Insert Cell Name In FIND Function
Dec 13, 2013
Is it possible to insert a cell refenece into the FIND function.
So, replace JAN-2013 with Sheet1 cell A1
Selection.Find(What:="JAN-2013", After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlValues, _
LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, _
MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False).Activate
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Aug 16, 2014
What I want to do is call a value from a cell of a separate workbook file by just inserting the file name. So basically:
Cell A1: File_Name.xlsx
Cell A2: ='[A1]Sheet1!'$B$2
Such that the formula effectively reads: ='[File_Name.xlsx]Sheet1!'$B$2 , and outputs the value of B2 from Sheet1 of File_Name.
But I keep getting error messages.
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Jan 4, 2013
I'm trying to insert an IF function in a cell with VBA. But it keeps giving me an error and I don't understand why.
Here's the code:
Sub IFinsert_test()
Dim C_IndexKol As String
C_IndexKol = "Q"
Dim C_DebnrKol As String
C_DebnrKol = "A"
Worksheets("blad1").Range(C_IndexKol & "9").Formula = _
"=if(Worksheets("blad1").Range (C_debnrKol & "9")"""","testA","testB")"
End Sub
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Apr 29, 2014
1. Insert a row whenever cell value change.
2. Insert cell value (in previous column) in inserted row.
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Apr 15, 2013
I am running a macro which basically is a tidy up of a data report that comes from SQL.
I am on the last bit Every time this tidy up runs there will be a different amount of rows but always the same columns. Under the last row of data I want to put the word 'TOTAL' in that row and column J. Then in the same row but column K I want to put a sum of K2 to that last row. How do I do this?
Here's all my code so far - like I said its basic formatiing stuff I've cobbled together!
Sub usagetidyup()
' usagetidyup Macro
Selection.Delete Shift:=xlUp
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Mar 4, 2008
I am using VB to insert a function into a cell on an excell worksheet. The relative references work fine. For the absolute reference, I want to use a named range (LowTotal). If I simply put the name into the function, then I just get the name as text in the function. The second insert formula is were the named range is intended to go. Here is the code so far...
I need to know how to use the varriable name in the .formulaR1C1, so that VB knows it is a variable and not just text....
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Jan 9, 2007
I am trying to find the first "Tour" after cell A138. If "Tour" is not in cell A177, then I want to insert rows until that "Tour" is in cell A177. How can I do this?
Sub InsertRow()
Dim FoundTour As Range
If Range("A30") = "TOUR" Then
Do While Range("A30") <> "TOUR"
End If
If Range("A40") = "TOUR" Then
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Nov 25, 2011
I'd like to know if it's possible (Excel 2007) to insert a function/button into a cell, which when clicked, will paste whatever is on the clipboard?
You can see a screenshot of my document here, and I'd like to insert a paste funtion in the red circle. Is it possible?
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Jun 11, 2008
I want the macro to:
1. search A1:AZ1 to find the cell that has the text "VBA Test" in the cell. There could be other text in the cell as well - this is not an exact match - but these two words are the common text.
2. go to that cell
3. go to one cell below that
4. enter a formula (I've got it from here ....)
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May 7, 2009
I can use the MATCH function when i am in excel but i am having trouble getting it to work when i am trying to insert the formula using VBA.
Here is the code i have but it wont even compile........
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Jan 25, 2014
My worksheet has two sheets which has daily continued data. I want to copy two entire columns E and F from Sheet 1 and then in Sheet 2 I want to find a particular word "80 Percent" and then insert two new Entire columns before that word. And after that I want to paste that copied columns of sheet1 in those newly created columns of sheet 2. Is it really possible because the cell reference of the word "80 Percent" in Sheet 2 will change daily. How to create the macro codes for this.
Find attached file : IRCS1.xlsx
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Jan 12, 2010
I have a large spreadsheet with about 18000 rows or data and about 60 columns. I need to a macro to find a specific word in a column like "charge" and anytime that word is found in the column to insert a blank cell in front of it.
Currently the sheet looks like this:Fee AChargeFeeChargeFee AChargeFeeChargeFee AChargeFee AChargeNeed to get it to look like this: (so I can sort and subtotal)Fee AChargeFee AChargeFee AChargeFee ACharge
a macro to the for whichever column I choose.
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Jun 4, 2014
I'm trying to create a macro that when run, scans Row 12 (only after column E), Finds the first empty cell, then inserts the cell value from Sheet4 CellE8. Then the hard bit begins. I need it to insert cell info in all the cells below it, from different locations...
For example
In the above sheet, I need it to go to cell D2 and insert the values from Sheet4 CellE8, Then proceed to D3 and insert data from Sheet3 D4, then to cell D5 and insert data from Sheet1 A7, etc etc
I dont mind doing each cell individually, but they will always be in the same column (and row 2 "Value" will always be the one that determines the next empty column).
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Dec 8, 2005
I want a function that allows me to enter a range and then returns
the address of the cell with the minimum value. It is the Address I am
interested in, not the value.
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Feb 5, 2014
I have bunch of data in the first column but there is always an identifier in this data at different location within each cell of the column. I am thinking the best way is to use the Find function. If true, then format the whole row.
For example: starting in row 10, I want the macro to look in A10, find "AFL" and if "AFL" is found in A10, then format row 10 by highlighting it yellow. Otherwise, highlight it red.
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Sep 14, 2006
A most of time I'm using VLOOKUP function. I want to call specially this function by pressing custom button (w/o pressing "Insert Function" and choosing VLOOKUP)
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Jun 23, 2012
what I am trying to do but I'll give it my best shot with examples.
A1 = date
B1 = drivefolder[A1.xls]sheetname'!cell
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Apr 27, 2009
Function for G6 that will look for data in A6 and put results in F6. I have attached a sample woorkbook so you can better see what i am needing.
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May 28, 2014
I have this issue where I get an #N/A error when I i run a VLookup in cell H7. I have posted the worbook.
I want to find the value in column D for the value you choose in cell G2
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Mar 29, 2012
Any way to use a find and replace function involving a cell reference. I have a spreadsheet with ton of junky text burying information that I want. Here is a simplified example
Book 345353hg dgdgsdgfd fff Book belongs to Jim
Sneaker fdg4 Sneaker is worn by Jan
Gum dfg s d e te4345Gum tastes great
Cake jklsjflsjfjikCake smells delicious
The pattern is that the A1 text appears in the B2 text. What I want is
Find *A1
Replace with blank
Find *A2
Replace with blank
and etc.
So that in the end, I get this:
belongs to Jim
is worn by Jan
tastes great
smells delicious
I've looked at the functions of find, replace, substitute, left, and right and I can't seem to find the right one to do what I need.
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Aug 10, 2012
I am using a macro to find a value in a cell and if found, replace the value in the cell to the left. Thr macro works fine - unless the value I am searching for does not exist. The answer is ( Ithink) an IF statement, but I am having problems with the errors, when I try the IF.
The macro below blows up at the ActiveCell.Offset(0, -1) = "109073X line with an error "Run-time error "1004" - Application-defines or object-defined error.
I've tried a number of things I've seen from this board but have not found a way past the error.
If the value is found, the macro moves to the else statment and stops at the ActiveCell statement with the above error. If the value is not found, then the macro goto NotFound.
Sub Macro2()
'Range("A1").Select 'Start from the home cell
Dim ValueFound As Object
Set ValueFound = Cells.Find(What:="Cirrus Reversals/CREDITS")
If ValueFound Is Nothing ThenGoTo NotFoundElseActiveCell.Offset(0, -1) = "109073X"'ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "109073X"End If
End Sub
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Dec 19, 2011
I am new to VBA and am having difficulties in getting a find function to successfully locate search criteria within cell. When the search criteria matches exactly that of the cell contents then the code works; however should the search criteria only form part of the total cell contents (such as a seach for "the" in a cell containing "the cat sat on the mat") the code doesn't recognise it.
Essentially, I need the code to search a range for the required string and if found within a cell activate that cell and populate a combobox with the full cell contents of the activecell.offset(0,-2).
The relevant section of code attached below:
Dim role_count as range
Dim role as string
If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Range("Role_Count"), Role) 0 Then
Selection.Find(What:=Role, After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt:= _
xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:=False _
, SearchFormat:=False).Activate
Me.Controls(ComboBoxName) = ActiveCell.Offset(0, -2).Value
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Mar 23, 2012
I have a master data sheet with four columns, A, B, C and D
Column A has the primary data and B,C,D has dependent data values;
So when I insert a new cell in Column A with cells Shift Down, I want mandatorily new cells to be inserted in the same row in col B, C and D as well so that data integrity is maintained;
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Mar 26, 2009
I have a range of cells, for this example I will use 2.
Cell E17 = 77/170
Cell E18 = 8/9
Using the following formula: =SUM(RIGHT(E17,FIND("/",E17)))+SUM(RIGHT(E18,FIND("/",E18)))
This bring back an #VALUE! Error as the second part of the formula keeps picking up "/9" however the first part works fine, displaying "170"
Now if I use:
It all works. The problem is that I need this to be automatic using the above way means having to add a "-1" to every formula for a cell with only 1 char to be added.
Using the formula:
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Feb 11, 2009
I'm wondering if it's possible to use a lookup formula to populate cell comments? In other words, I'd like to put a lookup table into a cell, and if the value is not FALSE, have that Lookup table then pull in certain information into the cell's comments.
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Mar 24, 2007
attempting to accomplish the following in Excel and I believe that I need to use VBA to do it. I am an intermediate Excel user, so you might need to "bring it down to my level" a bit :-)
maintain a master list of tasks (in rows) in a file (File1). In another file (File2), I will keep the task list and related hours charged by our staff (in columns). What I want the macro to do is to compare each row of File2 to File 1 and if they are different (which will happen if I add a new task to the master list in File1), to insert a row. It should do this for each row in the file until it reaches the end (there may be blank rows though).
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May 24, 2007
I am creating a worksheet of contacts and the date and time that I phone them, along with their current "status" in our company. I have created a form and have got it to do the insert of new data that I input, BUT What I would really like is enter a "client number" (which is unique) and have it search my table for any record(s) with that client number, and then show me the last record that matches the client number, (this can all be done from within my form) then If I click on the "insert" command button, I want it to insert a new row after the current row and move my form data in the form into the new row which will include a date and time. So, To summarize.....I need 2 similar subroutines.
LOOKUP ----- I need to have my form scan down the data for a match in a particular (pre-sorted) column, stopping at the last line that matches, then display the data or display nothing is there is no match. INSERT ----- I need to have the form scan down the data for a match in a particular (pre-sorted) column, stopping at the last line that matches and then insert a blank row here and move my data into it.
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Nov 7, 2012
I am trying to concatenate the text of a few cells in a specific worksheet. I'm not wanting to use the STRING & STRING type code because I already had a Concatenate formula nested with an index formula and needed to have this formula copied to a certain RANGE, Where the RANGE was specified by a Variable. T
he Code below does what I need if the CONCATENATE/INDEX formula is in the cell that im copying already. (BELOW) The Formula in the cell, for example, on row 19 of worksheet "COMMISSION", that needs to be copied and incremented down the VARIABLE RANGE is
Dim iInput_Rows As Integer
iInput_Rows = Worksheets("Workspace").Range("D3").Value
Dim iOutput_Rows As Integer
iOutput_Rows = Worksheets("Workspace").Range("D1").Value
Dim iAnalog_Rows As Integer
[Code] ....
My problem is when I use the following code to insert that concatenate/index formula, through vba, then I get errors because it evidently doesnt like the " " for the space i needed between texts. (The Formula is concatenating text in those cells but every other Row) Can I do this in VBA?
Worksheets("COMMISSION").Range("B19 + iOutputs_Rows").Formula = "=CONCATENATE(INDEX(OUTPUTS!J:J,(ROW(OUTPUTS!J2)-1)*2+1)," ",INDEX(OUTPUTS!K:K,(ROW(OUTPUTS!K2)-1)*2+1))"
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Mar 6, 2014
I have a data set, with 20-30 columns and 3500 ish rows - in here I have to get different kind of information on each column.
One of them is Missing Values, that is cells that are blank in the specific columns, I know I can just use the countblank function and then just put in the number - but how do I do it if I want the formula to appear "inside" my pivot table, so that I have this range of data, and I want to calculate how many blank cells this specific column have.So my question is: Is possible to add the formula to my pivot table/data and get it to show next to the other information that I require on the different columns?
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Jul 23, 2009
I've been trying to solve this for days. In Excel 2007 there is a 'Insert copied cells' function after copying cells and right-clicking on a cell which basically just inserts all copied cells to your desired location.
My question is, how do you call this function in VB, I've used F1 extensively and searched the net and haven't come up with an answer.
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