How To Take Part Of The Content From One Column And Put In Next Column
May 16, 2014
I have 5000 urls in one column and I want to take some part of the content from the urls and wanted put in next column in their respective cell.
how I wanted the data in the next column.
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Jan 29, 2014
The yellow highlighted column F (each Reason) in the sheet2 to be placed as main header in the next column and so on as seen in the sheet 3
If they have two similar item number with 2 different reasons - delete the duplicate item number and place the number in each column according to its reason as seen on row 16 on the sheet3
If they have two number with similar reason - just sum up the number
sample excel 2.xlsx
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Feb 28, 2014
I have a spreadsheet of several thousand named items (in column B) with values associated with them in column A). The "name" field is a string of several alternative names for the item.
I have a list of ~50 items that I am trying to find the values for. Each uses one of the alternate names.
What I want is a function that will return the associated value in column A when one of my shortlist names is found.
For example, my big spreadsheet looks like:
1dallas, DFW. 12345
2Atlanta, ATL, 23456
3Boston, BOS, 34567
4Chicago, CHI, 45678
5Los Angles, LA, LAX, 56789
And my list looks like
I want the output to look something like:
Is the feasible? IT seems like there should be a way to do it....
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Oct 22, 2013
I need to put a part of a text from a column and place it in a new collumn. At this moment I use 2 columns and an extra sheet to solve this.
I have a collumn with a lot of data like:aaa-bc
What I need is behind every cell a new cell with only the 1st part like:aaa
What I do now is use a new column with this formula:
And I made a translation table in which the 1st 4 characters are translated to what I want to see. In a 3d column I use
to get the results I need. Since I need to get results like this very often this method is very time consuming.
Is there a formula available I can use with only 1 new column?
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May 4, 2007
I have column t6:t23 on sheet one that i want to copy and paste to the next available column in sheet2 but it has to start looking for the next available column starting at at row2 because row 1 has column header.
I know this can be done with (xltoright) just not sure how to do it
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Feb 10, 2012
I need to do the following:
I have a list of cities on one sheet. The headers are the counties and below each (6 columns) are all the cities names.
I need to be able to show all the cities of a specific column on a nother sheet (autofilling column down with all cities names) when i type the name of the related county in an adjacent cell.
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Jan 31, 2013
I have a large spreadsheet converted from pdf whose data still appears in A4 reading format.
I need to move part columns of data from 6 columns to form 1 large column in column A.
For example, move range B8 to B76 beneath range A8 to A76 and range C8 to C76 beneath that etc, page by page working through all 270 pages !
Also need to delete unnecessary 'page headers' throughout as in rows 2-6
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Mar 21, 2014
For a table like the one below produced for the sake of example (actual is much much bigger) I want to make it list rows that are true for a certain column for a certain variable in the matrix. So for say water terrain, which types of activity can I do i.e. swimming. Or for Offroad the activites which I can't do i.e. Run and Swim.
Jog nym
Run nyn
Walk nyy
Swim ynn
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Jun 9, 2014
Sum A1:A100 only for corresponding B1:B100 containing "paid". translate that to a formula? I don't know conceptually how to approach it.
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Oct 25, 2013
Cell C1 contains the words "last made" then a space then a date (which changes daily, but that's not relevant to this) e.g. "last made 25/10/2013".
I am trying to create a message box (on opening - I'm OK with that part) with the following message and so far I have got this:
MsgBox "You last did this on " & Sheet1.Range("C1").Value, vbInformation & vbOKOnly, "Information"
However, this gives "You last did this on last made 25/10/2013"
I want the message box to ignore the "last made " so it just says "You last did this on + the date shown in the cell, without the words. I need to keep the words "last made" in the cell.
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Jul 29, 2006
I got some data like this
What i want to do is to delete everything after the dot. And the dot itself
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May 13, 2008
In Excell 2000, when you enter a cell by using either the cursor keys or the enter key, the contents of that cell are selected. Typing anything other than the 'F2' key deletes the current entry in the cell, replacing it with what you are typing. This is not the same as double clicking on a cell whereby the cell does not have any of it's contents selected so that when you type the keys are inserted at the cursor position
Is there any way in which this behaviour can be changed so that the first and subsequent characters typed after entering the cell are added to the end of the current contents of the cell ?
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Aug 21, 2007
I want to enter a number 0 to 999 in cell A1 and when the enter key is pressed move the contents of cell A1 to A2 and A2 to A3, cascading down until A40. So after five numbers the first number I entered woul now have cascaded down to cell A5 ready to go into cell A6.
Would I have to use some kind of program or does excel have a command for this?
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Mar 9, 2009
I have a sheet with 3 columns, A B and C
column B has content such as:
term 1 (c: text a)
term 2
term 3
term 4 (c: text b)
desired output:
term 1
term 2
term 3
term 4
Can someone create a macro for me to delete the (c: ...) in Column B but leaves all of the other column data alone.
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Jan 8, 2008
Need macro or other code that will examine a column in my my table for particular text (example: find text: "Total") and then DELETE the whole row that the cell containing the text is in.
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May 18, 2007
I do have a problem with my excel sheet. i have a workbook with 2 sheet which i need to compare a colume of data from sheet1 with sheet 2 colume M2. If it is matched, then sheet 2 colume BJ2 will return a "F" else "N"
So i was thinking of using an If formulae: =IF(M2=sheet1!A2:A16),"F","N") but somehow the above text return a msg of "A16" is invalid. and i tried to used VLOOKUP by defining the mapping sheet as "KEY"
and i copy and paste the above formulae to the remaining column M for comparison. Somehow, this did not work as well.
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Feb 19, 2013
I've managed to use the following VBA to filter a sheet based on the value of cell B1:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If (Intersect(Target, Range("B1")) Is Nothing) _
Exit Sub
End If
Cells.AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:="=" & Range("B1")
End Sub
I have tried to use this for a different sheet with "fixed head data" that needs to stay at the top of the page (range B1:K7), for printing purposes.
How to modify the above code to filter column A (from row 8 downwards) depending on what's entered in the cell A1.
Also - if possible, "if A1 is empty - display all rows".
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Oct 24, 2005
I have a 3 column table with 20 rows. The first two columns contain travel
expense data. The cells in the third column are blank exept for whichever
cell I enter an "x" in. Please let me what formula or worksheet function do
I use to calculate the travel expenses based on the data in the first two
columns that correspond to the row of the cell with an "x" in the third
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Jul 18, 2013
Im replicating rows which have multiple items in Column1. Im aware that the ID Column has source data is like that for now so I wont complicate it just yet.
Once ive got this working I can proceed to the rest of the tasks
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May 18, 2007
I am trying to create a formula that will look at an entire row of data and if a certain cell in that row meets a particular criteria, it will pull data from another cell in that same column. I am not sure how to get this started.
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Dec 21, 2013
I'm trying to build a simple spreadsheet that allows me to auto highlight the day in the week and part of the column.
I include a sample sheet... above saturday there is the formula I use to determine the day of the week.
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May 13, 2014
I have data that looks like this:
I want it to look like this:
5 2
26 17 1
24 19
1 2 3 3 1
i.e all the entries from column B that have the same thing in column A should be on a row together, with the number from column C under them.
If that's a bit hard then it would be OK if it looked like this:
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Sep 10, 2009
I am using excel 2000. I want to apply conditional formatting to a range of cells if they contain (V) as part of the cell contents. The cells will generally look like this : 09.00-6 (V) or 9-5.30 (V). I want to shade any cell if part of the contents of that cell is (V).
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Apr 14, 2014
In the column marked SA I have some numbers. These are Sub-Accounts. I am looking to run off a report that prints off all rows with the respective SA number. I have only included a "4" and a "5" in my example but there is going to be more than one row "assigned" to Sub Account 4, Sub Account 5 etc. Ultimately it provides a break down of the accounts.
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Sep 29, 2013
I have two files. They both have US census tract numbers in a column GEOID2010. One also has a CSA2010 text description associated with each census tract.
I need to match the cell with a census tract in the first file (example1).xlsx with the census tracts in the second file (example2.xlsx), and then return the CSA2010 text from the next column over to the first file.
I've attached two example files.
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Aug 17, 2009
My goal is following:
I do an inventory of my schools equipment and have much info in many columns. But I just want to concentrate on column A.
This is example of the room names at my school and look like this:
Column A
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Mar 24, 2014
I have a spreadsheet and I want to color particular cells in a column with a new color - i.e. any new changes need to be highlighted. I know there's a way to do tracking changes in excel, but it just sticks a little flag almost invisibly in the corner of the cell. I want to be able to bring the spreadsheet back to our administrator and say hey the stuff in red is new.
On a related note - I am working on this massive spreadsheet that is a .csv but I am saving it as an exel spreadsheet - is that ok? I am assuming that if I save it as a csv, it will return to the original formatting just without the colors, filters, etc changes I made - which is fine because I think somehow the .csv file will be uploaded to the system and no further changes need to be made.
I found out the hard way when you have a .csv file and make changes and then save it, you lose all the fun row/column size adjustments, color, etc - but I figure in the meantime I'll work on it as a excel spreadsheet and then return it to it's natural .csv file status.
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Mar 2, 2012
I want the VB Code to do the following;
For each row in Column C, if the text starts with "Calls from service no", it must extract the last word and paste it into corresponding row in Column A. So if the macro finds a cell in Column C starting with "Calls from service no..", then the last word (the last word will always be a number and is seperated with a space) of this cell must be pasted in cell A45. So it must continue for all occurances in Column C. Sample of text in cell = "Calls from service no 0431324345" and "Calls from service no 3242134254" etc.
I also require similar, but this time it must extract as shown below.
If text is found in Column C starting with "Local" or starting with "Long Distance" or starting with "Mobile", only this text, ie "Local" or "Long Distance" or "Mobile" must be pasted in Column B.
It can be 2 different macros that I can run.
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Nov 15, 2012
Example: A1, I go to school (001). I would like to copy only (001) and past to B1. like that and process to the last row of A1. or I would prefer manual last row.
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Dec 9, 2007
In column B & C, starting at row 2, there are first names & surnames. In column H there is a grade for each name, eg B. Columns AC through AH hold subject codes for each name, eg 18E/Hs1 (potentially all columns could contain a code or only 1). The identifying part of the subject code is the first 2 letters after the / . So in the example the subject code 18E/Hs1 the 'Hs' signifies it is History. A table of subject code and their subject name is contained in a named range called Subject_ID (see below). I intend to make this range dynamic.
Subject .Subject
MpMaths (Pure)
BsBusiness Studies
SSSports Science
For each name (starting at row 2) I want to achieve the following: Scan across the range containing the subject codes (AC:AH), identify the first two letters after the / and match it to the subject name in the list. Paste the subject name to a cell starting at AI1 and then insert the grade (contained in column H) for that student in the corresponding subject column. The next unique subject name should then miss a column be pasted in AK1.
......B ......C........H.. AC..........AD...........AE..........AF........AG.........AH.........
should result in the word History in AI1 and English in AK1 and the letter D in AI2 & AK2. Note as there is already a reference to History this is not repeated again.
I hope this is clear. I have enclosed a sample workbook with expected output and colour coded the subject names so that the order that they are pasted in is evident.
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