How To Update Rows Based On New Values So That Those Are Pulled Automatically
May 27, 2014
I create a report that shows one set of numbers against another set of numbers based on a transactions list I pull monthly. The Report tab is really simple and is based on the sumifs. Sometime, new accounts are created that I don't know about. They show up in the transactions table but not on the Report tab. Is there a way to automatically add new accounts/rows on my summary sheet so that no account is missed? Is there also a way where columns A and B on the Report tab are unique values that are pulled from the transactions tab? Hence, if a new number and description are added, the list just picks it up. In my case however, there are tens or hundred of lines with the same accounts/descriptions.
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Apr 8, 2014
I am trying to hide rows based on values in a cell in that row. I have formulas in column xea that yields a 0 or 1 and I want to hide all rows with 0.
The code below works but I have to run the macro. I want it to happen automatically when the cell values change and I have not been able to figure it out.
Sub HideRows()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.Calculation = xlManual
For Each c In Range("xea1:xea350")
[Code] ........
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Jan 5, 2010
I have a worksheet with a cell that references another cell.
Cell A1 references cell B1, and the value of cell A1 is "=B1"
When I type anything in B1, A1 won't automatically update to reflect what I've typed. The only way I can get it to update on the fly is to save the workbook. Even when I close the workbook and reopen it, it still won't update to what I've typed in B1. Is there a setting that keeps it from autoupdating?
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Oct 18, 2008
In my worksheet I have a data validation dropdown which changes the value in a cell. I then use VLOOKUP to find values in Personal.xls (open) based upon that cell. It works great, BUT if I make any changes to the data in Personal.xls it doesn't get updated in the other file. I've tried saviing, closing, opening etc but it never updates since I first did it.
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Mar 5, 2013
I have a worksheet used for a car game. Each row is designated to show one particular car that can be used in the game, so let's say that there are 40 cars taking up 40 rows.
Column A shows the car type and model; column B shows the engine that the cars has represented by a number (the higher the number the better the engine is); and so it continues, Column C shows the transmission; column D the brakes etc.
Underneath the 40 rows (lets say from row 45 to 65) I then have a table with spare-parts that can be used to replace the cars existing parts. This Parts-table is also arranged with engines in column B, transmissions in column C, brakes in column D etc...
This point of this layout is that it should be easy to compare each type of part in the spare-parts table with the corresponding type of part already used in any of the cars as everything is perfectly lined up by the columns.
About the spare-parts table: because the inventory in the spare-parts table often are added to or subtracted from, as parts are won in races or being put on the cars, I have created a macro to sort the parts in each column so as to put the best parts at the top of the table and the bad ones towards the bottom - so far so good.
The problem is this - as I add new cars, the table of spare-parts is pushed down worksheet and that means that the macro no longer will reference the right rows. So the question is this, how do I automatically update the macro to adjust for rows being added above it? I am not really interested in redesigning the worksheet.
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Oct 18, 2013
Let's say that in column A I have numbers,"Yes" and "No". I want in column B to have only the numbers from column A, in the same order without any empty ranges, and everytime I add in column A a new number, column B to update automatically with that number. Let's have an example:
Yes 12
12 13
No 10
And if I want to add in column A:
Yes 12
12 13
No 10
13 25
No 15
So the column be will update automatically. I already tried =IFERROR(INDEX($A$1:$A$10,SMALL(IF(ISNUMBER($A$1:$A$10),ROW($A$1:$A$10)),ROWS(B$1:B1))-ROW($A$1)+1),") but using this many times get's my file very heavy and the excel is working slow.
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Jul 24, 2013
i want to update values fon an excel sheet on a month by month basis. So i have jan to dec folders and excel sheets under each folder , i want to update my monthly forecast sheet based on the numbers in the folder I want to just change the cell in my monthly forecast sheet to Jan or Feb and the values should be pulled from the closed excel files in the monthly folders. I tried concatenation but it gave me #REF .. Is there a way to do it other than using "pull" ??
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Feb 27, 2013
I have a spreadsheet with two columns - one with names, the other with values. In some cases, the values column alongside a name is blank. Is there a formula-driven method (not a pivot table) that could produce a separate list of only the names that have a value in the value column? The formula needs to be dynamic, not produced via a filter.
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Apr 30, 2009
I am trying to find some VBA that will allow protected cells to be updated when a user enters or selects data in other cells.
For example:
Cell 'A1' starts out blank.
Cell 'B1' has a drop down to select specific items.
Cell 'C1' is the date of the order and is a locked cell.
Cell 'D1' is the date of completion and is a locked cell.
The worksheet is protected to prevent direct changes to cells C1 and D1.
If a user enters any information in A1, then C1 displays the current date.
If a user selects 'Complete' from the drop-down list in B1, then D1 displays the current date. Both of these actions are independant of one another. This format is the same for every cell in the 4 columns indicated above. I thought I was able to do this in another spreadsheet I created a year or so ago but I have not been able to figure out what I did and I do not have the spreadsheet to look at.
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Jan 11, 2010
Is it possible to update certain rows only based on the choice selected from a dropdown list
I shall explain this scenario
I have attached a small excel sheet called TESTTHEM which i'm testing
and learning excel simultaneously. On the attached sheet
If i select a value in B4 as BusinessLogic, it should then lookup for relevent rows in MISC worksheet and copy C5:L5 from MISC worksheet and replace
the columns G4:P4
Is it possible to do this in excel?
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Dec 11, 2008
I have a basic formula =C17+'Asset Depreciation 2008 Onwards'!C24, and I want to copy it down just using the drag function. Problem is that the second reference range of cells are in rows and hence when I copy it down it doesn’t automatically update the cell references because it want to update them by column number instead of row number. IE I want it to display =C17+'Asset Depreciation 2008 Onwards'!
D24, instead of C25. Do you know if there is any way of telling Excel that I want it to increase the column number by 1 every time, instead of the row number for this part of the formula?
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Mar 23, 2012
Does Excel have the ability to automatically hide rows without values in certain cells?
For example:
ABC1Route NumberTechnicianNumber of Units Cleaned25Tony237Don749 511Ray12613James16715Chuck21817
In this example, Rows 4 and 8 would automatically be hidden, leaving the other rows displaying. Of course, somehow I'd have to "Unhide" these rows at some point to add data if needed.
This is for a spreadsheet that is about 500 rows. Conceptually, I would automatically hide the rows w/o data in column B, analyze (or print) the worksheet, then "Unhide" the columns to enter data the next day.
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Jul 7, 2009
I have a pivot table (vendor spend report) which has over 7000 rows of data. There are 38 vendors (some vendors appear multiple times i.e. Accenture Itay, Accenture Germany, etc.). Vendors names are in column B.
I need to have the VBA script search for each of the vendors (and related names) and group them together. Also, last one is for all the MISC. vendors which need to be group together (one's that dont belong to the 38 managed vendors).
Also, I need to rename the Group for each one; rather than Group1, I need to name it "Accenture All" etc...
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Jul 11, 2007
I am trying to implement the following:
After the user selects something using the validation list in cell F38, the macro should check in column Q in the rows 44 till 425 for "hide". For each row in which it finds "hide" the entire row should be hidden.
I have the code below but it does't work yet. It calculates for ages and afterwards only the first 2 rows of the 381 are hidden (probably because the third row is not "hide").
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim MyRange As Range
Dim ThisCell As Range
Target = Range("F38")
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Apr 11, 2013
I have a set of 3,000 data points. The data is in one second intervals, however I am interested in seeing what the data looks like in a graph if I only had a point every minute. I have the following set up.
What I want to do is to leave the first cell unhidden, and then hide the next 59. And then repeat this so I narrow the data down to one second each. I'm looking to do this multiple times, so I can create a graph each time in order to get an idea of what the data would look like if I only had a point for every minute.
Is there a macro that I could write, that would hide every cell except every 60th one? I was thinking that I could hide it based on the time. What would the code look like if my time was in 00:00:00 format? It's increasing, so I need it to hide cells that aren't equal to XX:XX:01, for example.
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Dec 24, 2013
I have several rows worth of tasks with several columns associated with each one of them. In other words, each task will have some event, comment, date etc. and a flag at the end if it's complete or not. Below is a very simplified idea.
Formulas that I have used so far have accomplished everything I need except one thing. I would like to copy rows to a different sheet (tab) based on the flag condition i.e. if the string says "Yes" (in this example), I would like to copy that row to a different sheet and do that for each row. In the example above, rows 2 and 3 would be copied to a different sheet creating a list/summary of complete events. As that is copied, I would use that information again on that new sheet to do more things.
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Jul 11, 2007
After the user selects something using the validation list in cell F38, the macro should check in column Q in the rows 44 till 425 for "hide". For each row in which it finds "hide" the entire row should be hidden.
I have the code below but it does't work yet. It calculates for ages and afterwards only the first 2 rows of the 381 are hidden (probably because the third row is not "hide").
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim MyRange As Range
Dim ThisCell As Range
Target = Range("F38")
Set MyRange = Range("Q44:Q" & Range("Q425").End(xlUp).Row)
For Each ThisCell In MyRange
If ThisCell.Value = "hide" Then
ThisCell.EntireRow.Hidden = True
End If
Next ThisCell
End Sub
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Dec 10, 2007
I currently use spreadsheets to report on backup processes.
I am trying to speed up this process and one thing that woudl help me is a function that will automatically fill the row with a colour depending on the choice in the dropdown box, so if you choose 'successful' from the dropdown list the row colour would fill to green and if you select 'failed', the row would change to red and a choice of 'completed/errors' would result in orange.
This process is currently done manually and often results in errors like a succesful result with a red filling.
Is there anyway to automate this process? i was trying to whip up a macro, but have been unsuccessful so far.
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May 7, 2013
Trying to have A1 in Sheet1 having three values 1,2,3 if A1 = 1 hide rows from 1:5 and 10:1500 in three Sheets2,3,4
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Feb 26, 2008
Suppose in cell A1 I type in the number "100" and in A2 I type in the number "5"
What I want to do: Have the number "100" repeat 5 times in a vertical list (so 100 appears in B1, B2, B3, B4, B5)
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Feb 27, 2008
I wrote a small code to hide some columns if a certain cell is equal to a certain string.
The cell is actually a drop down list and when they select a certain one, I want it to hide 2 columns. So I wrote the code with sub name Action, but I want it to be running all the time. I tried to achieve this by writing the following code however it gave me error 438 for my 2nd line.
Sub Auto_Open()
Range("A1").OnEntry = "Action"
End Sub
Auto Merged Post Until 24 Hrs Passes;Oh, by the way error 438 states: Object doesn't support this property or method
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Jul 31, 2008
I'm not sure that I'll be able to explain this clearly, so I've attached an example. There are 3 columns - Issue, Action Group and Status. Many Issues belong to the same Action Group and others do not belong to any Action Group. The is also a Status summary section that has the total Issues and Actions associated with each status. For example the Status called Resolved could have 10 issues and 5 Actions (including blanks). The problem is that I can't figure out a way to get the total for the Actions. As I said this explanantion isn't great, so the attached sheet
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Jan 8, 2010
I am working on blood pressures. I want cell C1 to place either, "Prehypertension","Stage I Hypertension" or, "Stage II Hypertension" depending on the values of cells A1 or B1 ....
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Oct 26, 2008
What i would like to do is Hide Rows Based on Cell Value in Multiple Sheets & Multiple Columns
and i need the macro to be fast
If the value in Range BE11:BE160 equals 1 don’t hide the row
If the value is “0” or “ “ then hide the row
If the value in Range BE11:BE160 equals 1 don’t hide the row
if the value is “0” or “ “ then hide the row
If the value in Range BE11:BE160 equals 1 don’t hide the row
if the value is “0” or “ “ then hide the row
If the value in Range O1:O150 equals 1 don’t hide the row
if the value is “0” or “ “ then hide the row
If the value in Range B1:B150 equals 1 don’t hide the row
if the value is “0” or “ “ then hide the row
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Apr 26, 2008
I have a spreadsheet that calculates percentages and then outputs the results to a pie chart. There are 9 different percentages being graphed in cells A41 to A49. The chart looks weird if any of the percentages end up being 0, so I have the formula set to add 0.00001 to each calculation (so they show up as 0% and display on the chart as 0%, but truly are 0.00001). I would like it so that if any of these 9 percentages ends up being 0 (or really 0.00001) that the row automatically hides and thus won't display on the pie chart. How can I create a macro that automatically runs to accomplish this, and automatically updates as percentages are recalculated.
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Jun 24, 2009
I would like to automatically color fill a series of rows based on like information from a single column. When the information in the column changes then the rows would either stop filling (this would be best) or fill with a different color until the information changes again.
Summary: series of alternating rows would either be filled or unfilled based on changes from the column information.
Hope this isn't too confusing. Below is an example except I would want the cells filled, not the text or numbers to change. The highlight is changing based on the changing of the numbers.
ABCD 12345
ABD 12345
ABCD 12349
ABDF 12349
ABCD 12358
ABF 12358
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Jul 11, 2013
Macro that could look at a row and take the values of two cells, combine them and then create a range name for a third cell in the row.
For example; for row 5420, in column C there is the word Florida, in column D there is the number 6235, and in column F there is a sentence or two. Is there a way to automatically create a named range for the cell of column F that would be named FLORIDA6235? And if so, can the macro do this for every row even if the word and/or the number changes.
I have roughly 28,000 rows and nine columns that I am working with. That's why I was wondering if there was a way to automate this. There are 10 states and I don't know how many different numbers attached to the states, however there are many state and number combinations that repeat, so there would be several rows with Florida in column C, 6235 in column D but a different description in column F.
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Nov 3, 2006
I have a worksheet used for inventory. In Column A is the quantity (to be entered manually). In Column B is the product description. In Column C is the price of the product, and Column D the total price (column C price x the quantity entered in Column A). At the bottom of the worksheet is a grand total. Also, Column B (products) is grouped into subheadings by the supplier each product came from (for example, row 6 has the title PPG, and then rows 7-137 list every product from PPG).
The calculations in this worksheet work fine. What I am trying to do is, using a macro once all of the appropriate quantities are entered in column A, automatically hide every row of product that does not have a quantity. The tricky part is, if no products under a given supplier subheader are entered, the subheader also hides, and if a quantity is entered, that subheader shows. For example, if I have no quantities under any products for PPG, then the PPG subheader hides, but if just one quantity is added, PPG shows. Also, this list will be constantly updated, new products will be put in and taken out all of the time, so I cannot base the macro on a specific number of rows.
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Jun 20, 2008
I am copying a price list from a worksheet. I currently have a script that deletes unwanted rows (products) but these products' header rows' are left. I also want to delete these text based headers. One solution might be a script that reads a columns cell value in the row(s) below and if values are missing the header row should be deleted.
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Apr 14, 2014
We have a worksheet that contains twelve different charts. Once a month, we load data into anotheer worksheet and run a macro and it produces the twelve charts. The problem is that we have to manually update/change the month name in each chart title every time we run the macro to produce the charts. Is there a way to automatically update the month name so that we do not have to manually do it? For example, the current chart title is "xxxxxx - March 2014"....when we run the charts for April, we have to manually change March to April in each of the charts. Can this be done automatically?
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