How To Recognize The Last Number

Dec 28, 2009

In the given example below how can i recognize the last number which is LV-00010 and after recognizing the last number i wanted to add 1 so the next number will be LV-00011 (im using this as an automatic ref. no.).


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Recognize Negative Number

Jan 28, 2010

How can I make excel to recongnize this: 123456- as a negative number?

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Recognize Letters Before A Number In A Cell

Mar 9, 2007

I have the following column:
A1 B1 B3
Ab123 1278 what i would like is if cell A2 start with AB then B1 and if not then nothing
AC125 1587
AF123 1365
AR125 1259

I would like another cell to check the cell where i have the two letters and the numbers. if the cell start with the number that i am intrested then to confirm it to me, or to give me a value from another cell.

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Force LEFT Function To Recognize A Number?

Jul 29, 2009

Basically I have a phone number in column A:


In column B, I want it to show me the first 3 numbers from the left, (so 123)

So I do =LEFT(A2,3)

Which gives me 123, but it's displayed as text, which ruins my whole formula that looks up the area code and displays the state.

I googled the problem and found

which tells me to do:
=IF(LEFT(A1,1)=1,"Ignore",A1) [sees 1 as a number]
=IF(LEFT(A1,1)+0=1,"Ignore",A1) [sees 1 as a number]
=IF(LEFT(A1,1)="1","Ignore",A1) [sees 1 as text]

but when i try that it just displays the ENTIRE phone number: 123-456-1234

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IF Formula To Recognize Partial TEXT But Out Number

Oct 24, 2008

I'm trying to figure out a formula to be able to look at a column of txt and if it finds the word total it need to output the number at the column next to it. If the word total isnt in the text then it should leave it blanks (see below). Basically I want a column that pulls only the totals amounts in the column.

Aaron Drielick 3
Aaron Drielick 2.5
Aaron Drielick 37.5
Aaron Drielick Total 151.0
Akila Subagaru 31
Akila Subagaru 1.5
Akila Subagaru 1
Akila Subagaru 1.5
Akila Subagaru Total35.0
Albert Major 4
Albert Major 6.5
Albert Major 2
Albert Major 19.5

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Macro Recognize A Number And Then Preform Two Tasks

Aug 24, 2009

Over the weekend I had to look at 220 strings of numbers, some strings with as much as 20 numbers and determine if the numbers represented red, green, blue, or yellow and how many of each color from a parent list.

I did it all by hand. After getting help here from JBeaucaire on my tally sheet, which I successfully recreated with their guidance, I thought I might ask this question. How would one go about creating a macro that would when it seen a certain number, it would put the color in the column immediately to the left, and the number of colors in the column immediately to the left.

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Recognize Conversion (word To Number) And Multiplication Factors?

May 20, 2009

I'm trying to make a table of the total amount of a liquid used throughout the day. Here is what I am trying to do: In cell D4, I want to be able to enter something similar to the following: 3cup+2bottle+1liter

and by doing so, Excel can automatically recognize that 1cup is 8oz, 1bottle is 17oz, and 1liter is 34 oz because of the reference chart provided on the side. Also, it would be able to notice the 3, 2, and 1 amounts so it would multiply accordingly so it would know to do this: (3*8)+(2*17)+(1*34)

and then put the calculated amount in the cell. The correct answer should be 92oz. Is there a way for Excel to recognize the conversions (i.e. whenever it sees 'cup' it will multiply by 8) and multiplication factors (i.e. 3, 2, 1)?Is there a formula I can enter that I can just "drag" down to the upcoming days in column D?

I know I can just do something like this: (3*G4)+(2*G5)+(1*G6).

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VBA To Recognize Xl Versions

Jun 3, 2009

I have some codes that require different values when running under xl2003 vs. when running under xl2007.

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Vlookups Recognize A Value

Jan 5, 2007

Any recommendations on vlookups being able to recognize a value that does exist within a table? It returns an N/A and the formatting is the same for both references.

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Recognize #N/A In Spreadsheet

Apr 17, 2007

I am trying to write a macro for excel, deleting columns of #N/A generated in a text file. I'm having a hard time identifying the #N/A in the cell. I've tried

If Cell.Value = "#N/A" and tried if IsError("A1").

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Filter Do Not Recognize Value

Mar 18, 2009

I am trying to filter data in one sheet depending on a variable in another. But even though I have the same formatting in both sheets it will not recognize the number. I have tried everything from pasting values, to pasting the same formats in both areas, using the F2 option, but nothing seems to work. My single value is in Sheet1 B2. The rest of the data I'm filtering is in Exceptions2 with the filter criteria residing in column A. I have headers in row 1.

Sub Recall_BT()
Sheets("Exceptions2").Visible = True
Dim rr As Range, r1 As Range
Dim r2 As Range
Dim r3 As Range
Dim rCell As Variant
rCell = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("g3")
Dim sh As Worksheet
Dim wsCopyTo As Worksheet
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Set sh = Worksheets("Exceptions2")
sh.Range("A1").CurrentRegion.AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:=rCell
Set rr = ActiveSheet.AutoFilter.Range
Set rr = rr.Offset(1, 0).Resize(rr.Rows.Count - 1, 1)
On Error Resume Next
Set r1 = rr.SpecialCells(xlVisible)
On Error GoTo 0...................................

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Recognize The Cells

Mar 31, 2009

I am having trouble creating a formula to help me recognize the 4 cells that I have.

On C1, I need this cell to identify the numbers in E1, F1, G1, and H1.

On E1, F1, G1, H1 each of the cell have a number.

If all the cells (E1,F1,G1,H1) have a digit, does not matter what number it is, than C1 would automatically place "ABCD" and in white.

E1 = A
F1 = B
G1 = C
H1 = D

any time a cell has a digit, then C1 would tell me which of those cells are used with A,B,C, or D.

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ISNA Does Not Recognize #N/A

May 10, 2006

I realize there are a number of threads on this topic, and I've read through them but have been unable to apply those answers to this problem. I've attached a sample of the worksheet in question. The worksheet is supposed to tell me if messages are supported via a certain Network (BFX).

Column A is the result of a VLOOKUP function, which returns Yes or No if the entry is found, or #N/A if the entry is not found. Column B is my attempt to translate column A into strictly "Yes" and "No", converting an #N/A into a "No". For some reason, the ISNA( function I'm using doesn't seem to work, as highlighted in row 18.

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Formula To Recognize The Information

Dec 17, 2008


It works great.

The issue is that the information (time) that I import into excel doesn't show as information if there is a zero in front the amount of hours. I can physically see the information but have trouble using it. For instance if I add

(A1) 05:25:25
(A2) 10:25:25
(A3) 02:25:25

If I total/SUM this my total is 10:25:25. It will not recognize anything under 10 with a first digit as a zero. So for me to add this I use:


This also works great. Now on to my issue.

I am using the 1st formula to grab data i.e. (A1). It will not recognize that as anything. It comes up as zero. I can't figure out what to add to the 1st formula for it to recognize the info.

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Recognize Value And Generate Outputs

Jul 5, 2009

The issue: Theres about 300 rows of data arranged in multiple columns. One column has a dollar amount and another column has a code. Data gets entered into the sheet periodically so every new dollar amount needs to be transferred to another sheet by recognizing the right code.

What I want to do: I want excel to recognize the dollar amount and attribute it to the code in the same row. Then sum and transfer that amount to another sheet and if possible add it to an existing amount the in the correct cell.

The final outcome should be that any user of the document can just copy and paste data into one sheet and the document automatically generates the costs in another sheet. And if possible every dollar amount should be linked to a code so a user can just click on the amount and see where it came from and under what code it falls under.

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Function To Recognize Format

Sep 23, 2009

I need a function who can recognize the format below and return TRUE or FALSE. See example.

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How To Recognize Range As Array

Sep 3, 2012

I have created several functions in VBA that operate on arrays created by other functions in VBA, however they don't recognize cell ranges as arrays. For example, the UBound function doesn't work with a range argument within my function.

How can I get my functions to recognize cell ranges as arrays, as well as arrays that I have created directly in VBA?

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VLookup Won't Recognize Text

Feb 12, 2013

I created a lookup helper sheet to do some data cleanup and serve as a key for future use.

The problem I'm having is that things that I am doing a vlookup on won't find the corresponding value in the key table.

So in the original sheet I had "blueberry" in the helper/key sheet I have "blueberry" as well. But I still get the "#N/A" error.

The key values in the helper sheet were all derived from the original by using a pivot then copying those values so there were only unique values over to the helper sheet.

I had them both formatted as general and tried formatting to text as well.

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Specific Pattern - Fill Won't Recognize It

Aug 1, 2014

I am comparing two years' data, one on top of the other (Rows 1 and 2). For each cell in each row, I am referencing a cell from a different tab. This needs to be done with about 290 data items, so 580 rows.

When I attempt to copy the two rows down, it doesn't go in the correct order (skips a cell reference number). It looks like this:

Excel Forum Q.xlsx

It would save me a lot of time considering each of the 580 rows has about 30 different column with each cell referencing various things.

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Adding Time :: Recognize Format Hh:mm:ss

Dec 17, 2008

I am importing from another program into Excel. Anytime I have a time in a column with a 0 in the 2nd hour place it will not add that time in. Example (05:21:32)

A1 10:20:12
A2 05:12:15
A3 10:15:12

Total= 20:35:24

How can I get excel to recognize a time in this format with a zero (05:34:23)?

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Recognize The 1st Value On A List And Ignore The Repeats

Jul 15, 2009

I haven't figured out a way to do this, but my goal is to (ideally) use a "IF" statement that will recognize the 1st "2" on the list and ignore the repeats

To better explain what i mean by this, attached to this post is a Excel file which clearly describes what I'm looking for

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Trying To Get Excel To Recognize Data As Numbers

Sep 25, 2013

I am trying to take a report that I can run and paste the data into excel. It is basically the same as if I went to a web page, and pasted some data into excel. Technically it pastes everything into 1 cell but I am able to break it up using Text to columns. The problem is that I have been unable to get excel to recognize the data as anything other than text (I.E, numbers and numbers and dates as dates). I've tried formatting cells and removing spaces.

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Excel Won't Recognize Dates - Time

Jan 22, 2014

Attached a workbook of what I see. On column A and B there are dates with time on a "m/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss" format.

Until a while ago excel 2010 would recognize the dates and I was able to find the time difference between the 2 just by typing =B1-A1 (column C)

I think due to a Microsoft update (?) I cannot do it anymore and excel will not recognize the info?

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Numeric Values Not Being Recognize On Password

Nov 27, 2008

The problem I currently have is all numeric values only are not being recognized on my password column. I have tried changing the cell formats but still problem still there. The program work if an alphanumeric value is declared as password. However if you simply indicate plain numeric values only as password, it returns incorrect values, it like it doesn;t recognize all numeric values. Also how can I make 0000 as a declared password? when I place 0000 on my password column, only one zero value is being displayed instead of four another thing if I happen to place 0123 only 123 is being displayed.

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How To Recognize Unnecessary Reference Files In The Vbe

Jun 18, 2009

I made an excell document with many many vba codes/procedures. While creating it, I was doing some tests/playing with the references in the visual Basic Editor.

My problem is now I dont know which ones are necessary and which dont. I want to remove any unnecesarry reference. How can I know which ones are necessary for my project to run properly and which dont?

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Formula To Recognize Text Only In A Cell

Mar 7, 2006

In cells A1:A3 I have:
(as text)

Cell Values Formula Needed
0100 01029250 FALSE
0100 01029304 FALSE

I need a formula in Cells B1:B3
to Recognize is a cells has characters A-Z

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Formula To Recognize Date As Text?

Dec 9, 2013

I am continually getting data withthe format YYYY-MM however I cant get excel to recognize this as a date. i simply need a formula that converts the format to anything that excel will recognize as a date so that I can apply some other formulas to it.

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If Statement Doesn't Recognize Non-zero Values

Oct 2, 2008

I have the following formula with multiple if statements:


This formula refers to cells in columns N,O,P,Q,R,S and T. Every cell in columns N,O,P,Q,R,S and T also contains formulas (VLOOKUPs).
My if statement works fine but when it checks cells in column P, for some reason, it doesn’t recognize cells with non-zero values. I can’t figure out why this is happening and how to fix this problem.

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Vlookup Does Not Recognize Item In An Array

Sep 20, 2006

I am working with a friend on their spreadhseet which uses several vlookups in order to pull information cells in one worksheet to another, and also to pull object types from a list with values saved as an array. However, one item in the array consistently does not appear.

I noticed that his array has 4 columns, unsorted, where I would have used 2 (one with the object type, and the second with the value corresponding to that object type) and then sorted them.

The error he gets is "A value is not available to the formula or function", even though the value is in the array.

I have already eliminated formatting, spelling errors, bad formula (it works for the other types), and all I can come back to is the array.

The file is too large to attach, so I am attaching some description of the formulas and the structure of the array.

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Get Weeknum To Recognize Change In Year Within Date

Dec 17, 2013

I have a formula

=IF(I1239="","",IF(OR(H1239="Induction",H1239="One to One"),WEEKNUM(I1239)-WEEKNUM(K1239)+1,""))

Which works fine an counts the weeks from the input date I1239 from the initial start date K1239, however if the input date runs into next year 2014 the result ends up as a minus figure eg -47 instead of the next sequential figure which would be say 5 or 6

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