How To Change Reference Cells Specific Amount When Dragging

Aug 14, 2014

So I'm dragging my formula down one cell and as expected the reference cell changes the same amount when I really want the reference to shift Down that column 11 cell so when I take my formula

=IF(ISERROR(LOOKUP(21474836472147483647,'Revenue Book'!L5:L11)),"",(LOOKUP(21474836472147483647,'Revenue Book'!L5:L11)))

when I drag it down one cell the reference should look like this

=IF(ISERROR(LOOKUP(21474836472147483647,'Revenue Book'!L16:L22)),"",(LOOKUP(21474836472147483647,'Revenue Book'!L16:L22)))

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Reference Cell & Add Amount If Positive & Subtract Amount If Negative

Jun 5, 2008

Im trying to set up an active running inventory sheet where: (A)the progressive daily sheet cells reference back to the corresponding master sheet cells fluctuating the master values, (B) the same progressive daily sheet cells reference back to a cummulative totals-cell based on whether I added or subtracted inventory. I want to make a copy of the blank "sheet 2" with all of the formulas and move it to the end of the workbook each day and enter new values which will reference back to the master sheet so that I can click on a date sheet and see an individual day's values or click on the master sheet to see the fluctuating inventory on-hand and the cummulative +/- totals of all days combined. I've got a couple hundred individual cells to reference. I've tried and tried but I can't make it work. Heres what I need to do:

I need to reference individual cells from "sheet 2,3,etc" back to a corresponding cell in a master sheet. But I need the values in each cell in "sheet 2,3,ETC" to increase or decrease the corresponding cell values in the master sheet. For example: If the value in the master sheet B5 is 200. Then in sheet 2, I enter +50 in B5, I need the master sheet cell B5 to increase by 50 to 250. I also need a way to decrease the cell value in the master sheet B5 if I enter a negative value -50 in sheet 2 B5. I also want to know if I can reference the same cell values entered in "sheet 2,3,etc cell B5" back to totals columns C5 for adding inventory or D5 for subtracting inventory in the master sheet where the master totals columns would reflect cummulative totals added or subtracted. For example: if the value in sheet 2 B5 is +50, then the value in Master sheet C5 would add 50 to a progressive total. But if the value in sheet 2 B5 is -50 then the value in master sheet D5 would add -50 to a progressive total.

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Dragging Formulas; Values Of The Formula To Change And The Other Not To Change

Jan 29, 2010

I want to drag a formula however i want one of the values of the formula to change and the other not to change. for example:

c3= a1+b3
: : :

how can i make it do this when i drag? a1 is not just a constant and it depends on other parameters.

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Dragging Down Reference To Another Workbook Cell

Jan 23, 2014

I have a master workbook that I reference data from hundreds of excels on.

I am trying to reference the cell "BU7" that has the workbook name (NT-13-001) in it, to reference sheet name "Purchase Order" at cell "H13".

Next line I would like to reference the cell "BU8" that has the workbook name (NT-13-002) in it, to reference sheet name "Purchase Order" at cell "H13".

The computer path is K:FRG TOOL REQ2013NT FormsNT-13-001

This is the formula I have tried... I have also attempted the INDIRECT function & Hyperlink GO TO.

=IFERROR('K:FRG TOOL REQ2013NT Forms["&DU7&".xlsx]Purchase Order'!$H$13,"")

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Dragging Down Formulas To Last Row In Reference To Next Column

Apr 10, 2014

I would like to drag down the formula from the last cell in Column A in reference to the last row in column B.

E.g My last data in Column A104 (code to select the last cell and this can vary from time to time the report is updated)
Column B has data till B142. I want to drag A104(contains formulas) down to A142.

Here is what I have but Selection Autofill doesn't work.

Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Range("A3:A" & Cells(Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row), Type:=xlFillDefault

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Changing Indirect Reference When Dragging Formula

Dec 9, 2012

I have been using the following formula to do conditional summing over multiple worksheets:


The formula works fine, but when I drag it to the next column c3:c39 stays the same. How do I get that reference to change when I drag the formula over multiple columns.

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How To Update Cell Reference When Dragging - INDIRECT Formula

Jul 10, 2014

I am using the formula below to sum across several worksheets, and the formula I am using works fine, but when I copy the formula across to other cells, I can't figure out how to have it update my cell range:


The range A:A is ok to be static, but I need the G:G to be dynamic so when I drag it to the right it will change from G:G to H:H. I:I, etc.

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Excluding Specific Items When Dragging Down

Jun 1, 2009

Im using the following formula to update our prices in our stock list.

=VLOOKUP(C1,'Most Recent Prices 2009'!A:G,6,0)

Column C = Unique part number.

I have a tab of 100 or so prices that I don't want to be updated. How can I exclude these pieces of equipment when I drag down the above formula. Assume that these pieces of equipment are in a tab called 'keep' and their unique part numbers are in Column A.

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Change The Column When Dragging?

Apr 6, 2014

How can I have it so the column (letter) changes in succession rather than the row (number)? Here is my formula :

=SUMPRODUCT(('Web Queries Reference'!A$2:A$600<>-1)*('Web Queries Reference'!A$2:A$600))-0.01

I would like it to be this once I drag the cell formula down to the next row :

=SUMPRODUCT(('Web Queries Reference'!B$2:B$600<>-1)*('Web Queries Reference'!B$2:B$600))-0.01

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Change Column Letter When Dragging Down

Oct 28, 2013

I have a formula in cell C2, =Summary!B2

I want the formula in cell C3 to be =Summary!C2

Then the formula in cell C4 to be =Summary!D2

etc etc.I need to do this for 43 rows so just want to drag the formula and the column number rather than the row number change.

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Reference Specific Cells In Table

Mar 4, 2009

I have been searching for this but have been unable to find an answer. Lets assume I create 2 tables. In the second table, I want to reference a specific cell from the first table in a formula (so that when I sort the column with that specific cell in the first table, the reference in the 2nd table will still work correctly and not change). How would I go about doing this?

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Change One Variable When Dragging Down A Column To Auto-complete?

Feb 25, 2013

How do you drag down a column to auto complete the values but do it so it only changes one variable.For example, I am dragging down =IF(ROW()<=$B$5,MOD(E2*B1,B2),"") down my column.

However, I only want the "E2" value to change, and I want B1 and B2 to stay that way. Whenever I drag down, it keeps changing all three values. Is there a way to make it just so that the E2 value is the only one that changes?

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VBA Copy / Paste Specific Cells From A Sheet To Another Based On Condition (reference)

Nov 7, 2012

Basically, I need to copy and paste upon certain condition (references) and paste related-datas in another sheet corresponding with these references. Every references are organized by lines with indicators on columns.

In attached file, see:
- worksheet ANALYSIS:
* datas in E2, G2, D18, D19, D20, D21, D22 that needs to be copy based on reference in C2,
* then need to find this reference in worksheet called GROUP SAVE,
* and based on this reference, paste above cells value in corresponding "Indicators" column number

THEN, I will have to do pretty much the same with subgroup data. But I can figure out for this second step that request same manipulation.

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Column Formula That Won't Change When Move Reference Cells

May 22, 2014

I'm dealing with forecasting invoices. The main column 'BALANCE' has a formula referencing the previous cell and then adding or subtracting invoices (ENTRY). The problem I have is that I'll put values in ENTRY that I expect to come in at some point but as they arrive I need to change the order of the cells. So I'm constantly changing the order and then it changes the formula in BALANCE. I tried absolute cells (and even found a work around way to flow absolute cells by flowing then viewing formulas then using the replace function but that didn't work.

So my formula in BALANCE is:

but if I move G174 to another cell I'd like to keep the BALANCE formula to stay G174 instead of following the move.

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How Do I Copy Formulas And Automatically Change Reference Cells

Oct 18, 2008

I have a 2 columns (A and B) next to each other that is using a Sum formula and other multiplying formulas. They reference 3 cells in a different column (C) to come up up with the answer for A and B. Therefore A1 and B1 reference C1 C2 and C3 (and possibly if want to use in future column D with D1 D2 D3).

Then in A2 and B2 I want to reference from C4, C5, C6
Then in A3 and A4 I want to reference from C7, C78, C9 etc.... and so on...

Instead of retyping formulas for each row in A and B, I want to copy down, but I getting the wrong answer when I do that.

I am therefore assuming I typing the formula wrong. How do I type it correctly so the cell reference changes automatically when I pull down columns A and B?

Formula for Column A: =SUM($G28:$G30)
Forumla for Column B: =($G28*$H28+$G29*$H29+$G30*$H30)/$B17

Therefore next row should be referenced from G31 to G33 and H31 to H33

But when I copy it only adjusts it for 1 reference down.

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Excel 2007 :: How To Change All Reference Cells In Worksheet

Aug 26, 2010

Here is my situation:

I created one worksheet called: Assumptions. In this worksheet I have 6 different columns representing 6 different cases.

I have completed the first case in a different worksheet called: WL. I would like to copy this case/worksheet WL and be able to change all the reference cells used in case#1: WL to case#2: FA. So all the cells used in my Assumptions worksheet were in the B columns for case 1: WL, for case 2: FA they will all be in the C column, same row, different column.

Any quick way to do the changes?

My case #1 worksheet as over 10 000 formulas, I really don't want to change each and every formula.

I was thinking there was a way to highlight ALL the reference cells used in my Assumption worksheet, so I would have had to drag from B to C cells, only 50 cells. But I can't find it.

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Copy Selected Cells, Then Change To Absolute Cell Reference

Oct 28, 2009

I need a macro to do this small task for me. Preferably it should execute when I have selected a cell and press a command button. Here's the way it should work:

Copy the cell I have selected

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Monitor Specific Cells For Change

May 8, 2014

I have this code that works well for the entire column, but, I only need to monitor every other cell in the columns. the cells I want to monitor are:

B10, 12, 14...B96. the columns to be monitored are B,F,J,N,R. the column part is good. I don't want the pop up box to appear when I change B9, B11, B13 etc...

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Skip X Columns In Formula Reference When Dragging Across Columns

Nov 15, 2009

How do you make the Autofill function increment in blocks, e.g. instead of increment 1,2,3 increment 1,8,15 inthe following example: I have a 2 worksheets, one with days of the year across columns and values down rows, and another that summarises the sum of the corresponding days in weeks, so I have 365 columns in sheet 1 and 52 columns in sheet2. Everytime I update the sum range i cannot autofill it in the summary worksheet, as A1:G1 autofills to B1:H1, but I want it to increment to H1:N1.

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Reference Cells Keeping Columns The Same But Change Row Number Based On User Input

Dec 10, 2012



With that said, I want to put the row number of a user in (I have a few thousand on this spreadsheet, and all the = data be automatically pulled based on the row number I put in cell B1. So I'm hoping to write in cell B1 the following - "143" (without the quotes), and the remaining cells in column B automatically pull that data based on that, so it would look like the following

Row #
=C143&" , "&D143&" "&E143


How do I write the functions to keep the columns the same, but change the row number based on the number I input?

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Change Mouse Cursor When Passing Over Specific Cells

Jun 12, 2009

I would like to change the mouse cursor when the pointer passes over (without clicking) some cells which have double-click-event script attached.

I know how to change the cursor with a custom one. The pb is for me to identifie that the pointer is over the cell so as to launch the cursor change macro (and reverse when going over another cell).
Excel does that, for ex, with commented cells but can VBA do it also?

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Lock Dragging Of Cells

Oct 22, 2008

Is there a way to protect a sheet from a user dragging a cell?

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Skipping Certain Cells When Dragging Down

Sep 19, 2013

I'm looking to easily drag the sum of certain cells in a different column BUT keeping a specific range, it's hard to explain so i'll show an example...


And so on...

Is there any way I can do this by dragging down the cell formula from B1 and it remembering the range of 4, so I don't have to manually select each range...?

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Increment By X When Dragging Cells Down

Jan 5, 2008

I need to check the result of the difference between 2 cells in the same column. But It needs to be done with an increment of 2 e.g. A2-A1 then A4-A3 and so on.

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Dragging Down Formulas With Inconsistent Cells

Jun 11, 2008

How figure out how to drag down a formula that looks like this for the first three cells (C3:C5)?


Is there a way to let Excel know that I'm adding six to each cell, rather than it automatically adding one?

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Copying To Multiple Cells Without Dragging

Mar 14, 2013

Is there a way to copy a formula from Cell A1 down to A1500 withhout dragging the fill handle?

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Copy Specific Range Of Cells On Change Event Then Paste To New Row In Another Sheet

May 28, 2013

Essentially I need to copy the first 8 cells in a row in one sheet (for example: A3:I3) when the word "Actuals" is entered into A3 from a drop down list. Then the copied data needs to be pasted to a another existing worksheet in the same workbook in the next available row. The data includes mostly values, but there is a formula in column H that creates a hyperlink out of the content in column G, friendly name in column I.

I am not stuck on the idea of having "Actuals" entered in column A as the trigger or change event and there will be times when a new copy/paste of the same data will need to be done more than once at a later date.

For further information, column B contains a serial number/productID number.

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How To Find Least Inputs For Specific Amount Of Outputs

Feb 14, 2014

How can excel find the least amount of inputs needed to produce a specified amount of outputs? To boil it down to the basics:

100 units of x
200 units of y

From a combination of=

item A that yields 25 units of x and 5 units of y

item B that yields 10 units of x and 15 units of y

Objective = minimize the number of items A & B used (i.e. minimum of (item A)*(item B))

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Dragging Formulas: Replicate A Formula In Cells

Feb 11, 2009

If I need to replicate a formula in some cells, I usually drag it down or sideways. Is there any easier way to do this? I have large numbers of cells into which to drag the formula. Can I specify which cell range the formula is applicable to (i.e. A1:A10,000 or something) instead of dragging? If so how?

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Moving And Dragging Multiple Cells Without Merging

Jun 14, 2006

i have a row, A2-A7

there is data in each cell

can i make it so i move any of the cells up or down a row or wherever and they will all move in a unit as if they were merged? i dont want to merge though because then that will screw up the data?

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