Skip Empty Cells When Pasting
Nov 30, 2006I`m trying to do is paste a formula accross multiple columns whilst skipping the empty cells. I tried using the "skip blanks" tick box but it still filled in the empty cells??
View 2 RepliesI`m trying to do is paste a formula accross multiple columns whilst skipping the empty cells. I tried using the "skip blanks" tick box but it still filled in the empty cells??
View 2 RepliesI am facing a problem in pasting.
Col A Col B
my data is having blank cells. when I am trying to paste it in other column it is getting pasted as it is. I don't want to copy the blank cells. It should be like Col B.
I have a spreadsheet where a column has many cells being empty and others with values. I need to use copy-paste skip blanks to another column so it only overwrites cells that contains values. BUT The cells in the column appears to be empty, not blank, when I try use the copy-paste skip blanks it doesnt work. However, when I press delete in every empty cell the copy-paste skip blanks works for those cells.
Do you got a fast method to make all the empty cells blank?
I have "live" data constantly updating some cells from VB program. When certain conditions are met I want to capture values from lets say 3 different cells and put them in one row. When another condition is met I want to the same thing but to put the values on to the next row and so on. Basically creating a log. The number of rows has to be pretty long. Conditions are pretty much easy "if A1=A2..." I could easily do that from VB program but I really need it to be done within excel.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI want to make the formula: x=SUM(A * e^(-b*d)), wherein A and b are parameters and d the distance.
I've just over 10.000 rows and 15 columns (B4 to P10013) with distances. For each column i give a formula =$S$2*EXP(-$R$2*B4) and extent that for all colums and rows, then I sum all the columns. This works fine, except for the fact that when there is an empty cell the outcome is wrong. Because I set for example A as 10. The answer for that cell is 10, because he sees an empty cell as 0, i guess.
So how do I skip these empty cells?
Have the marco (see Code below)that I am trying to pull only records that have a "y" in a column. The problem I am haivng is that I also get cells that are blank and rows are skipped if the cell is blank or not "y".
Have tried searching for an answer or example for what I want to do. Looked at autofilter but had no luck.
Sub Macro1()
Set rd = Sheets("ActiveHerd") 'set read data sheet as rd
Set wd = Sheets("SaleSheet") 'set write data sheet as wd
For i = 12 To Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row ' set i to the last row in column A
If UCase(Cells(i, 1)) = "Y" Then Range("A" & i & ":c" & i).Copy Destination:=wd.Range("AA" & i)
Next i
End Sub
Im looking to add an update macro button so if A ""
the formula contained in say H2 gets dropped down until it hits were col "A" is blank.
I am trying to create a macro that copies cells B2 and C6 from the active worksheet in a workbook called "transfer". Then searches for the first empty cell in a worksheet called "summary" in a workbook called "report" and pastes the value from B2 in the first empty cell in column D and the value from C6 in the first empty call in column E.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have a table into which I paste values to ColumnA. The other columns have formulas. The number of values to be pasted varies. When the number being pasted this time is less than the number pasted last time, empty rows remain above the valid data after sorting, which is undesirable. I want to get rid of those rows just before (or after?) pasting the new values. The way I see it is I want to delete all but the first data row of the table so the formulas remain untouched in the first row. Then, as new values are pasted the formulas replicate automatically.
Sample file is attached : Sample.xlsm
Here find the excel file
My requirement
1) 4 values contains in each row based on the values from those cells the max value will display.
2) if more than 2 cells have empty,NR or NA text means the entire row has to delete.
3) if 2 or more that means 3 cells having values the empty cell,NR or NA cell will place value with the condition of macro that is 75% of other values which is maximum among them.
I am looking to find all visible cells in column E that are blank, and then add ''B'' to those empty cells.
I am using code similar to the below:
[Code] .....
I have a long range of cells (U3:AX3), all of which are empty save one. Is there a way to search through the range of cells, and return the contents of the one cell that contains text?
I would do this with a series of nested IF statements if there weren't more than 30 of them!
Is it possible to make a cell "really" blank/empty based on an If statement? For instance:
Has a value_if_false of "". But Excel interprets this a bit differently than a cell that never had anything typed into it.
So if you have a column full of this formula copied down, and hit <control+down arrow>, you will go straight to the bottom and skip over all rows. Whereas if you have a column with values and empty cells alternating and hit <control+down arrow>, you will only skip the empty cells and go to the next value. Excel treats the conditionally empty cells as if they have a value, when it comes to this type of navigation. This holds even if you copy and paste "Values" for the cells over the formulas.
Is there any way to tell Excel to make the cells truly empty?
How I can look up non empty cells as shown in the below tables by use of a formula (I guess shifting data to the left without any empty cells between the data)?
Data as shown in present worksheet.
For simplicity sake if I wanted to paste the letter A in to a cell that already had the letter B in it to make the cell read AB how could I achieve this?
View 10 Replies View RelatedI Have the following macro conducting web queries. As the list of websites is spread out I need to get the macro to skip over blanks?
Sub Top5Investors()
' Top5investors Macro
Dim Erw, Frw, Lrw
Frw = 1
Lrw = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
For Erw = Frw To Lrw
The spreadsheet that i use includes a table that some of the cells are displayed as blanks( include an IFERROR function ) I need to calculate the XIRR for a range of cells in a row that includes some of these "Blank" cells
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm looking to create a formula that will skip past any blanks until it finds the latest and most up-to-date value.
Some context: I wish to return a latest estimate value to a cell (A5), and this value is updated quarterly. Let's say that the quater 1 value sits in cell A1, Q2 in A2, Q3 in A3 and Q4 in A4. I wish cell A5 to display the latest estimate as soon as a user updates it on a quarterly basis, but default to the previous quarter's estimate if that latest view is unavailable.
I've tried using some IF(ISBLANK...) combinations but am getting nowhere !
NB want to try and avoid Macros across this worksheet so a formula solution would be best.
I have data in a row - A1 B1 C1 D1 etc.
And a SUM function in row 2 - =SUM(A1:C1)
I want to be able to drag this function to calculate SUM in blocks of 3 e.g.
=SUM(A1:C1), =SUM(D1:F1), =SUM(G1:I1)
I have this code to sort numbers from smallest to largest but i need it to ignore blank cells.
Sub sort1neg()
' sort1pos Macro
[Code] ........
I have a range that I need to copy to a new worksheet. It basically looks like steps going across the sheet. Whenever I skip blank cells during the paste to the new sheet Excel does not skip anything. Any ideas on how I would shift all data to be on the left side of the without copying the blank cells.
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I have a column with data like this: ....
I need to write a macro which checks cells in one column and if the cell is empty it deletes the whole row (which contains the cell).
I tried this code but it doesn't delete all rows with empty cells:
I have this in my Macro:............
My Macro runs fine when there is something in Cell S2 but if there is not then I get an error on "Cells(sumrownum, 19).Value = "Total" 'Column S". What I want to do is put a if then type of statement that if S2 is empty the it will skip down to "Columns("W:X").Select" and keep going with the rest of my macro.
I have a column of data that I want to display as a chart. However, there are some blank cells in the column. When I use a simple line chart, the chart drops the line all the way down to zero for the blank cells. If the blank cell is B4 in column B, is it possible to make excel ignore that cell and connect B3 and B5 with a straight line?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI am trying to run an action on a series of cells that inserts rows whenever there are blank cells (resulting from the formula) in column.
The problem: When I have a situation where there are not blank cells, the the .SpecialCells action does not work. I have tried the On Error Goto, but I have multiple equations that can have this occur and I have only been able to use that feature once in a macro.
LR = ActiveSheet.Range("B65536").End(xlUp).Row
Set Rng = Range("A2:A" & LR)
With Rng
.FormulaR1C1 = "=IF(OR(AND(RC[16]="""",R[-1]C[16]=1),AND(R[1]C[16]="""",RC[16]=1)),"""",1)"
End With
Set Rng = Range("A:A")
With Rng
.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeFormulas, 2).EntireRow.Insert 'stopped here
End With
I need to compare cell value with information from main source cell.
And I need it to skip blank, return "-" if "-" was entered.
I attached example file for your reference.
I've been trying to paste formula throughout a range of cells in the same column. Trouble is, I protect some sub- total cells and don't want the formula to paste over those sub-total formulas.
If I protect the sheet and paste the formula throughout the column including the protected cells, I would get an error message.
How can I paste the new formulas without getting into trouble of the protected cells?
I am trying to find a formula that will allow me to reference another page in my spread sheet. In my scenario the row I am referencing has 5 consectutive numbers after the reference point I would use for a vlookup. These numbers are all zeros except for one number in each row which will be a positive number greater than zero. I want my formula to check the first cell in the row, if it is not a zero it will show that number, but if this cell contains 0, then it moves over to the next cell. If all the cells in the row have a zero, then i just want zero to appear on my summary sheet. I tried to do a vlookup with an IF function, but I couldn't get it to work. I have attached a sample of what the spreadsheet looks like.Example doc.xlsx
View 2 Replies View Relatedhow to create a pivot table that does not skip through blank data cells. I have a pivot table with data for several dates, but not every date has a data point. I would want the pivot table to show all the dates with the blanks, rather than skip through the days with no data.
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