VBA code. What the problem is that in the Barcode column - a product may be scanned on several different days, each entry may have a different Qty value. So how can I autofilter to show the various barcodes and get the total value of Qty (subtotal) and then transfer this value into a new sheet showing the relevant barcode and subtotal Qty?

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Auto-Move Macro Button Down With Data

Oct 29, 2013

My data is now 500+ lines long but the button is on row 1. I have to get back to the top to click it. Can I auto move the button down with my data. Say to one line above my data. i.e. 499 and move as my data increases.

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Auto Fill Formulas

May 20, 2008

A1 - B1
A2 - B2

Let's say B1 has a formula- =A1
b2 has formula = =A2

I want to copy all the formula in ColB
As it goes down in Column B, it should be =A2 at 2nd row, =A3 at 3rd row, =A4 at 4th row.

Reason being I want this formula to activate when the cell in Column A is filled. If the cell in Col A is empty, The formula in Col B should be blank!


13/01- Jan
13/12- Dec
29/06- June
30/07- July

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Auto Predicting Formulas

Apr 3, 2007

Say there are 3 cols ( A,B & C ) whereby C sums B and A. I have a situation here where C does not show (=SUM(A10:B10)) on the formula bar. I can type anything in C and the formula remains. I've even tried deleting the contents of C. It's like the formula is only activated when values are entered into A and B. Could excel be auto-predicting the formulas as a trend? I would like to repeat this for my other workbooks but I could not find a way to repeat this fluke.

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Using Auto Complete Handle (+) With Formulas

Apr 24, 2009

I have the following formula in a cell C6 : "='Data Dump'!G20". I want the adjacent cell on the right (C7) to be "='Data Dump'!G21" and C8 to be "='Data Dump'!G22" and on and on. I'm trying to use the Auto complete handle on the bottom right hand corner of the cell (which looks like a + when the cursor is over it) to drag the formula so that the "Data Dump - G" values increase as I go (g21, g22, g23 and onwards). However, rather than the numerical part of the cell incrementing, the character (letter) does so instead, so I get H20, I20, J20 and onwards.

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Paste Formulas Without Auto Filling

Sep 28, 2009

Is it possible to disable the auto filling, when copy/pasting formulas?

I have a range of formulas, which I want to copy/paste, and I want the pasted formulas to be the exact same as the copied.

Is this possible? I would prefer not having to use $ on all formulas.

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Auto Sort Table With Formulas?

Mar 16, 2014

I have a adjusting table which auto sorts based on the latest weeks results.

If one of the results is an N/A (There is no data for the site that week, the table will auto sort this value to the top. How do i get it to move any errors to the button of the table?

I've attached a sample worksheet : Table example.xlsm‎

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Auto Colouring Cells Containing Formulas

Jul 23, 2006

auto colouring cells containing formulas

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Add Multiple Formulas In Row & Auto Fill Down

Mar 15, 2008

I am trying to do can’t really be recorded, at least i don’t think it can. I have a report that I run off and after I loaded it in Excel I then have to add in five columns at the end of the sheet. These are always in the same columns: R,S,T,U,V.

These are the formulas I have to then input
R =IF(G2="no invoices",A2,"")
T=IF(I2="Sent to AP",A2,"")
U=IF(I2="Force Settled",A2,"")
V=IF( COUNTIF($R$2:$U$10054,A2),A2,0)

Note for column V, the range R2:U10054 would depend on how many rows is in the report, its just in this example the report does have 10054 rows. The columns would always stay the same. I would then copy the formulae down for the number of rows that is in the report and filter column V by entries that equal zero to give me the rows I am looking to analyse. Is this the type of thing that can be written as a macro so that everytime I have a new report open in Excel I can just run the macro and it will do all of this for me?

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Copy Formulas Or Using The Auto Fill Need To Have The Count Inc By 5 Instead Of 1

Apr 17, 2009

I have the following formula:

=AVERAGE('sheet 2'!C7,'sheet 2'!D7:Z7)+AVERAGE('sheet 2'!C9,'sheet 2'!D9:Z9). When I copy it down to the next cell the valules need to increase to 12 & 14 respectively.

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Auto Copying Column Formulas To New Rows

Feb 14, 2014

I'm working on a spreadsheet that tracks project accepted and done over a course of time. I am expecting the data to eventually reach the thousands in a year's time. I have several formulas in specific columns that I need to replicate as the user enters new data into the next row.

While it is easy to copy paste the formulas from the cells above, we are looking to save time by having the sheet do this automatically which also prevents the user from accidentally deleting/modifying the said formulas. I am also looking to save file size which is why I am considering doing this in VB. An example of a formula that I need to move down into the next column is:


I am new to VB but would like to gain some understanding on how this works.

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Tree Rearrangement

May 6, 2009

How do I make the following conversion :

(Column values are separated by =)

I'd appreciate if someone can help create a Macro for this. This might have a long list and a longer tree as well.


column1 column2
1 = top
1-2001 = middle
1-2001-2002 = bottom
1-3001 = alpha
1-3001-3002 = beta
1-3001-3002-3003= gamma


column1 column2
1 = top
1-2001 = top-middle
1-2001-2002 = top-middle-bottom
1-3001 = top-alpha
1-3001-3002 = top-alpha-beta
1-3001-3002-3003= top-alpha-beta-gamma

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Collapsible Tree

Jan 26, 2007

how to create a collapsable tree in Excel using VBA.

Note: There is restriction that I cannot use ActiveX

A small example will be very useful.

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Insert Row At Specific Location And Auto Fill Formulas From Above

Apr 11, 2007

What I need is to insert a row at row 59 and autofill the formulas including drop down list from the above row. This is what I have so far (Thanks to Reafidy and shg).

Sub ChkDates()
Dim c As Range
Dim DelRng As Range
Dim ArcRng As Range
Dim i As Long
Dim l As Integer
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
For i = 60 To 8 Step -1
Set c = Cells(i, 33)
If IsDate(c) Then ..............

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Trim In By The Players

Oct 17, 2009

Iam pulling hockey stats from yahoo sports into excel on one tab then i have other tabs as teams and iam pulling the stats from the yahoo sports tab to them

the yahoo tab is called Players but when yahoo bringis in the players names they come with a space in front of them. Now the formula iam using works if i go to the players tab and take the space out but as soon as I refresh the data it puts the space back.

here is what iam using
=IF(ISNUMBER(MATCH(TRIM($D5), Players!$A$1:$A$635,0)),INDEX(Players!NHL_2010_skaters, MATCH(TRIM($D5), Players!$A$1:$A$635,0), MATCH(E$4, Players!$A$1:$AT$1, 0)),0)

I think i have to put trim in by the players but when i try and add it I get formula errors.

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Create Directory Tree

Dec 9, 2009

I've been trying my best to create a directory structure using VBA and Excel, and have run out of patience on how best to do this. My goal is to create a directory tree containing 2 levels. The 1st level (Main Folders) will be named from data in Column A of an Excel Spreadsheet, the 2nd level (Subfolders) will be created from data in Columns B, C and D of the spreadsheet. I've been using the following code with success, but don't know how to create subdirectories:

Sub StartHere()
Dim rCell As Range, rRng As Range
Set rRng = Sheet1.Range("A1:A20")
For Each rCell In rRng.Cells
CreateFolders rCell.Value, "C: est"
Next rCell
End Sub

Sub CreateFolders(sSubFolder As String, ByVal sBaseFolder As String)
Dim sTemp As String
'Make sure the base folder is ready to have a sub folder
'tacked on to the end
If Right(sBaseFolder, 1) <> "" Then
sBaseFolder = sBaseFolder & ""
End If............

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Dynamic Drop Down Tree

Nov 19, 2006

My Question: how would i be able to render a dynamic drop down tree in the following format (see attachment): look at the left Rich Graphics folder example:

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Create A Tree View

Dec 5, 2006

I want to get a tree view created with the following details


EDIT: FYI: thomach tried adding code and then quote tags to see if the indenting showed. Neither worked.

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Randomly Pair Up Players

Nov 19, 2012

I am trying to make code to randomly pair up players. I have found code which makes a button that randomly pairs up players in a list but I want to make it so that ? players are paired with ? other players instead of everyone at the same time so that a person dosn't get paired with more then one player at a time.

E.g. take the first 6 players in a last and pair them with the second 6.

This is the code I found:

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim x As Range, RanRng As Range, z As Range, oRes, Ray
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, real, oSt As Integer, cl As Range
Dim oCol As Integer
Set RanRng = Range(Range("A1"), Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp))

[Code] ........

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Compare 1 Player To 3 Other Players

May 22, 2009

I need a formula for comparing the scores of 4 players from games won or tied.
I want to know for each game who won, tied or lost.

Below is how I compare 1 player to another.

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Add Each Players Total From Each Course They Played

May 28, 2009

I have a column that adds the total points for each Golfer at each Golf Course. (Column AI)
I've added another column that I want to add the total points for each Golfer from each Course played. (Column AJ)

How can this be done so that it adds each players total points for each Course Played? There could be more Courses as well.
Would I use a: (=IF(Course=Courses,Vlookup(Course,B2:B65536),35,False) with a Sum???

Below is how it would look shown in RED:

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZAAABACADAEAFAGAHAIAJ2DateGolf CourseIDTeam IDNameHCP123456789OUT101112131415161718INTotal ScoreNet ScoreStable ford PointsFront Holes WonBack Holes WonTotal Holes WonTeam ScoreTeam NetTeam Stable ford PointsCourse Stable ford Points324-MayRiverview0001001Player 13066666666654666666666541087829000108782943424-MayRiverview0002002Player 2195454534443844444444436745552101745552104524-MayRiverview0003003Player 330666666666545555555554599693800099693858624-MayRiverview0004004Player 416444444444365555555554581654200081654280725-MayEagle Bend0005001Player 11878666666657666666666541119314000111931443825-MayEagle Bend0006002Player 2334666555554755554454441885552000885552104925-MayEagle Bend0007003Player 316666666555515666666665310488200001048820581025-MayEagle Bend0008004Player 413444444545385555555544482693800082693880

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Group / Ungroup - Tree Structure

Mar 6, 2014

I am trying to create a sheet to resemble tree structure of rows. That is by default all the parent rows must be visible and click of + sign, the row should expand to show its child rows which in turn can have child rows but appear collapsed. When I choose two rows and click on Group and select rows, I see a grouping but when I try to collapse using - sign, both 2 rows gets disabled. I want to make the first row as parent and second row as child. How do I do it?

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Tree View TreeView Control

Jan 8, 2007

I want to create sections in excel exactely like below. I need to show user how many types systems are available and in each type how many config systems available.

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VBA Macro To Delete Rows/Columns, Insert Formulas & Auto Fill

May 28, 2009

I'm running a macro that opens another workbook and read data from it.How can I incorporate this code into my macro.Sorry i don't knwo VBA.

Workbooks.Open Filename:="C:Documents and SettingsmsimantbDesktopINFRACHEM_POLYMERS - DON''T DELETE.xls]Sheet1"

UserGRP_MAcro Macro
Selection.Delete Shift:=xlUp
Selection.Delete Shift:=xlToLeft
Selection.Delete Shift:=xlToLeft
Selection.Delete Shift:=xlUp
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "Existing userGroup"............................

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