Move Data Daily Into New Column

May 21, 2008

I have used the "Import External Data-Web Query" to gather financial data.

This data is updated daily by the web site. The data fills up columns A2 to E 6000.

The data on Column B is of importance and I need it to be stored daily. I need a code that will store todays Column B data in column F, tomorrows Column B data in Column G, dayafter's column B data in Column H and so on..

In short, I need to create a database automatically..

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Input Daily Data - Variable Do Not Move In Formula

Jun 6, 2014

I have create an excel formula that I need to input data daily.

Every day, I need to insert a line and input my new data.

Below is my formula


The problem is that when I insert a line. Most of my variable will change according except C60:D154

As you can see below

V159 change to V160 = This is good

C60:D154 do not change accordingly. How can I make it change accordingly ?? Why it is not changing when I insert a line ?


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How To Log Daily Data Into Descending Column

Dec 20, 2012

I have a spreadsheet that I am using for budgeting and I want to be able to track my savings by logging data from one cell.

If cell A1 represented my savings I want that copied to B1 then the next day when A1 changes the new value would be copied to B2 and so on.

Any way that I have tried so far B1 always gets overwritten when the new value comes along.

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Convert Column B As Multiple Column Titles And Move Data In Column C Into New Columns?

Jun 30, 2014

I have a excelsheet that looks like this:

Column A | Column B | Column C
Los Angeles | Fire Dept | 3
Los Angeles | Health Services | 12
New York | Fire Dept | 8
New York | Health Services | 22
New York | Internal Services | 100
New York | Public Works | 7
Chicago | Health Services | 15
Chicago | Public Works | 56
Chicago | Social Services | 4

And I am trying to make it look like this:

Fire Dept
Health Services
Internal Services
Public Works
Social Services

Los Angeles

New York




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Set Of Column Data Move To Different Column And Delete Unwanted Column VBA

May 29, 2014

I have set of data Pasted in 4th row, in the top row 44 columns values assigned i want move data from set of data to different column among these 44 columns

Like "Service Order ID" is 1 column in set of data ,it move to second column of top row

Some of column need to delete. (Service Order Type,Service Order Description,Created By,Status,Contact,Expected Delivery Date,

Creation Date,Priority,Net Value,Currency,External Reference,Reference Date)

I want Get output result in same sheet (Actual).

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Move Data From One Column To Another Based On Column Headers And Row Text

Feb 7, 2014

I am in need of restructuring a spreadsheet of addresses for mailing purposes. (I tried to find something similar answered previously, but nothing seemed to work for me.)

I have attached a small example spreadsheet below, but our spreadsheets can be hundreds or thousands of rows in length.

I need a macro that will look for the "PO Box" addresses under the column headers named "ADDRESS2" and "ADDRESS3".

The PO Box addresses will need to be moved under the column header "ADDRESS1" within the same row.

It will need to overwrite the text that is already under "ADDRESS1" and delete the text from the "ADDRESS2" and "ADDRESS3" columns - UNLESS the text in 'ADDRESS2" is a PO Box AND "ADDRESS1" begins with "c/o".

If the data in "ADDRESS2" or "ADDRESS3" is anything other than a PO Box it will remain the same. As will "ADDRESS 1".

Basically if there is a PO Box it needs to be in the column named "ADDRESS1" and overwrite anything else that was there. The exception will be for PO Boxes that are in c/o someone else, the PO Box will then need to be listed in the column directly after the column that has c/o.

If the c/o exception will be too difficult the code could just highlight those scenarios and we could fix them manually. We usually do not have a lot of them, but enough that we need to be mindful of them.

The different scenarios are listed in my sample spreadsheet.Also, the code will have to use the column header names in row 1 because those headers are not always in the same column.

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Move Info In One Column Based On Data In Another Column

Aug 28, 2012

I am trying to move a column of numbers based on the information in another column. I've been looking for about a week and find macros that are close but not quite.

In one column it reads Mobile, Home, or is blank. If the number is a Mobile (column R), the area code (column P) needs to move to column S and the phone (column Q) needs to move to column T and the primary phone (column R) needs to move to column U. Home and blank cells remain as they are.

area (P)
phone (Q)
primary phone (R)
col S
col T
col U


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Data Move To One Column

May 3, 2013

I have large information scattered all over worksheet. If I want to move all data in one column "A" how can I do it?

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Move Data To One Column

Nov 19, 2008

I have data in multiple columns like this:

I'd like to move all data to one single column (like column #1)
Can someone help me out with a VBA macro ?

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Move Specific Data From Row To Column?

Jun 24, 2014

Currently i hav list of info that is long like this.

A 1
B 2
C 3
D 4
E 5
F 6
G 7
H 8
I 9
J 10

How to move row to column example below. Because i want the data to be printed on an a4 paper which can fit around 3 row to save space . If i manually copy paste page by page it is too much.

A 1 D 4 G 7
B 2 E 5 H 8
C 3 F 6 I 9


Currently i have macro code which roughly does this.

A 1 B2
C3 D4
E5 F6
G7 H8
I9 J10

Sub test()
Dim rng As Range, m As Integer, c As Range
m = 2
Set rng = Range(Range("a1"), Range("a1").End(xlDown))
Set c = Range("a1")
Do While c <> ""
'MsgBox c.Address

Range(c, c.Offset(m - 1, 0)).Copy
Cells(Rows.Count, "c").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).PasteSpecial Transpose:=True
Set c = c.Offset(m, 0)
End Sub

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Code To Move Data From One Column To Another?

Oct 12, 2011

coding that will select whatever data is entered in say Coulmn D & then copy it to the botom of another list in Column F.

The amount of rows with data in any of the colums may vary.

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Copy / Move Data From One Column To Another Without Overwriting

Aug 11, 2014

I have a large spreadsheet which I have extracted the data I need, but I am now having a problem tiding it up.

To simplify. I have 2 columns, both containing data formatted as text, each column has some data, but on different rows.

I need to merge the 2 columns without overwriting the data on the second column, with blank data from the first column, and without the column shrinking or growing.

Here is a section of my spreadsheet that needs merging : Excel-1.PNG

I have tried copy > Paste Special > Skip Blanks, but it just copies the column to the other - no merging.

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Move Row Data To A Sheet If Column Contains Word

Feb 6, 2014

I have a sheet called 'TimeRecorded' which will contain lots of rows of data.

If a row contains 'invoice' in column H, then the data in that row, preferably as far as column H, should be moved to the next blank row in a sheet called 'Archived'.

I would like the macro to move every row that contains 'Invoice' in column H to be moved.

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Move Column Data To Row Then Delete Those Rows

Jul 23, 2007

We have a client that provided us with a text file that we imported into
Excel. Rather than have the entire record in one row, they have the record
in 4 rows.

What I need a macro or something to do is move award 2 award 3 and award 4 into the same row and after doing this delete the other rows.

Below is an idea how this looks.
1JohnSmithstreetcitystateZIPaward 1
2JohnSmithstreetcitystateZIPaward 2
3JohnSmithstreetcitystateZIPaward 3
4JohnSmithstreetcitystateZIPaward 4
5BillJonesstreet2city2state2ZIP2award 1
6BillJonesstreet2city2state2ZIP2award 2
7BillJonesstreet2city2state2ZIP2award 3
8BillJonesstreet2city2state2ZIP2award 4

What we need for our data to work is:
1JohnSmithstreetcitystateZIPaward 1award 2award 3award 4
2BillJonesstreet2city2state2ZIP2award 1award 2award 3award 4

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Move Blocks Of Data In 1 Column To Rows

Nov 15, 2006

Moving Data And Deleting Blank Rows. I am a complete newbie to excel VBA and require assistance (if at all possible). I have data in the following format in an excel sheet (I have a lot more rows but give an example for two rows)... in 1 column but I wish to separate it (i.e. move data along onto the first row in other columns) and delete blank rows.

For Example:


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Move Text Data To Next Empty Row In Column

Mar 15, 2007

I am importing a 20 character text string (from a barcode scanner) to H2. I need to send that data to the next unused row in Column A (after insuring that no matching text currently exists in Column A-no action taken if matching data is found). I can provide a copy of the sheet, along with a description of the project.

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Move Data Based On Criteria In Column

May 2, 2007

Here is the situation:

There is a spreadsheet that I use that has multiple plans in one column for various members. You can see the plan for Robert James and Amanda James is plan 5. If all this information was in column A how would you move the plan type say column C for each member?

For example
Column A
Customer Name
Robert James
Amanda James
Plan 5
Nikki Martinez
James Gross
Plan 6

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Move Data From One Column To Multiple Columns

Jan 12, 2008

I am trying to move information that is pulled from a database to look cleaner and easier to read. All of the information exports out into column A only. The attachment is a brief example of what it looks like, and what I’m trying to get it to look like.

I want to move the data in col A to 5 columns C through G in groups of 16 rows. Once the last column is filled with a group of 16, it needs to fill below the first group of 16 in column B onward to column F. It should repeat this process until there is no more data in A. The attachment shows it much better than i can explain it.

I have some basic experience with formulas and macros, but I haven’t had any luck trying to manipulate any of them to give me the information the way I have shown. I would prefer to not have to manually type or cut and past the information in if possible.

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Excel 2010 :: Move Part Columns Of Data From 6 Columns To Form 1 Large Column In Column A?

Jan 31, 2013

I have a large spreadsheet converted from pdf whose data still appears in A4 reading format.

I need to move part columns of data from 6 columns to form 1 large column in column A.

For example, move range B8 to B76 beneath range A8 to A76 and range C8 to C76 beneath that etc, page by page working through all 270 pages !

Also need to delete unnecessary 'page headers' throughout as in rows 2-6

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Sort / Move Data In Accordance To Specific Column?

May 9, 2014

How to do what I am about to ask takes time and time causing brain overloading. I have made screenshots but I can't upload them. I get red exclamation point with images sizing ~55KB

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Excel 2003 :: Find Data And Move It To Column A?

Dec 30, 2011

I have a worksheet with data in it. The data could be in any column or row. I am looking for data which contains the numbers 01. If I find such data, I want to move all the data in that particular cell it to column A.

My code(which is not working) is below. I'm using Excel 2003.

Sub delete_oldads()
'the code to find 01
Dim cel As Range


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How To Move Data From Back Column To Front In Excel

Mar 20, 2014

How to move the data from the back column to the front as below












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Move Data From Vertical Column To Line Up Horizontally

May 20, 2008

How do I move data that is in a vertical column to line up horizontally (in separate columns, but same row)? For example, take an address:


How do I get it to go from that format to this format?

Name Address City/St Zip

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Move Data In 1 Column To 4 Different Columns Keeping Same Order

Sep 22, 2008

I have a table with one column of data. The data in this column repeats with 4 relevant pieces of information that I want to put in 4 different columns (fields) in a different spread sheet (or the same would work better and I would just delete the first column when done) keeping the same order the data is now in.
The data currently repeats in a regular pattern (i.e. 123412341234 with no other data in between). I would like to do this with a macro. Could someone help write a macro that will do this

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Move Data From Single Column To Multiple Columns

Feb 29, 2008

I saw this thread from June Cut & Paste Macro: Move Address From Column To Row and I think this what I would like to have my macro do. I have one column which is copied and pasted as text in excel and there is several blank rows.

I attached the spreadsheet example - it has 40 lenders, with the top row being the lender name (A1), followed by address(A2), city-state (A3), two blank rows(A4-A5), lender type (A6), approved date (A7), one blank row (A8), lender specialty (A9), telephone (A10) , e-mail address(A11) and two blanks rows (A12-A13) and A14 starts over again. For this example there should be 8 columns and 40 rows (lender name, address, etc...). As I mentioned I think the previous thread's macro would work with some minor tweaks. I couldn't figure out the best way to handle the blank rows and or remove the blanks and what to add or take out of the macro code.

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Move Data In Column To Single Row For Each Unique OSIS Number

Mar 12, 2014

I need to move data in column E to single row (as text string is fine as I can Text to column later) for each unique OSIS number. VB should copy columns A-D to sheet 2 then move each row data for unique OSIS to column E as one long text string separated by common. I can then parse out using text-to-column. Below is the VB code which stops on: txt = txt & Sheet1.Range("E" & x) & ","

I want to be able to look up class code and score by OSIS either using vlookup or in Access with OSIS as primary key.

Public Sub processR2C()
pos = 1
txt = ""
For x = 2 To 99999

txt = txt & Sheet1.Range("E" & x) & ","
If Sheet1.Range("A" & x) Sheet1.Range("A" & x + 1) Then
Sheet2.Range("A" & pos) = Sheet1.Range("A" & x)

[Code] .........

Here is sample data


229647698 ABBASI AMJAD 2L4 ESS21QQR,40

[Code] ..........

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Auto Copying Cells Value That Changes Daily Without Affecting Daily Value?

Mar 20, 2014

I have the following scenario:

Cell A1 shows a specific value (pivot table value), but same A1 cell value might change if pivot table is refreshed.

So I am trying to automatically copy A1 value to another cell but I need to keep track of each value when pivot table is refreshed.

I have been researching about =Value formula, but it does not work properly since A1 cell reference will change each time pivot table is refreshed.

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Excel 2007 :: Move Recurring Data From 1 Column To Multiple Columns

Jun 6, 2014

I am using excel 2007. I have data which, instead of being posted on multiple columns, is all within 1 column. The data most simply has the characteristics of:

AAA - description
BBB - description
CCC - description
and so on..

I would like to move the descriptions from column A to column B:
AAA AAA - description
BBB BBB - description
CCC CCC - description
and so on...

What would be the best way to accomplish this?

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How To Move Data In Various Cells To New Columns Based On Search On Primary Column

Feb 4, 2014

I have a sheet which I need to arrange and it looks like -

Column A
Column B
Column C
Column D


the values in Column B, C , D , E & F need to be in new columns based on what we have in Column A associated with "1"

Output should be -
Column A
Column B
Column C


so whatever is in Column A associated with "0" should remain in place whereas whatever is in Colimn A associated with "1" should get added to the new columns. 0 and 1 resembles the 1 Records which are used as a split to normalize the data.

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Excel 2010 :: Importing Data That Has Imbedded Cost Center Subtotals - Move To Column

Jul 29, 2014

I am trying to create a Dashboard in excel (2010) using tables/pivot tables to build it. The data I am bringing into excel has these key fields of data: cost center+cost center description, general ledger account+general ledger account description, and YTD amount.

My problem is the data is from an external source report and the report has subtotals built in at cost center, and the report's format of subtotaling puts the cost center first and then the general ledger accounts below. There is no
formula value in the cell that has the subtotaled amount and the number of general ledger accounts can vary depending on whether there has been general ledger activity.

I want to take this format:
July YTD
Cost Ctr 1050 XYZ$6.00
625110 Supplies$2.00
650150 Postage$2.00
650550 Fees$2.00
Cost Ctr 1052 ZZZ$4.00
670500 Pens$2.00

and have it look like this
Cost CenterCost Center DescrGL AcctGL Acct descYTD Amt
1050 XYZ 625110 Supplies $2.00
1050 XYZ 650150 Postage $2.00
1050 XYZ 650550 Fees $2.00
1052 ZZZ 679200 Pens $2.00

Besides manually doing data moves and assigning a unique sort sequence number to keep the records together, how else can I quickly move my cost centers to a new column and keep the cost center with the gl account and $amount?

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