Excel 2010 :: Date Formula That Functions Like WORKDAY But Includes Weekends
Jun 24, 2011
Is there a formula similar to WORKDAY that would include weekends and make something due on the next business day? For example, I have a bill due on 6/1/11 and I need to follow up 5 days later - which would be normally 6/6/11 but the WORKDAY formula makes it 6/8/11 as it is adding 2 extra days.
I am using Excel 2010.
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Nov 24, 2008
I'm looking for a function similar to =WORKDAY but with a slight variation.
I want the formula to return the date that is the closest non-weekend, non-holiday day that is a specific number of CALENDAR days from the start date. So the formula does not return weekend or holiday days, but does include them when counting the days away from the start date.
For example if the start date was Dec 1st, and I specified 14 days after this date, I would want Dec 15th returned (as the 14th is a weekend).
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Aug 8, 2006
I'm at my wits end trying to make a workday formula work, but am having no luck. I've searched the other posts, but did not quite find a match. I'm trying to subtract a number of days from a workday function, but it seems to bypass ignoring the weekends (as is supposed to be done automatically with Workday). Here's the formula I'm trying to use:
=WORKDAY(H5,L5,' Reference Info'!$E$110:$E$117)-(I5/8)
I5/8 is a column with hours - this just calculates a number of days to subtract based on the number of scheduled hours.
The formula will calculate, but it still ignores weekends. I've tried burying the I5/8 within the parenthesis, moving it around in the formula,
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Apr 9, 2014
I'm using excel 2010 on a pc. I need to create a calender. So far I have been using the tutorial for the pop up calender. The result I'm looking for is to set up a specific time frame and have the calender provide the "due" date. I would like the due date to exclude weekends and holidays. Would I be able to do this with the pop up calender?
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Jun 27, 2014
I am working with a very large spreadsheet 10k references... I need to add sequential numbers in a column to identify the references but I need to use he filter in the author column due to the way my referencing software exports the data...
When I try to use the pull down autofill it just keeps repeating the last or second last number of the cell - the autofil box that usually appears has disappeared.
Im using excel 2010
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Feb 15, 2007
I am trying to find a formula that would calculate what workday a date would be.
So if the date is 2/19/2007, I want to know that is the 13th workday.
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Mar 5, 2012
How to add Sumproduct and Min/Max functions? Using Excel 2010
I am looking for the minimum, or maximum number within a range while using the Sumproduct function.
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Oct 11, 2012
I'm looking to create a conditional format which highlights a date RED if it is within 90 days of today's date (the date the file is opened). What would the formula for that look like?
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Nov 27, 2012
Using Office 2010, I am trying to do a averageifs formula for a specified date range. I can get it working by specifying the date range in the formula itself, however when "pointing" the formula to a specific cell with a date in it, the formula gives me a div/0 error.
Formula that works is:
=AVERAGEIFS('UHP Weld Data'!M:M,'UHP Weld Data'!B:B,"08/29/2012")
What I need is a version of: (currently not working)
=AVERAGEIFS('UHP Weld Data'!M:M,'UHP Weld Data'!B:B,"H1")
The date range will constantly change as I want it to show me the past 30 days only.
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May 31, 2013
How to set up a formula on Excel 2010 using Conditional Formatting.
I want to identify duplicate account #'s within 15 days of the work date. Here is sample of the report.
Account Number
Current Balance
Aging Level
Team Member
Work Date
Steven Johnson
[Code] .........
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Jan 7, 2014
I am in the process of setting up some graphs. The graphs will show the last 6 months of data so they move as each month is goes. I saw a slick way of doing this using the count function but this did not quite fulfill my needs. What I was looking for is to be able to input the start month in a cell. The cell would be part of the function within the formula. I created a simplified version of the spreadsheet below.
Then I created my names using the ctrl-F3
I then created the graph I wanted and wanted to use the formula =SERIES(Sheet1!$B$3,!chtCat,!chtIssuesReported,1). This kept getting an error indicated nothing really. It basically says there is something wrong with my Series function. I have a working version of a similiar worksheet I have been basing my entries on. They look almost identical but mine is failing. I also created a new file and tried this and it still fails. I can run the formula evaluator within Excel 2010 against the !chtCat and !chtIssuesReported names and they both return the correct value (which equals areas on the spreadsheet). I have also tried to enter the spreadsheet name and a tab in front of the names to get them to work and still get an error. Basicall I am trying to create the graph below (this grpah is using the hard coded locations)
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Jan 9, 2013
I have a rolling 12 month (each day in column) tab in Excel 2010 that references variances by ID number in column A, and the column headers are each day for 366 days (2011). I would like to create a tab that shows the past 10 day's variances by ID number. I haven't been able to write a formula that will look at the date headers and the row ID number to return the figure for that day. Here is a sample of the 12 month rolling and the 10 days at a glance that I want to populate.
Rolling 12 Months
IDName12/25/201212/26/201212/27/201212/28/201212/29/2012and so on
1234Employee Name - - - - (11.07)
1235Employee Name - - - 0.20 -
1236Employee Name - - - - -
1237Employee Name - - - - (1.00)
[Code] .........
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Sep 20, 2009
I have a list of clients that have specific requests waiting to be actioned, with a number of columns relating to client details and the status of the request across the top of the sheet. One of the columns (D) is "Last Contact Date", where I enter in the date that I last followed up with the client or made contact regarding their request. In the next column (E), I want the weekday/workday date 1 month after the Last Contact Date.
I can use "=D2+DAY(30)" to give me the date 30 days later, or "=DATE(YEAR(D2),MONTH(D2)+1,DAY(D2))" to get one month later, however what I want is the nearest WORKDAY after this date.
So, if the date is on a weekend, I need the Monday date instead.
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Apr 30, 2010
Is there any formula that I can use when working with a specific date range and if someone's birthday falls in that range a certain text or value would be displayed? For example I want to create a spreadsheet for my soccer players and have them sorted into teams according to their birthdays. So if their birthday falls into the following date range: 08/01/05-07/01/07 a U-8 or U-10 would be displayed in the corresponding cell. I tried working with the IF function.
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Nov 18, 2008
If I have a date in cell G6 of 10/7/08, how could I get the workday of 5 in cell H6? I tried the workday function, but have been unsucessful so far.
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May 21, 2009
I am trying to work out a formula calculating dates.
basically a piece of work / report is due for completion twenty working days from a trigger date. And I need the formula to calculate this due date. Im using the workday function, which calculates a date using the number of working days given after the trigger date.
this would work fine, except that the trigger date needs to be included in the calculation (inclusive). I have tried changing the value for the number of working days to nineteen, which would logically give the right answer (20 days including the trigger day). BUT the bloody thing doesnt work, because the trigger date can be on a weekend or holiday!! so then it calculates 19 days (as it should) but the result is wrong because the trigger day isnt included (as its a holiday/weekend).
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Jun 11, 2009
As everyone realizes that WORKDAY function can return a working date that exclude weekends and any dates identified as holidays. However, what if I want to return a working date excluding my designated holidays but including weekends?
For example,
Holidays are 1 Jun 2009, 2 Jun 2009 and 4 Jun 2009
Start Date: ???
Finish Date: 8 Jun 2009
Duration: 5 days
The Start Date should be 30 May 2009.
Seems like I am not able to use WORKDAY function to calculate the start date.
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Feb 10, 2012
I have userform with date pickers and have text boxes overlaid on these, when I select todays date from the date picker it does not display the current date in the text box (I have 8 date pickers on the userform). If I select another date then reselect the current date it works. It has occasionally worked but why.
Below is the code for populating the text box from the Date Picker.
Private Sub DTPicker1_Change()
TextBox1.Value = DTPicker1.Value
End Sub
The initialize userform code uses the following to format and set the textbox
TextBox1.Value = Format(Date, "dd-mmm-yy")
TextBox1.Value = ""
Windows 7 with Excel 2010
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May 29, 2009
I am having an issue, because aparently workday formula does not work in conditional formattings.
I have the two formulas below to use in conditional formattings, but I can't figure out how to re-write them so that Excel will allow me.
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Feb 11, 2007
I am trying to create a sheet for a project that will identify dates a project will conclude omitting weekends and holidays. I keep getting an error with the formula I have.
In my spreadsheet:
A1 is the start date
B1 is the number of days after the start date.
The formula I am using:
=WORKDAY(A1,NETWORKDAYS(A1,A1+B1),{""4/6/2007","5/28/2007", "7/4/2007","9/3/2007","11/22/2007","12/25/2007","1/1/2008","1/21/2008","3/21/2008","5/26/2008", "7/4/2008","9/1/2008","11/27/2008","12/25/2008"}"}+0)
The error I get is with the parens (A1,A1+B1). - at least the parens are highlighted in purple.
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Jun 17, 2008
My boss has made it clear I can't require our people to use the add-in.
I have searched under WORKDAY as well as under Barry Houdini, since someone said he has come up with plenty of replacements for the Analysis add-in... but I am not finding it.. can someone help?
Using the add-in, this is what I have:
myCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=WORKDAY(RC[1],-RC[2])"
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Apr 19, 2014
I have a spreadsheet where we will be inserting the Arabic Hijri date taken from a Customs document (bayan). On my spreadsheet I'd like to have a column immediately next to the Hijri date that would convert the Hijri date to the Gregorian date so both dates will be visible for our Arabic and Western personnel who will be using the spreadsheet.
I am using Microsoft Excel 2010.
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May 30, 2013
I'm using Excel 2010. I need to populate a daily calendar with the number of nights spent, extracted from the Date of Arrival and Date of Departure of individuals.
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Dec 20, 2013
I am trying to creat a summary sheet to an attendance log that goes back several years. Idealy, I want to be able to set a date range in the formula that will show me a count of how many absenses, lates, or leave earlies. The table I am taking the data from has columns from left to right (Date, Absense, # of Absenses, Late, Duration of, Left Early, Duration of, and MP) For example in column A I want to see the date Range of 10/1/2013 to 4/1/2014 and I want a count/sum of each of the categories.
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Jan 30, 2014
What I need is a formula for the following:
If Column A equals "No Show" and Column B equals "Anthem" then sum of cell C2 divided by D2
Every time I input this simple little formula I get an error.
No Shows
No Show
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May 1, 2014
I have a macro that will create 15 reports based on a filter in a Pivot Table and will save them to a folder based on the filter names. This work great, however in one of the reports I have a few vlookups as an example of one of them,
. Now when the report is created from the macro, the vlookup is changed to,
=VLOOKUP(Selector,'Z:ISB DataISR RASC non transactional dataISR dataNational and Zone Reports[ISR National and Zone Template v18a.xlsm]Trends2'!$B$6:$LV$22,AI50,FALSE)
Is there any way to stop this from happening? Is it a general thing in Excel? Code below that creates the reports if needed
Sub Create_National_Report()
'Start of report creation process
Sheets("Pivot Tables (2)").Select
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Jun 25, 2007
I have seen a few posts that are close to this but not quite right. I have a situation where I need to do "=LEN..." formula that counts trailing zeros at the end of numbers (meaning zeros that are displayed at the end of a number but do not appear in the actual cell value).
Cell E19 contains the actual value 4773.52, but it is displayed in currency format with FOUR digits so it displays as $4,773.5200.
The formula I am using is =LEN(MID(E19,FIND(".",E19)+1,4)). The result is 2, which means it does not include the last two trailing zeros in the LEN count.
Is there anyway to get it to include the trailing zeros so the result equals 4? Either w/formula, macro, or UDF?
Is weird I know, but I need to know how many decimal places (displayed, not actual) for many numbers on many sheets that I do not create myself.
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Nov 7, 2007
I am trying to open excel files in a file path which includes folders which also have excel folders i wish to open there are quite a few.
At the moment i am working with this code but it fails to open excel files which are within the folders in the specified file path. Its fine for excel workbooks in the folder specified by file path.
This is the code
Sub RunCodeOnAllXLSFiles()
Dim lCount As Long
Dim wbResults As Workbook
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Jun 14, 2006
I have a document that I created that has merged cells. In order to autofit the rows of this document, I referenced the merged cells in singular cells that are not visible to the users of the document. (They are not hidden)
It had been working relatively nicely, but now the autofit function is not working correctly. If I copy and paste values into the cell it will work, but this would not be my ideal solution. I have tried playing with the number format, which works for the most part if I set it to "&" - text. It doesn't work for some longer cells with line breaks in them.
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Mar 15, 2007
what formula I can use to calculate the difference between two dates while not including weekends. For example in cell A1 I have 27-Feb-07 and in B1 I have 05-Mar-07 ; it is possible to to calculate the difference between these by not including weekends. The weekends I am refering to are Saturday and Sunday.
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