Show Numbers Greater Than An Amount In A Pivot Table
Dec 17, 2009Is it possible to just show numbers greater than an amount in a pivot table?
View 3 RepliesIs it possible to just show numbers greater than an amount in a pivot table?
View 3 RepliesI'm trying to write a macro in Excel that would change any number greater than 10 in a spreadsheet to say "+10"
View 9 Replies View RelatedI've two columns in an excel sheet... In column A, I have years & in column B, I've amounts... Now I have made pivot table for the same to have an exact picture of this table... Now, I need a formula applying on pivot table that may identify the amounts in specific years great that 50,000 then great that 50,001 to 100,000 then 100,001 to 150,000....
View 1 Replies View RelatedIn my pivot table I have numerical values for each Agreement ID. The range is big and I need to sum up all the values that are smaller than 75K. My current formula works only in a given cell but when I drag it down the cell reference does not change.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have 3 fields:
Person, FinancialYear, AmountUSD
Pete, FY12, 8000
Pete, FY13, 7000
Jeff, FY12, 5000
Jeff, FY13, 5500
Sam, FY12, 4000
Sam, FY13, 3500
How to create a pivot table that has a calculated field for the difference in AmountUSD between FY12 and FY13 (for each person).
Using Excel 2013.
I am trying to get DistinctCount from a field if another field in the same table is greater than zero.
[Code] .....
The count returned includes all not just values greater than zero. How can I get just values greater than zero?
I'm trying to create a pivot in 2010, which gathers a cumulative amount from data sources within two different worksheets.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am trying to form a macro in VBA that will basically uncheck the "Show All" function of the Pivot Table filter user interface, and then select only the one PivotItem that I want. In context, I have about 50+ different project numbers, each with a different worksheet and its corresponding pivot table. Here is what I have so far:
Dim pvtitem
With ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable1").PivotFields("Project #")
For Each pvtitem In .PivotItems
pvtitem.Visible = False
End With
With ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable1").PivotFields("Project #")
.PivotItems("525064").Visible = True
End With
When I try to run it, it gives me the error: "Unable to set the Visible property of the PivotItem class". It looks like the error occurs in the loop part of the macro.
Is there a way to have a Pivot Table show only the Top 10 items based on dollar amount. Data covers a month of daily activity (+/- 250 rows), but i only want the Top 10 items based on Dollar amount. Is this possible?
I know filters can do top 10 but it doesn't consolidate similar items.
I have a list of Insurance payers - 20 or so. They are listed in a Pivot Table on sheet2 with rate data and such. On sheet1 I have a listbox with the Payers listed and can be multi selected by the user. I wish to have the user select some payers in the listbox, goto sheet2 and view the Pivot Table only containing those Payers selected from the listbox.
View 4 Replies View RelatedIn my Pivot table I have 3 fields in the "header - section" of each row
There is also the possibilty in the Page section to choose between subjects (eg physics, chemistry, biology etc) When all rows are displayed there are 68 in total
When I choose Physics there are about 30 customers that have a value in 1 of the rows. Excel shows 30 rows, but I would like all 68 row to be shown, because these are the values that are important to me. I have tried a lot of settings in the pivot table but can't find the correct 1.
What happens a lot is the the rows are "multiplied", meaning that the 1st row header has every combination of the 2nd and 3rd and so one. Which setting is needed to get what I want?
In the attached file (xlsx) under 'Database' Tab poeple have indicated their preferences (multiple choices) for different food items "specialties". The specialties are grouped under broader buckets called "groups". The specialties are bucketed into groups in a way that people end up more than once in each specialties and groups due to their muliple selections. When we create a pivot by specialties (Pivot Specialties tab), each person appears only once for each's great. But, when we create a "group" pivot (each group has multiple specialties), now, people appear more than once for each group. Is there a way, each person can show up only once under each group so the group count does not appear to be misleading?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am building a Pivot table and I need to show ONLY the Grand totals at the end of the table. In the example below I want to show only Total volume Stage movement at the end and not the subtotals in the columns.
Column Labels
Best Case
I am trying to to create a macro that will complete a Pivot Table, then use the Show All pages function. The data has the same number of columns each time, but the rows will differ each and everytime. The content of the column which houses the data which eventually will be a page can differ as well. I continue to get an errro and below is highlighted when debug is selected.
ActiveWorkbook.PivotCaches.Create(SourceType:=xlDatabase, SourceData:= _
"Table1", Version:=xlPivotTableVersion12).CreatePivotTable TableDestination _
:="Sheet4!R3C1", TableName:="PivotTable2", DefaultVersion:= _
This is a very repititive pivot that is done many times during a month. I have tried just using the data as is then the pivot, and converting the data into a table, doesn't matter still get the error.
I would like to be able to filter my pivot table to shows the rows with no data ?
I can make "no value" appear in the pivot table in 2 ways - either by using column field as well as row fields or by using the "show items with no data" option in value field settings but I cant get filter to show only the "no value" rows
Sum of rev
Column Labels
Row Labels
When you double click on a number in a pivot table data area you get a new sheet with that information showing the detail, is there anyway to "trap" this action?
I want to run a macro on the detail data but can't see a way to do it automatically, have tried, BeforeDoubleClick, PivotTableUpdate, NewSheet events but all have there draw backs if you are doing something other than showing the detail for the pivot table. Of course I can just run the macro after the sheet is made but it would be nice to do it on its own.
I want to make a calculation in a pivot table where a percent difference is calculated by year.
The % difference from calculation does not show an increase from the previous year as 100% but a DIV/0 error. Can i make a custom formula that will use the year base field.
I have recorded the below macro to select a pivot table field (on demand) and show the information on anthother sheet tab.
Obviously if the order of the fields change then the macro is buggered, any ideas so it only selects the on demand field and shows that info.
Sub Macro1() ....
Can I do something so my pivot table shows Manager name in all appropriate cells (eg. agomes is A3:A4 and bschaefe in cells B5:B13)? ........
View 9 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone know a setting to display pivot tables as a % of sub total automatically within the Pivot Table Settings? I have recreated a formula on the cells H:K of what I am looking for. see Attached.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIm using the following VBA code, but the on error resume does nothing, excel throws out the error 1004 "Unable to get the pivotfields property of the pivottable class" (i know why the error is caused and how to fix it but my error trapping wont work). Is there some option which i have turned off which prevents me from trapping errors?
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = Excel.Sheets("Sheet1")
On Error Goto err:
If ws. Range("IV1").Value = "dog" Then
ws.PivotTables("PivotTable1").PivotFields("Price Euros").Orientation = xlHidden
ws.PivotTables("PivotTable1").PivotFields("Price Dollars").Orientation = xlHidden
End If
msgbox "invalid"
I have weekly budget report (for the entire year) that I put in a Pivot Table with approx 20 different row labels. The actual revenue numbers come only once a month (several different reports make up the actual revenue numbers). I need to put the actual numbers on the same row as the budget numbers and I can't figure it out.
For example, for the first three months of the year, I have the pivot table showing everything perfectly. In February, I get January's actual revenue numbers that now "replace" the budget numbers for January. If this was a regular table, I could easily overwrite these numbers, but with the pivot table, I can't get these two fields to line up. For now, I have the Actual Revenue numbers on the Rows above the Budget numbers for their respective months/quarters.
The size of this pivot table depends on how many different customers are in the data tab.
What I want is a macro that will show the details as if you were to double click on the grandtotal, but the grandtotal in column c is never in the same row and I am having difficulty coming up with a macro to do this.
There are some other functions it is performing as well so I just need to add this to the existing macro code.
I have a pivottable that has a calculated field returning a percentage of two other feilds. I have pivotcharted the result and now want to include a median of the calculated feild results on the same chart.
I want to use a pivot chart as it'll accomodate changes to the data range and different page fields.
using xl2007
Have a simple Pivot table that i have grouped in 14 day buckets.
Currently, the date range looks like this:
1/21/2013 - 2/3/2013
However, I want the range to show the 'last' date only.
Is there a simple way to do this? I just can not see it in the format cells menu...
I have created a Pivot Table to sumarize the monthly sales data.
Is it possible to select just one month and show the YTD sales?
e.g. We are in September, I select August the Pivot Table should show the August sales column and YTD (Jan to August) sales column.
I'm trying to check and prompt a message box if there is a empty cells found in the pivot table.
If Activesheet.PivotTables("PivotTable1").NullString = "" Then
MsgBox "No Match Data Found"
End If
I have try out the code caption above but not the result as I want.
I'm just stuck on a final thing......I would like the pivot table to collapse based on the outcome of a formula. For instance I've got a project that has A, B, C, D as component parts, these parts all have a percentage work completed. If let's say A is a 100% complete I would like to automatically collapse A, so it will just show the summary for A. Obviously this can be done by hand, but since there is quite a lot of data I would like to automate the proces.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI work at a trading firm and use pivot tables to report on the success of traders on a daily basis. I add daily trading data to a raw data table that powers a set of reports. In one report I want to view MTD stats for a filtered group of 10 traders. The issue is that if I add a set of daily data that includes a new trader name, it will automatically be pre-checked and added to this report (and this happens daily). The only solution I came up with is to add another column in the raw data table that would allow me to group these traders and then use a page filter to include only them. This will work but I'd rather avoid adding columns to an already unruly data table (and would like flexibility to periodically define and track an arbitrary set of traders).
View 4 Replies View Relatedi have a database of the kind:
Model Version Color Store
1 a zz HH
2 b xx QQ
3 c yy OO
4 d ww PP
I need to obtain in the y axis the model, and in the x axis the store.
The data per each model and store should be: the version and color.
I'm using Pivot table to do that, but i'm only able to obtain the "count" (or sum or other formula) but I'm not able to obtain the content of the cell.
Store HH PP
1 Version a d
Color zz ww
2 Version b c
Color xx yy