If Functions And Date :: When Something Is Past Due
Sep 30, 2009
I am trying to create a function that will tell me when something is past due.
I have a excel document for my office's accounts payable, it has a master sheet where all of the companies that we pay are listed, and they are linked so that you can click on the name and it will take you right to the page to see a more detailed breakdown.
I am trying to figure out how to make something on the master page to tell me when something is due, even if it just makes an X when it is past due.
There are about 73 worksheets in this document and each worksheet contains many dates.
Is this even possible for me to do something like this? If not does anyone have any suggestions?
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Apr 24, 2008
How would I write an if statement that checks to see if the date entered is two weeks past?
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Sep 1, 2013
My rows are sorted by date. How do I automatically hide the old ones, but view them when desired?
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Nov 15, 2006
I want to create an Excel file, which would create alerts/reminders based on dates specified in certain cells. I want to create a database of various events (for ex. Invested in XYZ stock at $10 per share) and put a date in one of the column of each record. I want excel to remind me to take a look at that record after, say, 30 days.
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Jul 9, 2008
I have a workbook that records incoming mail and each of these mail need to be responded to. I like to have a macro that can automatically send a standard notification email when certain condition are met.
In this workbook the date of receipt of mail is in Col. D and date of Reply in Col. E.
If Col E is blank or 30 days later than Col. D a standard email is sent to the email account of the person in Col. F. Col. F shows the email address only.
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Nov 17, 2008
I have this code below, which someone from this forum kindly kindly gave to me for my Worksheet code. What it does is check the value in a dropdown list in column I and if it says "Cancelled" then strikethrough columns A-K of that row.
What I wanted to know is this, in cell N2 has the formula to show todays date. In column D9 onwards is an end date. How can I amend the code below so that it also checks to see if the date in Column D9 onwards is greater than N2 and if so strikethrough columns A-K in that row?
Would it be in the form of an OR statement in the code below?
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Mar 12, 2013
If a cell has not been filled in by its "Completion date" I want it to flag as Urgent in the Status Column. How do I do this?
Status Click
Opening Day
Complete by Date
Site Allocation to New Openings Manger
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May 9, 2013
We have a assigned date, a due date and a date resolved. what I would like to do is any time the date resolved is past the due date change date resolved background to Red. I was playing around with conditioning formatting but can not seem to get this right....
Col G H I
Date Assigned
Date Due
Date Resolved
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Mar 5, 2008
I have a workbook list of activities that I am hoping will visualise the scheduling of routine maintenance tasks in my engineering department. The date of the most recent check is entered in row 6 and the interval in row 5. Hence the number 7 denotes a weekly check. The conditional format is such that the reds indicate that a check needs to be carried out. If the check is done on the scheduled day then a "Y" is entered into the square. This will then turn the square green. If "Y" is entered on any other day then the square turns orange to indicate the check is done, if not on time. The red squares do not change colour unless a yes is entered. This is designed to show the history of checks and give us the opportunity to show compliance to routines. What I need to do is lock the rows that have passed the current date, to prevent unscupulous modification. Thus the macro would look down column A and if the date is less than today() would lock the row. I have truncated the file as much as I can. A nice to have would be the facility for an adminstrator to go in (perhaps password protected) to make changes if necessary.
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Apr 6, 2008
I need a macro that will find a row on "Sheet4" that has the word "YES" in column "K" and then varify that there is a balance owed (<$0.00) in column "N" of that same row. If there is a balance owed I need the macro to copy the data from that row into a specific place on "Sheet2" (Column "C" to E10 on the new sheet, D to E11, Q to E12, R to M12, S to T12, G to Y26, H to AF29, M to AF30, N to AF32, and lastly the current date to AC10) then Copy that sheet to a new workbook then rename the copied sheet the the Value of "E10" on that sheet and then clear the data on "Sheet2" so that only the information that was on the sheet before the data transfer is left, If there is no balance owed then it continues down column "K" on it's own to check the next one until it reaches the end of the data in "sheet4" (which is row 2111).
My goal is to be able to use this Macro to sift through a list of customers and to find ones that are past due on their bill (Based of of Column "K" which states that Yes the Bill is past due, and then variefies that it hasn't already been paid by checking the Balance Due Column "N") and then transfers their customer information to an invoice and then moves the invoice to a New workbook (So as to not clutter up my already to large Customer workbook)
This is the code that I have been playing with but i'm getting stuck on how exactlly to do this so i'm sure theres a lot in there that doesn't make any sense.
Sub FindandCopyRows()
Dim Data As Variant
Dim DataFound() As Variant
Dim iValue As Integer
Dim j As Long
Dim i As Integer
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Jan 16, 2014
creating a VBA that will scan my entire sheet and any cell with a date before todays date, the entire row will be copied and pasted to another sheet. and it should search every cell in sheet 1 and paste all rows with dates in the past. if there is more then one cell in a row with the date in the past, that row will copied only once.
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Mar 2, 2008
I currently have a sheet that shows monthly tasks and their due dates. There is also a control that when clicked, resets the due date to the following month of the same day.
What I would like to do is setup some type of reminder such as either flash the due date cell if possible or change the fill color. It should do this when the system date is = to or 4 days before the due date.
The only way I can see doing this is using VBA, which I do not know very well.
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Oct 7, 2007
I have a list of birthdays (in date-month-year format) and simply want to highlight them if the date and month are past today's date.
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Jun 20, 2006
See attcahed code. I need to add a line to the code so date picked by the user needs to be both weekday and not a day in the past.
e.i today : 20/06/2006
if user pick a date before today or a weekend date pivot table does not update.
Private Sub MonthView1_DateClick(ByVal DateClicked As Date)
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
If Weekday(MonthView1.Value, vbMonday) < 6 Then
With PivotTables("PivotTable1")
.PivotFields("DATE").CurrentPage = Format(MonthView1.Value, "dd/mm/yyyy")
End With
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
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Jun 11, 2014
I have spent too many hours Googling and trial with mostly error in attempting this. I formatted the very first cell A1 for today's date =TODAY(); this is also dirrectly above the column with all the dates in it. I just want an entire row's contents to turn red if it is 15 days old or older. This =$A1<TODAY()-15 somewhat works, but it only turns the date cell red, not the whole row. It also makes blank cells turns red, which I would like to remain blank (another formula is needed I imagine).
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Apr 9, 2014
I would like to run a macro that would check if the date in the first cell of row is in the past.
If yes, then it would clear contents of cell in B,C,F,I,L of the same row (PLAN + SHIFTS). Or even better it would set them to 0 (zero).
Then it would hide the entire row. Is this even possible?
Please see the example: Excel.JPG
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Dec 9, 2013
I have an INDIRECT function set up which should, in theory, concatenate data from a date range listed in another cell to correctly reference an external spreadsheet, which is named based on the date range it is generated for. The issue I'm running into is that the program which generates the external spreadsheet uses an MMDDYYYY format when naming its output file. This works fine if the month and day are both 10 or greater, but if they are less than 10, it doesn't work - for example, my INDIRECT function would return the date 5/3/13 as 532013, whereas the file name would be 05032013. I was contemplating using a series of IF statements to fix this, but there has to be a simpler way. Here are the relevant functions.
Function which generates date range (later used in INDIRECT function):
=MONTH(MIN(TransData!A2:A9882))&"/"&DAY(MIN(TransData!A2:A9882))&"/"&YEAR(MIN(TransData!A2:A9882))&" - "&MONTH(MAX(TransData!A2:A9882))&"/"&DAY(MAX(TransData!A2:A9882))&"/"&YEAR(MAX(TransData!A2:A9882))
TransData is a different sheet within the same workbook where the various dates are stored in column A. I found that I needed to format the formula like this in order to get it to return actual dates instead of date sequence numbers.
Cell B4 is where the date range formula listed above lives. "DCQA_" is the beginning of the filename of the external sheet, followed by the date range in MMDDYYYY - MMDDYYYY format. So, the sheet for 12/2/13 to 12/7/13 would be named DCQA_12022013 - 12072013. I'm unfortunately unable to change the way the external program names its output sheets, so I have to fix this from within my workbook.
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Apr 30, 2010
Is there any formula that I can use when working with a specific date range and if someone's birthday falls in that range a certain text or value would be displayed? For example I want to create a spreadsheet for my soccer players and have them sorted into teams according to their birthdays. So if their birthday falls into the following date range: 08/01/05-07/01/07 a U-8 or U-10 would be displayed in the corresponding cell. I tried working with the IF function.
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Apr 2, 2009
How is it possible to have Excel fill dates in cells, when i give the year and week number in other cells?
A1=YEAR (This will be Fillede out by user)
A2=WEEK (This will be Fillede out by user)
A3=Date for WEEKDAY1 MONDAY (This should be fillede out by excel)
A4=Date for WEEKDAY2 TUESDAY (This should be fillede out by excel)
A5=Date for WEEKDAY3 WEDENSDAY (This should be fillede out by excel)
A6=Date for WEEKDAY4 THURSDAY (This should be fillede out by excel)
A7=Date for WEEKDAY5 FRIDAY (This should be fillede out by excel)
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Jun 23, 2009
If we look at Produced date and TO Date in Sheet1. If the TO date is less than the Produced date then the TO date is the date to use. i.e. for May it will Say
Produced:, 22 Jun 2009 "From:","2009-05-01","To:","2009-05-31". So use "From:","2009-05-01","To:","2009-05-31"47 (because TO < Produced use TO )
However in June it might say Produced:, 22 Jun 2009 "From:","2009-06-01","To:","2009-06-30". So use "From:","2009-06-01","To:","2009-06-21" (because TO > Produced use Produced -1 ).I've already have some formulas in place. Look at the attached file, but I don't know how to set up the IF formula or any other.
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Jun 24, 2011
Is there a formula similar to WORKDAY that would include weekends and make something due on the next business day? For example, I have a bill due on 6/1/11 and I need to follow up 5 days later - which would be normally 6/6/11 but the WORKDAY formula makes it 6/8/11 as it is adding 2 extra days.
I am using Excel 2010.
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May 17, 2013
I need this code to also add the formula to one past the last Row
Now it goes down column A and if its not null it puts a formula in column D. I need it to also put the formula in column D one row past the LastRow of Column A.
Dim A As Long
Dim lastrowA As Long
With Sheets("Children")
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Apr 28, 2009
Here is what my table is im working with. The tite "todays date starts in Cell A1 and B1 is =Today().
I need to figure out how to do an if for the over 30,60,90 past due. Here the logic I need to figure out:
in the Over 30 column, the logic of the statement is as follows: If the difference between today's date and the date of the invoice is greater than 30 and equal to or less than 60, the amount goes into this column.(over 30 E3) To get the amount(the ammount in C3) into the Current column, the difference between the two dates must be less than 30. To get into the over 90 column, the difference between the two dates must be greater than 90. You can figure out the over sixty column. And this needs to be copied to the remaining colums
Today’s date: =TODAY() Shop Invoice Date Invoice Amount Current Over 30 Over 60 Over 90 Ludwig's Landromat =TODAY()-72 $432.78 Willie's Washing =TODAY()-107 $565.11 Wash It Here =TODAY()-80 $308.47 Spiffy Wash and Dry =TODAY()-58 $725.37 Water Soap & Hot Air =TODAY()-30 $427.95 Wash it & Dry it =TODAY()-90 $603.91 Acme Wash & Dry =TODAY()-60 $332.35 Totals
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Mar 14, 2008
I am aware of the following topic in the VBA Help file:
"Using Microsoft Excel Worksheet Functions in Visual Basic
You can use most Microsoft Excel worksheet functions in your Visual Basic statements. To see a list of the worksheet functions you can use, see List of Worksheet Functions Available to Visual Basic.
Note Some worksheet functions aren’t useful in Visual Basic. For example, the Concatenate function isn’t needed because in Visual Basic you can use the & operator to join multiple text values."
And I'm aware of how to call Excel funcitons from within VBA; e.g., answer = Application.WorksheetFunction.Min(myRange)
However, not only are some Excel functions not useful; the fact is they cannot be used because VBA has a native function that does exactly the same thing and you have to use that native VBA function to achieve your goal. It is these overlapping functions that I am especially interested in. I want to know what I should use directly in VBA and what I need to go to Excel for.
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Feb 6, 2008
I would like to calculate how many days past since the special Cell have been filled with data.
For exampl:
If Cell A1 filled with the data in Cell B1 I need to show the day number, if I close the file and open it next day it will show number 1 as a one day past.
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Jul 29, 2008
I want to take a date (ex. May 25, 08 is in cell A2) and calculate 30 days (A2+30)June 24, 08(A6) and what i am trying to due is calculate if it is past due.
I used the if command but it does not seem to be calcualting the date plus thirty, it is only taking the date that is listed. (ex. instead of calculating =IF("A2+30"
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Aug 18, 2007
to set a conditional format and include a function code in it as well?
I want a spreadsheet to change the color/font of a cell/column based on a comparison of a "start date" cell and a "due date" cell. This is to automate the process of highlighting items that have gone past the due date in the second cell. I was trying to do this by looking at the "now()" function and comparing it to the due date.
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Aug 20, 2007
I am trying to create a spread sheet in excel that will show a number of days past due counting from the due dates. see the attached xls file for details.
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Feb 7, 2008
I want to keep track of housekeeping attendants' average productivity of rooms cleaned per day/shift for the last 10 days worked.
I need a formula which will give me an average of the 10 most recent cells with a value (0 should be counted).
I also want to have each month in a separate tab, and for the formula described above to average between two tabs should the 10 days cross-over.
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Aug 2, 2012
I am running a macro to loop through a list of codes which takes the unique code, goes to a different spreadsheet, finds related data based on that code and if it meets certain criteria, and retursn the same code if it works. Pretty much a filtering process, but I have it returning the code because I do not want to do the calculations in the Macro itself.
Here is the code:
On Error Goto Label1
Range("A" & I).Select
[Code] .....
"I" begins at 2 and counts up until it reaches Count, which is the number of total rows in the column.
However, when I step through the code, it continues to loop through the code where "I > Count".
I have tried "Until I > Count", "Until I = Count", "While I <= Count". And none of them seem to work. It gets stuck in an endless loop cycle.
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