Insert Comment Function???

Feb 11, 2009

I'm wondering if it's possible to use a lookup formula to populate cell comments? In other words, I'd like to put a lookup table into a cell, and if the value is not FALSE, have that Lookup table then pull in certain information into the cell's comments.

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Insert A Comment In A Cell

Jun 9, 2009

When I insert a comment in a cell, my corporate version of Excel displays my employee number. How can Code a cell to populate this employee number.

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Insert Comment Using VBA By Finding Data

Feb 3, 2014

The list of data is shown in sheet1

In sheet2 I have shown the data that is copied

I have manually shown comments on 2 cells in sheet2 that shows detailed description on how was the total taken.

I need the comment on all the cells from D8 to G11 (not taking the total column) that shows on how was the total taken.
When any entry in sheet1 is inserted or deleted the comment in sheet2 should change accordingly.

I also do not want to freeze the cells D8:G11 as when new entries are made or deleted the columns would increase or decrease.

All blank cells I do not need any comment.

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Insert A Comment Based On The Value Of A Cell

Jan 18, 2010

I have data validation and conditional formatting set for my sheets. However, I cannot figure out something.

I want a "comment" box (just as if I would click on "add comment") to pop up automatically if the user enters a certain value in a cell.

For example, if cell C4="1" then no further action is required. If cell C4=anything other than "1", then the user would be required to enter a comment. I would also like the comment to autopopulate with the users login id.

I will attach the book I am working on for reference, but I do not have any code written for this as I could not figure out where to start.

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Insert Comment Automatically When / Is Entered

Feb 1, 2013

How to make excel automatically insert a comment into a cell when a / is entered into that cell?

The comment needs to simply include the date the / was entered and nothing else.

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Insert A Comment Without Unprotecting Sheet

Sep 28, 2007

scenario: sheet & work book are protected to users; however need them to sometimes insert a comment to this sheet.

all columns/rows are locked except columns K, R, Y and every 7th column thru CJ (rows are from 4 - 100).

how do I enable a user to insert a comment without unprotecting sheet / WB? note: there's no pattern, it could be any cell within aforementioned columns.

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Insert Comment & Format Macro

Jun 3, 2006

I wanted to make a simple macro forinserting a comment, given certain parameters: margins & alignment...but its not would i get this to function properly

ActiveCell.Comment.Visible = False
ActiveCell.Comment.Text Text:=""
With Selection.Font
. Name = "Tahoma"
.FontStyle = "Bold"
.Size = 8
.Strikethrough = False
.Superscript = False
.Subscript = False
.OutlineFont = False
.Shadow = False...............................

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Auto Insert Comment Based On Value Entered

Dec 7, 2009

Is there a way to auto insert a cell Comment when a particular value is entered and then have the Comment copied to a cell in another worksheet in the same workbook?

The value entered into the cells i want this function to work with is from a Validation list. If the cell's value was to change, for instance the user going back to a cell to change the value for whatever reason, I would like the previous comments to remain and then give the user the choice to edit comment or not.

I've had a look in the Forums using search but nothing close seems to be forthcoming.

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Insert Comment Into Userform Upon Entering A Textbox?

Jan 17, 2012

I have a user-form with around 10 text-boxes. Each one of them has labels.

I was wondering if there was any way to add a function similar to the "insert-> comment" available in excel? So that there would be a tiny marker and when the mouse hoovered over it, some text in a comment bubble would be revealed? Or even better that somehow using VBA that each time you enter a text-box a comment would temporarily appear?

For a variety of reasons I can't just add labels with this info. This info would be instructions on what sort of data you should add to the field, and the instructions in some cases will be quite long and the user-form is too big as it is.

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RMB Click And All Of A Sudden No Option To Insert Comment

May 21, 2014

When i right click in a cell i have all of a sudden lost the option to Insert Comment.

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Insert Pic Into Comment For Every Cell That Has Text Containing String .jpg Or .png

May 10, 2009

I need a nudge in the right direction with how to amend the below code so that it :
1: cycles though all cells in a workbook, and sees whether the text reference of the cell contains a picture filename (i.e. searches for .png or .jpg in the cell contents)
3: if (1) is correct, it retrieves the picture from "C:/Users/jeff/Documents/Standards/" and pastes it as a cell comment background in the cell to the right (and overwrites any comment backgrounds that might already exist there)

The code below does something a bit different: it looks in a defined range, then adds a comment with a background picture retrieved based on the text in the cell to the left.

I'm sure this is a pretty basic change, but my VBA skills aren't up to it...I've only just started reading though Walkenbach's Power Programming! I'm using Excel 2007

Sub InsertComment()
Dim rngList As Range
Dim c As Range
Dim cmt As Comment
Dim strPic As String

On Error Resume Next

Set rngList = Range("A1:A5")
strPic = "C:/Users/jeff/Documents/Standards/"
On Error Resume Next
For Each c In rngList
With c.Offset(0, 1)...................

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Use Excel VBA To Find Values In Table And Insert In To A Comment?

Jul 5, 2012

I have a table refreshed from a MySQL database that I use to create a report. I can use this data quite well using formulas in the cells.But in order for me to add more information to the report I use without making it cluttered I need to add some data as comments.

I have created a loop that picks up some cell values that I want to use as criteria but I cant work out how to use these variables to search through the table and get the info I require to put in the comment. In a cell I would use offset/match or index/match to get the required cell value but how do I do this in VBA?

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Protecting Cells So That Password Is Required Only To Insert Comment

Dec 3, 2013

I've found many resources that tell me how to allow for the insertion/editing of comments within a protected worksheet. When I protect the worksheet, I can select "Edit objects" to allow anyone to insert comments.

However, my issue is that I'd like the Insert/Edit comment functionality to require a password, and this happens to be the opposite of what those resources instruct. I also want the content in those same cells to be editable by anyone.

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Insert Contents Of A Cell Range Into A Single Comment

Feb 15, 2009

I would like to Insert the contents of a Range of Cells into a single Comment. ie:
The contents of Range A1:A50 into a Comment placed at F1. Is there a Macro that will do this?

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Insert Text As Comment On Another Sheet Based On Date

Jan 18, 2013

Is it possible to insert text as a comment on another sheet based on a date?

I have Sheet 1, that has 3 columns, Name, Date, Reason

Sheet 2 is a monthly calendar with the dates in E5:AH5 and the names from D6:D10.

What I am trying to do, is when they enter their name, date and reason on sheet 1, I want the reason to to be inserted on sheet 2 as a comment in the cell that matches the date and the name.

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Macro To Make Insert Comment Window Appear Automatically

Sep 11, 2007

I have created an attendance tracker for a team of people at work. It simply involves a grid of the days of the month and on each 'day' (or cell) I have set up the Validation command to prompt the the user to select whether they were at work, on holiday, off sick etc. etc from a drop down box. If they do not change the cell, its defaulted value is that they are in work.

When a user selects the days that they are planning a holiday in the future, they are meant to write a comment on the cells they have changed, to advise when they had 'requested' the holiday.

What I would like is (a macro?) which makes the comment box automatically 'pop up' when they change a cell from its default value prompting them to fill in the details rather than relying on them to 'add comments' manually.

In addition, what would be the best way to 'restrict' them from booking holiday within the next 7 days - we have a problem with people booking holiday on '' for 2 days time, booking off the holiday on the spreadsheet and saying that they had it planned for weeks!

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Add Cell Comment Through Macro Or Function

Mar 19, 2007

I need a quick function or a Macro which can add cell comment based on selected cell.
let me explain in detail

a1 Mr A wrote
a2 Mr B Checked
a3 Mr C authorised

etc etc.
now i want the same in Cell B as its cell comments
so after b1 comment will be Mr. A wrote & so on

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Custom Function Returns Range And Comment

Jun 20, 2006

I am trying to write a UDF that will calculate a value and return it to the cell, and also create a comment in the cell showing the formula used. Here is an example of the "=calculate(A2,B2)" placed in cell A1

Function calculate(ByRef X As Range,ByRef Y As Range)
calculate.addcomment "calculate = " & X & " * " & Y
End Function

the problem commes from the add comment field. I can add a comment to any cell but the cell the formula is called from.

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Insert Excel Formula Using VBA......MATCH Function Is What I Want To Insert

May 7, 2009

I can use the MATCH function when i am in excel but i am having trouble getting it to work when i am trying to insert the formula using VBA.

Here is the code i have but it wont even compile........

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Copy Contents Of Multiple Comment Boxes And Paste In Single Comment Box

Mar 13, 2014

how to copy the contents of multiple comment boxes and paste in a single comment box.

The big picture is that I have a number of cells with numerical values in and text in comment boxes. I want to be able to click a button to copy the contents of the comment boxes and paste them, along with the numerical value from the cell, into a single comment box, ordered by highest to lowest value within the comment box, then delete the original cells and comments.

I am quite new to VBA but have been coping quite well so far with information of the web and analysing recorded macros.

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Show Insert Function Dialog Pre Set To Function

Sep 14, 2006

A most of time I'm using VLOOKUP function. I want to call specially this function by pressing custom button (w/o pressing "Insert Function" and choosing VLOOKUP)

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Insert Cell Value Into Function

Aug 16, 2014

What I want to do is call a value from a cell of a separate workbook file by just inserting the file name. So basically:

Cell A1: File_Name.xlsx
Cell A2: ='[A1]Sheet1!'$B$2

Such that the formula effectively reads: ='[File_Name.xlsx]Sheet1!'$B$2 , and outputs the value of B2 from Sheet1 of File_Name.

But I keep getting error messages.

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Insert IF Function With VBA In Cell?

Jan 4, 2013

I'm trying to insert an IF function in a cell with VBA. But it keeps giving me an error and I don't understand why.

Here's the code:

Sub IFinsert_test()
Dim C_IndexKol As String
C_IndexKol = "Q"
Dim C_DebnrKol As String
C_DebnrKol = "A"
Worksheets("blad1").Range(C_IndexKol & "9").Formula = _
"=if(Worksheets("blad1").Range (C_debnrKol & "9")"""","testA","testB")"
End Sub

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Automate Insert Row Function?

Mar 24, 2007

attempting to accomplish the following in Excel and I believe that I need to use VBA to do it. I am an intermediate Excel user, so you might need to "bring it down to my level" a bit :-)

maintain a master list of tasks (in rows) in a file (File1). In another file (File2), I will keep the task list and related hours charged by our staff (in columns). What I want the macro to do is to compare each row of File2 to File 1 and if they are different (which will happen if I add a new task to the master list in File1), to insert a row. It should do this for each row in the file until it reaches the end (there may be blank rows though).

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Trying To Insert Nested Concatenate Function In VBA

Nov 7, 2012

I am trying to concatenate the text of a few cells in a specific worksheet. I'm not wanting to use the STRING & STRING type code because I already had a Concatenate formula nested with an index formula and needed to have this formula copied to a certain RANGE, Where the RANGE was specified by a Variable. T

he Code below does what I need if the CONCATENATE/INDEX formula is in the cell that im copying already. (BELOW) The Formula in the cell, for example, on row 19 of worksheet "COMMISSION", that needs to be copied and incremented down the VARIABLE RANGE is


Dim iInput_Rows As Integer
iInput_Rows = Worksheets("Workspace").Range("D3").Value
Dim iOutput_Rows As Integer
iOutput_Rows = Worksheets("Workspace").Range("D1").Value
Dim iAnalog_Rows As Integer

[Code] ....

My problem is when I use the following code to insert that concatenate/index formula, through vba, then I get errors because it evidently doesnt like the " " for the space i needed between texts. (The Formula is concatenating text in those cells but every other Row) Can I do this in VBA?

Worksheets("COMMISSION").Range("B19 + iOutputs_Rows").Formula = "=CONCATENATE(INDEX(OUTPUTS!J:J,(ROW(OUTPUTS!J2)-1)*2+1)," ",INDEX(OUTPUTS!K:K,(ROW(OUTPUTS!K2)-1)*2+1))"

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How To Insert Countblank Function In Pivot

Mar 6, 2014

I have a data set, with 20-30 columns and 3500 ish rows - in here I have to get different kind of information on each column.

One of them is Missing Values, that is cells that are blank in the specific columns, I know I can just use the countblank function and then just put in the number - but how do I do it if I want the formula to appear "inside" my pivot table, so that I have this range of data, and I want to calculate how many blank cells this specific column have.So my question is: Is possible to add the formula to my pivot table/data and get it to show next to the other information that I require on the different columns?

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How To Use 'Insert Copied Cells' Function In VB

Jul 23, 2009

I've been trying to solve this for days. In Excel 2007 there is a 'Insert copied cells' function after copying cells and right-clicking on a cell which basically just inserts all copied cells to your desired location.

My question is, how do you call this function in VB, I've used F1 extensively and searched the net and haven't come up with an answer.

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Insert Cell Name In FIND Function

Dec 13, 2013

Is it possible to insert a cell refenece into the FIND function.

So, replace JAN-2013 with Sheet1 cell A1

Selection.Find(What:="JAN-2013", After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlValues, _
LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, _
MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False).Activate

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VBA - Function To Insert New Row When Cell Value Change

Apr 29, 2014







1. Insert a row whenever cell value change.
2. Insert cell value (in previous column) in inserted row.

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Vlookup Function Not Updating When I Insert A Column

May 5, 2009

I have two sheets. One called "Roster" and one called "final". On the final sheet i have cols for each question on the final exam. I also have a total col which sums up the pts for each question.

On the "roster" sheet. This is kinda like a summary sheet. On this sheet i use a vlookup (shown below) in the cells which are supposed to reference the cells on the "final" sheet for the total pts.

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