Inserting A Text(alphabate) In A List Of Numbers

May 16, 2009

suppsose i have 50 list of numbers in column A. I want to insert a text "AAB-" in whole list. How can I do that.





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Inserting Text Infront Of Numbers

May 18, 2009

Yesterday I got the solution to insert the text by using custom format. Exampe: 112233 to Ab-112233 by using "Ab-"General

But when I tried the same method to inserset the Ab on 11-1122

Like 11-1122 into Ab-11-1122 in same cell, it doesn't work.

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Automatically Inserting Numbers Into Text

Jul 25, 2008

How can I have a number inserted into text on an excel sheet. for example if I have the number 100 in cell A1 and I want it inserted into the following sentence in sell A2:

You are 100 years old. I want the number to be able to change automatically in this sentence when the number in A1 also changes.

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Pasting List Of Text And Numbers From MS Word

Jan 17, 2010

I have a very large list of top scorers for a sports team MS Word. The name and number of goals are both on the same line. Is there any possible way I can past them into Excel, so as they are pasted into 2 separate columns?

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Inserting Sequential Numbers Into A Column

Oct 1, 2009

I have a column of an undefined number of rows where I need to add item numbers from 1 to however many items there are, starting from A9 downwards.

The last 3 used rows on the sheet contain signatures etc so it should not number the bottom 3 rows.

pretty sure its fairly simple code but i dont have anything similar from previous files that i can re-use to do this :p

just needs a simple

count how many rows are blank from A9 downwards (to say A200)
for num=1 to count do
Cell range(A(9+num) = num

i just dont know the code well enough to write it and make it work :p

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Inserting Minus Sign In Front Of Numbers In A Range

Mar 19, 2009

i want to know how to prefix a minus sign (-) before numbers in cells in a large range.i m working on a large sheet containing the Numbers with Cr and Dr as suffixes just like 445Dr ... 3331Cr and so..on... in the worksheet

i want to know the method of deleting the suffixes and prefixing - sign infront of numbers having Cr as the suffix.

Numbers with Dr as suffix denote positive numbers
and numbers with Cr suffix denote negative numbers. i want to prefix the -minus sign in front of numbers having Cr in the end.

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Inserting Columns With Numbers Relative To Previous Data

Jan 19, 2012

the following issue:

I have a spreadsheet of questionnaire responses which range from 1-7

For example:

Respondent Q1

1 4
2 3
3 7
4 6

So each row is a new respondent and each column is their response from the scale.

What I need to do is code the responses into a different form. I need them to be represented as follows:

Respondent Answer1 Answer2 Answer3 Answer4 Answer 5 Answer 6 Answer 7

1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0

So that each number then represents the place on the scale from which it was chosen.

I tried recording a macro but I think this requires something a lot more complex.

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Inserting State Names Based On Telephone Numbers

Oct 22, 2007

I have a large data set (excel file), of "Names", "Phone Numbers", and i need to sort this based on the States that correspond with the Phone numbers. The states currently do not exist in the spreadsheet, so my current problem is trying to insert those states into the spreadsheet.

There are over 100 area codes in the data set, so i'll likely have to write a large "If" statement in VB to run through them all, but that shouldnt be a problem.

Bleh, 555-555-5555, =ChkState(B2)

I've been playing around with the VB Stuff in Excel and this is what i've come up with for trying to insert the State field

Function ChkState(pVal As String) As Long

Dim AreaCode As String
Dim StateAbrv As String

AreaCode = Left(pVal, 3)

If AreaCode = "201" Then
StateAbrv = "Test201"
ElseIf AreaCode = "203" Then
StateAbrv = "Test203"
ElseIf AreaCode = "555" Then
StateAbrv = "Test555"
StateAbrv = "0"
End If
MsgBox StateAbrv
End Function

I'm fairly new to this VB stuff, my main problem stems from trying to insert the "StateAbrv" back into the Cell for the spreadsheet.

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Finding And Inserting Value From Previous List?

May 15, 2014

The basis of my needs is to be able to find in a list of names, a duplicate name from previous list and then grab and populate a number from that row. Here is an example

Doe,Jane $1000 $250 $750
Smith,John $700 $100 $600
Wilson,Alan $1500 $1500 $0

I update the list, some names are added and others taken away. When I add the new list, column C of every name is $0. I want the formula to find names from the previous list and populate Column C with the value of Column C + D of the corresponding name. Also I have a separate formula that simply is D=(B-C) The result of what I would want this to look like is this...

Doe,Jane $1200 $1000 $200
Doe,John $500 $0 $500
Smith,John $1000 $700 $300

As you can see there was a new name added to the list (Doe,John) and a name taken away from the list (Wilson,Alan). Column C is the only Column that I am wanting to auto populate. The Value in Column B is a variable that is managed by another program so you don't have to worry about that.

Keep in mind there will be multiple instances of this list and the same name will occur more than once in the spreadsheet. There are not duplicate names that are different customers though as my other program takes care of that. eg. "Doe,John" and "Doe,John #2". I only want it to grab the information from the previous list not ones previous to that list(if that makes sense) third example...

Doe,Jane $1500 $1200 $300
Doe,John $500 $500 $0
Miller,Joe $700 $0 $700
Smith, John $1300 $1000 $300

My current method of accomplishing this is to select the previous list and print it. I then go down the new list and cross reference it with the old one keying in the values by hand. This would be a huge time saver as the list is 250 names and growing. I hope I have given enough information but undoubtedly I have not. So feel free to ask me any questions and for more details. I did not want to go to in depth for fear of my post being to long.

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Inserting Dropdown List To Navigate Through Data

Feb 7, 2014

Insert a drop down list that is attached to a bunch of data to make it easier to navigate through the data.

Therefore, when you chose one item in the list it will populate data in the worksheet for that item in the list and change for each item in the list.

For example, if you have ten people's names in the list when you pick Nancy it will show you information on her and when you pick Scott it will populate with completely different data. The data all coming from one master tab.

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Inserting Text Into A Cell Containing Text

Jun 10, 2009

I have pulled a report from a website. The website only allows a certain number of characters. For instance it might go to john.smith@, dave.bird@, tom.jones@... this has been pulled into an excel sheet. I want to add the domain at the end of the email address so it would become

But I have a list of 2000 usernames and I don't want to go line by line inserting Is there a way to automatically do this?

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Inserting Text Within Text In A Cell?

Mar 4, 2014

I have data (from a very large spreadsheet) that has data as shown below in various columns. The data should be as in col A but there is a lot of it in different formats as in B. Is there any way to change the data from B into a new column say E where I can get the data into a leading number of 3 digits, the text with 1 or 2 letters and the remainder into 4 digits with the final text subscript if it is there?



008EJ00028 EJ 2

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Inserting Text With Quotes In The Text

Jan 22, 2009

I'd like to insert a formula into a cell based on selections made on a userform. The problem is, the formula contains quotes, and in VBA, when I do this:

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Inserting Text Into Spreadsheet

Dec 14, 2009

im on a spreadsheet that im plugging into falconview, a map viewing program-on the spreadsheet i have coordinates, but not directions (N,W,S,E)-how can i enter in say a "W" before each coord without manually plugging it in- i would greatly appreciate it-its for OTJ military work

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Inserting Text And Moving Onto Next

May 22, 2014

I have text from subjects in rows, and I need to fill out the empty spaces with the specific text. For example my data looks like this:







I need it to fill out the empty cells below each name, with the top name so it looks like this:




[Code] ......

For example, one can see that Name3 has no empty cells below, hence it should just move on to the next (name4) etc.

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Inserting Row Number Within Text

May 11, 2006

If I have a cell value (formatted general) of say ... OneOne .... somewhere in row 2, can i insert a formula between the two One's that inserts the row number. The intention is to have the cell display .... One2One. Conceptually the cell would read One=row()One. If you know what I mean.

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Inserting Text In Mid String

Aug 24, 2006

Is there any function or methodology to insert text in mid string? ex. I would like to insert a string after the dashes below.


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Inserting Text Into Existing Cells

Feb 2, 2010

I want to add (same) text to the end of a whole bunch of cells. What would be the formula or function in Excel 2007 for this? I want to add ":59" to the end of each of these:


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Inserting Copied Text Into A Formula Using VBA

Jul 31, 2012

I am trying to write a macro that will allow me to copy the text of a cell, and then insert text around that previously copied string. I am having a problem adding the copied text into my formula. Here is my code below:

Sub Bid()
ActiveCell.Value = "inventory levels are " & ActiveCell.PasteSpecial(xlPasteValues) & " and oversold by"
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
End Sub

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Inserting Text Seperated By Commas.

Jul 28, 2006

I need to insert text seperated by commas into excel. Text goes something like this:


I need to insert the text so that go, run and jump are in column 1 and back, hide and dive are in row two. I used to know how to do this but I forgot.

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Search For All Unique Numbers Down A Column And Print List Of Those Numbers In Another

Jun 5, 2014

Say column A has either numbers or text in each cell, I need a macro to only get each number in each cell that is not a duplicate of a number in any previous cell and list each number found down column B.

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Creating A Report - Inserting Text And Row If Condition Is Met

May 16, 2013

What I need it for is an automated report that should be used for several different projects. Each projekt have events on different dates, and I only want the report to show a specific date if there is some text (i.e. event) on that date. As it is now, it's a looong report with several blanks with only a date showing. So it should insert a row (the tricky part) + the date + the text if condition is met, and do nothing if they are not. The script should add and remove rows and text depending on what project the information is taken from.

The data it should grab is in this form (many more data inputs though..):
Date Date Date

And the report:


Date: TEXT


and should be like:

Date: TEXT

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Taking Text From 2 Cells And Inserting Into 1 Cell?

Aug 16, 2013

Is it possible to take text from 2 different cell and inserting into one cell?

For example:

Cell A1 reads 'John' and cell A2 reads 'Smith' can I make cell A3 read 'John Smith' by taking those two bits of information?

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Inserting File Name Inside The Text Files?

Jan 26, 2014

VBA for updating the name of the file in Text files.

I have multiple Text files in a location; I need a VBA which can automatically update file name to these Text files.

I have attached the simple formats which i needed.

Before.txt - Original File.

After.txt - After updating the File name.

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Inserting Text In A Cell After A Certain Number Of Words

Feb 13, 2008

I am working on an online archive database and I need to insert "<!--More-->" (without the quotes) after 80 words in a number of cells populated with 500+ word stories. I browsed here for a while to no avail.

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Inserting Page Breaks Based On Cell Text?

Feb 13, 2014

I'm working with a large report that includes ~6000 rows of data. Within the report the data is separated into a couple hundred town names - "Town of XXX" - and I need a page break at each town. Is there a way to insert a page break based on text in a cell? Should be an option in conditional formatting but... Need to avoid VBA.

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Macro For Inserting Rows After Every Nth Row And Adding Text To Inserted Row?

May 26, 2014

I have the macro to insert rows every nth row, but need to be able to insert text into that nth row.

I have a list of addresses and every 10 addresses i need to insert a 'seed' which will be have the same details everytime. This is what i have so far...

Sub InsertRowsMod10()
Dim r As Long
r = 10
Do Until Len(Cells(r, 1)) = 0
Rows(r).Insert Shift:=xlDown
r = r + 10
End Sub

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Inserting A Space Between Text In Cells Belonging To One Column?

Jun 5, 2014

I am operating Excel for Mac 2011 version 14.4.2

I have a list of 1500 addresses in a column, something like, 5VistaTerrace, and I need to insert a space between the number and each of the words so that it reads 5 Vista Terrace in the cell.

All of the addresses are different, some with 4 or 5 words like 5ABrownBayCourt... that particular one I would want to read 5A Brown Bay Court in the end.

Is there a formula or excel trick I can perform to save me the time of manually adding the spaces?

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Inserting- Sheet With A Range Of Paragraphs Of Text From Cell

Jan 19, 2009

I have a sheet with a range of paragraphs of text from cell D2:R2.

How can I get it so that if I put an X in the column under the relevant paragraph, it will insert the paragraph of text into the spreadsheet.

For example. Text lies in cell D2. If I put an X in cell D7, I want the text in D2 to be inserted into C7.

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Removing Lotus Notes Attachments And Inserting Text

Apr 20, 2006

I am trying to write a VBA application within Excel to go through all Lotus Notes e-mails in a specific directory and save the attachment to a specific directory, remove the attachment and insert text into the e-mail in the spot the attachment was located that states "The attachment has been removed".

I'd also like to insert a 1KB text file into the e-mail that would be called "File Removed.txt" that would still allow you to quickly find the e-mails that had attachments because the little paperclip would show up.

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