If Then In Macro: If S2 Is Empty The It Will Skip Down To "Columns("W:X").Select"

May 17, 2006

I have this in my Macro:............

My Macro runs fine when there is something in Cell S2 but if there is not then I get an error on "Cells(sumrownum, 19).Value = "Total" 'Column S". What I want to do is put a if then type of statement that if S2 is empty the it will skip down to "Columns("W:X").Select" and keep going with the rest of my macro.

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Transpose Function - How To SKIP / SELECT Certain Columns?

Feb 3, 2014

I am working on a =transpose function. Pretty simple right? Well now I am trying to have it SKIP/SELECT certain columns.

I have =transpose("date!B1:T1"), but now I want to "Select A,B,D,E,F"

=TRANSPOSE(INDIRECT("date!B1:T1"),"select A,B,D,E,F,G,H,P,Q,R,S,T")

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How To Select Range And Skip Over Hidden Columns

May 1, 2014

I have below a code that is selecting from A11 down as far as there is data and across a certain number of columns then sets a print area.

Currently the columns go A, B, JW, JX, JY, JZ, KA, KB as C through to JV are hidden. I have tried to offset the columns by 7 to see if it will select A-KB but it is selecting cells that are hidden and only selecting A-G. I need it to go past the hidden columns. Here is the code:

[Code] ......

Could I also get a code to go from A10 and move over to KB and create a range from there e.g. KB-KJ and last row from there?

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Skip To Empty Row Or Creating A Log

Jan 23, 2013

I have "live" data constantly updating some cells from VB program. When certain conditions are met I want to capture values from lets say 3 different cells and put them in one row. When another condition is met I want to the same thing but to put the values on to the next row and so on. Basically creating a log. The number of rows has to be pretty long. Conditions are pretty much easy "if A1=A2..." I could easily do that from VB program but I really need it to be done within excel.

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Skip Empty Cell In Formula?

Jul 1, 2014

I want to make the formula: x=SUM(A * e^(-b*d)), wherein A and b are parameters and d the distance.

I've just over 10.000 rows and 15 columns (B4 to P10013) with distances. For each column i give a formula =$S$2*EXP(-$R$2*B4) and extent that for all colums and rows, then I sum all the columns. This works fine, except for the fact that when there is an empty cell the outcome is wrong. Because I set for example A as 10. The answer for that cell is 10, because he sees an empty cell as 0, i guess.

So how do I skip these empty cells?

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Skip Empty Cells When Pasting

Nov 30, 2006

I`m trying to do is paste a formula accross multiple columns whilst skipping the empty cells. I tried using the "skip blanks" tick box but it still filled in the empty cells??

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Editting Macro To Select Last Empty Column To Paste Data

Nov 30, 2008

I have a macro that automatically takes data from one sheet, copies it and pastes it on another sheet, but I want it to select the empty column that is to the right of the last column to contain data (so basically the next empty column). What code would I enter into editting my macro to be able to do this please?

Also, one thing I've tried to do with my macro is that when I select the data, it's suppose to select from the first name to the last. When doing the actions for the macro, I use "Ctrl + Shift + Down Arrow Key" to make the selection select the bottom of the list. However, when running the macro, if the list is longer (or shorter), the macro selects that number of cells instead of the action of just going to the bottom of the list. For example, if during the actions of the macro, I recorded using the Ctrl + Shift + Down Arrow Key that 50 cells were selected...next time if I have 60 cells, only 50 are selected, even though I used an action command which should select all the cells in that group (in this case being 60). Is there some code I can add to that so this would work correctly?

In case its required, here is the code from the macro:

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Skip Blanks & Copy To Next Empty Cell

Aug 23, 2006

Have the marco (see Code below)that I am trying to pull only records that have a "y" in a column. The problem I am haivng is that I also get cells that are blank and rows are skipped if the cell is blank or not "y".

Have tried searching for an answer or example for what I want to do. Looked at autofilter but had no luck.

Sub Macro1()
Set rd = Sheets("ActiveHerd") 'set read data sheet as rd
Set wd = Sheets("SaleSheet") 'set write data sheet as wd

For i = 12 To Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row ' set i to the last row in column A
If UCase(Cells(i, 1)) = "Y" Then Range("A" & i & ":c" & i).Copy Destination:=wd.Range("AA" & i)
Next i

End Sub

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Remove Empty Rows Based On Range Of Columns If Columns Are All Empty (no Data) Delete

Oct 24, 2012

Using the following code to remove empty rows based on whether a specific range of columns is empty. The code works if the cell has a zero, but not when the cell is blank. An example of the data is attached.

Public Sub DelRows2()
Dim Cel As Range, searchStr, FirstCell As String
Dim searchRange As Range, DeleteRange As Range


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Skip Column In Select Case

Jul 7, 2007

I've been through the forum and I've got my VBA to check that columns 37, 38
and 40 are entered if column 2 = 'O'. However I just can't get it to exclude column 39 from the check! Is there a way of getting Case Else to do this or should I use an Array?

Dim rCell As Range
Dim strMessage As String
Dim RowCounter As Integer
Dim ColumnsChecked As Integer

For Each rCell In Range("B14:B5000")
RowCounter = rCell.Row
If rCell = "O" Then
For ColumnsChecked = 37 To 40
If Cells(RowCounter, ColumnsChecked).value = "" Then
Select Case ColumnsChecked
Case 37
strMessage = "COMMENTS"
Case 38
strMessage = "INVOICE NUMBER"
Case 40............................

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Count And Select Outcomes, Skip Duplicates

Oct 27, 2009

This code counts all cells with a value from column B1:B:10, C1:C10, D1:D10, E1:E10, F1:F10, G1:G10 and H1:H10. And then give the cells of the 3 lowest outcomes a blue backcolor. The problem is that the code also colors any duplicate outcomes. How can I let the code skip any following duplicate outcome(s)?

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Skip X Columns In Formula Reference When Dragging Across Columns

Nov 15, 2009

How do you make the Autofill function increment in blocks, e.g. instead of increment 1,2,3 increment 1,8,15 inthe following example: I have a 2 worksheets, one with days of the year across columns and values down rows, and another that summarises the sum of the corresponding days in weeks, so I have 365 columns in sheet 1 and 52 columns in sheet2. Everytime I update the sum range i cannot autofill it in the summary worksheet, as A1:G1 autofills to B1:H1, but I want it to increment to H1:N1.

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Macro For Hiding Rows Containing Empty Cells Through Different Columns

Sep 4, 2013

I created a macro that analyzes some datasets and according to different parameters it puts an X at the side of every cell that goes out of parameters. These Xs are all in columns named the same way for it to be easier to find. What I want to do is to write some macro that will hide every row where the data did not go out of parameters to be able to easily see where it did. In the following example it would need to hide the second row since there are no Xs in that row. One of the problems I'm having is that the amount of columns and rows is variable.

Functional Upset
Functional Upset


[Code] .......

Below is the piece of code that I created to try to do this (G has the value for the amount of rows). I think it is working but it is either taking too long since it has to sometimes go through over 20k lines as much times as it needs to to cover all the rows that contain Xs or its getting stuck for some reason.

Worksheets(2).Range("I3:I" & G).EntireRow.Hidden = True
K = 0
Do Until Worksheets(2).Range("I1").Offset(0, K) = ""
If Worksheets(2).Range("I1").Offset(0, K) = "Functional Upset" Then

[Code] ......

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Macro - Select Last Non Empty Column And Paste Information In Another Column?

Mar 25, 2013

I am trying to find a macro that look for last non empty cell in column A and them paste a formula/comment in all cells of column B.

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Delete Empty Rows And Empty Columns From Word Table

Mar 25, 2014

I am trying to populate the 2 tables from excel to word. I will be getting the excel file with tables in various sheets. One sheet consist of 2 tables that will be inserted to one word document. So if there are 2 sheets then I will have the tables inserted in the 2 word document. In the excel sheet I have attached, there are 2 sheets with tables in each of them. I have written the code to copy and paste the table to word doc from (general) range A1:G4 (Table 1) and A9:H18 (Table 2) that has empty rows and columns selected. But there are empty rows and columns inserted since the table range is not same sheetwise. I would like get the empty rows and columns deleted in the word table.

Find the attached sample excel sheet and the word documents.


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Change Empty Cells To Blank Cells (need To Use Skip Blanks Function)

Mar 8, 2014

I have a spreadsheet where a column has many cells being empty and others with values. I need to use copy-paste skip blanks to another column so it only overwrites cells that contains values. BUT The cells in the column appears to be empty, not blank, when I try use the copy-paste skip blanks it doesnt work. However, when I press delete in every empty cell the copy-paste skip blanks works for those cells.

Do you got a fast method to make all the empty cells blank?

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Using Count If But Skip Columns

Jan 20, 2010

I use the formula below to sum hours in a spreadsheet:

=((((SUM(B6:AP6)+(COUNTIF(B6:AP6,"x")*12.5))+(COUNTIF(B6:AP6,"d")*12.5))+(COUNTIF(B6:AP6,"m")*12.5)) +(COUNTIF(B6:AP6,"e")*6))

I would like to be able to change the range from "B6:AP6" to something which will start with B6 but only count every 6th cell up to AP 6. I could probably place a symbol at the top of each column I wish to count if needed. If I try to simply choose every sixth cell I get an error about too many arguments for the countif function The above formula is used to add hours for various shifts (symbolized by letters). For my current need I do not need the multiplier i just need to count how many of each letter appear in every sixth cell of a row.

This may be too fancy but if one formula would work to count every 6th cell starting with B6 and give me a sum , then automatically do the same starting with B7 and count every 6th cell etc...that would be great. I am trying to sum the number of each occurrences of each shift at each of 6 locations.

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Macro To Select Columns Specified In A Cell Using Text String

Jan 18, 2014

I have a cell in workbook X on Sheet1 (cell AB3) that states which columns should be exported from workbook X on Sheet3 to a new workbook. The value of cell AB3 on Sheet1 changes based on what a user selects in some check boxes on Sheet1. I would like my macro to read the value of cell AB3 and interpret it is a range reference of which columns to copy from Sheet3 into a new workbook. The problem I'm having is knowing what line(s) of code I would use in VB to read cell AB3 as a range and what kind of referencing rules I need cell AB3 to contain. Right now this is what the cell looks like to the user:

Code: Sheet3'(A:A,B:B,E:E,F:F).Select

For cell AB3 to look this way I'm just using some hard coded text, such as the sheet number and .Select, plus some concatenated values in between. Perhaps this text string needs to be modified, but I'm also wondering what I would use in my macro to reference the cell and read it as reference to which columns to select in Sheet3.

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How To Skip Columns When Dragging Formulas

Dec 3, 2013

I have 2 sheets in my excel document. The first sheet (sheet1) has student data (grade they got on a test) from C5:C35 all in 1 column. On the 'second' sheet (sheet3), I have made a profile for each student (there are 30 of them, spread out 1 per printable page). I want to take Sheet1!C5 result and put it in sheet3!D7. The formula in sheet3!D7 would just be =sheet1!C5. I want to 'drag' that formula to L7, then to T7 then to AB7 etc etc (they are all 8 columns apart), obviously not affecting any of the cells between them.

There are 12 pieces of data in sheet1 that I want to auto update in sheet3, for 30 students, so copy pasting, and adjusting the formula would take a long time.

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Using Indirect Function To Skip Columns From Different Worksheet

Feb 9, 2012

A post about skipping rows is very similar to my situation, but I'm stuck on how to translate that for columns. (Filling formulas but need to skip cells)

I'd like to transfer information from a worksheet called "Raw Data" to another sheet, skipping every 5th column. I'd like to go from "Raw Data" B12 to a new sheet C6, then from "Raw Data" G12 to D6 in the new sheet, and so forth.

I figured out that I'll need to use COLUMN()*5-13 as a component of the function, but I can't seem to figure out how to format the name of the worksheet correctly, with the ampersand and quotation marks.

This doesn't work at all, but I think it's in the ballpark...

=INDIRECT("Raw Data!"(COLUMN()*5)-13)&12)

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Select Non Empty Cells

Oct 25, 2009

How do I select all the NON EMPTY CELLS in a column?


How do I select all the NON EMPTY CELLS in a range?

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Code To Select First Empty Row

Jun 1, 2007

What would be some code to select the 1st empty row in a sheet. I need to select entire row. To be easy it could be first empty cell in A, but would like whole row selected.

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Skip Lines If Macro Is Called From Another Macro?

Feb 13, 2014

I am calling sub B from sub A and want to skip some lines in sub B (only when it is called from sub A).

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Skip To Next Macro, If Read Only Is Available

May 30, 2007

I have been using various bits of information from all sorts of threads and made a somewhat nifty little Macro program for the company i work for.

The following threads may have my answer in them, but I can't see it or figure out how it could be restructured to my needs.

Disable Read-only Message Box

looks as if the file is set as readonly then to close it without saving


contains a msgbox I would like to add in, specifying that the file is read only therefore to abort current macro for particular file

concerns very much the problem I am having.

Basically what it boils down to is,

My Program Manager runs a daily report, then uses my program to update up to 7 different workbooks. Each having their own Sub program.

Some of the Supervisors or leads gets in to early and thus makes the file as a Read-Only, which of course stops my program and can not continue.

What I would like to learn is.. (from the countless threads I have looked through, I can't seem to find the answer)

Bring up a msgbox, informing the PM that a specified file is already open and therefore this particular process has been aborted.

Then it will move on to the next Sub, and so forth...

I want to thank everyone for their help directly or indirectly, (been reading threads for about 9 months now) and any future help as well.

And if it's not to difficult, could it be close to layman terms? I try to understand alot of these codes and I get lost with some of the wording. I am just pratically piecing pieces together with my "eyes closed" and somehow come out with a working VB codes.

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Skip Cell In Vba Macro

Jun 27, 2007

Sub BlankGcolumn()
Dim cl As Range
For Each cl In Range("B8", Range("B15").End(xlUp))
If cl.Value = "" Then
cl.Offset(0, 0) = cl.Offset(0, -1) & " " & cl.Offset(1, -1)
End If
Next cl
End Sub

in the "Next cl" part, i want it to skip the next cell and do the one after it.
Ive tired: ....

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Select Empty Text Boxes

Apr 21, 2014

I have files where empty textboxes have been copied over tens if not hundreds of times, thereby slowing down the scrolling speed immensely.

I would be interested if there was a macro to

a) select all empty text boxes

b) select and delete all empty text boxes

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Delete And Select Empty Cells

Mar 26, 2014

I am trying to delete/select empty cells in Column C.

I tested the code in my work sheet which has close to a million rows. this code for some reason doesnt work. its selecting empty cells from Cell C, that is not working.

When I test it on a new worksheet it worked fine. ?

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Select Rows When A Cell Is Not Empty

Oct 30, 2009

I would like to select rows of a range (eg A7:D11) but only those rows where the cell in column C is not empty

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VBA Select First Empty Cell Range?

Dec 6, 2013

i need a code that will find the first empty cell in column "H" then select go down a row and select upto column "R" so in example range ("H2:R3") would get selected.

I am lost this is all i have so far and it doesn't work


Worksheets(newname).Range("H" & Rows.Count.End(xlUp).Offset(1) & ":" & "R" & Rows.Count.End(xlUp).Offset(2)).Select

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Select Next Empty Cell In Given Range

Mar 1, 2014

How do I select the next empty cell in a range?

Say I have myrange=Range("B32:B37"), then I want to put values into the next empty cell in that range.

I want to check if I have a value in B32, and if I have, I want excel to go to B33 and print a string there and the same for 34.

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