IF Formula- Created A Non-subjective Job Evaluation Spreadsheet

May 2, 2007

I have created a non-subjective job evaluation spreadsheet, which takes data obtained from a work daily of an individual and is implemented in my spreadsheet. The columns of areas to be evaluated will average each individuals performance by averaging the individual to the rest of his shifts performance and a point system has been established depending on their work level. The situation I'm running into is I'm using the formula below to establish my point system. In an effort to be fair in every way possible, should a particular column end up with all zeros "0" this would then become the average, which should provide the individuals in this group with three "3" points. My forumula as it is set up will now only give one "1" point, when it should be three. The point system works great other than this one particular problem, when everyone has a zero. I'd sure appreciate anyone's suggestion how I might be able to add one more IF statement to this existing formula. Note: I29 is the cell for this particular column that represents the average of the column with data in it. I28 is 10% above average, I27 is 20% above average, I30 is 10% below average and I31 is 20% below average.
point system is 1 point for 20% below average, 2 points for 10% below average, 3 points for average, 4 points for 10% above average and 5 points for 20% above average.

=IF(ISTEXT(I3),0,IF(I3="",0,IF(I3<=$I$31,1,IF(I3<=$I$30,2,IF(I3<=$I$29,3,IF(I3<$I$28,3,IF(I3>=$I$27, 5,IF(I3<$I$27,4))))))))

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Excel 2010 :: Formula Evaluation Shows Numbers In Quotes

Dec 21, 2011

I'm using Excel 2010.

A formula I am using is outputting "0" instead of the expected value. Upon evaluating the formula I realized that this was because some of the values - years, in this case - had quotes around them while others did not. Please see the image below for the screenshot of the evaluation.

These values - the years - are being evaluated in the following formula.

This formula references the following sheet (an excerpt from that sheet). You can also see the formulas found in the cells causing the problem.

*ABC5212/20/20102010Adjustments53*20112011543/17/20112011Carwen Printers559/9/20112011Adjustments569/9/20112011Copeland Printing
Spreadsheet FormulasCellFormulaB52=IF(A52="",C52,YEAR(A52))B53=IF(A53="",C53,YEAR(A53))

I suspect that the problem is being caused by the output of the formula in these cells. If I simply type in "2011" instead of using the formula in B52:B56, then the first formula in the code section above does not have a problem.

How I can reconcile this?

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Created A Spreadsheet In Which One Column Has Text

May 14, 2007

I am using Excel 2003 and have created a spreadsheet in which one column has text. I have created a second spreadsheet and I am trying to use vlookup to bring in the text from spreadsheet number 1 to spreadsheet number 2. Some but not all of the text comes over-it just stops at certain point. Has anyone else experienced this and is there a solution?

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Saveas Dialog: Closes The Created Spreadsheet Without Saving It

Oct 20, 2006

I have a workbook that has twenty data sheets. The user presses a button that copies they're specified sheets to a new workbook and prompts them with the SaveAs Dialog. How do I code it so that if they press the CANCEL button on the SaveAs Dialog it closes the created spreadsheet without saving it?

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Using Null Value In Formula Created In VBA

Nov 1, 2011

I'm attempting to enter a formula into cells on a spreadsheet through a macro.

I want the formula to read:


but because this is being created within a macro it doesn't like the double quotations.

I can get it to display "0" but i want those cells to be NULL. Right now my only idea is to make an IF statement in the code that doesn't insert a formula in those instances, but I'd like to keep them all as formulas for later changes. Anyway around this dilemma?

Example Code (only a piece):


With Range("F1")
.Value = "=if(isblank(G1),,month(G1))"
.AutoFill Destination:=Range("F1:F" & lastrow)
End With

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Create Array From Row By Row Evaluation?

Apr 15, 2014

As part of a larger formula, I need a way to evaluate a range row by row and generate an array with the results. More specifically, I need to evaluate whether at least one of the cells in a row has a specific value.

So given the following table:






When querying the table for the value "1", it should result in the array {TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE}.

How can I achieve this?

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Code Evaluation For Efficiency

Sep 18, 2007

It is to large to upload here and I have removed the sensitive data that would normally be present. The part I'm currently stuck at is the multiple search criteria, one part works while the other does not. Also, I have yet to discover a way to indicate to the user that the correct Row is selected and being edited in the right cells.

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Put Formula In Userform Created In Excel

Aug 20, 2013

How to put a formula into my userform created in Excel.

What I have is 4 Combobox's which can select either 0,1,3 or 9 then each box has a weight which that number must be timed by this is the excel formula:

=SUM(L48*10,M48*10,N48*8,O48*6) so that was 9x10,3x10,9x8,3x6 Which gives me a sum of 210.

Can this be added to the userform so when the user selects the number from the dropdownbox it will calculate it into the total score?

This is a screen shot of the userform : Capture.JPG

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Continuous Evaluation Of Time Function NOW()

Mar 4, 2008

1) The following formula returns TRUE or FALSE:

=AND($J$15"",(MOD(SECOND(NOW())-1,6)+10) = COLUMN())

It works fine as long as the w/b is busy doing something!

2) Otherwise if the w/b is not busy, the formula appears to be calculated only ONCE at the current time NOW(), and F9 must be pressed repeatedly to re-calculate the formula despite Tools::Options::Calculation is set to Automatic.

3) Is it possible to have NOW() representing a progressive NOW()?

4) If not, can the above formula be modified such that it is evaluated continually for, say, the next 60 or 120 seconds from the current NOW()?

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Formula To Have Spreadsheet 2 Pick Items From Pass / Fail Column On Spreadsheet 1

Jan 23, 2012

Workbook 1 has 2 spreadsheets. Spreadsheet 1 contains Item and Pass/Fail Columns. under the item column is the serial number of the item tested. the Pass/fail column has the serial number duplicated if it failed tested. what is the formula is to have spreadsheet 2 pick the items from the pass/fail column on spreadsheet 1?

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Multi-Spreadsheet Formula Down To Populate The Other Cells In The Total Spreadsheet

Jan 4, 2010

I have attached a document paralleling a document I am working on. The dollar amount in each spreadsheet represent sales. I have entered in values into the candy, soda, and chips spreadsheet. I have also linked values for candy into the total spreadsheet. My question is can I somehow type something or drag the formula down to populate the other cells in the total spreadsheet?

The idea I am thinking but which I don't know how to implement is to list all the items (as in column G) and list all of the relevant cells (e.g. B1 in the Candy spreadsheet) as in columns H and I (Note that all items will have the same cells but the cells will have different values...e.g. all three items have a cell B1 and B2 in their spreadsheet but these cells contain different values). I then try and fail to create a formula in cell B3 of the Total spreadsheet. I am trying to create a formula of the following nature:

='(Spreadsheet Name From Column G)'!(Cell Name From Columns H and I)

The Second half of the formula doesn't really concern me (i.e. the cell name from column H and I). However I am perplexed as to how to achieve the goal in the first parentheses above.

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Macro-created Formula Disappears Without Pattern

Mar 13, 2007

On a sheet, I have a Worksheet_change sub that checks if the cell changed is in column 1, 10, or 19 and if it is, then the six cells to its right are filled with formulas I need. All formulas work, except for one. I've checked over and over again and the formula itself works fine - the coding behind it is exactly what it's supposed to be.

But for some reason sometimes the formula isn't put into the cell. I haven't found any pattern yet with this problem. Even stranger is that the formula is identical to one in another column before (which is also entered by the macro) and the other one has never disappeared yet. I'm setting both formulas with the abc.FormulaR1C1 property (I don't use the abc.Formula property to avoid having to write three different formulas - one for each possible column change).

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Using Two Cell Entries To Call Range For Function Evaluation?

Sep 7, 2013

In an Excel sheet, in A1 I have written B1 and in A2 I have written D20.

I have a data panel in B1:D20.

I would like to call a vba function my_Fun that acts on my data panel and returns a double in cell A3.

Instead of writing my_Fun(B1:D20) in A3 I would like to be able to write my_Fun(A1:A2), where the entries in A1 and A2 are called, rather than A1 and A2 being used to define the range themselves.

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Count All Year To Date Values That Have Evaluation Result

Jun 24, 2008

I'm trying to find a formula that will give me a count of all programs by month that have an evaluation result. So, in column A1:A24 I have a list of programs with. In cell A25, I have the total number of programs. In column B1:B24, only 7 of those programs have evaluation results, some of the rows are blank.

I know that I can get a sum of the programs by month, but how do I only get a count of those with an evaluation result? What formula can be used to get a year to date (a running count), not a count based on 12 months? Meaning that we would need a year to date for each month, so currently for October to June (based on fiscal). If we based it on year to date, then I think we would have to divide be 12 and that would make the results inaccurate.

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SUMIFS Function In 2007 (range To Sum, Range To Evaluate, Evaluation Criterion)

Sep 8, 2009

I’m trying to use the SUMIFS function in Excel 2007 to evaluate the following formula:

{=SUMIFS(range to sum, range to evaluate, evaluation criterion)}

The range to sum is A1:A10, the range (dates) to evaluate are in B1:B10, and the evaluation criterion is that the date is before 31/10/1999.

So my formula looks like this:


This works fine, but how do I refer the 3rd argument in the function to a date in a particular cell rather than typing in the date specifically?

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Copying A Cell To Cell Reference Created By A Formula

Jul 25, 2013

I have run an INDEX and MATCH formula to give me a resultant cell reference number. I now want to copy a cell to this specific cell reference using another formula.

For example the data I want to copy is in cell A1 and in cell A2 I have the result of the index formula (B1).

I know how to manually do a formula for this but wanting to know if there is a uniform formula that I can use that looks at the formula result of cell A2.

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Not Responding: Added A Formula To A Spreadsheet With Som Complicated Formula

Jun 1, 2006

I recently added a formula to a spreadsheet with som complicated formula. It worked ok and I saved the sheet. Now it takes 5 minutes to open the sheet and when I try to do anything,like delete the inserted column the program locks up giving a no responding message. I can do without this column if I have to.

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Formula That Goes Into Every Tab In Each Spreadsheet?

Jan 17, 2014

I have a set of spreadsheets (Circa 50) that each have around 50 tabs of information on, one set of spreadsheets are from 2012 and another are from 2013.... basically i need to write a formula that goes in to every tab in each spread sheet and basically tells me the entries that are in the 2012 sheets but do not appear in the 2013 sheets. The results of this are the most important thing. All of the names that i need to search are in Column A of each spreadsheet and tab .

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If Formula For Spreadsheet

Aug 16, 2012

What I am trying to to is if I enter a number between 6-14 the next cell puts in the dollar amount 650.00 if I enter 15-29 it puts 605.00 if I put 30-49 it puts 575.00 if I enter 50-100 it puts 525 and if I enter a number over 100 it puts in 480.00

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How Many Formula's Are Being Used On A Spreadsheet

Apr 23, 2008

I have a rather odd question, is there a way to count how many formula's are being used on a spreadsheet?

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Spreadsheet Formula

Jan 20, 2009

I am creating a spreadsheet and have run into a brick wall. Row 1 contains a list of dates Mon-Fri as far out as I could go. Rows 4, 5, 6, and 7 contain a code. Using those, I want to figure out an if statement that will place a 1 in the cell if the date in row 1 falls between a start and finish date. The data sheet looks like this:

A2- Code
K2- Start Date
L2- End Date

This is the formula I tried, but it does not work completely for me:


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Key Formula (E10 On My Attached Spreadsheet)

Jun 25, 2009

I am trying to set up a cell (E10 on my attached spreadsheet) to act as a key that would collect all of the PO#'s from a seperate column (cells A12:A27 on the attached sheet) and wouldn't repeat any of the repeat PO#'s. I am trying to do this because I currently save each order form by the PO #('s) and at times I find myself typing a long string of PO#'s for the book name. It would be much easier if this key cell would reflect all of the PO's for me and I could just copy and paste the contents into the save as box. This brings up another problem- when I try to copy and paste the contents of the key cell I have now, I just get the formula, not what the formula returned.

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Inventory Spreadsheet Formula

Nov 5, 2009

I'm trying to set up an inventory spreadsheet for my work, but i'm running into a snag.

What I want to do is have three columns that interact with eachother.

1. Units in stock
2. Reorder Level
3. Reorder Tolerance
4. Status

What I want, is to have the status column react in one of three ways. Either "In Stock", "Reorder Needed" and "Out of Stock".

So if units in stock is at 110, with a reorder level of 100, and a tolerance of 10%, I want the Status to show "Reorder Needed" with a red cell color. But if stock is at 111 or more, I want it to be shown as "In Stock". Zero should be "Out of Stock".

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Auto Add Spreadsheet To Formula?

Jan 5, 2012

Currently I am wondering if this is possible. I have a formula like,


In total, I have three spreadsheets by the name of that. Then I added a new spreadsheet called DummyTest. I wonder if I can make it so that this DummyTest spreadsheet will automatically go into the formula,


My intention is to use the INDIRECT formula to put the spreadsheet name in a cell (refer to this topic that I posted earlier today - [URL]. The only problem is to get the formula to automatically add a new spreadsheet into it.

Note: The cell reference O8 is standard for all spreadsheets.

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Formula To Pull Number From Another Spreadsheet

Mar 29, 2014

I have WorkbookA that pull numbers from WorkbookB. In Cell D2 of WorkbookA is the name of WorkbookB. The data to be pulled from WorkbookB is in Cells H364 through S364, H being data for January and S being data for December. In January, the data from Cell H364 is pulled into WorkbookA. In February, the data from Cell I364 is pulled into WorkbookA, and so on.

The formula can be written such that, based on WorkbookA indicating in Cell B14 the current month, each month pulls the correct month's data from these cells in WorkbookB.

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Formula For Football Predictions Spreadsheet?

Aug 1, 2014

I have created a formula that works on football predictions for my office.

If correct score is predicted - 3 points
If correct outcome is predicted 1 point

And completely wrong the cell is to be left blank. I have managed to create this formula ;

=IF(COUNT('Match Results'!$D8,'Match Results'!$E8,Predictions!D8,Predictions!E8)=4,IF(AND('Match Results'!$D8=Predictions!D8,'Match Results'!$E8=Predictions!E8),3,IF('Match Results'!$D8<>'Match Results'!$E8,IF(SIGN('Match Results'!$D8-'Match Results'!$E8)=SIGN(Predictions!D8-Predictions!E8),1)))+0,"")

However the only outcome that will not work is if the match predicted is a 0-0 Draw and people who predicted say 1-1 should get 1 point.

I have attached the spreadsheet : Fixture Predictions Grant.xlsm

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Formula For A Calculation With Varying Spreadsheet

Mar 11, 2014

I've tried an if statement with AND function with no luck either.

my spreadsheet looks like this:
A1 = "One", B1 = 17/08/2013, C1 = 1000.00
A2 = "Two", B2 = 16/08/2013, C2 = 500.00
A3 = "One", B3 = 17/07/2013, C3 = 1500.00
A4 = "Two", B4 = 13/07/2013, C4 = 400.00
A5 = "Two", B5 = 14/07/2013, C5 = 300.00

"One" represents the total that needs to be paid and "Two" represents the payments.

What I want to do is recognise when "One" is present and deduct "two" from that amount, but the whole spreadsheet is never the same (the data is being pasted from somewhere else) so it's really, really difficult to do that.

So I want to do =1000-500 (for that period, so in D2 it should say 500) and then =1500-400-300 (for the other period so in D5 it should say 800).

NB: Any payment ("two") that comes in after the 17th of the month will be carried forward to the next months "one".

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Place The Sheet Tab Name In My Spreadsheet By Formula

Sep 6, 2005

"DRHannay" wrote:

> how do I place the sheet tab name in my spreadsheet by formula?
> Excel 2003


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Football Prediction Spreadsheet Formula

Aug 7, 2009

I do a football prediction competition at work and need help or the formula to calculate peoples scores.

The scoring works like this

10 points for a completely correct result and score for both teamse.g. 1-0 prediction and 1-0 result
7 points for a correct result but a correct score for only 1 teame.g. 1-0 prediction and 2-0 result
5 points for a correct result but no correct score for either teame.g. 1-0 prediction and 2-1 result
2 points for an incorrect result but a correct score for 1 teame.g. 1-0 prediction and 1-2 result

I have basic Excel knowledge but have no idea how to create a formula which will calculate the above and populate the correct scores for people in the spreadsheet.

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Copying Formula Referencing Another Spreadsheet?

Feb 23, 2012

Im using the below formula to paste information into a new spreadsheet based on the if then statement. However, as i paste the formula down the sheet, it doesnt reference all the cells. The formula stays on the cells it referenced initially. How can I make the formula reference all the cells as i drag it down?

=IF('[All Cases ATL.xlsx]New_All_Case'!$C$2="DA1",IF('[All Cases ATL.xlsx]New_All_Case'!$T$2="A",'[All Cases ATL.xlsx]New_All_Case'!$E$2,""),"")

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