Iam pulling hockey stats from yahoo sports into excel on one tab then i have other tabs as teams and iam pulling the stats from the yahoo sports tab to them
the yahoo tab is called Players but when yahoo bringis in the players names they come with a space in front of them. Now the formula iam using works if i go to the players tab and take the space out but as soon as I refresh the data it puts the space back.
here is what iam using
=IF(ISNUMBER(MATCH(TRIM($D5), Players!$A$1:$A$635,0)),INDEX(Players!NHL_2010_skaters, MATCH(TRIM($D5), Players!$A$1:$A$635,0), MATCH(E$4, Players!$A$1:$AT$1, 0)),0)
I think i have to put trim in by the players but when i try and add it I get formula errors.
I have come up with this to Trim all of the data from rows 2:30 removing any trailing spaces after the last word in each cell. The macro takes a couple of minutes to run have I got something wrong that is making it run slowly or does the Trim process just take longer?
Sub TRIM_RANGE() Dim myRange As Range Dim myRow As Range Sheets("CAMPAIGNS_2007").Select Set myRange = Range("2:30") If myRange Is Nothing Then Exit Sub Application. ScreenUpdating = False myRange.Replace What:=Chr(160), Replacement:=Chr(32), _ LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False For Each myRow In myRange.Columns If Application. CountA(myRow) > 0 Then myRow.TextToColumns Destination:=myRow(1), _ DataType:=xlFixedWidth, FieldInfo:=Array(0, 1) End If Next myRow Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub
I am trying to make code to randomly pair up players. I have found code which makes a button that randomly pairs up players in a list but I want to make it so that ? players are paired with ? other players instead of everyone at the same time so that a person dosn't get paired with more then one player at a time.
E.g. take the first 6 players in a last and pair them with the second 6.
This is the code I found:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Dim x As Range, RanRng As Range, z As Range, oRes, Ray Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, real, oSt As Integer, cl As Range Dim oCol As Integer Set RanRng = Range(Range("A1"), Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp))
I have a column that adds the total points for each Golfer at each Golf Course. (Column AI) I've added another column that I want to add the total points for each Golfer from each Course played. (Column AJ)
How can this be done so that it adds each players total points for each Course Played? There could be more Courses as well. Would I use a: (=IF(Course=Courses,Vlookup(Course,B2:B65536),35,False) with a Sum???
I am starting a new Fantasy Football League. I am wanting to be able to enter players into Sheet 2 as they are picked. And I am wanting those picks to be simultaneously placed on Sheets 3-14 according to their position. Sheet 1 is a list of names according to positions. A more detailed explanantion is entered below.....
I have this macro and I would like to audit the selection of players selected. I would like the number that is entered in the input obx to be placed in the sheet "DRAFT" and be placed in A1 and the next in A2 and so on. Can this code be modified for this to occur.
Sub SearchDelete() Dim ID, c As Range ID = InputBox("Enter the Super10 Player ID Number", "Super10 Player Search") If IsNumeric(ID) Then With ActiveSheet.Range("a:a") Set c = .Find(ID, LookIn:=xlValues) If Cells(c.Row, 11).Value = "" Then Msg = "P L A Y E R A L R E A D Y S E L E C T E D !" & vbCr & vbCr & "Player # : " & Cells(c.Row, 1).Value & vbCr & "Name : " & Cells(c.Row, 4).Value & vbCr & "Games : " & Cells(c.Row, 6).Value & vbCr & "Average : " & Cells(c.Row, 7).Value & vbCr & "Position : " & Cells(c.Row, 2).Value & vbCr & "Team : " & Cells(c.Row, 3).Value & vbCr & "Rank : " & Cells(c.Row, 27).Value & vbCr & "Rank POS : " & Cells(c.Row, 28).Value.............................
I am trying to assign a list of players onto teams but I need to distribute "skill" evenly to ensure teams are equally matched.
A statistician in the league suggested the best way to do this might be to sort the player list (descending) by the measure of "skill", then start assigning teams in blocks. If I have 40 players in the league / 4 teams = 10 players per team. I would randomize the numbers 1-4 (e.g. 3 1 4 2) and assign them to the first four players, randomize another set of 1-4, assign them to the next, and so on...
I could then sort the player list by “team assignment” column and have hypothetically equal skill on every team.
Couple of complications... number of players and teams might vary season to season. I will have to enter in number of teams and number of players at the beginning of each season along with a new list of their stats. Also, although I have a limited knowledge of Excel and VBA, none of the other coaches do so I want to make this as idiot proof as possible.
Using various macros (or functions) I found here I was able to randomize the first "block" of players but I cannot complete the randomizations for the remainder of the list. The only solution I have found would be to manually create an array using the “RandUnique” function over X (depending on number of teams) cells and then copy and paste this randomized subset down the rest of the player list.
I am trying to build a cup tree that automaticly move players over to the next round if they are first or second in their group of 4. What happens when first person have a result of lets say 33 and 2nd and 3d person have a result of 35 each and the 4th person 37? First person is easy but then there are 2 persons with the sam result and they play sudden death and we put in a 1 in the sd column for the winner and a 2 for the loser of the sudden death.
How do I make my formula figure that if they had the same result go look at the sd column?
Another thing is that of the 2 players advancing they have to be placed in the same order in next round, how can I achieve that?
If you look in column I row 19-22 there are players in the wrong order because the player with the better result goes in first. It should be this order: 9 11 15 16 instead. (if you are ahead in the previous round you will be ahead in the next round)
Another problem I noticed now is that when 2 players has the same lowest score the first player takes both spots as it is now and that doesn't work in real. You see what I mean if you look at player 1 in round 1 and 2 (R1 & R2), in this case it should have been players 1 2 6 and 7 moving on to round 2 and not 1 1 6 7 as it is at the moment.
(Rank is their rank from the qulification rounds where the first 4 is seeded and the rest is drawn into 1 group a time)
Klass B
* B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R
2 Rank Name R1 sd Pl.
[Code] .......
Spreadsheet Formulas
Cell Formula
I7 =IF('Klass B Calculations'!F4=1;'Klass B Calculations'!C4;IF('Klass B Calculations'!F5=1;'Klass B Calculations'!C5; IF('Klass B Calculations'!F6=1;'Klass B Calculations'!C6;IF('Klass B Calculations'!F7=1;'Klass B Calculations'!C7;""))))
I need to randomly pair players together to form teams.
For example: Saturday morning, there are 19 golfers signed up to play together, but want to paired randomly.
This is what we currently do: In cells A1:A27 I type their names. In B1:B27, I type their handicaps.
We then use a deck of cards to randomly draw teams. We do this by pulling 4-A's, 4-k's, 4-Q's, 4-J's, and 3-10's from the deck. We shuffle these cards and then go down the names in colum A and assign each palyer a card and place the card value into column C. We then highlight all three columns and sort by column C to form teams.
This works ok, but the problem is they all tee off at the same time and need a "super quick" process to form teams in seconds.
The only variable that I might see being a problem is the # of players vary each time they play. There might be 12 one day and 51 the next. We have to form teams into 4 somes and 3 somes, based on the total number of players we get.
I have been working on a spreadsheet to manage my players in a virtual sports game. I have worked out that the optimum skill scores for all the positions and want a way to compare a player to the optimum.
For example:
1st2nd3rd4th5th6th7th Position 147.1737.6742.0533.8313.6711.3317.33
These are the averages for Position 1
How do I find the player who closest matches this optimum. Players have scores in the same 7 skill areas.
I'm trying to figure out a simple spreadsheet that can spit out tournament payouts based on a flexible number of players (we might have 55, 60, 100) and flexible percentages based on the pot size (if we have 100 players, we would like to pay more players than if we had 50).
Something like [input number of players] [input pot size] [input # of payouts] [input percentage of each payout] it would just save a ton of time as we're trying to calculate payouts on the go.
I am trying to calculate players ranking based on their weight categories and attempts total, e.g. Category (50kg, 69kg etc..) Rank should be calculated automatically the highest total value of cat. 50kg is 1st second highest is 2nd etc. However, if tow players or more within the same Category have scored same point ranking will be calculated based on Body Weight less comes first and if both have similar weight calculation will be based on Start # first player comes first etc..
Table: Start # Name Body Weight Team Category Total Point Rank
I'm fairly new to using excel and have been trying to create a simple spreadsheet that keeps track of scores and automatically displays the names of the players in descending order. Anyway I have gotten to the point of using hookup to match a value and return that players name. But when two players have the same score it will only return the first found value. I sort the number scores using a LARGE function and it works great. Then I use something like this =HLOOKUP(Y2,B27:K28,2,FALSE) to match that value with the players name. How to return the other players name when the scores are the same?
I want to be able to rank players only if they meet or exceed a specific number of rounds. I have been able to get close but I would like to have the ranking start at "1" instead of "0" (see sheet).
I want to create a macro that will allow me to highlight a column and have the macro Trim every cell with text in the column, preferably putting the results over the original text. The column in question has text in every cell, until the column ends.
(That is, there are no numbers and no blanks until the data ends altogether.) I do not want to remove internal spaces in the text, just the leading and trailing ones.
I am sure this is fairly simple, but I'm not sure how to get it to look at every cell and then terminate properly.
I have this code that trims cells and I would like to implement in it a way to remove line returns in cells (new lines created with alt+enter). Below is the code I used so far:
I have a small Excel VBA program that pulls data from our company database. I use this to collect information about orders that have been placed. The decriptions of our inventory within our accounting software usually go something like this: [
2/24] Small Red Rose The [2/24] stands for 24 pieces per case and 2 pieces per inner pack.
My question is... can I trim off the text '[2/24]' within VBA?
I need to create quotes, labels and other things that use these descriptions and don't need to include the information with the brackets.
Obviously within VBA everything is done with variables, such as strDESC for the description.
I am trying to make a simple quiz on a spreadsheet which will provide the score immediately the player has finished. Basically a row is as follows:
C5= Question; D5 = player's input answer, E5 = check answer and give score
For example: in C5 "What colour is a banana?" The player inputs the answer to D5: yellow in E5, the answer is tested by a formula and score is given. For this I have a formula IF(D5="yellow",1,0) hence E5 returns either 1 or 0.
Now my problem: If the player inputs one or more spaces, I need to use the TRIM function as well otherwise the answer will be incorrect. How can I work the TRIM with the IF formula?
A thought has just occurred to me that I might have to firstly Copy and TRIM the answer in to E5 and then have the IF condition in F5, but that needs another column and seems a longer way around.
I'm in need of a formula that would trim a name within a cell to look like this:
name in cell = Doe, John Result looking for = DoeJoh
name in cell = Smith, Robert Result looking for = SmiRob
The formula would take the first 3 letters of last name and combine them with the first 3 letters of the last name. There is a space after the , and the name would always be consistent with the exampel above.
Also what about a formula that would take a name like Doe, John and transpose it to John Doe.
I'm trying to clean up a very large spreadsheet that contains a tremendous amount of empty space.
I tried using the TRIM function to delete some of the additional space within each cell, but it only seems to allow you to update one cell/column at a time.
Is there a way to clean up the entire spreadsheet at once?
Find/Replace all spaces won't work because some cells have multiple words, and they need the space in between.
I am trying to record a macro, using the macro recorder, that will trim the contents of the cells in one column. The starting cell will always be E12 and the ending cell will vary depending on the number of records that month.
After I select cell E12, I hold down the shift key and hit end and then the down arrow to get my range. After that, I'm trying to use the Insert - Function from the menu to setup the trim but can't get it to work.
I am having problems removing "2009-642" from the above text string(s) (doesn't matter which)
This is just a sample line and it is not always in the same place so I am afraid a simple mid function from a set starting point will not suffice, the number is also dynamic in size, location and leading digits.
As a result I have created a formula to get rid of the "1 XS0444499197" part of the formula leaving me with " 2009-642 "
Now unfortunately I need to get rid of the spaces (or what look like spaces) just leaving me with the number but infuriatingly I can not get the trim function to work, so I can only guess that it is not in fact reading these spaces as spaces, and I'm at a bit of a loss how to proceed.
I'm taking 3 very different reports and consolidating them into one manageable readable form. Only problem is that no 1 report has the same info. I've created a key to form pick up the same information that is read differently. As my spreadsheet grows so do the formula issues. I've had one report that has been the biggest pain to break apart. It takes several things and consolidates them, ex: big 2014 girl - dog 20145
I'm using a trim formula to read the last 5 digits that is the only consistent part of the string. =right(J3,5) to trim what i need to read (20145). this formula works. I'm than trying to preform a Vlookup based on what is returned from the trim. The trim number is located in a separate tab as the "key" 20145 = golden Labradors. formula for vlookup that works by itself, but throws up a blank cell when i point it to the trim cell.
=iferror(vlookup($A2,Info!A:ZZ,2,False)" ")
$A2 = the info 20145 from the trim Info! = is the tab with my 20145 = golden Labradors A:ZZ = the range in which i need it to find 20145 2 = the second column where it should find 20145 = golden Labradors False = exact match.
Why my formulas work separately but not when used together? The Vlookup will work if I type in the number 20145. I don't want to type 20145 anymore. I want to use the trim and have the vlookup notice the number pulled from the trim.