How To Show Top 3 Items Per Year

Apr 10, 2014

Ok, so basically I've been asked to create a chart that lists the top 3 types based on count per year. I don't want to make 4 charts, but my top 3 types differ by year.

Type would be column #1, and Count would be column #2.

Type Count

1 7
10 6
11 7
12 5
13 24
14 2
15 7

[Code] .....

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Change Total Formulas For All Tables At Once To Show Either Year-to- Date Or Total Year

Oct 15, 2007

I have a sheet in my workbook with at least 180 small tables, there may be more.
I woulds like to be able to change total formulas for all tables at once to show either year-to- date or total year.

For example:
If we have only progressed through the second period of the year, I would like to choose something to indicate period 2. At other time I may want to know the total year whether the periods are completed or not.

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Select Year To Show Date In Day?

Jan 18, 2013

Basically I got to create a spreadsheet which needs to last 10 workbook, has set up tab, a tab for each month, and a summary sheet.

At the start the end user needs to select a year in cell 'Set-Up & Info'!B8 (i use a dropdown box, so they can select the year)

I then want my April tab to think 01/04/ then the year which is in cell 'Set-Up & Info'!B8

I then custom format the cell below to show what the day is (Custom format "DDD"), so it the row below needs to be in a date format.

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Show Month And Year From Date?

Sep 15, 2013

I have a list of dates that has been entered as dd/mm/yy. I need to extract the month in one column and year in another column from that date.

I tried using =Month(a1) and Year(a1) but it returns as #value.

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Date/Year Show In Column

Jan 6, 2010

How can I show the year in column M from a complete date in column L?

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Date Formatting: Show Just Year As When I Go To Format

Jun 24, 2009

I have the following format in Excel, how I change to show just year as when I go to format, cells, it appears to be customed to be h:mm:ss but I need it as yyyy, which if I change to it shows 1900..


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Converting Dates To Show Month And Year?

May 8, 2012

i'd like a formula to change a date to month and year

Column E

11 May 201123 November 201108 July 201103 September 201111 March 201224 December 2011

I've used =Text(e1,"MMM") to pull the month through but would like to include the year too.

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Show Date In Spreadsheet As Month And Year

May 15, 2012

I am trying to show the date in a spreadsheet as the month and the year.

The date is in B2 30/04/2012 and i want it to show in C2 as Month/Year.

I am currently using =month(B2) which shows it as a no ( 4 ). Can i make it show as month / year?

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Filter To Show Top 5 Items

Jun 24, 2014

In my code to filter on some data i'm trying to filter out the top 5 highest values.

[Code] ......

The code just fails to run properly.

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How To Make Date To Automatically Show Up In Current Year

Dec 11, 2011

how to make a date automatically show up in the current year.

For example, if A1 = 6/2/2005, and I want B1 to equal that same month and day, but 2011... How can I do that?

I know =6/2/2005 + 365*6 would work, but the date in A1 will vary... so it has to be a way of showing ANY date with ANY year with the same month/day but current year.

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Column Show Year Month Date Format In VBA

Oct 21, 2009

Sheet1  AB120091002Valid220090702Valid320100702Not Valid Excel tables to the web >> Excel Jeanie HTML 4

In this A column Shows Year month Date format I need VBA Coding.

If A column is Grater than Today date Means B Column States Not Valid. Else Valid.

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Formula Show The Grade Average As The Year Progresses

Jul 15, 2006

I have a very basic Excel Gradesheet that's designed to simply record letter grades, and show the grade average as the year progresses. I've hit a snag with problem in the formula which shows a grade of "F" - when the grade range can only be that shown on the table (A+ to E-). I've attached the Excel sheet so you can see what I mean.

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Show How Many Duplicates Items In Columns

Jul 13, 2009

I have a list of line items and I want to be able to see how many duplicates in Column A and B.

Column A has text field and column B is a numeric field

I thought I could use INDEX MATCH but I'm unsure.

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Getting Pivot Table To Only Show Top 10 Items?

Nov 29, 2011

Is there a way to have a Pivot Table show only the Top 10 items based on dollar amount. Data covers a month of daily activity (+/- 250 rows), but i only want the Top 10 items based on Dollar amount. Is this possible?

I know filters can do top 10 but it doesn't consolidate similar items.

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Show All Items Of PivotTable Field

Mar 29, 2008

I have a section of code that takes SO long, but I have to have it. Bascially, I need a pivot field to be set to "All", but there HAS to be a faster way. Here's my

Sub FloorCompareSetter()
Dim pt As PivotTable
Dim pi As PivotItem
Set pt = ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PinPointPivot")
' Speeds up code dramatically
pt.ManualUpdate = True
'Set the floor comparison for managers, coaches, and reps
' Make sure all PivotItems along line are visible
For Each pi In _
pi.Visible = True
Next pi
pt.ManualUpdate = False
End Sub

Auto Merged Post Until 24 Hrs Passes;Also, note that I have used other techniques to speed up the process:

With Application
. ScreenUpdating = False
.EnableEvents = False
.Calculation = xlManual
End With

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Show List Of Items Without Close Time

Nov 9, 2012

I have a spreadsheet which shows information based on what a person has picked and how long it took them to pick.

What I now want to show is an extract which will show - in a separate area - what shift & person still has not completed the pick (completed time section remains blank) together with the type of product they are picking plus the 'operation number'.

My current spreadsheet is as follows;

[IMG]C:Documents and Settingschristine.lawsonDesktop[/IMG]

Table shows as follows:



[Code] ........

As you will see from the attached picture/table there are 2 lines which do not have 'completed' times shown. It is lines, such as these that I need to be able to show in a separate area.

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Excel 2010 :: How To Show Number Of Items In A List

Feb 3, 2012

The setup of my worksheet looks like this:


A great chance to use the HTML Maker for the first time!

What I would like to do here is show how many of each value there is in the range.

So for 7B-MA5, it would say 6. For 7B-MA4, it would be 2 / 1 / 3, since there are 3 unique values and their counts respectively. Finally for 7B-MA3 it would say 3 / 3

A formula option would be great but I'll also take a macro option since it is a macro that generates these lists in the first place, so I could just add the new code to the end of it.

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Sumproduct To Show Value Of Items Retrieved From Particular Location Per Month

Aug 1, 2014

I have a list of items in column A. Column B has each item's net price. Columns C-N shows the consumption of the items per month. Column O shows in which location the items are stored.

I need to do a sumproduct so that it shows the value of the items retrieved from that particular location per month.

If it didn't have to be by location, I would've simply done something like =sumproduct($B1:$B10,C1:C10) and copied it across the columns. How do I tell excel to sum per location as well? I know there is a simple solution to this, just not seeing it...

EDIT: I tried =SUMPRODUCT(($B1:$B10)*(C1:C10)*(O1:O10=$B1)) but it gives a #VALUE error

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Easily Hide/Show Pivot Table Items

Apr 5, 2008

I work at a trading firm and use pivot tables to report on the success of traders on a daily basis. I add daily trading data to a raw data table that powers a set of reports. In one report I want to view MTD stats for a filtered group of 10 traders. The issue is that if I add a set of daily data that includes a new trader name, it will automatically be pre-checked and added to this report (and this happens daily). The only solution I came up with is to add another column in the raw data table that would allow me to group these traders and then use a page filter to include only them. This will work but I'd rather avoid adding columns to an already unruly data table (and would like flexibility to periodically define and track an arbitrary set of traders).

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Input Date In A Cell Will Show Month And Year Based In Database From MS Access

Jun 1, 2014

I have my ms access and ms excel which is connected each other .

=> now in my ms access have a table name (tblMonth) has columns (year,MonthNum,StartDate,EndDate)
HERE: sample in january(1) and feb(2)

YearMonthNum StartDate EndDate
2014 130/12/201305/01/2014
2014 106/01/201412/01/2014
2014 1 13/01/201419/01/2014
2014 120/01/201426/01/2014
2014 127/01/201402/02/2014
2014 203/02/201409/02/2014
2014 2 10/02/2014 16/02/2014
2014 217/02/201423/02/2014
2014 224/02/201402/03/2014

=> and for my ms excel has its columns (year,month,date) in this if i input the date that is base in the database range from StartDate TO its EndDate will automatically put the month and year which base also in my database (year,MonthNum)


A1 B1 C1
Year Month Date
A2=2014 B2=January C2=01/01/2014

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Hide Show Pivot Column Items Based On Date

Nov 8, 2006

I have a pivot table with the column fields as dates. I will like to be able to use VB to dictate which value to show. Here is brief code in which I just recorded...

Sub Button1_Click()
With ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable1").PivotFields("Date")
.PivotItems("10/30/2006").Visible = False
.PivotItems("10/31/2006").Visible = True
End With
End Sub

I would like to show current day only using =today() or something similar. THis would eliminate the user having to modify the pivot tables daily.

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Organize From Vertical Organization To Horizontal - Show Blanks Where Items Are Not Found

Jul 9, 2014

I have a list of data that includes employee ID number in column A and a certain document that they have on file (onboarding docs such as I-9, W-4, copy of Social Security card, etc.) in column B. If one employee has 10 documents, they are listed with the same ID number 10 times in A1:A10 and the different document names are listed in B1:B10.

I want to clearly see which employee has which document by having the ID numbers going vertically in column A and then an X or check mark of some sort going across the rows.

The set up of what I would like filled in is in the sheet called "status" and the list of documents on file is in the sheet called "docs."check file.xlsx

I tried a combination of an IF and VLOOKUP with a MATCH function but I wasn't getting what I wanted.

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Compare 2 Excel Worksheets - Show Items Added / Removed And Modified

Jul 11, 2014

I have 2 worksheets in which the worksheet named Existing Items has a table consisting of list of items with their unit price & worksheet named New Items also has a modified table with updated items (some parts might be added, removed, modified or unchanged). I have attached the test workbook (Sample.xlsx) here for your reference.

I am looking for a macro that compares these 2 sheets with the Part Number as a Unique Identifier & displays the result in the following manner:

New items added in New Items -> List these items in the Items Added worksheet Items removed from Existing Items -> List these items in the Items Removed worksheet Items whose price has changed in New Items -> List these items in the Price Change worksheet Items whose price has not changed in Existing Items & New Items -> List these items in the Unchanged worksheet A Summary worksheet which shows the count of items added, removed, modified & unmodified

Note that I have already included information in the Existing Items, New Items, Price Change, Unchanged & Summary worksheets just for your reference but this needs to be done by a macro.

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Smart Filter To Only Show Contract Items That Had Major Impact On Gross Profit

Mar 10, 2014

seeattached data set.

Contract Item
Gross Profit
GP %


It is Gross Profit in Dollars and % for a particular project. Each row is a contract Item. The Overall Gross Profit for the month in dollars is 34,114.86 In preparing a short commentary to discuss this 34,114.86 I need to discuss atleast some contract items. If there were no negative results I have often in the past simply written. The top 5contributors to this Gross Profit were contract items 1 -6, out of 42, delivering 80% of the result. I might also go into what actually those contract items were and why they presented such a decent Gross Margin, ie. Costs came in well under budget(estimate). But with negative results, the bottom 4 contract items represent a large dollar loss of-34k which is 100% basically of the Gross Profit itself. If these had even just broken even we would have a GP double the current amount. So they obviously deserve as much comment.

In excel orsimilarly in say Crystal Reports what is a good way of further sorting these 42records either in a table or chart, whereby say the top 80% contract items that had a major impact on the gross profit are shown and the rest hidden. Ie. All thelittle sub 1000 or sub -1000 amounts.

How wouldother people here write a commentary on this data set? Can you script something to illustrate?

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Date To Show Only Date Without Month Or Year

Jan 9, 2013

I have a spread sheet for 12 months. I am wondering if there is a way to format to show in the cell only day of the month.

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Show All Pivot Items In Pivot Tables

Jun 19, 2008

I've got 4 pivot tables (all derived from the same base data) on 4 separate worksheets. I've been able to (with this help of this site) to use VBA to hide pivot items on all of these sheets using a list on a user form. Hide/Show Pivot Table Field Items. Hide Pivot Table Fields Pivot Items by Criteria

I now need to be able to show all the pivot items on only 3 of the 4 pivot tables, with the 4th pivot table being left untouched. For ease assume that my sheets are sheet1, sheet2, sheet3, and sheet4. The tables I wish to update are on sheet2, sheet3 and sheet4. The pivot table on each sheet is called "PivotTable4" and the pivot item is called "Business". The pivot item contains 12 business names (Business1, Business2 etc etc)

Is there an easy way of doing this? I've spent the day looking through the internet and various "Dummies" books but with little success, I fear that I'm obviously below even Dummy level

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Message To Apear It The User Selects A Year AND Month Less Than The Current Year

Sep 25, 2006

I have two combo boxes: One for entering the Year, and one for the month. I can produce a message if the user leaves either box blank but I want a message to apear it the user selects a year AND month less than the current year (iYear) and current month (iMonth). I therefore need an AND statement between the two criteria but i dont know how to do it.

'....First Checks the Comboboxes arent blank then below Checks a future month/year secection is chosen

ElseIf YearBox.Value = iYear & iMonthbox < iMonth Then
MsgBox ("You may not enter Data before the current Month")
Else '...... Run main code here

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Formula To Compare Previous Year To Current Year

Dec 8, 2013

Looking for a formula to compare current year values to previous year values. For example, if the current year has values for the month of January through March (100, 100 and 150), current year value will be 350 and the previous year value will be 975 (i.e. 300+275+400). The aim here is to make the previous year months summation equal to the present (or current) values. As new values are entered for the current year, the previous year's values will have to change to reflect the new month's value entered for the current year.

Month 2012 2013
Jan 300 100
Feb 275 100
Mar 400 150
April 650
May 454
June 800
July 500
Aug 375
Sep 525
Oct. 300
Nov 410
Dec 510

Sample file is attached : Comparison_Years.2011.xls‎

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Change Year But Keep Month The Same Based On Current Year

Mar 8, 2014

I am working on a budget for myself and want it to have running dates so the first data column will have the current month. I was able to succeed with this using the EOMONTH function followed by EDATE functions in the following cells, I then have these columns filled using a nested VLOOKUP MATCH function pair.

The problem I run into is with the months that extend into the next year, in my data table I have month by month listed started on 01/01/2014 ending 12/01/2014 but as soon as the month is no longer January the last column in my budget cannot find the information needed due to it looking for 2015. so what I would like to know is if there is a way to make the data table change the year to the following year after today is beyond that month, so for example on March 1 2014 both January and February would be changed to 2015.

Attached is an example : Budget Example.xlsx‎

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Date And Month From A Column And Year Should Take Current Year

May 14, 2009

I have dates in my column “A”, for example (A1 cell =22-Mar-1971), (A2 cell=30-Dec-1965). Now my requirement is in B column date and month from A column and year should take current year. Output in B column (B1 cell =22-Mar-2009), (B2 cell=30-Dec-2009)

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