i need a code that will find the first empty cell in column "H" then select go down a row and select upto column "R" so in example range ("H2:R3") would get selected.
I am lost this is all i have so far and it doesn't work
I require code to identify the last row in column 'A' that contains data, and then to select every row up to that one, and each column up to 'H'. My data begins on row 3, and the rows with data varies from row 7 through 120. The columns with data is constant so there is no need to test in that direction.
I need to select all yellow tabs (color code 6) in a workbook with over 70 tabs and hide all empty rows within A1:I36 on each of these yellow tabs. the position of the tabs needs to be unchanged (sorting by tab color not allowed). I got this code from another excel forum but somehow it only works when i select one yellow tab and run it and the code only works on the one yellow tab i selected. can fix this code so that it can loop through all tabs (yellow and non color) and do what i mentioned above for each yellow tab?
Sub HideMT() Dim Ws As Worksheet Dim wsColor As Long
I have a long range of cells (U3:AX3), all of which are empty save one. Is there a way to search through the range of cells, and return the contents of the one cell that contains text?
I would do this with a series of nested IF statements if there weren't more than 30 of them!
create a code such that it will select a cell which is not empty and display the content in that cell. For example , in the attached file below i would expect output to be cells(2,5) = 12 and cells(4,5) = 13
how i can go about finding the next empty row (and select the first cell of that row (column A))? edit: It probably should be noted that there are cells in Columns A through P. There are rows where all and/or just one cell contains data per row. So i cannot use a " lookup" based on a single column.
However, each weeks data is "Grouped" and therefore the .end(xldown) only takes me to the bottom of the visible rows, and the offset function selects one of the hidden cells.
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Worksheets("Sheet1").Activate Range("A1").Select Selection.End(xlDown).Select ActiveCell.Offset(rowOffset:=1, columnOffset:=0).Activate ActiveCell.PasteSpecial End Sub it errors to: SELECT METHOD OR RANGE CLASS FAILED
I've got a range of data in Column D approx 50,000 rows long and I need to go down this range and when theres a blank cell copy the info from the cell above. I've got some code which loops through this but I need to make sure I put "EOF and the bottom of the info to stop the loop. Is there a slicker way of writing this code?
I was wondering whether someone knows a formula that would be equivalent to WEEKNUM (excel 2003) since I will not be able to install the Analysis Toolpack because of IT validation issues?
I have a spreadsheet. In this sheet the data is added daily so one column is increased everyday. The rows may also be increased. What I am trying to do is to sum the data in each row for a range of first cell in the row to the last non empty cell in that row and this has to be done for all the rows. So I thought the for loop would be useful for such requirement and I tried to write the following code. But unable to write the sum formula in the last empty cell in a row and I get the value error. The code is as follows.....
Sub sum_on_LastEmptyCell() 'find the last empty row in column A lrow = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("sheet1").Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row + 1 'find the last empty column in a row
[Code] ........
Though one of my friend told that it can be done with "with and end with block but I am not aware of with and end with block.
It would be better if you tell me that how can I put the sum formula in my code. How can I use variables which return the row number and the column number in the sum range within the For loop because I want to put If Else condition for the calculations within the For loop i.e. if certain condition is true then I want this calculation to take place otherwise do something else. Moreover it will be easier for me to understand. Because I can use different formula based on different cells as well. Is there any way to do this?
I am not sure of the VBA code to delete enitre row if a cell is empty only within a range, then Ascend according to that Row's Values and show the Rank No's only on what Rows that remain.
The macro I have is looping all sheets looking for empty cells in a specific column, and when it founds an empty cell the value for one cell is copied to the empty cell.
But in one worksheet it stops with the error:
Run-time error '1004' Application-defined or object-defined error
I'm looking for a quick and easy way to insert a value in the first empty cell in a multi-column, multi-row range using VBA. I suppose I could loop through the range, but the table could grow to immense proportions and I don't want to slow everything down.
For example, the new value should be placed in cell C4. It doesn't matter whether the range is looped through the rows or columns, either will work just fine.
I am looking for a formula function or a vba code where:
- In workbook1 find the first cell that is empty between range A7 - A10, - In workbook2, in Range G10- G13: find the word "Day1". - If the word "Day1" exists in cells G10 or G11 or G12 or G13, copy the particular cell or cells where "Day1" exists to the first found empty cell or cells in range A7-A10 in workbook1.
Lets suppose cells A8, A9, A10(workbook1) are empty cells, that means A8 is the first empty cell. And G10,G11,G12, G13 (workbook2) have the word "Day1" Then, Copy cell G10 into cell A8 Copy cell G11 into cell A9 Copy cell G12 into cell A10
What would be some code to select the 1st empty row in a sheet. I need to select entire row. To be easy it could be first empty cell in A, but would like whole row selected.
how to select a cell in opposite (i.e right side of a range) while using a macro. My macro selects a certain range based on user input. The active cell is the left most upper cell. I need to move the active cell within the range to the right upper most cell. I tried the short cut key - tab, while recording a macro, but the macro just selcted a that certain cell.