Input Daily Data - Variable Do Not Move In Formula

Jun 6, 2014

I have create an excel formula that I need to input data daily.

Every day, I need to insert a line and input my new data.

Below is my formula


The problem is that when I insert a line. Most of my variable will change according except C60:D154

As you can see below

V159 change to V160 = This is good

C60:D154 do not change accordingly. How can I make it change accordingly ?? Why it is not changing when I insert a line ?


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Move Data Daily Into New Column

May 21, 2008

I have used the "Import External Data-Web Query" to gather financial data.

This data is updated daily by the web site. The data fills up columns A2 to E 6000.

The data on Column B is of importance and I need it to be stored daily. I need a code that will store todays Column B data in column F, tomorrows Column B data in Column G, dayafter's column B data in Column H and so on..

In short, I need to create a database automatically..

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Clear Data Depending On User Input And Move Cells Forward Without Deleting Data Table

Oct 25, 2012

I have an month input in cells B2 (user can enter values from 1-5)

I then have a data table that has month 1,2,3,4,5 running across range G9:K9. the data is held in range G10:K19.

So if user types in 4 in B2, what should happen is that months 1,2,3 and 4 the data for these months should be cleared and data in month 5 moves forward into month 1.

So basically, anything left of the month entered is B2 should be cleared and replaced with anything right of the month in B2.



[Code] ........

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How To Move Variable Data Into Multiple Cells

Dec 16, 2011

I have 1 column with a varying amount of rows (around 2000+ rows) with data that is about 10 chars long. Since I cannot print it all on a few pages, I would like a way to re-orgnize the data into cells so I can print on as few pages as possible such that the qty of columns isn't wide then an 8.5 x 11 page.

One idea is the following.

Here's what i have.

Here's what i want.

Col1 Col2 Col3 Col4 Col5 Col6 Col7 ...
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 ...

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Series Fill Based On Variable Input Data?

Mar 21, 2014

I have a spreadsheet where the start date is manually entered in Cell B1 and an end date is calculated in Cell B3. I would like to have the dates between the start and end date, with a step value of 7 days show in the rows under Cell B3. How do I get this to work?

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Return Cell Data From List When Variable Input In Second Worksheet

Nov 25, 2013

I want to return the data from a list in a cell on worksheet1 if I input a variable on worksheet2. I need to avoid VBA and pivot tables.

Example, if I put "Expense" in the input cell on worksheet2, I want to return a list of each row that has "Expense" in it on worksheet1:

Worksheet 1 (ColumnA/ColumnB):


Worksheet 2 required output (no row gaps or spaces):

Input cell "Expense" - in A1

List required (A3:B5):


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How To Change Variable Data Type To String If User Input Is Not A Number

Jun 3, 2014

I have declared a 'long' variable. however; how do I change the variable data type to string if user input is not a number? how do I recognize the user input's datatype?

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Macro To Move Data From Data Entry Update Master Sheet Using Formula To Allocate

May 12, 2013

I am working on a project and would like to see if there is a solution for it. i have a workbook that has data entry that is summarized at a master level but I need to automatically use a formula to update another sheet after clicking an udpate button. The data from the data entry sheet needs to be allocated to all the lines that has the same master item based on the formula. A test workbook is attached ...

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Variable Sheets, Variable Input

Mar 23, 2009

I run a machine that scans parts and is able to output the scans into Excel. Each part scanned creates a new sheet, and the number of sheets is variable as the number of parts scanned depends on the size of the lot. Also, since each part scanned is going to have a different number of features, the information being output on each sheet will be variable as well.

I am trying to figure out how to write a macro that will find the first feature, find the values for that feature I am looking for, output a max and min into a final sheet, and repeat for each feature, and for each sheet. I hope this is clear.

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Formula To Move Data On Same Row And Deleting Empty Rows Between Data

Jul 17, 2014

formula to make data on same line.On converting data2 is above data 1. I insert a column on left . Need to use mouse right click shortcut delete manually shift cells left and then delete shift cells upto have both data on same line but should be in different cells and same sequence per attached ALSO TO REMOVE "/ -DASH HYPENS.

What I need is formula to move the data2 on same alignment and to delete the two empty rows between both data.

See annexed file for expected results.I have preference to have a formula much more.

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VBA - Move To Next Blank Row After Input

Jan 23, 2014

I have a form on a separate tab where I input data then have a button that should update the data to a separate tab. Using the code snippet below, on a blank sheet it works but on the second input it ends and the next record input overwrites the second line and all subsequent input does the same. It basically stops at line two.


Sub Button7_Click()
Dim DateRecvd As Date, OccurDate As Date, SalesLine As String, OwnerLName As String, OwnerFName As String, RepID1 As Integer, RepID2 As Integer, MgrName As String, QAName As String, ContractNbr As String, Policy1 As Integer, Policy2 As Integer, Policy3 As Integer, Policy4 As Integer, Policy5 As Integer, Summary As String, ActionTaken As String, Outcome As String, Volume As Long, SiteNote As String


The Clear Form is used after entering a record and it works fine. I tried a few different things I found online but no luck, it always goes back to the second line and won't advance to the next empty row.

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Move Between Input Cells Only

Apr 6, 2008

I have designed a form for my wife to use in school to help teach fractions and decimals.

The children will enter the numerator into a cell (say D2) and the denominator into another cell (say D6) and the decimal equivalent is then displayed to 2 decimal places in a third merged cell (say C8 - E8).

What I would like to do is this:

When the worksheet opens, the only cell that I want the children to be able to enter data into is the first cell (ie D2). When they enter a value (say 1 for the numerator) I'd like the return key to move the data entry to the next cell (which is D6). After this, when they have entered another value (say 3 - they are invesigating thirds for example), I'd like the return key to move to the next numerator cell (which is H2), then denominator cell (H6) and so on.

How do I do this? I have never created forms or macros and I suspect that this is how to do this.

For the first set of fractions that they are investigating, thirds, I'd like to limit their data entry in the denominator cells only (D6, H6, L6, P6, etc) to 3 and reject any other number. Later in the worksheet, they will be investigating quarters, fifths and so on.

How do I do this? I don't want then to use any list or drop-down, simply to type a value into the cell and it be accepted (if it is a 3 when investigating thirds) if it is correct or simply ignored if it isn't. Is this possible?

way, especially if it involves anything complicated like macros. Being active on lots of forums it is quite depressing when I see that someone has answered a poster's question but the answer seems to either assume a high level of knowledge or tends to assume that certain steps are taken without actually stating them.

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Use Offset Formula To Move To Next Row Data?

Jan 11, 2013

Is it possible to use offset formula to move to the next row data? I am trying to achieve all H&S data will be captured in sheet 2. I know there is an easy way to do that by filtering it. But I am trying to automate the summary template in sheet by putting a formula from the data in sheet 1 below.

Customer Unit Price


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Move Between Input Cells By Keyboard

Aug 16, 2008

There are a series of input cells in a protected worksheet and when the user hits an enter, tab or arrow key, the selection cycles through them in order. The cycle also restarts when the mouse clicks one of the cells out of order. After I switch worksheets and return to the first worksheet with the code, first it says there is a "Compile Error: Sub or Function Not Defined" and the code "Call SetKeys" in Sheet1 is hilighted. When I ignore that and stop the debugger, there is a "Run-time error '13' Type mismatch" and the code line "If arrIndex > 0 And arrIndex < UBound(arr) Then" is highlighted.

My question is: why doesn't the code work after I switch worksheets? especially given that it works perfectly before I switch worksheets. (ie the file opens on sheet 1 and everything is perfect, click sheet 2 tab and back to sheet 1 - nothing works) I also have yet to figure out why it seems to be necessary to post the same code in both ThisWorkbook and Sheet1.

Private Sub Workbook_Open()
'This code allows the user to change the unlocked cells, but protects each worksheet
Dim wSheet As Worksheet
For Each wSheet In Worksheets
wSheet.Protect Password:="mypassword", _
Next wSheet............................

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Using Data From Input Box In Array Formula In Macro

Nov 10, 2011

I often have to research long sheets of data, which requires filling data in on my research sheet from several different sources. The research sheet has a file # in A and a vendor # in C. The data sources have the file #s & vendor #s in varying columns, but I use a pivot table to end up with file # in A, vendor # in B and the needed data in C.

The length of the research sheet varies from month to month - often 800-900 rows, so you can imagine how tedious it is to find the correct file #/vendor # combination to plug the data in. (Many of the rows on the research sheet will not have a row on the data source sheet.)

I managed to get an array formula in one of the columns on the research sheet that actually DOES work:


{=INDEX('Acct Activity'!C$1:C$7,MATCH(A7&C7,'Acct Activity'!A$1:A$7&'Acct Activity'!B$1:B$7,0))}

But the problem is that it returns #N/A in any row that doesn't have any data. This messes up the sum formula in the farthest right column. So, I tried to incorporate an ISERROR in with the formula, but couldn't get it to work; it left all the cells blank.

In the meantime, I got to thinking that, since there are up to 3 columns requiring data on the research sheet & each column's data comes from a different source, wouldn't it be great to have a macro where I could use a couple of Input Boxes: 1 that would let me click on the column where the data NEEDS to go & 1 that would let me tell it (either by typing the worksheet name or by clicking on the worksheet " PREFERRED " where the data come from)!

So, I spent the entire day yesterday trying to make any of that work & can NOT figure it out! I got the macro to pop up the first input box, & can key in the column letter, but clicking OK doesn't do anything. Yesterday, I had it so I could click OK & the box would go away, but nothing else happened & the second box wouldn't work right.

THEN, I started trying to figure out how to do an array formula in a macro & my head nearly exploded! I have a terrible time trying to understand written descriptions if they're in "tech speak", so it was all greek to me.

Here is all the farther I got with the macro:


Sub ClearingRsch()
' Jenny 10092011
With Application
.ScreenUpdating = False
.EnableEvents = False
.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
.DisplayAlerts = False

[Code] ......

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How To Move Data From One Worksheet To Another Based On Formula Result

Jun 20, 2013

I have a formula sheet that uses an IF statement to determine if one columns data is bigger than another. Out of the 300 or so rows there are approx 20 that come back as yes (this is in column A) and the rest are blank

What I would like to do, is for the 20 or so rows, I would like to pull out (copy) columns B, J and L and put them into worksheet 2. Preferably without any gaps in the rows or columns.

I hope this is enough information, I am using MS excel version 2010 although I think the people who will ultimately be using it are on an earlier version.

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Interupt Code For User Input: Move The Contents Of One Row To Another

Nov 2, 2008

Need way to interupt my code whilst the user selects a row. ie. if I wanted to move the contents of one row to another I would want to say: "select source row" (and want the user to click on any cell in that row) I could then put the rownumber in a variable with

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Input Box To Create And Input Info Into A Formula Which Then Populates A Cell With A Value

Jul 24, 2014

I am trying to create a macro which gives me an input box. I need to enter 2 numbers into the input box. It would be as follows:

Input Box Msg 1 - "What is your labor cost?" (NUM1)
Input Box Msg 2 - "What is your productivity rate?" (NUM2)

Then I need the macro to take this info and enter it into a formula which changes according to the row which you are on. (I need the macro to work based on which ever cell I currently have selected). The formula would be this if I currently had a cell on row 10 selected:


So, if I currently had cell L10 selected, and I ran the macro and put 100 in for "NUM1" and 10 for "NUM2" and my sheet had 20 in cell H10, then the macro would enter the number 1,000 into cell L10. If I had L500 selected, then the macro would enter the final number into cell L500 based on what value H500 contained.

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How To Leave Cell Empty When There Is No Data Input After A Formula

Jul 28, 2014

When i use

The cell gives me an error, i think because I31 has a formula that returns no value.

How can i stop the formula if cell I31 gives me no data??

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Auto Copying Cells Value That Changes Daily Without Affecting Daily Value?

Mar 20, 2014

I have the following scenario:

Cell A1 shows a specific value (pivot table value), but same A1 cell value might change if pivot table is refreshed.

So I am trying to automatically copy A1 value to another cell but I need to keep track of each value when pivot table is refreshed.

I have been researching about =Value formula, but it does not work properly since A1 cell reference will change each time pivot table is refreshed.

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Determining Formula To Choose And How To Input The Data In Correct Fields

Aug 8, 2014

I am trying to save some time converting a cut up inventory catalog number. Specifically focusing on the color code. I have the list of colors associated with their specific part number. The order cannot change or my sheet will mismatch.

What I want to do is convert the # in column A to the color code text in column b so that it matches the translated code in column C? For example

1 I want to tell 1 to = Polished Chrome anytime #1 appears in my column.

What formula should I choose to achieve that goal. As well, how do I know what data to imput into the formula wizard?

Sheet is attached.

I have Cut a few thousand items off the bottom of the sheet. I can apply to additional data left off.

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How To Get Remaining Daily % Formula

May 2, 2012

I have a table which contains Day, Projects, Proj Completed and % completed. I would need to get the target % starting thu so that I can end the week completing 90% of all my projects. Fri - Sun would show the same targets as Thu. Once Fri comes, i just need to update Thu with the actual projects I completed and Fri - Sun will show me my new target % to achieve 90%. Just in case hitting 100% will not achieve the 90%, it will just show 100% for the remaining days.

Thu9?? If today is Thu, whats my target % to close the week at 90% ?
Fri8??Fri, Sat and Sun would show equal targets as Thu.
Total 47?90%target % at end of week ( formula for % is total completed / total projects)

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Daily Average Formula

Nov 13, 2009

I need to count the daily average of a task to a week ending number.
I need to see the current average after each day during the week. Example – Mon = 2, Tues = 4 AVERAGE is 3 – Wed = 2 AVERAGE IS NOW 2.6…and so on averaging out after each day is added.

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Getting Formula For Variable Data Validation

Dec 18, 2012

want to get a formula where I can get the details of City if searched Brand wise and details of brand city wise. I also want option to search say five city names at once and get the brands available in all those cities. I have updated a excel with some dummy data.

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Use Input Box Variable In More Than One Module / Procedure?

Apr 10, 2013

i know i have done this before but im totally blanking. I want to user the inputvalue in procedures called from controller, but it just shows as empty.


Sub controler()
Static inputvalue As Long
inputvalue = InputBox("Please set min size of trades.")
'other macro's called here
end sub

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Matching Up Fields With Variable Input

Oct 12, 2009

Order Number from VendorOrder Number from SupplierTracking Number from Supplier12345123451ZABCD13456134561ZBCDE134561ZCDEF14567145671ZDEFG1456714567

In these three orders, the first order nubmer has a 1-to-1 relationship with a single tracking number. In the second, there are two different tracking numbers associated with one number from column A. In the third, there is only one tracking number but three different lines of the same order number that need to be updated with it.

The question is, is there a way to line up data fields head to head even when there are variable inputs like this?

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Filter By Variable Captured From Input Box

Jul 17, 2007

I have a Workbook containing a list of records. I'd like to create some code to

1) Get the user to input their initials when the workbook opens, and capture the response
2) Clear any filters currently applied
3) Apply filters to a non-continous range of columns
4) Apply the input response as the criteria to one of the columns, and 'blanks' to another 2 columns

Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Static varUser As String
'sets varUser variable as String & stores it
varUser = InputBox(Prompt:="Enter Intials (leave blank to view all)", Title:="Login")
'Activates input box to capture value
Dim ContractsSheet As Range
Set ContractsSheet = Worksheets("Contracts").Range("A1:AA999")
ContractsSheet.EntireRow.Hidden = False....................

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Formula To Create A Daily Number

May 19, 2009

Im trying to come up with a password that changes daily that contains 2 constant numbers and some multiplication:

The formual would need to be like a string for example:

1 (the day * a number) 2 (the month * a number)

The numbers 1 and 2 are always the same.

I have a spreadsheet that has the month (number) in one cell.
The days are in columns A1 - A31

Everytime i try to do this in Excel, it trys to multiply every number.

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Average Formula On Daily Basis

Feb 5, 2010

How to go about fixing my spreadsheet so I am not having to manually update it each is my forumla I am currently using...=(AVERAGE($D$2:$AH$2)-C5)*AI5...basically i need the cell below in D2 to change as every day a new day rolls off..for example the following day I need this formula to be =(AVERAGE($E$2:$AH$2)-C5)*AI5 just that day I need to use an If/then statement? if so how?

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Formula For Average Daily Balance

Mar 30, 2005

Am trying without success to create a formula to calculate average daily balance from a ledger that has a variable amount of entries per month. The variability of # of entries has me stumped. For example:

date, amount
1/1/2005, 10
1/5/2005, 1
1/10/2005, 4.65
1/18/2005, 7
1/22/2005, 20

Aver Daily Bal = 23.78. and I can get this easily manually, but I'd like a more automated solution. I'm trying a sumproduct angle, to no avail.

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