Inserting Multiple Pictures

Mar 17, 2009

I am having some trouble with the vba code I'm using to reference pictures. Now please bear with me, I'm don't know vba whatsoever and am copy/pasting what I found on the internet.

The spreadsheet in question is attached....

The issue:

I am trying to show a picture based on the inputs in the cells above. Basically the picture in cell A28 is referenced by the information in cell AI7. The picture in cell D28 should be referenced by the information in cell AI8 and so on.

The problem is that when I enter the code to insert multiple pictures, it comes up with errors.

I'm hoping this is just my lack of programming knowledge and this is an easy fix. Please tell me where I am going wrong.

Also, will there be an issue if I reference the same picture multiple times?

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Inserting Multiple Pictures In A Sheet

Jun 11, 2014

write a code to insert and auto adjust multiple pictures in a sheet with address of the pictures are in a column, You can download the sheet from below link for details.

Insert Pic - Download - 4shared.

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Inserting Multiple Pictures At One Time Automatically

Dec 12, 2013

Macro that would insert multiple pictures at once into one column with two rows per page (so that only two pictures are on each page) for word?

If so, would there also be a way to make it to were photos would have a caption box underneath each photo that list them as "Photo #1: Photo #2: Photo#3:" ect...

I know this is quite a task to achieve but I'm still relatively new to Macros and VBA and have a ton of pictures to integrate into Word for work.

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Inserting Pictures Into Shapes

Apr 30, 2009

I have written some code to insert pictures into shapes as part of a facility management problem I have.

Code takes the names from a list of pictures (ConditionList) and places each one into a corresponding shape - therefore populating a report on the facility.

Works to the point of inserting the pictures OK but if I refresh the ConditionList by adding or deleting pictures, my shapes dont refresh.

Sub ConditionPics()

Dim ConditionListCount As Integer
Dim ShapesCount As Integer
Dim ConditionList As Range

On Error Resume Next
Application.EnableEvents = False

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Inserting Pictures Based On A Cell

Nov 21, 2007

I want to be able to a place a picture on a workbook based on a cell. In column A, I will run a sql query to pull a list of items. In column B, I have the items formated thus they have a the .jpg. next to item of the picture i.e Hammer.jpg. whereas column A lists Hammer and Column B Hammer.jpg. In column C, I would like the pictures to reside in this column.

So far I have this macro but I can only get two pictures to come up even though my list has 4 items on it.

Sub pic()
Dim x, c, d, a As Long
d = 2
c = 40
For a = 2 To 6
b = Cells(a, 2)

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2007 Macro : Inserting Pictures

Nov 24, 2008

I had a macro that worked perfectly by inserting pictures into named ranges throughout the sheet depending on user input. However when I switched to Microsoft Excel 2007, the pictures all go into one cell.

My code looks like this:

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

Dim picnme As String
Dim rng As Range
Dim ArrImg
Set rng = Range("B5")
picnme = Range("B5")

picnme = Range("B5")
ActiveSheet.Pictures.Insert( _
"C:ArchivePictures" & picnme & ".jpg").Select
Selection.ShapeRange.ScaleWidth 1.1, msoFalse, msoScaleFromTopLeft
Selection.ShapeRange.ScaleHeight 1.1, msoFalse, msoScaleFromTopLeft
Selection.ShapeRange.IncrementTop 1.5
Selection.ShapeRange.ScaleWidth 0.84, msoFalse, msoScaleFromTopLeft
Selection.ShapeRange.ScaleHeight 0.95, msoFalse, msoScaleFromTopLeft

I only copied in a section of it bit it gets rather repetitive. There are over 50 pictures that get inserted into the spreadsheet and it worked fine in the prior version of excel.

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Inserting Pictures And Videos Into Excel Cells?

Dec 19, 2012

How do I insert pictures into Excel's cells, so as to get a mosaic of say 2x3 pics?

Trying to just drag a pic onto a cell does not make the pic sticks. I need the pics to behave like in frames in HTML, including moving, resizing etc. Same for video clips that I want running within the cells.

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Excel 2010 :: Inserting Pictures As Formula?

Jan 2, 2013

What will show in column B will change each day as a I am creating a ordering picking list and want to show a pic in column A of the item to pick the item. Is there an easy way of doing this.

I have been messing around with the following


And thought I may be able to show this as by doing the following in the desired cells


On sheet1 I have all the model numbers next to


And the index formula will grab the correct showpic string depending on stock code that is showing in various column B cells but this isn't working.....

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Inserting Pictures And Resize To Active Cell Shape

Jun 23, 2003

I now have this code that inserts a picture and then resizes it the active cell shape.

Sub InsertPicture()

Dim myPicture As String

myPicture = Application.GetOpenFilename _
("Pictures (*.gif; *.jpg; *.bmp; *.tif),*.gif; *.jpg; *.bmp; *.tif", , "Select Picture to Import")

If myPicture "" Then

ActiveSheet.Pictures.Insert (myPicture)
With Selection

.ShapeRange.LockAspectRatio = msoFalse
.ShapeRange.Height = ActiveCell.RowHeight
.ShapeRange.Width = ActiveCell.Width
.Placement = xlMoveAndSize
End With
End If

End Sub

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How To Save Linked Pictures Into Workbook As Embedded Pictures

Apr 28, 2014

I have an workbook with pictures that are linked to external picture files, and they are placed in the workbook via macro. When I email the file to another computer and open it, the pics do not display and show an error:

The linked image cannot be displayed. The file may have been moved, renamed, or deleted, Verify that the link points to the correct file and location.

I would like to be able to save the workbook with the pictures in them (without having to archive them) so that I can open it and see them on another machine.

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Multiple Pictures In A Price List

Oct 6, 2008

Hi, I've got a price list with 2500 different lines which the boss has decided need a picture against each one (the guys a legend!!). Can anyone help me with a macro that will look up the code in Column A, then add .jpg on the end, and insert a picture into Column J?

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Inserting Multiple Cells And Shifting Down Column Multiple Rows In IF Statement

Sep 7, 2012

how to shift data in a column down multiple rows while in an IF statement. I am assuming you cannot just simply repeat the insert cell formula.

Here is my code - it's ugly but it was working when I just needed it to move down one cell:

lastrow = Range("A2").End(xlDown).Row
For i = 2 To lastrow
Range("B" & i).Select
If Range("B" & i).Value = Range("B" & i).Offset(-1, 1).Value Then


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Inserting A Row In Multiple Worksheets

Sep 29, 2009

Here is what I want to do.

I have a workbook that consists of 15 worksheets. I want to be able to click a button to add a row to sheet one and have it added in the other sheets in the exact same place. To complicate it a bit I want it to add it in the same place on the sheet each time (between rows 10 & 11)

I did find a post on how to add a row to sheet one but it adds multiple rows to sheet two with special colors and formulas. I just need it to work like when you insert a row normally. (format and formulas)

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Inserting Multiple Rows

Nov 2, 2010

I am new to VBA and am trying to insert 20 blank rows to my spreadsheet. I know how to add one row, but am not sure how to add 20 rows without repeating the same line of code 20 times.

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Inserting To Multiple Spreadsheets

Jun 20, 2008

after finishing a huge macro, the last step is to take row 1 of sheet 1 and insert it at the top of every worksheet.

This is the first way I tried it. It does absolutely nothing (except copy the row).

For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
ws.Range("1:1").Insert Shift:=xlDown
Next ws
This was another try, which resulted in a 1004 "Select method failed" error

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Inserting Rows On Multiple Pages

Mar 21, 2006

I am working on a database with Names and Volunteer Hours worked over about five years.

What I have is one sheet with names and info, and the respective sheets for each year and different events they worked that year.

on each year sheet I have only the first and last name, which is all that I need for personal info. I have these names on the seet using the sheet1!A1 formula. However whenever I add someone new they will not update the new row on the other sheets, they will simply ignore it. How can I make it respect my row updates?

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Inserting $ Symbol Into Multiple Cells?

Mar 20, 2014

My current issue is that I need to enter a $ into multiple formulas before cell numbers without having to do it manually, is there a way to do this? I cannot drag the cell across with the $ already entered as this will change the cell reference in an adjacent cell.

If this is not clear, what my scenario is that I have a 250 x 2500 cell table. Going across the x axis the formula is: J2-AVERAGE(J$2:J$11) then the next cell K2-AVERAGE(K$2:K$11) and so on. I now want a $ to appear before J and K without having to manually insert $ into every formula, so that I can drag the columns down varying the column number.

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Copying Multiple Ranges And Inserting Below?

Aug 19, 2014

Is there a way to copy multiple ranges and paste the format in the cells below? I tried to use the Union function in the code below:


I was only getting the first column to paste and I don't like all of the select commands. My work around is a lot of lines for a simple command.

[Code] .........

Attached File : Stringing Chart.xlsm‎

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Macro - Inserting Multiple Rows

Feb 23, 2009

see the attachment. You will see that I have recorded two macros:

1) To insert a new row for new people.
2) To insert a row for new animals.

With regards to 1), I would like to create a macro that copies the contents of the row with the penultimate name in the people section, and for a new row to be inserted beneath the copied cell. Similarly, with regards to 2) I would like to create a macro that copies the contents of the row with the penultimate name in the animal section, and for a new row to be inserted beneath the copied cell.

The issue that I have is that the macros do not copy the penultimate cell in each section, but copy a particular row, say row 11 each time I want to insert a new animal. So if I had inserted numerous new rows for the people section, and subsequently wanted to insert a new row for the animal section, I press “crtl+sht+a” which copies the contents of row 11 and which is not the contents of the penultimate row for the animal section.

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Inserting Multiple Check Boxes

Feb 22, 2010

Is there a way to a mass insert of Check Boxes without the cell link all being the same cell? I have a huge list of items that I want to put a check box next to each one. This way when my warehouse people check it off in the sheet one of the columns will read "Available".

Problem is when I put the first box in and cell link it to E4, and then copy and paste it, all the boxes toggle based on one another. Otherwise I have to put in 584 check boxes. Solutions or other recommendations are gladly welcome.

Also, is "True/False" the only available "response" when using Check boxes? (I Know I can write an equation based on the true false, but I am just curious)

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Inserting Multiple Table Rows At Once With VBA?

Apr 4, 2014

way to insert multiple table rows (not entire rows) at once without having to make a loop? Let's say I want to insert 3 blank rows into my table at row 5. The way to accomplish this with a loop would be:

For x = 1 To 3
ActiveSheet.ListObjects("Table1").ListRows.Add (5)
Next x

Was wondering if there is a more simple way to do this (maybe even a one liner?)

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Macro - Inserting Formula On Multiple Worksheets

Aug 16, 2013

I have an Excel file that contains several worksheets. I would like to add a forumla to the next available cell. For example, if coulmn F contains the set of numbers to be sum the formula should be placed beneath the last number in column F. Each worksheet has a different length, the worksheet name will vary, and the number of worksheets will vary.

I know how to accomplish this task using the code below when the sheet name is known. Since it is not known I am unsure of the code.

NxtRw = Cells(Rows.Count, "C").End(xlUp).Row + 1
With Cells(NxtRw, "C")
.Formula = "=SUM(C1:C" & NxtRw - 1 & ")"
.Font.Name = "Arial"
.Font.Size = 8
.Font.Bold = True
.Borders(xlEdgeTop).LineStyle = xlContinuous
.Borders(xlEdgeTop).Weight = xlThin
.Borders(xlEdgeBottom).LineStyle = xlDouble
.Borders(xlEdgeBottom).Weight = xlThick

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Concatenate Multiple Cells And Inserting Space With Comma In Between Each Name

May 23, 2014

I have several lists of hundreds of emails that I need to list in an email string via Lotus Notes. I need a space and comma in between each name, ex:,,

I am using the below formula manually but it is taking too long. How to automate this? Is there a way to create the space and comma for as long as the list is?

=CONCATENATE(B6,", ",B7,", ",B8,", ",B9,", ",B10,", ",B12,", ",B13,", ",B14,", ",B15,", ",B16,", ",B17)

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Edit Checking Before Inserting A New Diagram For Multiple Components

Jan 22, 2010

- I have some buttons set-up to insert pre-set diagrams from sheet “FISH PARTS” onto sheet “THE JUMPER FISHBONE”

- However, before inserting a new diagram onto sheet “THE JUMPER FISHBONE” I need to make sure the default diagram components are all gone.

- There are seven components all with structure Like “BONE_*”

- If one or more of these components are present I want to display a message to confirm the user wishes to delete the default diagram and insert new chart (or abort is they do not wish to delete the default)

- some explaination of structure below
- spreadsheet also attached

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Comparing Values In One Column And Inserting Multiple Blank Rows

Oct 13, 2006

I am working on formatting a spreadsheet report where the values will change in column A. Here is what I would like to do via a Macro. Compare the cells in column A (e.g., compare A2 to A3, compare A3 to A4, and so on). If the values between the two cells in column A are different, insert three blank rows and set the active cell to the next cell following the blank lines. Example:

if cell A5 is different from A6, insert three blank rows below row 5 and new active cell is now A9 and the comparison would start again. I have been trying to code the macro for this but with no success. Here is the macro I have been working on.

Sub Macro1()
Const NumRow As Integer = 3
Dim StartCell As Range
Dim RowNR, NewCnt As Long
Dim RowCount As Long
Dim Count As Long
Dim intRow As Integer
Dim bFmtComplete As Boolean
RowCount = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA _
(Range("A1", Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp)))
bFmtComplete = False
RowNR = 2
' Rows("1:1").Select

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Excel 2010 :: VBA Code For Inserting Text In All Column B-cells Of Multiple Selected Rows

Jul 11, 2012

Software: Excel 2010, Windows 7

What is the VBA code for inserting text in all column B-cells of multiple selected rows?

I am creating a worksheet with a table containing various data related to orders of various materials (this is more or less data gathering from an older, paper-based 'system'). This table spans, columnwise, from A to D and expands downwards as more orders are added. The information in each column is: A=order number, B=type of material and C=material specs. and D=additional comments.

I've set it up so that the only thing I really have to do is to insert the type of material in the cells of column B, and the rest will sort itself out. Instead of having to insert a new row for each new entry and manually typing in the name of the material (these entries are often done in the midst of already existing data), I created several similar, macroed buttons for the different types of materials we use. These macros work by selecting the row of the currently active cell, inserting a new row and then add the name of the material in the column B-cell of this new row. What I am having trouble doing though, is to get the text-entry to work for a selection of multiple cells.

As an example, lets say that I would like to add 5 orders of "Grade A Steel" in the middle of the table - in the row above row 8. With the macro I currently have I can select cell B5, click the macro, and a new row will be inserted with "Grade A Steel" in column B of this new row. This action could be performed 5 times over, but would be easier if I could just mark a range of 5 cells, say B8:B12, click the macro and get the text/data inserted the column B-cells of all 5 of the new rows. So far I've been able to create a macro that inserts multiple new rows, but I've only been successful in filling the column B-cell in the first row leaving the 4 below empty.

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Pictures For Comments

May 18, 2008

im using comments to display images for easy look up

when i save a picture i want it to be that size when i hovver over the comment

but when i insert the picture it doesnt open the size that i saved it as

i manually have to resize the image so its legible

why is this and is there a way round this?

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Grouping With Pictures

Mar 18, 2013

I have grouping setup in my excel spread sheet.

1. I added pictures(print screen-->mspaint-->cut existing part of the image-->paste into excel. In excel they are called "Pictures 01 thru Picture X" with the pull points all around.
2. I located them in specific cells of the grouped type with the (-) sign appears so the group of cells are in use
3. When I close the Group(+) of cells all the pictures are jumbled above the closed cells.

Question: Is there away to keep these pictures within those cells when closing the group, so they will not been see as well?

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Can You Use Pictures In A If Function

Nov 18, 2008

is you had two ratings, one bad, one good, could you make a differant picture show up for the differant ratings using an IF function or simmiler fuctions (So like if a 'dance rating' is bad if it is under 13 and is good over 13 then have a picture of John Travolta for good and a picture of a hippo for bad as a bit of a joke on a identinty card sort of thing)?

I know quite alot about exel and have tried to make my formular but as it is saved on the school server i can not acsess it until tomorrow but i will try and make that work and post it if it dose

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Delete All Pictures

Jun 9, 2009

Is there a way to write code to delete all the pictures on a worksheet called "Pictures"?

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