Count Cells With Numbers 1 And Greater

Aug 1, 2006

How do I count cells with numbers 1 and greater. My cells are counting the -. All my cells are showing the - (zero value) but are being counted.

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Count Cells Containing Dates (greater Than 2014) Based On Filtered Cells

Jun 24, 2014

I have spreadsheet with different 100s of columns of dates with 600 rows. The first row identifies which zone the data belongs to (North, South, East, West. NE, SW, SW1, etc...)

I want to write a formula to check how many dates in each column fall in 2015 or later years; This can be accomplished by writing a countifs formula.

Where it gets complicated is once i filter on the Zones;

I want the formula to give me the desired result - count of all CELLS where the year is 2015 or greater - WITH FILTERS ON.

I stumbled upon following sumproduct formula that gives count for visible cells, however when i apply the date criteria, i get incorrect result -


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Countif Statement: Count The Number Of Cells That Have A Value Greater Than 0 In A Range Of Cells

Jun 23, 2009

How do I count the number of cells that have a value greater than 0 in a range of cells?

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Count Cells After Last Number Greater Than 0?

Apr 8, 2014

I'm trying to count all cells in a row after the last number that was greater than 0. See my example spreadsheet. I have put the answers that it should be in to show what I'm after.


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Count Number Of Cells In Col A That Are Greater Than Defined Value In Col B

Apr 25, 2012

I have two columns of data in col A and col B

I wish to count the number of cells in col A that are greater than a defined value in col B.

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Count Number Of Consecutive Cells In Another Sheet With Value Greater Than Zero?

Jan 16, 2010

I'm trying to create a formula (in Sheet 1) that will return the most recent number of cells containing a value (i.e. not empty) in Sheet 2 Range AD2:A367 greater than zero.

I've tried using COUNTIF but that only adds the individual values, it doesn't 'start from zero again' when a zero value appears.

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Add To Existing Countif Formula To Count Cells If Criteria Is Greater Than Another

Sep 3, 2013

Currently, I am using countifs to count data within a specific range if it meets a criteria. Now I want to add to the formula. I need to count the cells within the specific range meeting the existing criteria I already have but only if one cell is greater than another cell.

This is what I currently have: =COUNTIFS(Report!$F$4:$F$1048576,">=8/1/2013",Report!$F$4:$F$1048576,"=8/1/2013",Report!$F$4:$F$1048576,"

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Count Total Number Of Cells With Value Greater Than 0 For Previous Year?

Jun 1, 2014

Sheet 2 contains the following:

Column AH2:AH367 represents the current year and contains values from Jan 1 to Dec 31 inclusive, some of which are zero and future values are blank.
Column AG2:AG367 represents last year and contains the same and all cells have a value (some are zero).

The date column is A2:A367 (the columns in between are all the years prior to 2013).

I need a formula that counts the total number of cells with a value greater than zero for the range AG2:AG367 up to and including today's date to be returned in cell A1 of Sheet 1.

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How To Count Numbers Of Cells Based On Colours

Jan 9, 2013

Count formula. I have few cells highlihgted in different colours based on the conditional format. Is there a count formulat to count the numbers of cells based on the colours.

For Example - I have 3 cells highlighted in green, 2 in red etc. I need count formula to count all green cells and count red cells.

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Count Number Of Rows That Have Numbers And Divide Sum Of Cells

Jun 30, 2009

I have a 52 (one for each week) page workbook. I am trying to average cell J9 for the entire 52 pages. However the information is not added to the cell until the end of the week so week 30-52 all have 0s and should not be counted in the dividing number. Is there a way to have Excel count the number of cells that have a number (not 0) and divide the sum of the cells but that number.

=(WK1!J9+.....WK52!J9) / (counted number of cells not = 0)

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Function To Count Numbers Excluding Empty Cells

Jan 6, 2010

Is there a function that will count a column of numbers where that will eliminate counting empty cells based on a certain date that will also capture any numbers that is added after refreshing the table from Access? I have attached a spreadsheet for an example. I need to count on the number in column V that equals 13 for the date of 12/22/09.

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Count If Greater Than But Less Than

Aug 10, 2009

I want to do is count in a column numbers greater than 13 but less than 20.
I am also trying to write another formula that counts numbers equal to or higher than 1 but less than 12. In other words,
I do not want this count to include any cells that contain 0.

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Count Filtered Value If Greater Than 0?

Apr 11, 2014

I count D5:D54 filter data but i want count only when value is greater then 0(zero)


I Mean:

d5 = 0 don't count
d6 = 0 don't count
d7 = 0 don't count

if d5:d54 has value greater then 0 then count...

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Count Number Greater Than Zero?

Aug 14, 2014

Is there an equation to count numbers greater than zero without adding an additional column?

I had a COUNTIF equation but realized that the criteria that I used to use required an additional column. The additional column I used to have would be something along the lines of =IF(A1>0, "x", "") and then count the X's. I was just wondering if there was another equation that could reduce that step.

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Count Values Greater Than Zero

Dec 10, 2008

I want to look to a range and if there is a value greater than zero I want to count it. I keep going round in circles trying to do this and now I give up.

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Count Values Greater Than Or Equal To Zero

Dec 2, 2009

How can I count the number of cells in a range that contain values that are greater than or equal to zero?

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Count Until Greater Sum Range Value Reached

Apr 11, 2012

I have the following information on the sheet named "Calculator"

01-Mar-0825510051005.0045'[test.xlsb]Product Price'!$D$256

01-Oct-09274975990.0054'[test.xlsb]Product Price'!$D$27501-Aug-10284981999.0058'[test.xlsb]Product Price'!$D$28501-Dec-10288621634.0058'[test.xlsb]Product Price'!$D$28901-Jan-11289054.00150'[test.xlsb]Product Price'!$D$96601-Sep-1129718001854.00150'[test.xlsb]Product Price'!$D$974

In column f i have the following formula {=CELL("address",INDEX('Product Price'!$D$1:$D$1014,MATCH(B2&E2,'Product Price'!$A$1:$A$1014&'Product Price'!$D$1:$D$1014,0),0))} that returns the cell address from where i want to start my sum function.

My sheet named "Product Price" looks like this:
255Mar-0839508R 45.00256Apr-0839539R 45.00257May-0839569R 45.00258Jun-0839600R 45.00259Jul-0839630R 48.00260Aug-0839661R 48.00261Sep-0839692R 48.00262Oct-0839722R 48.00263Nov-0839753R 48.00264Dec-0839783R 48.00265Jan-0939814R 48.00266Feb-0939845R 48.00267Mar-0939873R 48.00268Apr-0939904R 48.00269May-0939934R 48.00

I now require a formula in column g that will count how many times starting from the cell in given in column f it added the amounts downwards to reach the amount in cell d of the "calculator" sheet - it must thus add d256+d257+d258... until it is bigger or equal to the amount in cell d.

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Count Until Greater Sum Range Value Reached

Dec 18, 2009

10 12 13 12 10 11

40 30

? ?

Count values in the top row until the sum is greater than the relative value below

In this example the first ? would be 4 as 10 + 12 + 13 + 12 = 47 (greater than 40)

The second ? would be 3 as 12 + 13 + 12 = 37 (greater than 30)

I cant figure out how to do this with a formula! Custom Function needed?

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Count Data/Values Greater Than Zero

Sep 7, 2006

I have a spreadsheet that contains dates in column A and numbers in column B. For some dates I do not have data available but I must include all of the dates, so a date with no data available has a 0 in column B. I need to come up with a way to average the total of my data with the total number of weeks with data (ones without a 0) that will recalculate everytime I add new data. How do I write a function that will check column B for a number greater than 0 and then based on that result either count or ignore column A, and then total the number of times A is counted?

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Weighted Numbers Greater Than Whole

Apr 15, 2014

I have a set number that I need to allocate over a flexible period of say 5 -11 days.

I have applied the traditional split per day to each number i.e. a monday normally results in 20% of transactions, Tuesday 25% etc.

The issue comes in when I try to allocate the budget over a period longer or shorter than a week.

Therefore the budget for the 9 days is being allocated over the period of 9 days which results in a overall allocation of 150%. (duplicate mondays etc).

Is there a way to limit the entire period to a set number and have the numbers adjust themselves accordingly up or down to match it other than multiplying it by a factor?

Example attached: Excel Problem.xlsx

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COUNTIF To Count The Values In A Range Which Are Greater Than 0

Aug 15, 2006

How can I use COUNTIF to count the values in a range which are greater than 0?

I put =COUNTIF(B2:B100000)>0 but that didn't work?

(I'm using XL 2007 hence the range greater than 65000 rows. But I don't
think COUNTIFs syntax has been changed in 2007 so I assume I'm having a brain

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Count Instances Where Value In Another Cell Is Greater Than Defined Value

Jan 28, 2014

I would like to know how to count the instances of Cayenne pepper where the final column value is greater than 0

the result desired would be 2 in this example and the first cayenne record would be omitted from the total as it is a value less than 0



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Head Count: If It Is Greater Then 7 Then It Would Be 1 For Current Week

Aug 20, 2007

Currently having problems getting correct head count. I have formula that works for rows 6-8 but fails in row9. The should be answers are in rows 17-20.

Conditions used in formula
*Start date > Start FY =0
* Current Week > End Date =0
* End Date < Start FY =0

The date difference is divided by 7 because there are 7 working days in a week. If it is greater then 7 then it would be 1 for current week. I tried zipping the file but I could not shrink it to required size. find on weblink below:

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Count Dates Greater Than Date In Cell

Aug 27, 2007

Its a training list, and I want to count the number of staff with valid training dates, I want to keep invalid dates as a reminder and I also have text N/A to disregard. Have used an IF function array but there are approx 33 column entries I want to add and using array function limits the amount of formula entries up to column 24.

Would be much easier if I used data validation to kick out the invalid date entries but we want to keep them if possible.

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Identify Consecutive Numbers Greater Than Zero

Jan 14, 2014

I have the attached table of numbers and I need a formula at the end of each column to identify whether any cells in that column consecutively have numbers in them greater than zero. Ideally by a count of how many cells in the column have consecutive numbers greater than zero (so if there are three 1's in a row and then a zero and then another 2 1's I want it to count 5).Excel Help.xlsx

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Greater Than Less Than: Get Numbers Counted In Grouping

Jun 29, 2009

I can not remember how to do the following. in column N have numbers ranging from 1 to 100. I need to get numbers counted in this grouping. >50, <50 >70, <70 >85, <85. I don't even remember how to start. I tried

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How To Average A Column Of Numbers That Are Greater Than 0

Jul 20, 2006

I am trying to average a column of numbers. I want to only average the cells
that contain a number greater than 0.

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Format Numbers Greater Than 15 Digits

Nov 7, 2008

I am inserting data into my spreadsheet using VBA code to read a file and insert the data into the relevant cells. My problem arises when I have a string such as 80830410205724044. The actual code that inserts the data is as shown (temp is dimmed as string)....

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Percentage Of Number Greater Than Other Numbers

Sep 7, 2007

"in Excel" - my formula for cell C11 is: "What percentage of the time (occurrences) was the value in cell B11 greater than the values in A1 thru A10?"

As in...:


So no data in first 10 rows of Col B. (Or Col C, of course.) Then for the value that appears in B11, how many times (out of 10, in this example for sake of ease) was that value greater than the entries in the first ten entries in Col A:

95 (cell B11) was greater than A10, A9, A8 and A7 (91, 92, 93 and 94). So 4 times out of 10, B11 was greater; 40% is the answer the formula would yield.

16 was never greater than any entries in A2 thru A11, so 0%.

And 123 was greater than all the entries in A3 thru A12, so 100%. Etc, copied down the sheet...

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Percentage Of Numbers In Range Greater Than Another

Jan 6, 2008

I have two columns A and B. In each column are a list of numbers. I want to count the number of times the numbers in column A are greater than the numbers in column B and display it in the form of a percentage. An even easier way for me to do what I need is as follows...I have a third column (column C) that subtracts A from B...if it is a negative number, the cells in column C are autoformated to color the cell red. If it's a positive number, the cell is colored green. Is there a way I can count the number of cells that are red and divide them by the number of cells that are green to get a percentage?

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