How To Average A Column Of Numbers That Are Greater Than 0

Jul 20, 2006

I am trying to average a column of numbers. I want to only average the cells
that contain a number greater than 0.

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Average Column Of Cells But Ignore Errors And Return Average Of Numbers That Are There

Jun 14, 2013

E11 through E24 contains numbers and a few errors (#N/A) that need to persist (the errors need to show).

E10 needs to show the average of the numbers that are in E11 through E24, and just ignore the errors.

I have many columns like that - where the errors need to show and I need to show an average of the number/values that do appear, ignoring the errors.

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List Column Numbers Greater Than X

May 13, 2008

I have been browsing this site for some time but never posted. It looks like a great community and looking forward to learning!

I am trying to create an array in VB that searches an entire column (L) that has nothing but numbers in it. I want to search for all numbers that are >= 6. If the number is greater than six store the value in column A. At the end, I need to display a message box that has all the values in A that match the criteria where column L is greater than 6.

I have found all kinds of copy to other sheet formulas and static finds.

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Place Average Of The Five Numbers In Column

Dec 22, 2008

Column B values are the average of the most recent five values in column A.
The formula in Cell C1 is “=B7” so that the value in C1 is 1.17. My question is: When I place a value in cell A8, which will result in the average of the five numbers in column A4-A8 being placed in cell B8 how do I make the value in C1 change to be the value which is in cell B8 rather than the value which is in cell B7?

Note: I just want to be able to pick up the most recent average value – the
method whereby it is done is of no consequence. However I cannot think
of an alternative. Example:.....

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Calculate Average Of 4 Lowest Numbers Out Of Last 7 Entries In Column

Jun 4, 2014

Daily Result

I have the formula working for the average of the 4 lowest of all, using "AVERAGE" and "SMALL"; need for average of 4 lowest in most recent 7

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Calculating The Average Gain & Loss For Numbers In One Column?

Mar 27, 2009

I wanted to know how I can calculate the average gain and average loss for data that is inputted into one column? For example;

Column A

Average Gain ??
Average Loss ??

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Seeking To Average Numbers In Single Column Broken Into Increments Of 5

Sep 12, 2008

I have a column of over 500 replies to a survey. I want to create a pie chart showing the average ages of the respondee to that that question, broken down into increments of 5 years (this was the question -- how old are you) and reported as a percentage.

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Excel 2007 :: Find Average Numbers On Sheet 1 Column D?

Feb 13, 2012

I am using excell 2007 and 2010

I need to find the average numbers on sheet 1 column D. Column D contains numbers as well as Blank cells. The info will be presented on sheet 2 in a monthly view. In other words i need to ssearch awithin a date range and determin the average of those numbers. This works on some months but return a DIV/0 erro most of the time.

=AVERAGEIFS('2N Stats'!$I:$I,'2N Stats'!$E:$E,">=2/1/2011",'2N Stats'!$E:$E,"

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Average IF Value Greater Than 0?

Dec 9, 2013

Here is my code as it is right now (With the correct range, and yes its a messy range :

[Code] ......

That is my range and thats the range I have to use (The stats are spread out in those rows. How I can get this to disregard 0's? Right now it seems to fail on the third rangevalue (For example in the range above it fails and highlights Y88), but if i remove that value it does the same on the next one instead, always the third.

I have tried =AVERAGEIFS(Range,">0") versions and also ones with /COUNTIF after and others but cant get this to work.

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Trying To Average The Last 10 Values Greater Than 0

Jan 5, 2010

Members in our club enter competitions each month and receive scores. I want to be able to average the top five scores from the last ten competitions each member entered, keeping in mind that not all members enter all competitions and will score 0 in this situation.

Its easy if members enter every competition, but I want a formula that will work also for when members may only enter 10 of the last say 15 competitions and I still need to find the average of the top 5 scores.

Member Name is in A1, and then scores are in A2-A25.

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Weighted Numbers Greater Than Whole

Apr 15, 2014

I have a set number that I need to allocate over a flexible period of say 5 -11 days.

I have applied the traditional split per day to each number i.e. a monday normally results in 20% of transactions, Tuesday 25% etc.

The issue comes in when I try to allocate the budget over a period longer or shorter than a week.

Therefore the budget for the 9 days is being allocated over the period of 9 days which results in a overall allocation of 150%. (duplicate mondays etc).

Is there a way to limit the entire period to a set number and have the numbers adjust themselves accordingly up or down to match it other than multiplying it by a factor?

Example attached: Excel Problem.xlsx

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Identify Consecutive Numbers Greater Than Zero

Jan 14, 2014

I have the attached table of numbers and I need a formula at the end of each column to identify whether any cells in that column consecutively have numbers in them greater than zero. Ideally by a count of how many cells in the column have consecutive numbers greater than zero (so if there are three 1's in a row and then a zero and then another 2 1's I want it to count 5).Excel Help.xlsx

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Greater Than Less Than: Get Numbers Counted In Grouping

Jun 29, 2009

I can not remember how to do the following. in column N have numbers ranging from 1 to 100. I need to get numbers counted in this grouping. >50, <50 >70, <70 >85, <85. I don't even remember how to start. I tried

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Count Cells With Numbers 1 And Greater

Aug 1, 2006

How do I count cells with numbers 1 and greater. My cells are counting the -. All my cells are showing the - (zero value) but are being counted.

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Format Numbers Greater Than 15 Digits

Nov 7, 2008

I am inserting data into my spreadsheet using VBA code to read a file and insert the data into the relevant cells. My problem arises when I have a string such as 80830410205724044. The actual code that inserts the data is as shown (temp is dimmed as string)....

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Percentage Of Number Greater Than Other Numbers

Sep 7, 2007

"in Excel" - my formula for cell C11 is: "What percentage of the time (occurrences) was the value in cell B11 greater than the values in A1 thru A10?"

As in...:


So no data in first 10 rows of Col B. (Or Col C, of course.) Then for the value that appears in B11, how many times (out of 10, in this example for sake of ease) was that value greater than the entries in the first ten entries in Col A:

95 (cell B11) was greater than A10, A9, A8 and A7 (91, 92, 93 and 94). So 4 times out of 10, B11 was greater; 40% is the answer the formula would yield.

16 was never greater than any entries in A2 thru A11, so 0%.

And 123 was greater than all the entries in A3 thru A12, so 100%. Etc, copied down the sheet...

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Percentage Of Numbers In Range Greater Than Another

Jan 6, 2008

I have two columns A and B. In each column are a list of numbers. I want to count the number of times the numbers in column A are greater than the numbers in column B and display it in the form of a percentage. An even easier way for me to do what I need is as follows...I have a third column (column C) that subtracts A from B...if it is a negative number, the cells in column C are autoformated to color the cell red. If it's a positive number, the cell is colored green. Is there a way I can count the number of cells that are red and divide them by the number of cells that are green to get a percentage?

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Show Plus Sign On Numbers Greater Than X

Aug 9, 2008

I'm trying to write a macro in Excel that would change any number greater than 10 in a spreadsheet to say "+10"

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Compare Repeated Numbers And Return Greater Value?

Oct 26, 2012

how to return the highest value of repeated controls in column A.

when comparing the numbers repeated in columns "A"

will return the highest value in column "D"


this is the highest value of repeated controls in column A

[Code] .......

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Greater Than 3 Conditional Formats For Text And Numbers

Feb 29, 2008

I have been using conditional formatting for a project in Excel 2007 but as the end users are using Excel 2003, I have had to switch to the following VBA solution as my requirements exceed the standard 3 available conditions. I have looked at using custom formatting but I need to format the cell colour rather than just the font colour.

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim icolor As Integer
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("C19:IV384")) Is Nothing Then
Select Case Target
Case "0.5", "1", "U"
icolor = 38
Case "C", "M", "P"
icolor = 40
Case "A", "S", "D"
icolor = 36
Case "L", "UP", "C/E"
icolor = 35
Case Else
End Select
Target.Interior.ColorIndex = icolor
End If
End Sub

* When the macro is run on one worksheet, formatting and values are replicated simultaneously on another identical worksheet (not necessarily vice versa).

* As well as formatting cell colour when containing a value, a border should also be added with different colours for the top, bottom, left and right border.

* When the cell contains no value, the borders should return to how they were previously.

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Average Numbers In Table Containing Numbers And Letters?

Jan 27, 2012

I have a spreadsheet wtih a number of rows that contain answers to different criertia in each column.

The row may therefore have cells that either have numbers or letters.

Column A will be the title of the row.

I want to write a function to find the average value of the numbers in any row with title 'x'.

So it would look down column A, and look for those called 'x', and then average all the numbers across all those rows.

I have tried to use =averageif, but I think the fact there are letters in the cells being assessed (which I just want to be ignored) creates an error.

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Show Numbers Greater Than An Amount In A Pivot Table

Dec 17, 2009

Is it possible to just show numbers greater than an amount in a pivot table?

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MINIF Function; Find The Minimum Value Of Column A If There Is Anything Greater Than Zero In Column B

Jul 29, 2006

I want to find the minimum value of column A if there is anything greater than zero in column B. I tried this formula (simplified): MINIF(B2:B6,">"&0,A2:A6) And it gives me the # NAME? error

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Highlight Dates In Column H If They Are Greater Than Column G By Certain Number

Sep 5, 2013

I need formatting to highlight the dates in Column H if they are a greater than a week or more from Column G. Tried some different ways of doing this with the conditional formatting but cannot get it to work yet

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Getting Sum Of Cells B-F To Post In Column G Unless Column J Has Number Greater Than Zero

May 9, 2014

In my spreadsheet, I have a column for credit card totals (G) and cash totals (J)

I am adding the amounts for Food (Column B), Liquor (Column C), Wine (Column D), Beer (Column E), and Taxes ( Column F) for a total in Column G.

However, Column G is only for credit card totals and I want to do the same calculations for cash totals (Column J) using the same B through F Column without those numbers being plugged back into Column G, when I have no credit card total.

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Column Number Of Last Column In A Row Where Cell Contents Greater Than 0

Jun 24, 2014

I have a spreadsheet with rows of data. I need a formula that will return the column number of the last column in a row where there is a value >0.

Let's say that cells A1:F1 contain values. Some have values of 0 while others have values >0. I need a formula in cell G1 that will tell me the column number of the last value >0.

0 2 5 0 6 0

So the formula in G1 would return a value of 5, which corresponds to column E.

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Average Row Of Numbers Using Different Row #'s

Aug 18, 2009

Field 1 input: Beginning Date (e.g 7/17/09)
Field 2 input: End Date (e.g. 7/23/09)
Need: Average costs on and between these given dates

From table with this information:

Date Market two
7/16/2009 80
7/17/2009 80
7/20/2009 82
7/21/2009 84
7/22/2009 82
7/23/2009 82
7/24/2009 82
7/27/2009 82

I need Excel to average Market two 7/17 to 7/23 (80, 82, 84, 82, 82) based on the dates I give it.

If I change the date to 7/20 to 7/24, I then need excel to average (82, 84, 82, 82, 82)

How can I get Excel to average based on different dates? Or basically, how do I get it to pull rows between 2 inputs?

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Average Of Top 3 Numbers.

Nov 27, 2005

I m making a worksheet for our shooting results. I need the average of the
top 3 results from collum E6 to W6 and top 3 reults from Y6 to AJ6. Can

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Find Average Of Last 4 Non Zero Numbers

Nov 27, 2008

I am trying to figure out how to take the average of the last 4 "non-zero" numbers in a series of values.

The sheet looks something like this, numbers are all in one row:

7 , 7 , 7 , 7 , Total = 28 , 8 , 8 , 8 , 8 , Total = 32 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , Total = 0 , 8 , 8 , 8 , 8 , Total = 32 , 7 , 7 , 7 , 7 , Total = 28 , 8 , 8 , 8 , 8 , Total = 32 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , Total = 0 , 8 , 8 , 8 , 8 , Total = 32

I'm looking for a formula that will look at all the last few totals (starting from the end) and take an average of the last 4 totals that were > 0. In this case it would average {32, 32, 28, 32} ignoring the 0 total.

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Average Last Five Numbers Minus The Low And Hi

Apr 23, 2009


I have this formula where it averages the last five numbers in a collumn, but I want to average the last 5 numbers less the max and min number.

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