Automatically Hiding Rows Without Values In Certain Cells?

Mar 23, 2012

Does Excel have the ability to automatically hide rows without values in certain cells?

For example:


ABC1Route NumberTechnicianNumber of Units Cleaned25Tony237Don749 511Ray12613James16715Chuck21817

In this example, Rows 4 and 8 would automatically be hidden, leaving the other rows displaying. Of course, somehow I'd have to "Unhide" these rows at some point to add data if needed.

This is for a spreadsheet that is about 500 rows. Conceptually, I would automatically hide the rows w/o data in column B, analyze (or print) the worksheet, then "Unhide" the columns to enter data the next day.

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Automatically Hiding Rows

Jan 11, 2007

in worksheet "sheet1" I have my inputs... in "sheet2" I have my outputs... my inputs could be anything from 1 to 1000 therefore my outputs would be 1000... on the output sheet, below the last line, i have a whole bunch of text and calcs that I will always need at the bottom... what i would like to happen is if I put in "sheet1" b2 a number, say 5, then "sheet 2" would hide rows 10 to 1005 or if i put in "sheet2" b2 say 925, it hides 930 to 1005...

I created a macro, but it doesn't work at all... and i want it to work automatically without me pushing run macro...

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Auto Hiding Rows With Zero Values

Apr 6, 2014

I'm using the following code to hide rows with zero values in my workbook. I have 10 sheets for potential data/products and a "summary" sheet that is set up to pull all the information from the 10 sheets. I often don't use all 10 sheets so there are a lot of blank cells. I set up the code below to hide zero values to make the "summary" sheet easier to work with. I am encountering a problem with cells that are formatted as dates. a zero value/empty cell shows up as 1/0/1900 and is therefore not auto hidden.

Either any adjustment to my formatting or code to automatically hide these blank date cells on the "summary" sheet?

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)Dim c As Range
For Each c In Range("C3:C8778")
If c.Value = "0" Then
c.EntireRow.Hidden = True

[Code] ...........

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Hiding Rows Based On Multiple Values

Aug 7, 2012

I've tried several approaches on how to code this, but can't figure out how to work it. I have a large spreadsheet; which dynamically changes in both column and row counts. So, I have an array of values. If any cell has a negative value, that cell text needs to be changed to red AND that row needs to remain displayed. If ALL values in that row are >=0 then the row can be hidden.

The array is actually a pivot table named QTD

For Example: If cell D5 = 5 and F5 = -3 then Row 5 should remain displayed.

If Cell D6 = 5 and F6=0 then row 6 should be hidden because all values are > 0

Then I was thinking of using the case statement to hide the rows but can't figure the syntax. I'm open to any other means of performing the taks as long as the initial array dynamically to encompass all the data.

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Hiding Particular Rows By Comparing Values In Array?

Mar 25, 2013

I need to hide the rows in an excel whose value is equal to the array list that has been already hardcoded...How to do this...

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Hiding Rows In VLOOKUP Sheet Based On Null Values

Dec 30, 2013

I have created a spreadsheet from a master using vlookup. I want to be able to hide rows which contain a null value (NA) in column B (sample attached). Is there a formula I can use which won't interfere with the vlookup or do I need to hide the rows individually? I tried filtering but that only filtered the cell and not the whole row.

test sheet.xlsx

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VBA For Hiding Cells Based On Values?

Apr 18, 2014

I'm using the below macros to hide or unhide rows based off of a value in column A. Column A contains an If statement that looks for a value in column F, and depending on whether the corresponding cell in column F contains a value the if statement returns either True or NO-IF(F>0,True,"No).

It currently takes quite a bit of time to run this macro. Given the specs on this machine, I'm convinced that there is probably some loop or inefficiency in my code.

Sub Button1_Click()
Dim cell As Range
For Each cell In Range("a59:A1472")


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Hiding Values In Individual Cells?

Apr 27, 2014

What I need to do is hide the value in an individual cell, dependent on whether a value (any value) has been entered in another cell. I know this must be possible somewhere in conditional formatting but I can't seem to figure it out no matter how much I try!

The table below should hopefully explain exactly what I'm after. I want to hide the value in the balance column (automatically calculated)when no transaction has taken place (ie, there is no date entered in the date column). At the moment this value appears all the time.



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Hiding Cells, Not Entire Rows Or Columns

Dec 5, 2008

I have a project that needs to be done today. What I'm trying to do is hide an area of a worksheet using a button click, then display that area when the button is clicked again. This area is approximately the lower right quadrant of the worksheet, so it shares column and row information with other data that must remain visible. Is there any way to do this?

Alternatively, I was thinking about making a duplicate of the worksheet, but omitting the area I want to hide on the duplicate sheet. The button would then hide and unhide the two worksheets, hopefully making it have the same effect as hiding or unhiding just that area. If I do this, I would need to maintain the exact same data in the visible area of the two sheets.

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Hiding Formulated Values Derived From 0 Value Cells..

Dec 7, 2009

I have a sheet with cells that will vary and change in value. The far right column (in this case G) is calculating a percentage from cells in columns D and F. At the moment only 9 rows are being used but I have made provision for the list to extend down to row 100 for future use. Cells in columns D and F are receiving their values from sumif formulas on another sheet, therefore a lot of cells are showing a 0 value for the moment (which I have formatted to show blank).

My problem is that I have cells in column G (percent formula) which are of course showing #DIV/0! due to the fact that they are calculating cells with 0 value. How can I format the cells in column G to show blank until they receive a real calculation!

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Macro For Hiding Rows Containing Empty Cells Through Different Columns

Sep 4, 2013

I created a macro that analyzes some datasets and according to different parameters it puts an X at the side of every cell that goes out of parameters. These Xs are all in columns named the same way for it to be easier to find. What I want to do is to write some macro that will hide every row where the data did not go out of parameters to be able to easily see where it did. In the following example it would need to hide the second row since there are no Xs in that row. One of the problems I'm having is that the amount of columns and rows is variable.

Functional Upset
Functional Upset


[Code] .......

Below is the piece of code that I created to try to do this (G has the value for the amount of rows). I think it is working but it is either taking too long since it has to sometimes go through over 20k lines as much times as it needs to to cover all the rows that contain Xs or its getting stuck for some reason.

Worksheets(2).Range("I3:I" & G).EntireRow.Hidden = True
K = 0
Do Until Worksheets(2).Range("I1").Offset(0, K) = ""
If Worksheets(2).Range("I1").Offset(0, K) = "Functional Upset" Then

[Code] ......

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How To Update Rows Based On New Values So That Those Are Pulled Automatically

May 27, 2014

I create a report that shows one set of numbers against another set of numbers based on a transactions list I pull monthly. The Report tab is really simple and is based on the sumifs. Sometime, new accounts are created that I don't know about. They show up in the transactions table but not on the Report tab. Is there a way to automatically add new accounts/rows on my summary sheet so that no account is missed? Is there also a way where columns A and B on the Report tab are unique values that are pulled from the transactions tab? Hence, if a new number and description are added, the list just picks it up. In my case however, there are tens or hundred of lines with the same accounts/descriptions.

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Hide Rows Based On Values In A Cell Automatically

Apr 8, 2014

I am trying to hide rows based on values in a cell in that row. I have formulas in column xea that yields a 0 or 1 and I want to hide all rows with 0.

The code below works but I have to run the macro. I want it to happen automatically when the cell values change and I have not been able to figure it out.

Sub HideRows()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.Calculation = xlManual

For Each c In Range("xea1:xea350")

[Code] ........

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Automatically Add Rows Of Linked Cells

Jun 19, 2009

I'm trying to create one spreadsheet where I use formulas to come up with an "end total" on a daily basis. I want these "end total" values to be automatically recorded each day on a separate spreadsheet that keeps a historical log.

In example:

On Day 1 I will enter numbers into "Spreadsheet A" to come up with an "end total" for that day. This number will automatically be entered into "Spreadsheet B" on the first row.

On Day 2 I will write over the numbers from the previous day in "Spreadsheet A" to come up with a new "end total". This new "end total" will be automatically entered into "Spreadsheet B" on the second row.

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Merging Cells With The Same Values AUTOMATICALLY?

Jul 7, 2008

How would I go about merging cells with the same values AUTOMATICALLY?

For instance in cells A1:E1, each cell contains a value of 4 except E1 so I require A1:D1 merged.

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Hiding Rows If Cells Have "0" Value

Jun 10, 2006

I've a P&L statement having many line items. I just wanted a macro which could hide rows if for e.g. if depreciation expense is 0 in row 7 from col F throuh Col T, then I want the macro to hide it, so on and so forth.

I browsed through some macros to hide rows on this forum, but did not find them suitable for my needs.

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Hiding Redundant Values From Multiple Sets Along With Adjacent Values

Aug 2, 2013

I am working on creating a spreadsheet that can be updated by those unfamiliar to excel. I have a master list on one sheet and three separate lists for business, individual, and general. Each list has three columns giving name, address and postal code. There are numerous repeats on these lists and I wanted to hide any duplicates while keeping my cells aligned. So far I have been able to highlight any duplicates, but was interested in some function that would save at least one duplicate while hiding any additional ones.

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Automatically Rank Cells Ignoring Hidden Rows?

Mar 7, 2012

Any way to automatically "rank" cells, ignoring any hidden rows? I don't even really need Excel to sort for me (although I wouldn't be opposed to that), but I'd like the first non-hidden cell in column A to always say "1" and the second one to say "2" and so on.

The back story, if you need it: I have a spreadsheet that tracks sales for 2 separate brands. I've created a macro and linked it to a listbox, so that you can choose which brand you want to view and Excel will hide all rows that aren't pertaining to that brand (I'm absurdly proud of that accomplishment). The only problem is the rankings are hard-coded, so when you hide one brand the rankings no longer make sense.

Every Monday I sort the items by the most recent week's sales and rank them from there. The addition of a second brand is obviously new to my little spreadsheet!

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Automatically Fill Cell Down X Rows Based On 2 Other Cells

Feb 26, 2008

Suppose in cell A1 I type in the number "100" and in A2 I type in the number "5"
What I want to do: Have the number "100" repeat 5 times in a vertical list (so 100 appears in B1, B2, B3, B4, B5)

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Code For Deleting Rows Verses Hiding Rows

May 25, 2013

The first code hides everything just fine based on the date in A1. When I change it to the second code to delete instead of hide it is leaving a bunch of rows that the 1st code hides. Both codes have the same search criteria.

For Each cell In Range("B8:B5000") If cell.Value Range("A1").Value Then cell.EntireRow.Hidden = True
Next cell

For Each cell In Range("B8:B5000") If cell.Value Range("A1").Value Then cell.EntireRow.Delete
Next cell

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Automatically Enter Cell Value Based On The Values Of Two Other Cells

Jan 8, 2010

I am working on blood pressures. I want cell C1 to place either, "Prehypertension","Stage I Hypertension" or, "Stage II Hypertension" depending on the values of cells A1 or B1 ....

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Automatically Copying Rows From One Sheet To Another Depending On A Cells Input

Jun 2, 2009

i have a certain column that tells me if a client has withdrawn from the company, and the column just says "y" or "n" i want excel to automatically copy the whole row to another sheet if that cell is a "y" for yes the client withdrew...

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Digital Reading - Automatically Insert Values Into Desired Cells

Jul 4, 2012

I have an excel file connected to a digital reader. Values are inputted to cells. What I can't figure out is the formula to automatically insert the values into the desired cells.

In short. First value goes to A1, 2nd value goes to B1. There's a formula (=A1-B1) in C1. The 3rd value from the reader should go to A2. The 4th value to B2. The 5th value to A3 and so on. I believe that I should be putting a formula into B1,2,3..n. What I can't figure out is that formula.

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Sort Rows To Show Values Of Cells In Sequence And Eliminate Empty Cells

Nov 11, 2013

I have data on 400 rows. Each row has a maximum of 10 cells with data, but many have empty cells with no data. I would like to sort each row to show values of cells in sequence and eliminate empty cells. I can use the sort row function but its a long process for 400 individual rows. Is there an easier way?

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Hiding Rows...

Jul 1, 2009

I have two command buttons, and need one macro that would hide all blank rows between columns "E" and "O" and from row 9 to 42, and then another macro that would unhide all these rows again.

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VBA For Hiding Rows?

Oct 29, 2012

I am building a real estate model. What I am trying to do is the following:

If I enter the number of tenants in a cell (let's say the number of tenants is 6 and the cell I enter this number in is cell J11), I would like 6 of 15 rows to be shown below (rows 46-60). Therefore, the 9 unused rows (rows 52-60) would be hidden from sight. Furthermore, if I entered the number 3 for the tenant count, excel would hide 12 rows (rows 49-60). I am sure that this is a VBA code.

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Hiding Rows With A Cell Containing 0

Oct 25, 2006

a bit of code so that when I open a sheet (which takes data from another sheet) it hides rows which contain a zero in a certain cell?

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Hiding/Unhiding Rows

Feb 8, 2010

I have a problem with hiding and unhiding columns. Is there a way wherein I can automatically hide the row(s) if the cell = "N/A" and will unhide if it's not equal to "NA". see the attachment Im using excel 2003 btw. You can see in Sheet2 to that it contains the table for the student grades. "N/A" means that they are not enrolled on that subject. While in sheet1, What I want to happen is that you will select a student name and below, it will automatically display the grades of the student on their enrolled subjects only. So, those fields with "N/A" will hide and when I update the value of N/A it will unhide.

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Hiding Rows Based On Value

Apr 22, 2014

The attached sheet takes information from another sheet in my work book (I am only providing the sheet I was to work with). I want all rows where the value in F is 0 to hide automatically.

Attached File : Book2.xlsx‎

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Hiding Blank Rows

Feb 1, 2010

I have had great success using this code to hide and unhide unused space, but for some reason this morning it broke. Most likely it is my error so I am looking for another solution to resolve the issue. What i would like to be able to do it hide an entire row based on a specific cell being blank. maybe that is what this code is supposed to do but like i said it broke this morning. the cell in ref in the code is unchanged, but i did add formulas to some other cells in the same row. this is why i am looking for a way to do the same thing but based on a specific cell being blank vs what is occuring now.

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