Duplicating Rows Depending On Column Content?

Jul 18, 2013

Im replicating rows which have multiple items in Column1. Im aware that the ID Column has duplicates..my source data is like that for now so I wont complicate it just yet.

Once ive got this working I can proceed to the rest of the tasks

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Moving Data From Rows To Columns - Depending On Unique Content In A Field In Column

Jun 24, 2014

I have a worksheet which contains 2 columns which is needed to work my problem.

Unique Work ID and Description

The unique work ID are the same for each description, but there are up to 5 different description associated with each unique work id.

I'm looking for an automated process but where to start to convert the 5 rows in the unique row and 5 column for the descriptions

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Add (every 3rd Or 4th Depending On Content) Rows Into Columns

May 21, 2012

I have a set of data all in clumn A - I want to sort into into rows - "Name", "Manage" or "Send Message", "Job title/Company" and "Country", but some are missing "Country" (therefore, some entries have 3 rows and other have 4.

The differentiator is that every name is repeated within the cell, whereas no other row is repeated. Any macro to get all these into 4 columns?


Steve Wonder Steve Wonder
Manage General Manager in ZXY games United States Jake Gave Jake Gave
Send message VP Business Development in XYH Games
Russia Carter Jonas Carter Jonas Send message in 148G
Clement Galiay Clement Galiay

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Create A Report Printing Rows By The Content Of A Column?

Apr 14, 2014

In the column marked SA I have some numbers. These are Sub-Accounts. I am looking to run off a report that prints off all rows with the respective SA number. I have only included a "4" and a "5" in my example but there is going to be more than one row "assigned" to Sub Account 4, Sub Account 5 etc. Ultimately it provides a break down of the accounts.

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Seperate Cells Depending On Content

Jun 24, 2009

I have some workbooks that have some serials in A row and i need to seperate them depending on how many digits they have,

For example some have 13 digits,and some 8.I just want to seperate them into different rows.

Here is a sample

seperate sample.xls

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Way To Name A Sheet Depending On The Content Of A Cell

Jul 14, 2009

on sheet1 cell a1 is there a way to make sheet1,s name appear as the contents of cell a1

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Running Total Based On Content From Column For Over 1700 Rows?

Mar 26, 2014

Currently have a sheet with column A/B. Column A has any of the following letters to represent Wins, Losses, Ties, Overtime Loss, Shootout Loss - W, L, T, OTL, SOL. Column B has team point totals after each result. So after the win in row one, the team has 2 points. After the losses in rows 2 and 3, the team still has 2 points. After win in row 4 the team has 4 points. After win in row 5 the team has 6 points. After tie in row 6 team has 7 points.







What is the best formula or is there a formula to easily calculate running total based on content from column A this for over 1700 rows?

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Copy Rows To Other Sheets Depending On Values In Column

Feb 7, 2007

I’ve done a search of the forum for a macro and found some post that seems to be about what I want to do, but unfortunately my minimal vb experience prevents me from adapting them to my requirements.

I‘ve got a workbook with three sheets; say Sheet A, Sheet B and Sheet C. I want the info in Sheet C copied to either Sheet A or B depending on the info in cells in Column A of Sheet C.

Sheet C contains customer info, there are about 9 column headings and up to 30 000 rows (Individual customers).

The cells in Column A will contain a number between 0 - 23. What I want the macro to do is, if a cell in Column A contains any of these numbers, 0, 1, 2, 6,7,8,9,10,17,19,20,21,22,23, I want that whole row copied to Sheet A and if it contains 3,4,5,11,12,13,14,15,16,18, I want it copied to Sheet B. The cells will only contain one number, never a combination.

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Seperate Into Different Tabs Depending On Cell Content

Jun 26, 2008

I have a list of sales enquiries 1600 rows long. Each has a brand recorded in cell J (from j4 above is headers)

I have 4 brands

A, B, C & D

I would like to copy the data from the master sheet into 4 tabs lables A, B, C & D depending on the brand recorded in J

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Fill Color Depending On Content Of Other Cell

May 1, 2008

I have a template I have been asked to amend and I know I need to use Conditional Formatting I just can't crack the formula I need to use. Cell A2 will have either "CD" or "CW" or "IN" input into it

When user inputs either "CD" or "CW" into cell A2, I want cell G2 to have "Margin Movement" automatically displayed. When user inputs "IN" into cell A2, I want cell F2 to have "MV" automatically displayed, and I want cell G2 to be coloured in bright red fill. Then user is to go to cell G2 and input some text as a description, and I want the red fill to disappear once they have input something in there.

I thought I had it licked using IF statements for the "Margin Movement" and the "MV" cells, but I can't get the conditional formatting to work - I assume this is because the cells aren't technically "blank", as they have IF statements in them.

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Automatically Size Textbox Vertically Depending On Content

Sep 13, 2005

Is there a way to control the vertical size of a textbox, so that we could type in a List of Instructions to our operator, and the textbox would resize depending on the numbers of instructions in the box. Also the items in the cells beneath the textbox would need to move down, to allow for the resized textbox.

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Placing Numbers In Sequence Down Rows And Duplicating If Information Matches?

Mar 7, 2013

I have 2 columns,

column A has a series of 8 digit numbers (some will match some will not) sorting in A-z order from lowest to highest value.

Column B is blank at the moment.

What I want

In column B i need to add numbers starting at 1 and moving down in sequence.

If more than one rows have the same number in column A they get the same numbe rin Column B

It's really a pain or have to hand type in the numbers and I can't figure out a easy way to do this.

Attached example.

Tab 1 = Origanl Data
Tab 2 = results i'm lookin for.

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Create Outlook Appointment From Excel Dates Column Without Duplicating Existing Appointments

Jul 16, 2013

It is for a calibration spreadsheet that I run that keeps track of when items are due to be calibrated.

It works at the moment and has populated my outlook with calendar entry and reminder 2 weeks before they are due - which is perfect.

The problem is when I update one of the calibration dates I will want to re-run the macro to create a new appointment - but this will duplicate all the appointments that already exist! very annoying since there are over 200 items.

Sub outlook_appointment()
Dim olApp As Outlook.Application
Dim olAppItem As Outlook.AppointmentItem


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Inserting Values In Cell Depending On Content In Adjacent Cell

Mar 20, 2014

I have the names of companies in one column, and the amount they owe in cells in the column beside them. I then have a second list of companies that is a subset of the first. Is there a formula that would place the amount they owe in teh corresponding cell adjacent to the compny in the second list? I've attached a sample workbook, Full Company List in column A, amount owing in B, trimmed down list in D and ideally I'd like the corresponding values in E.

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Matrix - Identify Cell Content In Column For Row If Matrix Content True?

Mar 21, 2014

For a table like the one below produced for the sake of example (actual is much much bigger) I want to make it list rows that are true for a certain column for a certain variable in the matrix. So for say water terrain, which types of activity can I do i.e. swimming. Or for Offroad the activites which I can't do i.e. Run and Swim.

Jog nym
Run nyn
Walk nyy
Swim ynn

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Changing Cell Colours Depending On Cell Content

Nov 19, 2008

What I need to do is have a cell that will be say yellow until there is information put into this cell. The information could be in the format of text or numbers. The information would not always be the same so it would need to be yellow when there is no information in the cell and another colour or white when there is information in the cell.

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Replace Cell Content- Depending On Other Cell Data

Mar 6, 2009

I have a file consisting of two columns, called, "bom ref" and "material"
I need to show the data as indicated in the file, headed required format required.

In effect where I have a 0, that is the material I need to show for every row with a bom ref. of 1,2 or 3, down as far as the next 0 but not including the 0, when I reach the next 0, the material is a new letter, and that letter needs to repeat down as far as the next 0, but not including the 0 and so on.

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Convert Values / Content In One Particular Column To Individual Column Heading?

Jan 29, 2014

The yellow highlighted column F (each Reason) in the sheet2 to be placed as main header in the next column and so on as seen in the sheet 3

If they have two similar item number with 2 different reasons - delete the duplicate item number and place the number in each column according to its reason as seen on row 16 on the sheet3

If they have two number with similar reason - just sum up the number

sample excel 2.xlsx

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Deleting Rows/content Of Rows

Dec 11, 2009

Say I have a method that iterates through a bunch of Sheets. I check the name of every sheet, if it starts with "Data", I need to make everything between A4 and AZ500 empty (either by clearing cells or deleting rows doesn't matter how, as long as the result is an empty sheet below A4).

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Delete Rows Based On Content

Jan 5, 2009

Can a macro be used to:

1. Delete rows that contain certain text in a worksheet ?
2. Highlight a cell a colur based on a response ?

I have attached an example of what i mean .....

In the Audit Protocol worksheet is the main information - which contains questions and answers .... If a yes, n/a or no is selected then a response is automatically generated in the observations column (thanks to SHG for helping me with the formula for this) ..... How do I then get the cell to change to red if a NO response only is selected ?

Then the information from the Audit Protocol worksheet (the observation column and number column) are copied across to the worksheet named Action List (this is done just by the copy function) .... How do I go about deleting rows that contain "no action required" - as these are not needed for the report to be generated ?

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Duplicate A Box Depending On How Many Rows Another Tab Has.

Nov 16, 2009

I need a macro to duplicate a box i have in a sheet depending on how many rows the other tab has. In this example file ive included the macro i have now. With this macro i select A1 : R23 and press ctrl shift d, it asks me how many duplicates i want and i enter the number based from how many the test2 tab has. I would like a macro to read how many rows the test2 tab has and then automatically duplicate the box that many times . In other words automate it, instead of me having to enter the number ( this number changes depending on the file i have ).

Ive included a test file with intructions and my current macro, i have 2 tabs which need to be looked at.

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Average Column Depending On Values In Another Column

May 17, 2009

I have tried a few other examples in previous threads that use COUNTIF and ISERROR but I just can't get it right.

Basically I want to average the cells in column J (J2:J6,J8:J12,J14:J18, etc).
My aim here is to determine the average value for each day (Averaging 0 values in this instance is OK).

Now, the date in column A (A2:A6,A8:A12,A14:A18, etc) sometimes returns a blank value, depending on the day of the week (see attached example). This is because, in the full version of the workbook, I have Column A date linked to a perpetual calendar and therefore the dates can change cells depending on the year.

For the Date Cells that return a blank value, I do not want the AVERAGE equation to include the 0 value on these days.

For an example I have attached a month of February where there are blank date cells at either end of the column.

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Select Cell Content From Visible Rows.

Mar 15, 2009

I have a worksheet whereby many of the rows are hidden. These rows were initialy hidden by means of scipts ( I have numerous scripts to hide data under various criteria) eg: Scripts which hide rows based on cell count, cell color, cell data information etc...

Now that I am able to veiw only the information that i want to see.. is it possible to create a script which selects cells only from rows which are visible? I have created a Named range begining from E:12 to G:500 called "Select_EFG"

Uing the example below, how could I select the cell data from the visible rows (12, 30, 34, 35, 50 etc... up to row 500.) from this Named Range (columns E:12, G:500) .... and paste this information in Sheet 2 Row5 columnC


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VBA To Hide Rows Based On Cell Content

Jun 23, 2006

If I have data in range A1:Z99 I want to write a macro to hide all the rows that have a zero in the A column.

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Clear Content & Formatting Of Hidden Rows

Aug 19, 2009

I am trying to return the range of cells that is not in a range of cells.

Dim rge As range
Set rge = activewindow.visiblerange

'set rge2 = cells not in rge 'HERE IS WHERE I NEED HELP


I am trying to avoid a for each style loop.

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Move Rows Based On Content Of 2 Cells

Oct 24, 2006

At the moment I have 1 spreadsheet with 12 worksheets that I have to enter data into. I would rather enter all the data onto one sheet then have a macro move the data into the correct worksheet based on the contents of columns A and B.

The raw data will be entered into the worksheet "Data". Once complete, I would like the user to press a button and the macro to then identify from column A the suppliers name. If it is not one of the recognised suppliers, then it would move the row into the worksheet "one off". If it does recognise the supplier then it checks column B to see which of the two supplier's two worksheets it needs to copy it to, with the data entered into the correct column based on the column title (ie only the white columns).

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Deleting Rows Based On Cell Content

Oct 17, 2007

I wish to remove the page headers that were imported along with the raw data. Here's the code I've been using.

Column_To_Check = 3
Start_Row = 1
End_Row = ActiveSheet. Cells(Start_Row, Column_To_Check).CurrentRegion.Rows.Count
MsgBox End_Row
Search_String = "."
For Row_Counter = Start_Row To End_Row
If ActiveSheet.Cells(Row_Counter, Column_To_Check).Value <> Search_String Then
Row_Counter = Row_Counter - 1
End If
Next Row_Counter
End Sub

When I import the data from the text file, there are 3 dimensions separated by a period in the same field. I.E: ABC.DEF.GHI and I use the break points to seperate as such: ABC|.|DEF|.|GHI|. Therefore, all rows that contain data also contain a period in cell C, but headers don't.

The Problem

End_Row = ActiveSheet.Cells(Start_Row, Column_To_Check).CurrentRegion.Rows.Count

CurrentRegion only selects up to the first blank row. However, I need this to select the whole sheet, not just the current region.

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Select Multiple Rows Depending On Value Of A1?

Mar 23, 2014

I have a spreadsheet with employees and data listed. The drop-down in A1 lets someone select the employee and then it hides the rows for all other employees. I want to add the names of supervisors in the drop-down of A1 and have it select only the employees under that supervisor and hide the rest. The number of employees under each supervisor ranges from 3 to 6. This is what I have to hide the rows when selecting a single employee :

[Code] .........

My workbook has stats data on the "Master" sheet(sheet #1) and analysts and supervisors on "Analysts" sheet(sheet #12). Data validation for cell A1 on "Master" sheet has all the analysts and supervisors in the first column of "Analysts" sheet with title "Select Analyst" in cell A1. I modified the "Analysts" sheet to show supervisors from B1:I1 and listed the analysts in the appropriate columns below them. Not sure how to make it select the analysts when someone selects the supervisor on "Master" sheet .

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Select Rows Depending On Selection

Dec 5, 2008

I have a sheet with entries dated. With values next to them.

From 1/11/08 to Whenever it ends.

I would like to work out a function to select the activerow(depending on cell)
and the 30 rows under it and then print them.

Like a report almost

This could be a button or anything, no pref on it ^^

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Sort Rows Depending On Value In Only One Of Columns

Aug 16, 2012

I wish to sort all of my rows depending on the value in only one of the columns. I do not know how to set this up, my data starts in row 7 and is in columns B:F, needs to be sorted by descending in column B.

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