INDIRECT To Named Array
Aug 23, 2009
I have 20 worksheets that each have a 4-week training block for a University Athletic Program. Each worksheet has 5 named ranges for days of the week. The sheet for Block 1 has the named ranges: B1M, B1T, B1W, B1TH and B1F. From a Summary sheet, I have VLOOKUP formulas that each look in 1 specific named range. I have to insert the Name in thousands of formulas so I have listed the names in a column in the Summary sheet and then referenced the cell with Indirect from in the formula. Example B1M in cell C3 would have Indirect(C3) in the formula, but this causes the formula to become volatile and the workbook calculates very slowly. Is there a way to format the name in C3 or reference it in the formula so that it is not volatile?
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Mar 6, 2009
In cell A1 I have the text Testme
Testme is a Named Range
with RefersTo set to:
In VBA - How do I
Range("A1").copy Range("D4").PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
And D4:D6 will show
This thing is beating me up -- Indirect is likely involved, but,,,
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Feb 7, 2012
I have the following formula which i'm using to indirectly reference a worksheet. The worksheet i'm referencing includes named ranges that i'd like to call on but i can't get the syntax right.
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Oct 9, 2003
I'm trying to use Indirect in a formula where named range refers to multiple non adjacent cells; e.g. ever other cell {A1, A3, A5... etc}; however, when I use indirect, I recieve a #ref error. Replacing the indirect with the actual named range will make the formula work just fine, or using a named range that a continuous range works fine as well. It seems that indirect doesn't like non continuous ranges. ?
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Feb 3, 2010
I have a dynamic named rage "AREA" which can contains values like "Area1, Area2, Area3, ..."
For each item in list AREA I have another dynamic named range, named exactly as the item, so for example I have a dynamic named range "AREA1" with values "SubArea1.1, SubArea1.2, ..." and also a dynamic named range "AREA2" with values "SubArea2.1, SubArea2.2, ..." and so on, I think it's pretty clear and straight forward (I am modelling the fact to have several areas and each of them has several sub areas).
Now, I have cell A1 being validated against the list AREA, that is, the source for A1 is "=AREA", so that I can choose one of the values in the named range AREA; I also have cell A2 being validated against the list that I choose in cell A1 using the INDIRECT function, that is, the source for A2 is "=INDIRECT(A1)".
I have already realised that this approach for cell A2 does not work, as it seems that INDIRECT does not work for dynamica named cells.
An option would be using the following for the source of A2: ....
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Nov 22, 2006
The following formula produces the desired result:
but replacing the range of cells with a dynamic named range returns #REF!:
where A8 is the date 01/01/07. I'm trying to count items within the range Jan!Data.
I'm not sure if I'm trying to do the impossible, or if I'm missing something.
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Apr 30, 2009
How would I used the indirect function to reference a named range in the workbook in formula creation.
For instance, if in cell A1 I have entered the text "Sales" which is also a named range in the workbook. Then in cell A2 I tried entering the following formula to sum based on the entry in cell A1 using the indirect funtion. For instance:
In this instance I was hoping this formula would then sum the amounts in the "Sales" named range. And, if I changed the text in cell A1 to "Cost" for instance (another named range in the workbook), it would sum the amounts in the "Cost" named range. Allowing for a dynamic formula based on the entry in cell A1.
I'm using Excel 2007.
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Oct 4, 2005
I have tried using PULL from Harlan Grove's posts to workaround this but am coming up with #VALUE errors.
Here's what I have:
Column B contains the acct # being referenced e.g. 5230
Column E="_"&Br where r is the row #
Column F=MATCH($B$3,INDIRECT(Er&"Rows")) where _acct#Rows is a named
range referring to an external workbook e.g. _5230Rows
Columns G-R=INDEX(INDIRECT($Er),$Fr,COLUMN(G$6)) where_acct# is a named
range referencing an external workbook e.g. _5230
I thought that INDEX($Er, $Fr, COLUMN(G$6)) should work in Columns G-R however it returns #REF!
I need a solution to replace INDIRECT so I do not have to have both workbooks open together. The named ranges are static, but reference external workbooks.
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Feb 11, 2012
The formula is =SUMPRODUCT((Group="A")*(Project_Description="Long Term")*(Profile="B")*(INDIRECT(B9)="x"))
B9 through M9 have header text Jan_2012, Feb_2012...Dec_2012. Basically my aim is to get the above formula working before I drag it across so that the named ranges get picked up automatically from the headers.
Jan_2012 thru Dec_2012 are dynamic named ranges using INDEX (and not OFFSET as someone mentioned OFFSET is a volatile function).
The above SUMPRODUCT formula is giving me a #REF! error for the (INDIRECT(B9)="x") part. I know that because when I replace it with (Jan_2012="x") it works fine.
I realized while writing this that it may be because the named range in Jan_2012 is not the same size as that of other arrays. [but it is the same size - I've re-confirmed just now]
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Feb 13, 2007
I am trying to use a combination of dependent named ranges and variable length ranges, so one can select in eg Col A truck name from a drop down list, and then in Col B, the engine variant only for that make of truck. The indirect(substitute) function works well if I define the dependent range name (the engine variant) using actual cell refs. However if I use the variable length name definition as described in Ozgrid (ie with offset function), I get an error message and the dropdown menu freezes. Is there anyway to overcome this without resorting to VBA?
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Sep 25, 2009
I can use a dynamic named range and a direct reference to the name and the DV works.
I can use a standard named range (not dynamic) and an INDIRECT() reference to a cell with the name of the range in it and the DV works.
But if I try to use a dynamic named range and an indirect reference to a cell with the name of the range in it, the DV fails.
Any workarounds out there? This project includes a LOT of DV lists, getting them to self-maintain is important if I can do it.
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Dec 17, 2012
I am having an issue when I try a chart a named range. The named range "Refers To" is
As far as I can tell, the formula works just fine. If you look in the Name Manager and check on that Name, the highlighted box shows up exactly what it should and if you do a simple MAX test, it displays the correct MAX value from that range.
The problem comes in when I try and add it to a chart. Instead of a displaying all the values in the range, it displays nothing. Doesn't flag up any errors, just nothing.
The reason I chose to do it this way is that the table contents could change on a daily basis and so could the position of the row and I don't want to have to keep changing the references in the graph so make sure the right data is being displayed. Is it just that charts don't play well with the INDIRECT function?
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Aug 27, 2007
getting an array formula to work with my indirects....
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Feb 27, 2014
The following formula is all on one line. I want to do indirect for file name and tab in all instances it shows up. (I want to have the filename in one cell and sheet/tab name in another cell to reference the indirect to.)
How would I use indirect in the formula to reference the cells?
=INDEX('[Feb 2014.xlsm]TRADEDB'!$A$75:$Q$131,
SMALL(IF(('[Feb 2014.xlsm]TRADEDB'!$A$75:$A$131=$H$8)*('[Feb 2014.xlsm]TRADEDB'!$G$75:$G$131=$I$8),
ROW('[Feb 2014.xlsm]TRADEDB'!$A$75:$Q$131)),ROW('[Feb 2014.xlsm]TRADEDB'!2:2))-74,1)
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Aug 21, 2012
Going off this excellent thread : [URL] ....
I'm looking to replace the words in
VB : myWords = Array("dog", "cat", "hamster")
with a named range.
Here is what I did. I added the lines:
Dim myArray As Variant
myArray = Range("colorbold")
And replaced mywords with
myWords = Array("colorbold")
Something is clearly wrong.
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Jul 17, 2008
Is it possible to make an named array constant from named constants to use in a lookup?
I have defined the following constants in Names:
Num1 = "1234567890"
Num2 = "0987654321"
And would like to make the following array constant in Names:
Arr = {Text1,Num1;Text2,Num2}
However, it does not work.
I am using Excel 2007 by the way and the above values are made up.
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Aug 18, 2009
I have a Vlookup which I want to modify so that it can become dynamic as the table array part of the vlookup will change.
So the basic vlookup is as follows:
but the data I am looking for wont always be in the range M60:P73.
So I tried to make it dynamic by doing the following:
The idea being that U1 and V1 would be numbers that can change so in this case U1 would equal 60 and V1 would equal 73
This vlookup is giving me #N/A and no matter how I modify it I cannot get it to work.
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Jan 11, 2010
I know I've asked before but I can neither find my previous question or the answer.
So, once again.... is it possible to refer to a named range in a CSE array formula?
I know how I would type a formula that way -- but I would be happy to see an example.
Most importantly, will it always work? Or are there pitfalls and dangers?
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Jan 28, 2014
I am working on data that needs to be cleansed of the symbols i.e. *&/- etc so I am hoping that I can automate this as their are over 30,000 rows of data and takes time to go through each find and replace.
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Jun 20, 2008
I try to understand what the syntax is to create and use an array named constant which would be composed of other constant.
Example :
Constant called AvgZone1 which is =AVERAGE(zone1)
Constant called AvgZone2 which is =AVERAGE(zone2)
and then create a named array constant based on the names : =AvgZone1,AvgZone2
is not working. You cannot for example do a SUM().
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Feb 5, 2012
I am really struggling with the following formula:
I am trying to find the cell in the named row "Ann_TaylorRegularBust" that is closest to the input bust size in cell B4. This formula works when I use actual range instead of the named array.
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Aug 18, 2009
I am trying to develop an Indirect Indirect Validation drop down list. Example, Building - Floor - Room, i.e. Select Building from a Validation drop down list. Then based upon the Building selected, select only the Floors applicable to the Building Selected. I am able to achieve this via an Indirect Validation drop down. However, when I attempt to then select the Rooms applicable to the Floor of the Building I selected, I can not produce an Indirect Validation off a previous Indirect Validation.
In the attachment, I have used Plant - Location - Room. I have name ranged the selections, and have used Validations Lists for Plant, and Indirect Validations for Location. The error occurs where I attempt to do an Indirect Validation for Room.
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Oct 27, 2013
I've set up a Named Range that refers to an array of constants, e.g. MyRange ={1,2,3,4,5}. This appears to be fine since I can output the named range to a range of cells in a row (e.g. A1:E1) and see 1,2,3,4,5 (one value in each column).
I'd like to use MyRange as the source for a Data Validation list in a cell.
Normally data validation list sources must be vertical, so I've set MyRange =TRANSPOSE({1,2,3,4,5}). This appears to be fine since I can output the named range to a range of cells in a column (e.g. A1:A5) and see 1,2,3,4,5 (one value in each row).
When I set MyRange as the source for data validation however, it resolves to an error.
why this setup doesn't work?
Workbook detailing the problem attached. Attachment 273788 NamedRangeDataValidationArrayConstansts.xlsx
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Feb 28, 2012
I have four named ranges (Segment, Keyword, Impressions and Dropdown) and I would like to create a formula-based ranking of keywords by impressions and clicks. Using the following array formula, I am able to return the correct values for impressions or clicks:
{=LARGE(IF(Segment=DropDown,Impressions),$H7)} where $H7 is the number ranking 1, 2, 3 etc.
My question is what array formula could be used to find which row in the array returned that number and then pulls the data from the same row in the other named ranges?
Essentially find row of {=LARGE(IF(Segment=DropDown,Impressions),$H7)} but return Keyword and Clicks on that row.
Other Notes: I cannot use pivot tables and some values might be the same which would make Vlookups not accurate for duplicate values.
Link to an example document to clarify this. [URL] .......
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Jan 15, 2014
For Each clsName In Array("Africa", "Europe", "Asia")
If I have the above array values in the named range _lstRgns in Sheet 1 of my workbook, how would I write the code to pick this up?
The named range is expandable, as it is an offset formula in the name manager.
clsName is the name of my defined array in my code
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May 21, 2008
I am trying to enter only the named ranges in the active worksheet into an Array.
The amount of named ranges can be from 4 to 7 per sheet.
I'm self taught at VB (This posts on this forum have taught me - thank you!) and have got the below code working on a Workbook - but not on a worksheet level.
ActiveSheet.Names.Count returns nothing, changing to ThisWorkBook.Names.Count returns the sum of all .Names in the workbook.
Sub aTest()
Dim sArray() As String
Dim sJoin As String
Dim y As Long
x = 1
y = ActiveSheet.Names.Count
z = ActiveSheet.Name
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Jul 21, 2011
I have a set of four pivot tables on a sheet that I need to programmatically change a Report Filter (Page Field) so I can create sets of reports in an automated fashion. This will be the first step in that process. The change will involve choosing > 1 Role each time the code loops through based on Named Ranges I've defined that are associated with that Role.
My code thus far:
Sub TestCode()
Dim pt As PivotTable
Dim pf As PivotField
Dim pi As PivotItem
emm_dc_gsr is one of many Named Ranges that will contain a variable number of elements. Just using the one right now to see if I can get the code to work, I'll eventually make another Named Range/Array of all them so I can loop through each Report ("ReportPick").
I want the Report Filter to consult that Named Range for its values and apply those values to PivotField "Role" that is used as a Report Filter.
When running this code above, I get a "Role" Field that says "All" but no values (the table is completely blank), with no evidence as to why it'd be blank (all filters in every Report, Column and Row are working normally and are filled in). When I choose a value manually after the code is run, the pivot table values populate. Do I need to somehow index the Named Range in that loop? I'm just confused about this step right here:
For Each pi In pf.PivotItems
If pi.Value = RolePick Then
pi.Visible = True
Else: pi.Value = False
When I've run other versions of the code, I've gotten an array version of it to "work" using LBound and UBound, but it never chooses the right two values even though those are verified as stored in the array via a pass-through. It chooses the first few values in the Report Filter.
Here's the corresponding code for that:
For i = LBound(myArray) To UBound(myArray)
pf.PivotItems(i).Name = myArray(i, 1).Value
pf.PivotItems(i).Visible = True
I do not care if I use an array or a Named Range. I just want something that is simple and works. Passing the values directly from the named range seems easiest to my brain, but I'm open to anything and I'm clearly missing something (probably silly).
I also have no idea why " .AutoSort xlManual, .SourceName, .EnableMultiplePageItems" is necessary though every piece of sample code I've seen seems to have some variation of it.
(Using Excel 2010, Windows 7.)
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Apr 1, 2014
I have a master sheet and 102 'advisor named sheets'. The master sheet is updated daily with information (number and text) along 1 row in different columns (A:W). I would like when the advisors name is typed (W) =joebloggs! for this whole row to be auto input on joebloggs sheet. There can be multiple of these entered daily for same person, so the information would need to populate on the next row so not to type over the previous entry.
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Jun 2, 2006
I need to create a named range on multiple sheets with the same named range & i cant figure out how to do this. EG :- I want to create a named range called "_SubUnitRows" on sheet1 starting from "A1:A50" & other named range again called "_SubUnitRows" on Sheet2 starting from "A1:A25" ...
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Oct 25, 2009
if I can use a named criteria as well as a named range. In essence what I am looking to do is count certain cells that meet the criteria in a certain named named range,
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